
Ayesha Sana breaks silence on 'Bright Karein' by poking fun at herself

Ayesha Sana breaks silence on 'Bright Karein' by poking fun at herself

The TV host utters her infamous catchphrase in her shout-out to the team of Bachaana
23 Feb, 2016

We have to say it: The kind of mockery made of Ayesha Sana's 'Bright karein' outburst made us cringe.

Not only did the video itself go viral, it spawned quite a few copycats on Dubsmash and in the form of a fellow host on TV.

You'd think the negative publicity would make Ayesha crawl under a rock, but the TV host seems to have taken it in her stride. In fact, she referenced it in her shout-out to team of the film Bachaana recently.

After telling the viewers to go watch the film, she addresses the director Nasir Khan and says, "But director sahab, aap film ko bright tou karein!"

Kudos to Ayesha for rising above, laughing at herself and moving on in her life. This is, after all, the secret to showbiz success.


sarwat ayub Feb 23, 2016 01:24pm
well done Ayesha, thats the spirit..............kaarein kaaarein, bright kareeein
Parvez Feb 23, 2016 01:58pm
Good girl...... +1 to Ayesha Sana.
vaqas Feb 23, 2016 02:03pm
It just looks like a sad attempt to become relevant again. The contempt in her voice while screaming the said statement, was what was really cringeworthy. The only way you can come back from that is crawling on your fours licking the shoes of the people she was screaming at and begging for forgiveness in another video.
Thoroughthinker Feb 23, 2016 02:17pm
She should keep herself within her valid limits to avoid harsh criticism.
SAB Feb 23, 2016 04:11pm
So we should all forget how she behaved and celebrate her for being so funny??
Krezy Feb 23, 2016 05:06pm
Good Ayesha... As long as you have remorse and spirit for not repeating the madness... Best of luck...
Sak Feb 23, 2016 05:15pm
I think that any civilized person would have been embaraased and would have "regretted" the "unfortunate incident". But, people who lack insight and respect for others just prefer to "laugh it away". Not funny. BBC auto show famous host was thrown out for harsh behavior but here, these people are "imposed" on helpless audiences. Not funny
Urfan Rafique Feb 23, 2016 06:07pm
@vaqas She was going through quite rough patch in her life at that time. One could sense her inner insecurities, frustration and helplessness in that piece of video. Although an outburst like that could never be justified but still we may give her few marks for carrying herself soberly on all times except this particular incident. "We are very good lawyers for our own mistakes, but very good judges for the mistakes of others." " When someone wrongs, we want the maximum amount of punishment. But when we do wrong, we want the maximum amount of understanding and forgiveness" "I tend to judge others by their actions and myself by my intentions"
Urfan Rafique Feb 23, 2016 06:07pm
"We are very good lawyers for our own mistakes, but very good judges for the mistakes of others." " When someone wrongs, we want the maximum amount of punishment. But when we do wrong, we want the maximum amount of understanding and forgiveness" "I tend to judge others by their actions and myself by my intentions"
farhan Feb 23, 2016 06:48pm
Its not bouncing back but rather feeling lack of remorse. Disappointing.
Urfan Rafique Feb 23, 2016 07:02pm
@farhan any body can explode if put inside a pressure cooker of life, give her some benefit of doubt. She seems to be a positive lady, acted errantly once in her showbiz career so leave her for good. My good wishes to Miss Ayesha, I hope she will wrong all the critics with her cool and calm demeanor.
oregata Feb 23, 2016 07:04pm
It s a matter of behaviour, whether once or always. It is only because of his behaviour that I hate Kohli as well.
Hasan Feb 23, 2016 07:58pm
Sorry.. This message doesn't cover up what u did
Qasim Feb 23, 2016 08:59pm
@vaqas , your statement is so harsh, sometimes in public dealing you get frustrated at people who are doing poor job at work, just imagine plumber beating bush at your house work, electrician or ups guy doing bad job and effects you! So such response is due to these facts! I hope you understand
Samad Feb 24, 2016 12:41am
The nation who likes to forgive and let go. No wonder, the same rotten eggs keep on ruling over you.
Mirza Jee Feb 24, 2016 01:45am
Aur bright karein jee- Whoever she is need to stop acting silly!
Hassan Kamal Feb 24, 2016 02:32am
I have or will never do that to anyone. Having said that we are all humans and do make mistakes; she was clearly under a lot of stress in that video. Loans, bills family responsibilities and fear of failure is something that haunts everyone probably she didn't take rest the night before or was upset at something. She made a mistake and she paid for it; she should be excused for it now.
A Ali Feb 24, 2016 02:37am
hats off to those who watch her tv programs...
Hashim Feb 24, 2016 08:43am
Nice attempt to get herself out of that but whatever she does now will not make people think that she is nice. You cannot hide your innerself!!!
Ahmar Qureshi Feb 24, 2016 09:17am
"Brightness" - And there she have it! :-)
Usman Feb 24, 2016 10:00am
It wasn't the words but the demeaning snobbish tone. Confession is the only remedy. Adding humor as a cover up only makes it worse
anonymoose Feb 24, 2016 11:49am
Yes totally news-worthy..
Ahtsham Feb 24, 2016 11:15pm
I request the public-at-large to please drop their pitchforks. Please stop the online lynching of the poor lady. She did not kill anyone.
SJ Feb 26, 2016 10:51am
@vaqas Couldn't agree more. @Urfan Rafique - sadly people show their frustration and anger to people who are not in a position of power and then take easy way out of claiming, I was going through a difficult patch, not thinking straight. I would have all sympathy with her if she had shouted at her boss and not the support staff.