
7 key moments from Taher Shah's Angel that you may have missed

7 key moments from Taher Shah's Angel that you may have missed

Did you know he's wearing Louis Vuitton? And what's with the wand?
Updated 09 Apr, 2016

Taher Shah of 'Eye to Eye' fame is back with a new track, and it's called 'Angel.'

A couple of days ago Shah had announced that he'd be releasing a song and had posted a promo picture — of himself wearing a set of angel wings — on his website. He even tweeted about it.

Today he made good on his promise.

Watch the video here:

The track has quickly gone viral and captured the er, imaginations of many — right now its the top trend on twitter. In it, Taher is dressed as an angel, driving home the point that he is "mankind's angel."

The song is five minutes long and we won't fault you if you couldn't make it through the whole thing.

In fact, we'll make it easy for you by breaking down exactly what you need to know about 'Angel'... here are 5 key moments you may have missed.

1) Taher Shah's got some serious swag

Close examination of the video yields this information: Taher Shah likes his loafers with a side of Louis Vuitton. Yep, the luxury brand's iconic logo is visible on his shoes.

Squint hard enough, and you'll see
Squint hard enough, and you'll see

And that isn't the end of it, at a later point in the video he wears a gold locket in the shape of an 'E.' Or is it a 'T'? Or both?

Is the locket an 'E'ye 'T'o 'E'ye reference?
Is the locket an 'E'ye 'T'o 'E'ye reference?

2) Taher Shah's lady angel actually wears two different angel costumes

Note the difference in style
Note the difference in style

If you missed her costume change you weren't paying attention! Tsk tsk. Which one do you like better? We're feeling the flouncy one.

3) Angels have chest hair too

In case you missed it!
In case you missed it!

You're welcome.

4) Taher Shah appears to have confused angels with fairies as he and his angel family carry wands


5) Even baby angels aren't always angelic — Taher Shah's tot looks like he's about to throw a tantrum

This baby isn't a bit happy
This baby isn't a bit happy
Daddy Angel is about to get booped on the nose
Daddy Angel is about to get booped on the nose
Here he is, ruining a perfectly good moment between Mommy and Daddy
Here he is, ruining a perfectly good moment between Mommy and Daddy

6) A sinister angel extended family also makes an appearance — what gives?

These hooded characters are totally ruining the vid's blissful vibe.

7) And finally — Taher Shah seems to be off the market. He's wearing a wedding ring.

Sorry ladies!


Christian Indian Apr 09, 2016 02:09pm
May be Umar Gul comes a close second.
HBK Apr 09, 2016 02:12pm
It takes some serious talent to make people laugh while being all serious. Way to go Mr. Taher Shah - living life to the fullest!
A A Apr 09, 2016 02:14pm
Tahir Shah You definitely got talent with a passion. After all the criticism, you have comeback again. You are an artist in your own class.
Khan Apr 09, 2016 02:16pm
Still better than most of the Pakistani singers
IMRAN Apr 09, 2016 02:16pm
Please someone stop him from singing or we will start to hate music.
S.A.M. Apr 09, 2016 02:17pm
each scene was bringing a bigger shock. how can anybody think like that and then goes on to spend money and energies on such a project. ther is one thing that we must miss is that Tahir and lady angel and the kids are all too healthy to act as Angels. I could not see the whole of it. my kids were asking Papa what you're watching.
Roy Apr 09, 2016 02:22pm
never known to me before.. thanks for such an intro of such an angelic personality :P can he take me to the skies of his approach? whilst i m afraid that he will be thwarted by the burning stars thrown from the skies even from few feet above altitude :D
Faisal Bajwa Apr 09, 2016 02:23pm
Clinically Twisted
Khan Apr 09, 2016 02:34pm
He wasted time making this song and I wasted mine by commenting on it.
Zubeida Aapa Apr 09, 2016 02:35pm
Taher Shah's 'extended family' seem to be from Ku Klux Klan!
Khan Apr 09, 2016 03:08pm
This is some serious talent,beautiful voice, lyrics are top notch. He could be next Pakistani John lennon or Rahat Fathi Ali Khan. Absolutely pure gold .....GO BOY !!!!
Zain Apr 09, 2016 03:22pm
this man takes his work seriously.
Red Dawn Apr 09, 2016 03:26pm
@HBK The only humane and sensible comment i have read about the whole triping of Tahir Shah. Good on you.
Desi Apr 09, 2016 04:21pm
Should we really care about him when country is going down the drain. We as a nation need to get our priorities in line
Zain Raja Apr 09, 2016 04:23pm
Meanwhile All Girls On Facebook & Twitter Are Removing "Angel" From Their Display Name After Watching Taher Shah's "Angel" Song,
Goga Nalaik Apr 09, 2016 04:31pm
Cheap publicity and that is it!...
Raheel Apr 09, 2016 04:36pm
@S.A.M. "I could not see the whole of it. my kids were asking Papa what you're watching." Hilarious! Couldn't stop laughing.
Syed Saqib Hussain Apr 09, 2016 05:01pm
Tahir Shah your messages meant a lot but not music :P :P
Arun Apr 09, 2016 05:16pm
This may be a new thing in Pakistan. Come to India, you will find many Taher Shahs here. What you see in Bollywood is the creme de la creme. All of the Bollywood B class movies and the Tamil movies are like Taher Shah videos.
Ashraf Apr 09, 2016 05:40pm
Could he get any more disgusting?
Ali S Apr 09, 2016 05:50pm
His poor son - he'll get teased mercilessly at school for this.
Farhan Apr 09, 2016 05:52pm
should we be apologizing to the world right now ?
ahsan Apr 09, 2016 06:00pm
Tahir Angle is eating too many buffets..... not sure he can fly with this much weight and with small wings.
anees from zaida Apr 09, 2016 06:05pm
Doesn't he have something else to do?
Postfromhell Apr 09, 2016 06:05pm
Please can be have the show "Aiik din Geo Ke Saath" visit Mr. Tahir Shah. Please. Perhaps this will give us a glimpse of the genius.
Omar Apr 09, 2016 06:31pm
Just when you thought "Eye to Eye" could not be dethroned,here comes "ANN-GEL"
nasir siddique Apr 09, 2016 07:04pm
Well done Taher. Already looking forward to your next release.
Somi Abro Apr 09, 2016 07:17pm
This song was soo traumatic my daughter Sophie started crying after saying "Baba Save Me"It took me long time to consul her. When she calmed down she said "who was that scary Angel".
Ahmed Apr 09, 2016 07:21pm
At least TS is innovative and courageous to deliver something. Keep it up.. One day a masterpiece would defiantly come.
Manal Apr 09, 2016 07:29pm
hahahahaha this was a fun read!
Ahan Apr 09, 2016 08:00pm
his work is a mirror that shows the face of uptight english speaking upper middle class that lives in cities of Pakistan and likes to emulate the west that they see on TV, And those are the people who seem to be offended by his work, my American friends find no issues with his English or his work, he is a unique artist
shah Apr 09, 2016 08:09pm
I Just lost the context of my life.
Razi Apr 09, 2016 08:10pm
I am trying to gather some courage to watch the video. I saw it on FB but lost nerves, will try again! But in all sincerity, I always encourage people who do something to entertain others. The intent counts!
weirdity Apr 09, 2016 08:22pm
Tahir Shah, The priceless gem of pakistaaaan!!!!
Khrushid from Kalabat Apr 09, 2016 08:22pm
Beautiful graphic, Great music, great directions and composition.
Atif Apr 09, 2016 08:49pm
@Arun We Pakistani know India much better than vice versa
Ahmer Apr 09, 2016 08:55pm
He has taken, "who cares" to whole different level.
hasan Apr 09, 2016 09:08pm
Tahir Shah is a genius. Without hardly any effort, he gets serious attention from people! Whether you hate him or love him, you definitely can't ignore him....
Omer Kayani Apr 09, 2016 09:12pm
It is wrong of him to pretend or present himself as an angel.
سے Shaam Apr 09, 2016 09:20pm
Scary Angel!
Oncoman Apr 09, 2016 09:21pm
He has the freedom to do whatever he wants
Zoya Apr 09, 2016 09:28pm
This. Was. Hilarious. And genius. LOVE your insights.
arslan Apr 09, 2016 10:38pm
Thanks Dawn
spart Apr 09, 2016 10:47pm
He is the Jewel of Pakistan.....phew.
Anwar Amjad Apr 09, 2016 10:49pm
Nice in its own way. I think the song was shot in one of the golf courses in Lahore – that certainly is beautiful.
Kabir Sunny Bedi Apr 09, 2016 11:10pm
Funny! Why is this guy getting so much media attention in Pakistan. Ah i see , our media is always ready to portray the negative side . Well to us Pakistani's its just funny, this song is just a comic relief nothing else, as i only see the ridiculous funny side which is getting undue attention, just so baffled!! :-/
zak Apr 09, 2016 11:21pm
This is not even a song I dont know why people are giving him importance RIP music
PK ... Apr 10, 2016 12:11am
I am anxiously waiting how Molivis deal with this "Mankind Angel". ..
Philosopher (from Japan) Apr 10, 2016 01:35am
He direly needed a dictionary to get the meaning of Angel.
Fi Apr 10, 2016 01:40am
Is the man real? Hairat hay!
Fani Apr 10, 2016 01:44am
what is this...&...why is this...??????????
SachBol Apr 10, 2016 02:15am
Thanks Tahir, for making us Pakistanis have some laughs and giggles in this gloomy environment.
Rizwan Apr 10, 2016 07:54am
Congratulation Taher Shah for making something new and refreshing.
Zeeshan Arif Apr 10, 2016 07:58am
This article...... ummmmmmmmmmmmazingly bewwwwwtifully written ahahahahahaha But i would like to mention something here..." Lyrics, Singer & Directed by Taher Shah - Fine the only thing he dint do himself - the composition - is really good... like very good!!!!
NJ Boy Apr 10, 2016 08:48am
Cheap stunt to get popular. What a clown
Peace Apr 10, 2016 08:48am
He has achieved what he intended; Attention through controversy and stupidity. BTW all 3 angels require some weight reduction.
Mirza Apr 10, 2016 08:54am
I thought it was a double role but turns out, his Mrs. is not him.
MONA Apr 10, 2016 09:20am
THAT song was torture literally torture
Waqas Apr 10, 2016 09:39am
How else can he tell you .... its "aingel" ...... and he'll reveal the charateristics of this new found specie in his next song ..... plz try to focus n remember ... its "aingel"
Philosopher (from Japan) Apr 10, 2016 09:44am
Angel in fairy's clothing. New dictionary term is added.
Asad Apr 10, 2016 10:01am
His exceptional work doesn't sit down well with the norms of media production and the fact that he is serious on such work, makes the output funny. But I inspire and respect him for two things 1) He works hard to produce his original work and 2) He doesn't care about the negativity and fun being made on his work. He is not taken seriously by the mass but the fact that he was trending in Pakistan and India which implies that he is known by hundreds of millions of people and that fact makes him a celebrity in his own class.
Yusuf Apr 10, 2016 10:13am
Where's the Taliban when you need them...?
Riztiz Apr 10, 2016 10:25am
After a very long time I have seen such a hilarious song. Thank you Tahir for making us laugh.
Shuaib Qasim Apr 10, 2016 10:39am
Let me tell you when one of my friend he told me of this new release from Tahir Shair I visited utube and watched this new song, honestly I could not understand a word from Song but we really appreciate his courage in releasing one more time and got an eye to angle, is it Angle or Eagle still confused!!!
Shuaib Qasim Apr 10, 2016 10:41am
@Khan agreed.
Shuaib Qasim Apr 10, 2016 10:42am
@IMRAN thousands videos are being posted on Utube and other sites, at least Tahir bhai is giving us chance to think and laugh,,, or you can stop watching his channel of videos.
Khan Apr 10, 2016 10:44am
There are few positive things to appreciate in the song apart from his voice.
SabaRaza Apr 10, 2016 11:09am
I watched and was horrified , not only me, my lil one who likes fairies and princesses s was shocked to see wings on a man so humongous and couldn't stop laughing .
Angle Apr 10, 2016 11:11am
Hey, you forgot to mention the tree trying too run away during recording torture in the first picture.
SabaRaza Apr 10, 2016 11:18am
I was horrified , not only me my lil one who likes fairies and princesses s was shocked to see wings on a man so humongous and couldn't stop laughing.
Rafhan Apr 10, 2016 11:28am
Never discourage any one. He means no harm. You may not have seen the innocence in his creation.
Falak Aasghar Apr 10, 2016 11:28am
hahaha ready comments is way more fun than the actual song!
N K Ali Apr 10, 2016 11:29am
Please illuminate me. Who is Taher Shah? Why is he dressed like that? Why does he wear so much make-up? Is he a man or a woman? I apologize for my questions and please do not take it offensively. Salams
shah Apr 10, 2016 12:21pm
Don't know why people are so much criticising him? He may not sing very well but I can bet he can sing much more better than many of us. Atleast he brings smile to people and that is what he is doing.
Absar Apr 10, 2016 12:47pm
I love this man's guts... knowingly he is no where close to music, he gave his best try... This song will make it to Top 10 Hilariously serious songs in music history... :)
Z Khan Apr 10, 2016 01:07pm
''treat'' for the sore eyes and ears. i have started looking at angels from a totally different angle now. thanks for being so ''angelic'' Mr Tahir Shah
Asad Apr 10, 2016 01:31pm
And soon to come meera interview Tahir shah full time entertainment.
baneen Apr 10, 2016 01:51pm
he has gutts...:P
Shampee Apr 10, 2016 02:41pm
I see him in Bollywood in coming days,
Amir Apr 10, 2016 02:42pm
It's a conspiracy launched by Pervaiz Rashid of PML N to throw people off the Panama leaks
Einstein Babar Apr 10, 2016 02:51pm
fat angel
Amjad Apr 10, 2016 03:30pm
Hats of to you who watched the whole 5 minute long video with lot determination and paid attention to detail.
Maria Apr 10, 2016 04:08pm
I had never seen such a stupid video before. really a 3rd class effort.
Philosopher (from Japan) Apr 10, 2016 04:09pm
After a shutter break success of his song eye to eye His upcoming song title will be shoe to shoe.
Muhammad Apr 10, 2016 04:30pm
It looks like he has different hair style in green and purple cloths. Hairs in purple cloths look more thick
adnan Apr 10, 2016 05:46pm
if it is is released in India. India will agree to give Kashmiris their rights.
aisha Apr 10, 2016 06:29pm
taher shah is insane mad person
aisha Apr 10, 2016 06:30pm
taher shah proved that he is insane nd mad person
shami Apr 10, 2016 08:05pm
He looks like the death angel Izrael.
Omar Apr 10, 2016 09:46pm
This guy stopped caring about"Log Kiya Kahengay" long time ago.
Rafay Apr 10, 2016 11:09pm
Prime minister Tahir Shah.
Ayesha SR Baig Apr 11, 2016 02:21am
ok so I gave in and finally heard the song - leme tell u guys my angels heart is in the right place .. Just not the grammar , lyrics , direction , makeup , hair ,costumes and basically the whole production except the location ! Location is beautiful .. And ofcourse the "idea" behind the song .. We can all be Angels ...
Amer Rao Apr 11, 2016 04:56am
wow. what a confidence.
Optimistic PK Apr 11, 2016 09:00am
Those who accused Taher Shah of being insane have no feet to stand upon. Nothing in an insanity. because sanity is a relative term. I appreciate Taher Shah of being he is. he dares to care how others will react.. he is only concerned with his own action ... And to act is not an insanity ... Dodare ...
AK Apr 11, 2016 10:21am
Thank almighty ... he is not an Indian !!! Admire his confidence .... reminds me of Rakhi Sawanth
Ess3 Apr 11, 2016 10:38am
tahir shah is the reason why people are searching for life in other planets
NJK Apr 11, 2016 10:42am
I thought its "ANN JAL" rather "Angel"... thnx for the correction though :-)
Zafar ul Hassan Apr 11, 2016 11:21am
Whatever you do you do with confidence. "Badnaam na hoangay tau kya naam na hoga". Atleast he is making people smile in a depressing world :).
Abdullah Apr 11, 2016 11:51am
Well, hats off to this guy for bringing so many smiles on the people's faces. Well done boy. I only have one issue with this song. It might ruin the concept of an Angel among our kids. hahaha.
Saqib Apr 11, 2016 12:05pm
Interesting how this thing claims to have INVENTED a song. But if you come to think of it, he did try warning all of us in a way...
Talha Apr 11, 2016 01:12pm
@Zubeida Aapa Exactly! Thats what I thought. Don't laugh - I think this video embodies some Illuminati ideals such as ascension of human beings into godlike angels, and those white clad people look definitely to be a part of a cult
nastik Apr 11, 2016 03:15pm
Well done Tahir Shah! We are already waiting for your next song video. Why don't you make all the songs at the same time as it is a very long wait time. Thank you!
Muzammil Apr 11, 2016 11:10pm
He is right he did invent this music.
asim Apr 12, 2016 09:05am
are you kidding me? It was so embarrassing and painful to watch in public. OMG! People who think this is good talent are stuck living in 16th century.
Recommend Apr 12, 2016 01:18pm
HHAAA HHAAAH I am still laughing.
Sheena Apr 12, 2016 01:23pm
He looks cute in "She Angel" though there isn't much difference between the "He-Angel" and "She-Angel". Anyway, Tahir has got the real talent of not only making weirdest of appearances but to publish it online to bear an unbearable criticism. I think a new genre must now be announced in the world of entertainment and arts by dedicating it to Tahir Shah. Keep it up Sir, do not listen to people as always and do what the "Angel-Eyes" telling you to do.
Jawaid Islam Apr 12, 2016 02:42pm
The locale and the photography are top-notch.
Parivesh Apr 12, 2016 07:52pm
This man is so innocent...!
Haseeb Abid Apr 13, 2016 12:31am
I saw the video upon my brother-in-law's request ....... I am going to be asking him to return me five minutes of my life back to me :-p
Dervaish Khan Apr 13, 2016 02:05am
I always thought angels to be like skinny model girls but this man has changed my imagination henceforth.
Pakistani Apr 13, 2016 08:27am
@Arun your honesty appreciated.
Aniket Apr 16, 2016 06:52am
@IMRAN Thats good!
Sandeep Sharma Apr 16, 2016 01:09pm
Tahir Shah is 'THE ANGEL of 21st century ...thanx Tahir for giving whole world such big relief from daily life ....... aapko shat shat pranam ...
Mudassir Apr 16, 2016 02:53pm
Another ''song'' from Tahir to Pakistani people. :D .....But he is not making bombs or spreading hate at least!!