
Did PM Nawaz shop for a suit at an upscale Mayfair boutique?

Did PM Nawaz shop for a suit at an upscale Mayfair boutique?

The PM has been spotted at Scabal, a luxury tailoring and fabric store on London's famed Savile Row
Updated 16 Apr, 2016

We now know where PM Nawaz Sharif gets some of his retail fix, (or should we say, therapy?)

During his ongoing trip to London for a medical check-up, the PM appears to have been made a stop at Scabal, a bespoke tailoring and luxury fabric store located on Savile Row.

A retail assistant at the store, who goes by the name of Sander Heyns, hailed the opportunity for a photo op. While it's unclear when exactly the photograph was taken, Heyns uploaded the picture on Instagram on Friday evening. The photo, however, was removed by Saturday afternoon.

Quite the eager beaver, the assistant is a proud promoter of Scabal and the fact of his working there on his Instagram.

Although he may have been a tad disappointed to discover that he posed next to the Prime Minister, not the President, of Pakistan, as several of his followers were quick to point out, this appears to be his biggest scoop yet - a photograph with one of Scabal's many VVIP customers.

Scabal, located in the heart of the exclusive London area Mayfair, prides itself on being "a true representation of modern British luxury: classic, timeless and elegant," according to the store's website.

The store periodically tweets its illustrious history:

Esquire has also elaborated on the store's exclusive nature:

"You come by appointment, take an elevator up four flights, and knock on a heavy wooden door only after you've learned of William Fioravanti through word of mouth — a mouth most likely belonging to a millionaire. For almost half a century, Fioravanti has been clothing men like Frank Sinatra and Steve Wynn, Fortune 500 CEOs, men about to step on a stage and accept Nobel prizes."

So it's clear that the PM was planning to add to his official wardrobe at the store.

While shopping, however, he was dressed more casually in a jacket and shirt over khaki pants, with a silk scarf for a little personal swagger.

Scabal representatives declined to comment on this story.


SK Apr 16, 2016 03:10pm
To ill to take a straight flight to London so had to take a stop over in Moscow. Its like saying NASA is flying a rocket to Moon but does a stop over on Mars! Now for a photo shoot he went to a Hospital for a normal ECG check up, but accidentally went to a boutique to purchase a Suite worth of feeding a whole village of kids in THAR SINDH! SHAME ON PEOPLE STILL SUPPORTING THEM!
Awaam Apr 16, 2016 03:16pm
Maal e awaam (plus off shore companies) dil e be raham
Civilian Apr 16, 2016 03:22pm
Brilliant...he does need new suits...
Kiran Khan Apr 16, 2016 03:23pm
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) Such a misfortune for such a poor nation having ULTRA RICH PM, whose family, future plans, health and wealth all is in UK and yet he is having so much LOVE for this uneducated, uncivilized and uncultured and poor nation who is by somehow keep selecting him or his party in Punjab from last 36 years.
mmirestan Apr 16, 2016 03:27pm
Thanks God he is fine, News papers were fleshing news that he is gone to London for medical checkup he has developed heart decease. But he has gone for shopping God bless him and his family. Pakistan will never forget the motor way he made, We will appreciate next project clean drinking water for every citizen , schools and Electricity in this summer.
Dv Apr 16, 2016 03:35pm
Why leaders have to fall sick to satisfy their NAWABI life style at the most expensive places in London.
Ebrahim Apr 16, 2016 03:38pm
When our corrupt directors and deputy directors of small goverment office can do it why not or PM
Adnan Apr 16, 2016 03:47pm
So PM is not there for Medical check up.
M Rafique Apr 16, 2016 03:48pm
Sick PM on visit to UK for medical treatment, at the cost of public money, enjoying shopping, to save democracy in his country
Muhammed Ali Apr 16, 2016 04:11pm
Mohan Krishna Apr 16, 2016 04:36pm
Oh the disease is very serious u see. The cure is only available in London. South asian politicians should stop thinking that people r stupid and wont know a thing.
Mahmood Apr 16, 2016 04:45pm
Times may be hard for most Pakistanis, but the PM needs to travel and dress in style!
Harmony-1© Apr 16, 2016 04:56pm
Let him enjoy his luxuries while it lasts!
dr salman Apr 16, 2016 05:00pm
I think as prime minister he must promote simple lifestyle
M. Malik Apr 16, 2016 05:09pm
Nothing wrong with proudly wearing the Pakistan Shalwar Kameez - the national dress - even when traveling abroad.. Most desis in England still wear them.
AHA Apr 16, 2016 05:12pm
What's wrong?
saadusa Apr 16, 2016 05:20pm
Keep up the good work of milking and squeezing every possible drop out of Pakistan.
Najam Sethi Apr 16, 2016 05:21pm
And this guy was supposed to be admitted in the hospital?!
Iqbal Khan Apr 16, 2016 05:22pm
I heard Imran Khan once, he had few suits of shalwar qamis and coat paint. The later he mentioned a friend gifted him. What he told was more obvious when had met foreign delegates or had foreign trips, was noticed more in the same dress. Meanwhile look at the PM, MNAs, ministers and other symbol of status quo wear cloths more presentable than their stature.
Hindutavi Rakshas Apr 16, 2016 05:22pm
he looks very ill
stranger Apr 16, 2016 05:28pm
Rich Prime Minister of a poor country.
Skeptic Apr 16, 2016 05:28pm
Ok, so now there are no good tailors in Pakistan either! What's next? Flying to Italy for good leather shoes?? What a luxury. You would think Pakistan is an oil-rich Gulf state.
Shan Apr 16, 2016 05:28pm
It's nice to see him relaxed! Poor PM working too hard for his poor nation...
faisal Apr 16, 2016 05:34pm
Mr Nawaz sharif you spend more money on your suits then a Pakistani spends on his family for a year. God bless Pakistan.
Azeem Apr 16, 2016 05:36pm
One can't blame NS for tax evasion/avoidance!How else can he afford to buy a suit at Savile Row where the average price of a suit is more than a year's salary of a Senior Pakistani civil servant?
Raja Ragu Raman Apr 16, 2016 05:37pm
Good going PM
PakPower Apr 16, 2016 05:45pm
Pakistan is going through one of the toughest times in her history and our PM is in the UK getting premium clothes. I am ashamed.
Harmony-1© Apr 16, 2016 05:53pm
@Raja Ragu Raman -"going"???
Irfan Apr 16, 2016 06:00pm
It was a privilege for him. Not so much privileges for the poor nation.
Ghalib Apr 16, 2016 06:03pm
I don't see anything wrong in wearing Expensive clothes if you have the money, but the catch is money should be honestly earned
Naim Apr 16, 2016 06:07pm
We educated Pakistanis want Nawaz to go for good, 59 million people live below the poverty line, no education for poor, no clean water, no gas , no electercit, loves traveling to other countries on tax payers money. Very famous in Panama leaks.
Harmony-1© Apr 16, 2016 06:08pm
The PM of our poor nation is so rich!!!
ALI Apr 16, 2016 06:26pm
Forgot to mention his $ 500,000 wrist watch, one of the many such watches.
Disgusting Apr 16, 2016 06:30pm
@mmirestan this "motorway" was no less profitable than Saudi Steel Mill.
AA Apr 16, 2016 06:43pm
I whish I could shop at that store...
watson Apr 16, 2016 06:52pm
He does nt care what is going on around him , his main hobby is to make money and enjoy life though people may go hungry in his country and he is training his children to do the same.The casual clothing that he is wearing would easily cost around five thousand British Pounds..Pakistan is unfortunately blessed with such leaders.
Dr.Sadaf Apr 16, 2016 06:59pm
So, I am sure this is not the first time . Treatment, tests and shopping, will he bring presents for the people back home.
big bro Apr 16, 2016 07:05pm
Pathetic !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ghani K Apr 16, 2016 07:06pm
Scabal, a boutique a favourite of celebrities and deep pocket millionaires. Our PM, Sharif Sahib is no less.
asim Apr 16, 2016 07:18pm
Doctor asked him to come in a nice suit for medical check up.
Qadar Khan Apr 16, 2016 07:27pm
@Skeptic That's a different thing weather PM should or shouldn't. However, Pakistan is devoid of good tailors. Till 1970's there were some great tailors like London House in Lahore, Faqir Hussain in Peshawar, and few others. They would even be making for Imperial British officers, the suits. But their children do not have the same training. Also in Pakistan the collars and cuffs are not very good on shirts. I have a friend who purchased an expensive suit from abroad and gave it to his local tailor to copy it. He got decent and good fabric from pakistan, the tailor failed on more than 3-4 attempts to copy it.
Erik Apr 16, 2016 07:32pm
Guys what's the fuss about? He has a huge business since years. He can afford it
issak Apr 16, 2016 07:32pm
it's a pity that just like stashing money abroad the rich and affluentials politicians don't have the heart to support local industry ...
Kala Ingrez - کالا انگریز - काला अंग्रेज - কালো ইংরাজি Apr 16, 2016 07:35pm
Not a very good move. It is very discouraging news for the Pakistani tailors who can put togather one of the best suits in the world.
Ahmed Saeed Apr 16, 2016 07:37pm
@SK We Pakistani in fact deserve such crooks.
Khwarezmi Apr 16, 2016 08:08pm
Medical checkup in London? Do people really still fall for that?
Hassan Apr 16, 2016 08:15pm
@faisal the word you are looking for is average pakistani. I guess you live abroad and don't know it all.
hussein Apr 16, 2016 08:16pm
the doctor prescribed - now he will feel better
Ahmed Apr 16, 2016 08:29pm
@SK I agree
Haseeb Apr 16, 2016 08:31pm
This show the Sharifs' contempt for the people of Pakistan. They know they will get away with this too.
M. Malik Apr 16, 2016 08:38pm
Must be nice to get away from heatwave engulfing Lahore these days... I wonder how many more will succumb to heat stroke in Sindh and Punjab this year? Does anyone even remember the suicide bombing in Lahore that killed 70+ innocent people just two weeks earlier? Or dozens of police officers killed or taken hostage by criminal gangs in Punjab this week? But country is in good hands! So easy to forget all the shortcoming when you go shopping for fine suits in London.
Zubaida khan Apr 16, 2016 08:41pm
They have really nice suits. Glad he has style.
Vorshal Apr 16, 2016 09:01pm
Maybe to offer them a chance to expand their business!
Asif Kidwai Apr 16, 2016 09:03pm
@Ebrahim : Because Leadership starts from the top, and if the state Leader is corrupt , entire institution will be corrupted.
Suchbaath Apr 16, 2016 09:06pm
Give him benefit of doubt that Desi people do lot of window shopping in western world.
PakCanuck Apr 16, 2016 09:25pm
What is the harm in doing a little shopping after his check up just like any other Pakistani Good to know that he is healthy and fit to be the PM for many more years
Laeeq,NY Apr 16, 2016 09:35pm
Rich leaders of the poor nation!
nnnn Apr 16, 2016 09:37pm
PM Nawaz is a true and genuine representative of the nation whose half of the population is eking out on a mere subsistence level; bravo PM Nawaz! keep it up!
Kmzafar Apr 16, 2016 09:45pm
Sleepless Apr 16, 2016 10:17pm
He was really unwell, and the sweltering heat in Pakistan, not to mention the incessant loadshedding was causing him to break out in rashes. He decided to save electricity the PM house is using by going to London to enjoy the nice weather, catch up with friends, buy some new property and go shopping for tailormade clothes. All this on taxpayer money. Long live the King!
prathamraz Apr 16, 2016 10:20pm
lol.check out above Instagram pic and read last comment by mc20100
Suneelsm Apr 16, 2016 10:44pm
Well the sir has a style, but alas we want him to desi.
KHAN Apr 16, 2016 10:45pm
The real question is "who cares?" Our PM is the face of the nation. He should be wearing a properly fitted suit. The only people who would make a fuss of this are the supporters of a unsaid cricketeer.
KHAN Apr 16, 2016 10:46pm
@M. Malik Most desis in England do not wear Kameez Shalwar in public. Not by any stretch of the imagination is this true.
Fin Apr 16, 2016 10:56pm
@5,000 GBP, you could have supplied live saving drugs for poor Pakistanis. Alas!
Ahmed Apr 16, 2016 11:06pm
@M. Malik hahahaha what a crazy group of english speaking upper class Pakistanis. Wait for 2018 by then Pakistan economy will be growing at 6%, energy crisis will be no more, we will have north-south road and pipeline corridors and KPK will have new Chief Secretary, New NAB head and PTI will still be looking for an honest chief election commissioner to head its own election commission. God bless this group of PTI, we still respect and love them as they are Pakistanis. Though they hate anyone who disagrees with their view (like their leader)
Hasrat Apr 16, 2016 11:09pm
Please don't go down on the immoral path, that some of the politicians have taken, by publishing and commenting on these stories. There is a lot of mischief in NS public life that should be pondered upon but not his personal life. The struggle against the corrupts should only be fought on the moral, ethical and judicial grounds and not on their personal choice of retail shops. Would you have considerd NS a saint if he bought his suit from Liberty market?
M Jamal Apr 17, 2016 12:01am
Please give us the truth as that is being narrated by Sharif dynasty and chamchas is pack of lies.The truth will evidently come out as the London properties bought in 90s by Sharif dynasty is from the bad money they transferred from Pakistan in the same era.
Imran Apr 17, 2016 12:12am
Savile row indeed. Only the best for our poor prime minister. If only all 'poor' people were like our dear PM.
Omar Apr 17, 2016 12:21am
It's just morally wrong, even if wealth is legitimate. How can you(Nawaz) justify buying luxury brand tailor made suit(s) when your governance of over a decade combined has not resolved even a single problem faced by the masses.
Imran ali Apr 17, 2016 12:26am
our P.M. is not poor,,he has many offshore account..
Iamnotjoking Apr 17, 2016 12:29am
PM NS has every right to go anywhere in London, his personal life event must not be followed. As regards Panama leaks the legislators must have courage to find solution by in house change or suspension of PM until probe is over.Yes Pakistan is a poor country and just can't afford rulers have offshore accounts or plundering national wealth. It is for Pakistani to find solution to their problems,and if they are really sick of the situations why can't they demonstrate, it seems only the media is alive,all others busy to struggle for their bread & butter. Very sad.
Usher Apr 17, 2016 12:34am
@asim Very well said
Asad Khan Apr 17, 2016 12:42am
NS should try to smile a little... he always has a growling expression. Facial expression is a reflection of the mind and the heart.
My Opinion Matters Apr 17, 2016 12:56am
Suits do not suit the PM, no matter how well tailored or expensive they are. You need to have a smaller tummy to look nice in a suit.
khanm Apr 17, 2016 01:00am
interesting comments...I will not blame our prime minister a bit ....the problem is the system of check n balance check n balance I mean the checks are made and the politicains sre busy balancing them...the system has become so numb and fearful that no one can take the bull by the horn...
Nothing new Apr 17, 2016 01:21am
This is not new to us. We deserve these people to rule us. We keep electing them even knowing what they actually are. Good going NS. You should be ruling us.
Soly Apr 17, 2016 01:22am
@SK It's only his family and EXTENDED family that supports him...the rest is support of those who gained or wish to gain political favors. Otherwis,e there is no reason left to support him.
ZAK Nevada Apr 17, 2016 05:10am
Medical treatment, huh?! :)
Muslim Medina Apr 17, 2016 05:30am
With inquiry into involvement in Panama Papers leaks, P. M. decided that he has to appear in the world's best dress.
Conffused Apr 17, 2016 05:41am
@Shan The correct wording should be.."poor prime minister, working so hard for this oil rich gulf country"
Syed Hasni Apr 17, 2016 05:41am
This is an example of Hamza Ali Abbasi selfie and Tweet going wrong. Might cost the poor guy his job.
Conffused Apr 17, 2016 05:46am
@asim YES, he went to the doctor in shalwar qameez and un-shaved, the doctor refused to see him. Having no choice, he had to go to the store, as previously he did not have any western clothes on this trip, in his baggage, and no razors. He did not know of any normal stored.
Kash Apr 17, 2016 05:53am
No wonder we are getting no where since we hold the PM responsible for our misfortunes since the creation of Pakistan. Wow !!!! Are you kidding ! Look in the mirror and you will see yourself in the shape of all politicians that you hate . It's a free fall so enjoy or scream either way you are going down . Lol.... Haha
Mother Apr 17, 2016 06:01am
Mian Saab: I feel for you. This is the age of social media. It is becoming harder and harder to hide your money and lifestye. It might be better for your health to stop looting the country, send all your money back and work for the country that elected you. You might sleep better at night and be spared all the heartache whenever something new emerges on social media.
expatriate Apr 17, 2016 06:45am
So what!!! I don't understand why people are upset on this became a newsworthy item in Pakistan. I guess newspaper cannot sell papers with real news. BTW. A lot of average people including myself an average income earner in the west buy good suits from upscale clothing stores when on sale.
imran altaf Apr 17, 2016 06:57am
@mmirestan followed by his resignation and return of the billions he has stolen
Sher Khan Apr 17, 2016 06:59am
PM should refund all the money spent on this private trip, including the medical, if PM don't trust our doctors, then why should people???
Sensible Indian Apr 17, 2016 07:15am
his kind of sickness doesn't need medical checkup... :)
Deepak Apr 17, 2016 07:25am
If the suite owners represents super rich, I will sell my last underwear and buy this . What the heck let me feel rich at least for a moment.
sahmed uk Apr 17, 2016 07:25am
Just Go Nawaz we are fed up.
omran Apr 17, 2016 07:50am
Recommended by Doctors, as Medical Therapy for Mr.100%
Battleaxe Apr 17, 2016 08:06am
No harm in a suit if it's made by the Tailor of Panama.
Truth Apr 17, 2016 08:21am
@M Rafique Very well said. As per PM's own statements he remains so worried regarding plight of this poor nation, due to which he can't sleep well at the palatial PM House. As a result he has fallen sick. So the PM has gone to London to recuperate, ostensibly for medical treatment. But visit to the boutique is a must for quick recuperation so that he can serve this poor nation even more vigorously through the offshore companies.
Awami Apr 17, 2016 08:23am
We may be a poor nation but our PM must dress in style to be able to serve us well, through the offshore companies.
fida Apr 17, 2016 08:35am
Best solution for Pakistan is a Revolution lead by the likes of Ataturk or MAO. The problem is where do you find a man like Ataturk and Mao in a country which is infected with Islamic Fundamentalism.
Amir Apr 17, 2016 08:41am
While our attention is diverted to PM suit and Panama in the land of lore, the accused in Kot Radha Kishan case are walking free...after palming the officials.
AI Apr 17, 2016 08:49am
Pound 19 million can buy a tailored suit - but the question is is NS a British Citizen or aristocrat? What is he doing in Pakistan?
Syed Hasan Apr 17, 2016 08:57am
We need a change . Enough is enough
faisal Apr 17, 2016 09:02am
So Nawaz is there for a medical checkup. His condition is so bad that he couldn't make a direct flight to London and needed a stopover in Moscow! And he is busy shopping in upscale boutique!!! Hmmmm buying the new outfits for his Dr appointment? Bunch of liars
Shaukat Ali Khan Apr 17, 2016 09:39am
@SK Is buying suit a crime?
Gawal Mandi Ya Apr 17, 2016 10:03am
We know the poor people of Pakistan are paying for his trips and health checks, are they paying for his suits too?
Mahmood Apr 17, 2016 12:36pm
Call me cynical, but I must say Musharraf was right all along!
Skeptic Apr 17, 2016 01:55pm
If he was buying the suit with his own money, than why does he look so glum and worried in this picture!? Perhaps thinking: 'Should I wear this when I land back in Lahore? Or when I have to appear before the Judicial Inquiry Commission or NAB?
Rohit Singh Apr 17, 2016 05:54pm
I believe leaders should be austere in their lifestyle no matter how rich they are, doesnt augur well to show lavishness when many of your countrymen struggle to 2 meals a day.
Atif Apr 18, 2016 01:06pm
Democracy is best revenge....
Atif Apr 18, 2016 01:08pm
@Shaukat Ali Khan Purchasing of suits is not a crime my dear specially on nation's money.
S-Khan Apr 18, 2016 11:03pm
money talks all the way till London guys. chill out .... who give a damn to the poor ppl of Pakistan. God Bless us all.
Jamil Apr 19, 2016 01:59pm
Being a close staffer of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, I have seen the upper face of the cuff of his dress shirt embroidered with NS (Nawaz Sharif)... Personalized sky blue-colored shirt made on order of course.