
Top models take on Ayesha Sana's furious outburst on Dubsmash

Top models take on Ayesha Sana's furious outburst on Dubsmash

No video is truly viral until the celebs have paid it tribute on Dubsmash
17 Nov, 2015

No video is truly viral until the celebs have paid it tribute on Dubsmash.

And TV anchor Ayesha Sana's unfortunate outburst (come on, you know which one!) just got that honour.

Models Tooba Siddiqui, Nadia Hussain, Sunita Marshall, Rubya Chaudhry and TV personality Asimyar Tiwana tapped into their most livid selves to match the intensity of her fury:

If you really don't know what this Dubsmash is inspired by, here's the original that surfaced a couple of weeks ago:

Local TV anchor Ayesha Sana loses her mind when the lighting on her set doesn't match her expectations. "Bright karein (Make the lights brighter)!", she insists vehemently, because... "Main kaali nahin logoo gi (I refuse to appear dark)!"

We've heard about divas on set, but this one was truly wild!

Other than Dubsmash, her video has provoked all kinds of reactions on Twitter:

Some people spoke sense:

Others were critical of Ayesha Sana's behaviour:

This guy had a brainwave:

Some just chose to speak the obvious:


AnumSMHB Nov 17, 2015 04:01pm
This is so lame, she was obviously provoked. It is very hard for a woman to work in our part of the world, especially since men here don't think it right to take orders from a woman. It was HER show and the subordinates should have respected her wants on the set. I would react the same way if my driver takes me to Sardar, even though I explicitly tell him to take me to Tariq road.
Kushal Nov 17, 2015 04:31pm
@AnumSMHB : You are right. After watching the video I also felt the same thing. Main thing is that our society in this subcontinent is still in medieval ages where men cannot digest taking instruction or guidance from a woman.
lafanga Nov 17, 2015 04:54pm
@AnumSMHB And then we wonder why Pakistan remains a 3rd world mess where a "select few" can go and yell at other human beings just because they can. Pathetic. Honestly if she did this on a set in a civilised world, she would have been rightly fired in one minute.
mystreeman Nov 17, 2015 05:09pm
@AnumSMHB There is a difference between subordinate and slave.
Another fan Nov 17, 2015 05:17pm
The most hilarious dubsmash. Ever.
bananas Nov 17, 2015 06:11pm
She's obviously been driven to this. People snap.
PakPower Nov 17, 2015 06:27pm
@AnumSMHB That still doesn't justify the tantrum she is throwing. It is her show, true, but there won't be any show without all these people working tirelessly behind the scenes. They demand some respect.
XoF Nov 17, 2015 06:35pm
These people thrive and earn by bogging others down in everyway possible.
Adnan Muhammad Nov 17, 2015 07:13pm
@AnumSMHB by the way where is SARDAR in Karachi...
Rk Nov 17, 2015 07:59pm
@Kushal so who is the vicrim here? The poor guy who has has set up the lights for her, or Aysha who is yelling at him?.......I think u completely missed the point here.
Real Truth Nov 17, 2015 08:23pm
@AnumSMHB and @Kushal: Oh, please, please, not gender-bashing again!!! If the woman is suffering from a COMPLEX, and would not settle for anything less than looking MILKY WHITE, then she needs some psychiatric help! This has nothing to do with men being subordinates have to do with this -- but this has a lot to do with a COMPLEXED personality, and lack of CLASS!
Bonkers Nov 17, 2015 08:23pm
@AnumSMHB Apnay brain ko bright karein. Bright karein . This has nothing to do with gender issues. This has everything to do with an uneducated person getting caught in the act of demeaning people. She would get sued and fired in a civilized society for throwing this tantrum....
Zala Nov 17, 2015 08:25pm
AYESHA Sana's uncivilized reaction.
Insanely Atheist Nov 17, 2015 09:04pm
I am an Indian and I honestly have no Idea about any of these ladies but I can say that while Her outburst in the first place was unjustified, unprofessional and avoidable, making a dubsmash out of someone's personal lows seems to me borderline bullying.Please stick to public material and stay away from private lives for dubsmashing.
Rashid Ishaq Nov 17, 2015 09:30pm
is she married? I wonder how does her husband handles her when she is mad at something,
wake_up Nov 17, 2015 10:01pm
@AnumSMHB snobbish is fundamentally bad, if done by man or woman. The anchors who pose to be so mild while live are so violent shows that elite take it for granted to shout at the subordinate. The inferiority complex to have a paler skin is Eurocentric subordination in essence.
raf Nov 17, 2015 11:35pm
@Insanely Atheist I completely understand where you are coming from, but the behavior of this particular so called "celebrity" has always been the same. I had a chance to work with her in the US, and her behavior was exactly the same with the crew. She came very close to be yelled back at, but we were held back due to our professionalism.
Wasiq Nov 17, 2015 11:58pm
@AnumSMHB Well then Madam, I feel sorry for your driver. No one has the right to talk to anyone like that, especially if they are your subordinates. Being a woman in a society lead by men does not give you the right to treat people anyway you want. Let's not involve feminism in this, eh?!
ahmed Nov 18, 2015 12:01am
@Bonkers hahahaha
Syed Amir Ahmed Nov 18, 2015 12:02am
Someone should tell her that no one is considering her do takay ki, in fact the way she has behaved, proved herself whether she is doo takay gi or not. Tolerance is the key Ms. Ayesha, we all are human and prone to make mistake.
mook Nov 18, 2015 12:11am
I spat out my coffee when I watched the Dubsmash video. Hahaa
Jeff Nov 18, 2015 02:16am
Her behavior is uncivilized, it also brings out her crude mentality. If she doesnt like something that is going on she can stop the show and ask for corrections but not in this way. Maybe she is also having some family problems going on in her life. Ciao.
Queen Bee Nov 18, 2015 02:19am
@AnumSMHB I agree that it is difficult for women to work because men don't like taking orders from a woman. But what Ayesha Sana did was totally obnoxious. There are ways to vent one's anger but shouting on the top of your lungs like Ayesha Sana indicates the mentality and upbringing of that person. Hilarious dubsmash by the models.
Ali Nov 18, 2015 02:44am
Just because the anchor didn't want to look dark, she had no right to yell and insult people like that. How does looking dark (natural) is bad? Why can't our anchors look normal and natural rather than put up a fake show of looking light with tons of make up!
kamal Nov 18, 2015 03:23am
@AnumSMHB Yes, you have full right to rip into your driver if he takes you to a Sardar (Sikh) instead of Tariq Road. I would be vey upset too. LOL. LOL. HA HA
noshin Nov 18, 2015 09:08am
The most ungreatful video i have ever seen.
noshin Nov 18, 2015 09:12am
Why eveyone keep silence! She is not the single host available in Pakistan..........
Ayesha Nov 18, 2015 09:13am
Ayesha Sana please grow up!
noshin Nov 18, 2015 09:15am
Ayesha Sana who?
Saad Nov 18, 2015 11:30am
@AnumSMHB - its not what happened, its the way she handeled the situation. You gotta respect everyone!
AILLY Nov 18, 2015 03:40pm
she did it on purpose to get a little more fame............. in fact she is novice until this vid.
No Nov 18, 2015 09:40pm
Meh. People lose their tempers. Sometimes it is justified. We don't know how the person at the other end was behaving. There are plenty of people in this country who refuse to do their jobs as told just because they don't feel like it or have developed some ego issue, as in the "Nahin karta mein!" attitude.
Amer Rao Nov 19, 2015 03:31pm
Boycott this lady, and this will be lesson for others.
jimmyali Nov 19, 2015 04:19pm
Good work.