
Update: Anupam Kher expresses outrage on Twitter at Pak visa denial snafu

Update: Anupam Kher expresses outrage on Twitter at Pak visa denial snafu

The actor, who appears to have been looking forward to the lit fest, speculates on the nature of the visa debacle
02 Feb, 2016

Today it was revealed that Anupam Kher would in fact not be attending the Karachi Literature Festival, to be held on February 5th, because he had not received his visa. India media reported that Kher's visa was rejected by the Pakistani High Commission, but that's only the beginning of this saga.

Amidst claims that the Pakistani High Commission in Delhi had never received his visa application Kher lashed out at the whole debacle on Twitter.

Pakistani officials have yet to issue an statement on the matter.

Things escalated fast.

Kher also spoke about the incident to a local news channel, saying: "The Karachi Literature Festival approached me about two months ago... I've heard the Pakistan High Commission is saying they hadn't received my visa, if they hadn't received it how did the other 17 people invited get their visas? I am saddened by this."

And he isn't done talking.


Rajesh Punjabi Feb 02, 2016 02:51pm
Very sad that Kher lovers in Pakistan will not be able to welcome him in Karachi festival. Hope Pakistan government will correct their mistake and send their ambassador to Kher with invite to Pakistan.
Gulfraz Feb 02, 2016 03:00pm
If he has been denied, what's the big deal, why make a fuss? surely, india with its "rich" culture is more than enough for you, would be great if you could come, but if not, whats with the fuss? Its not your country, so if you are denied, please respect it, india is not exactly innocent of such adventures either.
uniden Feb 02, 2016 03:06pm
don't get in to tolerant and intolerant discussion now.
LA LA Land Feb 02, 2016 03:17pm
Maybe he is the only person who is so eager to go to Pakistan. Maybe India govt should do the same and ban Ghulam Ali concerts
Hussain Feb 02, 2016 03:23pm
@Gulfraz : 100% right. Many times, Pakistani sports teams have denied Indian Visa.
Parvez Feb 02, 2016 03:25pm
Both countries play these games.........I doubt the Pakistani audience will miss much if he stays at home.
Aman Ki Asha Feb 02, 2016 03:32pm
Is this Aman Ki Asha? Politics and culture shouldn't be mixed. Cultural icons need to be respected. Kalakaar or Funkar or artists have no boundaries.
Ali Khan Feb 02, 2016 03:32pm
@Rajesh Punjabi afte reading his tweets i doubt if there are any lovers left tbh.
Rashid Sultan Feb 02, 2016 03:40pm
In India, a couple of actors speaking out & expressing concerns on perceived growing intolerance by their spouse or self get the sympathy vote in their media while another actor who spoke out on the subject taking a contrary position got lambasted by the media ascribing the cause to his wife being the ruling party's MP in their national assembly of commoners. If true that that the sovereign state of Pakistan has denied the latter actor a visitor's visa then it is utter small and flippant mindedness of a state of 200 million people. If genuine about not receiving his visa application then this should be remedied forthwith. Are we really afraid of an Indian actor and what he might say when he is in Pakistan that he cannot say from India itself?
Sunil Feb 02, 2016 03:40pm
Well if Pakistan does not want Anupam Kher to visit the Karachi Lit festival, and denied VISA, whats the fuss. Pakistan has denied VISA to Javed Akhtar, Feroz Khan, and they have the right to do so.
Changez_Khan Feb 02, 2016 03:49pm
Anupam Kher is a crying baby, he needs to grow up and act like grown ups. Does he know how many well respected Pakistanis have been denied Indian visa?
dj Feb 02, 2016 03:54pm
The reasons of denial is clearly understood from you tweets Mr.Kher. Intolerance is quite apparent from your messages.
faryal Feb 02, 2016 03:54pm
@Gulfraz exactly right , i am agreed!
A. Ghilzai Feb 02, 2016 03:56pm
He is as tolerant as denial of a visa !! Liberal and tolerant as long as his/her every wish is granted. what a joke. Right or wrong its the right of a sovereign state to admit or reject a visa application.
Ali Feb 02, 2016 04:00pm
Pakistan should give visa to him because he is an actor and whatever he did in the past that's not big deal every patriot will do for their country. He is good person and excellent actor as well we all respect him.
SMAZ Feb 02, 2016 04:06pm
well its sad but then Indians also treat our celebrities with not much respect...they deport ours while we politely rejected the visa only
Kumar Feb 02, 2016 04:11pm
What is his big problem? He thinks he has so many fans in Pakistan. He should learn to respect the sovereignty of nations.
Faisal Kharbay Feb 02, 2016 04:11pm
Please love each other and respect each other.
Mahavir Gusain Feb 02, 2016 04:15pm
It is the sovereign right of a country to grant or decline visa to an applicant without revealing the reason for denial. Kher should have the grace to accept a No and reconcile with the decision of Pak HC without cribbing about others getting visa. KLF can go on without Kher.
Gilgit Baltistan Feb 02, 2016 04:17pm
@Gulfraz 100% agree .. Indian started this habit of Denying our Sports Persons Visas
javed iqbal kaiser Feb 02, 2016 04:18pm
very sad for refusing a visa to an artist.
Usman Feb 02, 2016 04:18pm
No sympathy for him. The same actors support their own govt. when it bans Pakistani actors and singers and even support severing cricket ties with Pakistan. They should learn to respect Pakistan's laws.
Muhammad Feb 02, 2016 04:20pm
Both India and Pakistan are rights to approve or deny visa. Unlike Ghulam Ali ji Anupam Kher ji did not receive any threat from any group. The decision taken by Pakistan may be in the best interests of Kher ji. Though his eagerness to join the festival should be appreciated by all.
Saad Feb 02, 2016 04:24pm
He didnt even apply for the visa? how did he expect to get it then. You have to file for visa and submit your passport. No one else can do it on your behalf.
Asghar Gondal Feb 02, 2016 04:25pm
Anupam kher is just trying to raise his political stature in BJP. His career in film industry is over now and he is now preparing grounds for political career.
SFA Feb 02, 2016 04:27pm
Though the visa denial is very disappointing and unnecessary, it is well within the sovereign right of every country to decline visa applications without assigning any reason. Taking to Twitter and using harsh words to "protest" the visa denial is unbecoming of a mature, responsible person. Just because he is a well-known actor doesn't mean he has an automatic right to Pakistan's, or for that matter, any country's visa. He still has to go through the necessary checks, and his visa application is granted or declined at the discretion of the host country.
strange Feb 02, 2016 04:32pm
As a Pakistani I would stress that if the Visa requirements are fulfilled then Visa should be granted. It will be good to have Anupam coming to Karachi.
Waleed Feb 02, 2016 04:40pm
The irony where anupum boasts about rich history of tolerance in India whilst expressing how intolerant he is towards Pakistan's right of denying a visa.
Charu Feb 02, 2016 05:05pm
Well Mr. Kher their country,their rules!
Ukumar Feb 02, 2016 05:05pm
I do not understand why he is so eager to go to Pakistan. He will not miss much.
Safdar Feb 02, 2016 05:06pm
Reading his Twitter messages, I am glad he was denied the visa as people with such anti Pakistan views are not welcome here....stay in India and reap the benefits of so called democracy and so called freedom...
Taimoor Khan Feb 02, 2016 05:20pm
"Has my visa been denied because I speak about India's rich tradition of tolerance or I am a Kashmiri Pandit who may expose Pak terror nexus?" With this mind set, I can see why you were rejected entry into Pakistan.
Ashok Feb 02, 2016 05:22pm
Pakistan high commission should clarify whether visa is denied by Pak. Govt (They are within their rights to do so without giving any reason) or they have not received the visa application at all from Kher.
Shahid Feb 02, 2016 05:24pm
is he pretending like that to make a political issue out of it? Those who invited him must have forwarded the list of 18 invitees but every one knows that those 18 must then apply for a visa individually. A letter of invitation is not a visa application in itself.
Ali Feb 02, 2016 05:26pm
Who is Anupam Kher? Never heard of him.
SR Feb 02, 2016 05:26pm
It is unfortunate that Mr. Kher has been not issued a visa on time.
Akbar Sait Feb 02, 2016 05:28pm
@Hussain A polite question. Does it make sense for Pakistan to follow the Indian establishment's misguided policies , or make our own policies whether concerning visas for Indian citizens or anything else?
The Wrong Right Feb 02, 2016 05:34pm
India routinely denies visas to so many Pakistani celebrities etc . Its Pakistan's right to deny any visa for whatever reason.
Akbar Sait Feb 02, 2016 05:36pm
@Safdar Dare I suggest one sometimes learns more from criticism than dishonest approval.
The Wrong Right Feb 02, 2016 05:37pm
@Rajesh Punjabi Pakistan will do it right after Indian ambassador does the same for the hundreds of visa denials they routinely make. In fact we will even send him a box of mangoes..
kkkk Feb 02, 2016 05:38pm
well now no one in Pakistan will make an issue about Rahat fateh Ali khan and "all the other sports visa issue" and Mr. kher take a chill pill.
the big wig Feb 02, 2016 05:40pm
@Rajesh Punjabi Sad... This arrogance does not suit you brother.
Farrukh Kiani Feb 02, 2016 05:40pm
After you tweets I do not like Anupam anymore. Good decision from Pak HC
Abdulla Hussain Feb 02, 2016 05:44pm
If Pakistan government has refused visa to Anupam kher there must be a reason because for the same event several other Indian guests have been issued visas & would be welcomed. The unnecessary outburst by Mr. Kher proves that visa denial was a correct step. He would have used the platform differently away from the purpose of his attendance.
Naushad Feb 02, 2016 05:46pm
I am an Indian and I think it is completely justified to deny visa to Anupam Kher kind of people who talk crap. Both countries should deny visa to people talking crap.
Noman Feb 02, 2016 05:46pm
17 out of 18 granted visa, how could you say Pakistan govt bans entry of Indian actors and writers, irrespective of your acting skills, your statements have been pathetic whenever Indo Pak relations were discussed..... We welcome anyone from any country who gives respect to our country, stay in india, you look better there
shipra Feb 02, 2016 05:47pm
@Gulfraz After denying one should not lie that he did not apply for visa. How can one deny if not applied?
VJ Feb 02, 2016 05:48pm
He is upset because his name was listed and given by the "Karachi Literature Festival" if you invite your guest then it's only fair to give his/her visa (with proper background check) anyone can answer why he was not given visa (besides he is Kashmiri pandit)?
ali zul Feb 02, 2016 05:51pm
no he is not
give visa to Anupam Kher Feb 02, 2016 06:01pm
if you deny visa to Anupam kher for him being anti-Pakistan then you are make him more anti-Pakistan by your actions.
Noman Feb 02, 2016 06:08pm
@Rajesh Punjabi i am not surprised for what you have said, in anciant times, indians used to think the world ends where ocean starts, you still live in that time
Noor Feb 02, 2016 06:13pm
@Gulfraz yes my dear friend but why all pakistan says same when Gulam ali's programme gets canceled
Noor Feb 02, 2016 06:15pm
@Ali Khan Good for him
azhar Feb 02, 2016 06:18pm
It's ok Mr Kher. Why don't you attend the Kara fest through Skype. It is as good as appearing personally.
GA Feb 02, 2016 06:20pm
@Sunil - I believe both Javed Akhtar and Feroz Khan have made anti-Pakistan comments. I know Mr. Kher did but they all were very minor but these two countries are very sensitive to the slightest remark.
Iman Feb 02, 2016 06:20pm
A Kashmiri has been denied Visa to pakistan?? WoW this is a start!
Saleem USA Feb 02, 2016 06:30pm
@Gulfraz Well said. Ask all those who have been denied Indian visas as well for no reason. Pakistan has a right to allow or reject anyone an entry. Anupam needs to accept it and swallow the pill.
Saleem USA Feb 02, 2016 06:34pm
@Sunil Only sane comment from an Indian.
PHILOSOPHER (from Japan) Feb 02, 2016 06:39pm
It looks it was made for you. wasn't you happy when alot of Pakistani artists were not allowed to perform in India? Now bashing like KLF won't be succeeded with your absence..have some sense, Pakistani readers and writers have not a low intellectual what you think it is.
mohammed Feb 02, 2016 06:42pm
THIS PERSON SHOULD NEVER BE ALLOWED TO ENTER PAKISTAN. His tweet shows he had no likeness for Pakistan. And for the kind information of all Indian every day hundreds of Pakistanis are refused Indian visa.
Javid Feb 02, 2016 07:00pm
Personally I don't believe in boundaries and I wish all of Indian and Pakistani people should be free to visit any place in either of the country. However with Kher, he is not just crying for a genuine point, lately he has turned out to be a political propagandist and most of what he says is a pure lie. He talks about tolerance but spreads hate/communalism. Mr Kher stop making people fool! Firstly you are not a Kashmiri Pandith (was born and raised in himachal) and secondly we in Kashmir live happily with our Pandith brothers, no need of your sympathies....
ahmed Feb 02, 2016 07:06pm
Whats the big deal. People are denied visa all the time. Why make such a fuss. people are denied US Visa, UK Visa and many european countries deny visa to thousands of people who apply and also there are many people who are denied Indian visa. No big deal and please don't make such fuss about it.
Truth Feb 02, 2016 07:23pm
As a mark of respect, all other 17 people must deny the invitation and not go to Karachi fest. This would be a real good
Freeman Feb 02, 2016 07:28pm
Mr. Kher didn't do anything against Pakistan so must not be denied to enter. His thought about anything in India are his own. It should not be our business. I am sad, if really Pakistani hi commission has denied visa.
Ghaznavi Feb 02, 2016 07:33pm
"Has my visa been denied because I speak about India's rich tradition of tolerance or I am a Kashmiri Pandit who may expose Pak terror nexus?" With inflammatory comments like above, I believe his visa application rejection was the right thing to do. Kashmiri Pandits have been working against the Kashmiri movement for liberation and Mr. Kher's views are no different. Days back he was suggesting a solution to Kashmir issue by changing the demography of the region. Just like the Israelis have done in the occupied land of Palestine. Talking about a nexus , Mr. Kher Indo-Israel is the real nexus of ethnic cleansing.
KN Feb 02, 2016 07:36pm
Pakistan has every right to deny visa.
KN Feb 02, 2016 07:37pm
@ahmed But they don't lie to you that your application was not received.
Profesisonal Feb 02, 2016 07:38pm
Many Pakistani-American professionals who want to visit India, for academic and philanthropic activities, are not given visas.
Haris Feb 02, 2016 07:39pm
Get ready for backlash pakistan's govt
B Feb 02, 2016 07:40pm
@Sunil No big deal in Pak rejecting the visa. It is their right.
UnshacklePak Feb 02, 2016 07:41pm
Just because Indian gov't is reluctant to give visas to Pakistanis doesn't directly mean Pakistani gov't has to adopt the same unfriendly behaviour. Those in favour of restricted access are more eager to resume hostilities than start to make things better. The future of over a billion people is hostage to hawkish behaviour at both ends.
farid Feb 02, 2016 07:43pm
There should be no visa between India and Pakistan. We have lived together for thousands of years.This man has a democratic right to have his political views.
Pratap Feb 02, 2016 07:49pm
Ghulam Ali concert gets cancelled: India is intolerant. Anupam Kher denied Visa: Anupam Kher is intolerant. What Logic! Okay if you deny him the Visa - it's your country, your rules. But then expect the same treatment from us.
Inayat Feb 02, 2016 07:50pm
Mr. Kher I feel sorry for you. Think a star and a huge personality like you get rejected, you go to media and start accusing Pakistan government of intentionally rejecting your visa than what should normal people do when they are rejected by Indian government who no fault of there own were rejected because they were born in Pakistan, who have American citizenship for last 20 years and which the qualified for US passport after they investigated their background, they sad part is that these normal people have families in India whom they have never met and a whole generation have gone without meeting the long stranded relatives in each other countries due to political and misguided perception of freedom based on religion, race, political belief and ideology, caste and ethnicity. I really feel sorry for those people who longed to meet u and be in your company and try to bring relation to normalcy between two countries. SO VERY SAD FOR HUMA NITY.
Indiana Janardhan Feb 02, 2016 07:51pm
Ghulam Ali comes and earns a lot from his concerts - no problem there. But Anupam Kher having no monetary motives accepts the invitation given by Pakistani organizing committee is denied a Visa. And they say India is intolerant!
Tamilselvan Feb 02, 2016 07:58pm
Wish the other 17 will turn down the invitation too as a mark of protest but doubt it .
Anon Feb 02, 2016 08:13pm
His comments make one wonder why he was invited in the first place....
Syed Feb 02, 2016 08:23pm
Mr. Kher unable to accept this... are you tolerant enough to accept the rejection? Just like many Pakistani player are denied to play in IPL. Don't you think there are fans of Pakistani players in India too? Are you trying to dictate Pakistani High Commission what they should and what they should not do? Are you trying to tell them that they must give you visa when you apply? Can this be applied to Indian High Commission in Pakistan? Can you check with Indian High Commission if they give visas to all the Pakistani artist, actors? Who is waving the red flag?
Zubair Ahmed Feb 02, 2016 08:29pm
KHER.. if you got rejected what a big deal? Apply Again, and this time fill the form.....
sidney Feb 02, 2016 08:32pm
He does not deserve a visa for all the RSS ranting he does in India
Imran Feb 02, 2016 08:37pm
Un professional approach from us. that's why we are facing problems over every single airport in world .
Imran Feb 02, 2016 08:41pm
@uniden Why??? it started by you now will finish it. so lets be tolerant
shabut Feb 02, 2016 08:53pm
Mr. Kher, if you are a Kashmiri Pundit then you should also know the hundreds and thousands innocent killings, and rapes committed by the Indian forces. You talk about tolerance but you can't even bare a simple comment made by one of your own, Amir Khan. You don't say anything about the attacks and hatred towards Pakistanis from your brothers in Shiv Sena. It is an irony that you talk about tolerance.
Sarwar, USA. Feb 02, 2016 08:55pm
Its Pakistan's right to give or deny visa. Hundreds of Pakistanis are denied Indian visa every day. He should not be given visa if he speaks ill of Pakistan.
shabut Feb 02, 2016 08:56pm
@Rajesh Punjabi: Don't worry we won't miss Kher. We welcome Indian artists but not intolerant politicians in the disguise of being an artist. Many Pakistani artists have suffered and faced embarrassing situations in India too but they never started giving any political statements and started labeling Indians as terrorists. My. Kher you are not welcome in Pakistan with your current attitude of intolerance.
SHAHID MAHMOOD Feb 02, 2016 09:03pm
@Gulfraz Very well put Sir. Agreed 124 percent.
Arslan Feb 02, 2016 09:04pm
anti-Pakistan Indians no need to come to Pak. This is a hardcore RSS/BJP man who has said stuff about Pakistan.
Akhtar Hassan Feb 02, 2016 09:06pm
What is the big deal about it. Just recently India refused visa to some Pakistani kabaddi players on some flimsy grounds and who doesn't know that some Pakistani artists and players were forced to leave India after threats from shiv sena terrorists. Indian government instead of giving them protection asked them to go. Many level headed Indian friends did not like this act of shiv sena and be sure that many Pakistanis also want visa to be given to Anupam Kher.
SHAHID MAHMOOD Feb 02, 2016 09:11pm
@Zubair Ahmed This time fill the form and say please and sorry for your tweets.
point of view Feb 02, 2016 09:16pm
This is what Anupam Kher said on visa issue…
Arslan Feb 02, 2016 09:17pm
@Indiana Janardhan Ghulam Ali is far more talented the Mr Kher could ever dream of. Mr Kher has little to no fan base in PK, whereas Ghulam sahib has a huge fan following in India. .. Enough said really!
kashif Feb 02, 2016 09:17pm
I am an indian and i believe that any country has right to deny visa to anyone. Artists should refrain from playing politics out of any small issue.moreover people who belittle any ideology or community for cheap political milage forfiet their right to call themselves tolerant and secular.
Saqib Mirza Feb 02, 2016 09:20pm
shame visa has been denied. Pakistan needs to work on its soft image. Debate would have been very interesting and helpful.
no hawks Feb 02, 2016 09:25pm
This denial of visa to Anupam kher will only strengthen the "Hawks" in India, and will urge India government to do the same as Pakistan, it only lead to tit for tat action.
Gawal Mandi Ya Feb 02, 2016 09:41pm
I am deeply disappointed if Anupam Kher's visa is rejected,he is an actor,not a political person,Pakistanis love him like they love many other Indian actors,just like the Indians love our singers,actors and other personalities.I have not read one word from the Pakistan high commission,where is the Pakistan high commission? why aren't they responding? One cannot reach out to have peace dialog and fuss over such petty issues,let him come and enjoy Pakistani hospitality,food and interact with us.
rich Feb 02, 2016 09:46pm
he is denies visa bec he supported bjp and india against amir khan plain and simple
Kher is not a terrorist Feb 02, 2016 09:53pm
He is not a terrorist to not be given visa, he just may have difference of opinion that shouldn't have stopped Pakistan from granting him visa. It would have been a good intellectual debate with Mr. kher in Karachi literary festival.
Jatt Feb 02, 2016 09:56pm
He had no right to expect or demand a visa. He was refused but many Pakistanis have also been refused Indian visas it is not a big deal but to rant as Kher did is pathetic
Aam Admi Feb 02, 2016 09:58pm
Will liberals who had collectively opposed Shivasena's views earlier (by saying art has no boundaries) stand with Kher this time or will remain silent?
Fmalik Feb 02, 2016 10:01pm
He should not have been banned but it seems like he has been banned because of his provocative remarks. The recent tweets are ridiculous and he is talking nonsense that he was banned because he will expose some sort of nexus. There is a lot of freedom of speech in Pakistan but I do not think that anyone wants any nonsense.
Jatt Feb 02, 2016 10:01pm
@Asghar Gondal totally agree he is fanatically anti Pakistani so why is he so desperate to come here. I am sure he has very few fans here
Jatt Feb 02, 2016 10:06pm
@give visa to Anupam Kher you cannot be more anti Pakistan than Kher he is not welcome here
Javed Feb 02, 2016 10:21pm
In a moral support to Anupam Kher, all invited Indians should cancel the trip.
Masood Feb 02, 2016 10:27pm
Grow Up Mr. Actor; and learn to accept denials. This happens to hundreds every day. Pakistanis wishing to visit their relatives, whom they have not seen for years, are denied with a blank face. Pakistani- born is the biggest crime for an Indian Embassy when they receive the application. Even in western countries they have a category on Indian Visa forms " Born in Pakistan", and if you check that, your application goes into limbo for months. And my friend that is a fact.
eli Feb 02, 2016 10:30pm
The actor seems to be more intetested in giving out political stayements....not sure what his ambitions are?
Mike Feb 02, 2016 10:38pm
@Profesisonal That may be correct. But then be bold enough to say that outright and just don't give execulse like we didn't receive your application. That is plain lie.
Abhijeet Desai Feb 02, 2016 10:39pm
Artist on both sides should stay/work in their respective countries and avoid crossing border.
gknatarajan Feb 02, 2016 10:45pm
azkhan71 Feb 02, 2016 10:53pm
I 100% agree with Anupam Kher that for Art, there should be no boundaries.
Zak Feb 02, 2016 10:54pm
@Imran odd, which airports did you go to, I have been given welcome all over , except ofcourse in India.
NHA Feb 02, 2016 11:05pm
Man, you have ' Attitude ' problem. You can not dictate others . The more you talk, the deeper you sink in controversy.
NHA Feb 02, 2016 11:14pm
@Rashid Sultan . Actor or not actor. Pak should not be and will not be coerced into giving Anupam Kher a visa. He may be disappointed, but it does not mean he uses strong language , become abusive , and trivialises others.
a Feb 02, 2016 11:26pm
Denial is fine but there must be some reason given !!
NHA Feb 02, 2016 11:27pm
@Ali . This is not good enough a reason. It is becoming increasingly evident from his statements that Anupam Kher does not respect other's right including to refuse him an entry visa. He better stays in India, we have enough of our things to look after.
Hopeful Feb 02, 2016 11:28pm
@Aman Ki Asha That is bull. How many Pakistani artists have been denied Indian Visas? It is at the discretion of the Pakistan Government to issue him a visa. Neither he nor his wife are such big shots. It is in poor taste to twitter his response about being a bold speaker. Being bold in another country can put you behind bars.
MIRROR Feb 02, 2016 11:43pm
I was a fan of him; but after his stance against Muslim/ Muslim actors from India and siding with the BJP/Modi, I have stopped watching his films. Its not a big deal; Pakistani cricket team , hockey team and even kabaddi team and singers are denied Indian visa requests; Ghulam Ali's concert is protested.
Raj Feb 02, 2016 11:45pm
From an Indian prospective Yes. Pak is a sovereign nation. so they have right to grant or deny Visa of any outsider. shouting and crying at Pakistan is not a good idea. India also regularly deny visa of foreign nationals. Pakistan may not want person like you to enter their country, thats it.
Omar Feb 02, 2016 11:46pm
Though i used to respect Kher sb before but after reading his tweets I must say good job PHC in India. Man with such view is not welcome to our country.
Siri Feb 03, 2016 12:15am
@give visa to Anupam Kher Who cares!
waseem Feb 03, 2016 12:38am
I still remember about family denied hotel in India & stayed night on road. Incredible India !
Noshin Feb 03, 2016 12:40am
better not to come Pakistan anupam !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Noshin Feb 03, 2016 12:41am
stay away u spoke much in favour of extremism and trying to spread the similar hype against Pakistan
Noshin Feb 03, 2016 12:43am
@Changez_Khan awesome remarks
Imad Qureshi Feb 03, 2016 12:46am
@Rajesh Punjabi how are you so sure that it's Pakistan's mistake. What if he didn't really applied the visa or there were missing required documents?
norman Feb 03, 2016 01:00am
@Rajesh Punjabi Respect to your views but Mr. Kher has been openly lashing out at Pakistan. Lets see if Rahat Fateh or Ali Zafar would get a visa if they publicaly hurl insults at India. its simple, you want respect, give respect. He should join politics anf then issue statements against Pakistan. Being an actor, its best he keeps himself in a position where he is not center of attraction for the wrong reasons.
naresh Feb 03, 2016 01:03am
There are many pakistani artist working in india, like Rahat Fateh Ali Khan, Ali Zafar and many more, After this action by pakistan, I afraid if pakistani artist may be denied to work in india
Dr. Michael Dang Feb 03, 2016 01:09am
Good! This man deserved no visa, for uttering nonsense about Pakistan earlier over Pakistani flag flown by Kashmiris. Good decision!
Dr. Michael Dang Feb 03, 2016 01:10am
He is lying! Earlier Om Puri visited Pakistan as well as Naseerudin Shah. We just don't entertain anti-Pakistan.
Strings Feb 03, 2016 01:16am
Sad to hear he hasn't been given visa...we in Pakistan are full of admiration for this great actor but please don't politicise the issue
Just here Feb 03, 2016 01:17am
Sad but why mr.kher is making a big deal out of this?? Seems like he wanted to visit Pakistan so badly. Now by these tweets he lost the even tiniest chance he had in future of getting pak visa.
Just here Feb 03, 2016 01:19am
So he's sad that he couldn't goto Pakistan!!
Pakistani-Sindhi Feb 03, 2016 01:23am
Kher says that Pakistani artists are not denied in India. Kher, how many Pakistani artists do you know who have verbally attacked India before touring your country? Earlier you had voiced via twitter that no talks be held with Pakistan and still you think that Pakistan be kind enough to issue you visa. Many artists from India have visited Pakistan, Mahesh Bhatt, Pooja Bhatt, Shilpa Shetty, Akshay Kumar, Sonu Nigham, Jagjit Singh, Juhi Chawla, Aamir Khan, Rishi Kapoor, Om Puri, Naseerudin Shah, Shatrughan Sinha etc. I was once your fan from childhood, but sadly I am now repenting for praising your roles and acting. Actors should stay out of political mess, you never know what culture, religion, nationality and race your fans come from.
x Feb 03, 2016 01:35am
Pakistanis, even celebrities on invite, have been denied visas to many countries even india but us doing it back to them doesn't make it right. Was looking forward to meeting anupam kher. Sad.
Bilal Feb 03, 2016 01:55am
Who he think he is? inflated ego !! why generalizing that Pak does not give visa to Indian actors, writers but india do.. he is contradicting himself when he mentioned 17 others who got the visa. PAK will decide who will get visa not a person
Preet Feb 03, 2016 02:03am
@Aman Ki Asha Except, he is not the Artist anymore, but more a BJP mouthpiece these days. I am getting less of him as an actor now a days and more an aspiring BJP politician/ RSS Sanghpracharak.
Imran Feb 03, 2016 02:04am
@Arslan This is not about Gulam Ali, it is about Mr Kher and he is very talented. Stop arguing like a child.
AG Feb 03, 2016 02:35am
We all know you want to become a full time Politician, you can do that without all this drama
Prapur Feb 03, 2016 03:11am
Hope all Pakistanis commenting here against denial of VISA to Indian artist is countries sovereign right than they will respect when India denies VISA to their artist or any citizens.
cameron Feb 03, 2016 03:19am
he is an attention seeker trying to get cheap publicity read this article which shows how welcoming Indians are so stop pointing fingers.
Rizwan Hamid. U.S.A Feb 03, 2016 03:35am
I was going to write a long post, but why bother. India and Pakistan on a government level are fighting like immature children. Tit for tat attitude. Friends are not made with such behavior .
Saad Feb 03, 2016 03:45am
Pakistan fully reserves the right to deny or grant him visa. No need to make fuss about it.
Samad Chaudhry London Feb 03, 2016 04:03am
You may be a go actor but your attitude against Muslim actors and others in Bollywood deserves non granting of Visa. I really used to like yours and Kiran's acts in cinema and shows but you pro Shiv Sena and RSS activities are unacceptable and biased
M. N. Baig Feb 03, 2016 04:19am
it is a revenge, because in the past Indians have denied visa to Pakistani national?
BNS Feb 03, 2016 04:19am
I wish Mr. Kher gets his visa if he wants so. He is a good actor and has lots of fans in Pakistan. It will be a good opportunity for his Pakistani fans to see, meet and listen to him in person. However, he must not forget that getting another country's visa, including Pakistan, is a privilege not a right.
shahid Feb 03, 2016 05:07am
Pakistan High Commission will have to come with solid proof that Kher did not apply for Visa. Otherwise nobody will agree with their arguments. On other side, I think Mr. Kher has talked too much to show his frustration. In the above clip, he wanted to say something else but at the end he rephrased his sentences. Many Pakistani artists have visited India and they had encountered with extremists but they never complained on Indian government or departments or agencies for this hostile attitude from these extremists. Should I say Pakistanis have more tolerance than them?
VINOD Feb 03, 2016 05:21am
Mr. Kher talking about freedom of speech???? makes every one laugh. Is he not the same person who was leading the battle for theRSS & BJP combine against free speech. He has lost all respect in India then why blame Pakistan.
Ajaya K Dutt Feb 03, 2016 05:30am
Who does he think himself to be ? Gulam Ali Khan?
Rav Feb 03, 2016 05:42am
This will hurt more to Pakistani artists vising India,
sk Feb 03, 2016 06:14am
either elections are nearby in J & K with BJP gearing up for the same or he is Joining his wife (Lower House member) in the Parliament with elections likely in about 72 Upper house of Parliament..
Sachin Feb 03, 2016 06:37am
We stand with Anupam Kher
Aussie Feb 03, 2016 07:06am
karachi dont need you sir. nor pakistan ..thats why ur visa has been denied. kindly give up and dont apply again this year
Khurram Khan Feb 03, 2016 07:19am
@Rashid Sultan he lashes Pakistan directly and indirectly since amir khan's saga on the horizon. Why he wants to come to the country, he has issue with.Yes, he ahs right to say what he think is right but then Pak authorities will also do what they will think is right. One has to be careful when talking in public. He is now trying to bring old kasmiri pandits issue back to life.Now sure, what would be his purpose'? why he had been sleeping for all those years and now when BJP govt is in the Govt, someone reminded him that he is a kahsmiri pandit. His current position about this issue is very questionable and timing is also critical.
Khurram Khan Feb 03, 2016 07:21am
@Sunil and U guys deported our several actors in the past including Rahat, Ghulam Ali and several others. What is the FUSS. U r right, I agree.
Tariq Feb 03, 2016 07:25am
kher my friend you take it easy and relax.
Azhar Hussain Feb 03, 2016 07:55am
@Imran What garbage are you talking about?
rehan Feb 03, 2016 08:17am
I don't see what's the big deal . He should just try again
Rahul Feb 03, 2016 08:21am
@Naushad Well Pakistan is known for many issues. Artists should have freedom of movement to build bridges.
Ahmed Feb 03, 2016 08:23am
What has he done in the field of literature. Is he a PhD or William Wordsworth?? Just a big mouth I guess.
anon Feb 03, 2016 09:51am
When you politicize and polarize yourself, don't be surprised when people can't separate your work from your persona. And nothing of value was lost.
Shafiq Memon Feb 03, 2016 10:07am
he is a good actor and i have respect for him but i think he is lying, if he has applied then he should have an evidence, he not only uttering not showing proof, i do not think pakistan will ever try to deny his visa as we do not have such record of refusing visa nor he has any threats as india used to do, pakistan people respect him but he also think the same like other some indian think about pakistan, patriotism is good thing but do not be hypocrite to win some extrmist indians heart, there is majority optimistic indians in the words who understand the humanity..
Pushtoon Feb 03, 2016 10:12am
Rightly Denied.
Ahmed Bilal Sheikh Feb 03, 2016 10:38am
@Gulfraz well said
Jain Feb 03, 2016 10:43am
His visa is denied by pak authorities Bcos of his support for kashmiri pandit & they thought anupam ji is an anti-pakistani, bt artists should not be indulged in politics, he is a great actor, if he is been an anti-pakistani then he should hadn't applied for pak visa, bt he applied to be a part of festival,
SMALL TWEET Feb 03, 2016 10:55am
Tit for Tat action will be soon going to happen.
saqib Feb 03, 2016 10:57am
the Pakistani High commission has stated that he will get a visa by Wednesday, if he 'applies for one'
SMALL TWEET Feb 03, 2016 10:57am
@The Wrong Right .... ??????
Isaac Feb 03, 2016 11:28am
this is from a man who lashed out at the Bollywood actors who spoke out about intolerance in india? he's never apologized now wants to come to Pakistan to lecture on his distorted BJB fanatic views?
Mandeep Feb 03, 2016 11:37am
@Zubair Ahmed . Do you really think he did not fill the form and apply for visa to Pakistan and making fun of himself on Twitter . According to me he not as Dumb as you are thinking.
Khalil Feb 03, 2016 11:56am
Now Mr. Kher will realize how painful sometimes it is when a Visa is denied. For many other Pakistani citizens who want to go to India for something more Important than attending a festival are denied for no reason . My father was denied seven times even if he wanted to visit his ailing brother who wished to see him until his last breath, and passed away just after My father called to tell him that Indian embassy denied his visa seventh time and he was not able to visit him.
M. Ahmed Feb 03, 2016 12:22pm
Let's keep calm, and not let our emotions be exploited by vested forces. It will be a big deal only if we make it so. This is a minor incidence compared to what has happened to Pakistani performers.
N Khan Feb 03, 2016 12:39pm
Massively overrated actor who thinks he's Marlon Brando.
Zahid Feb 03, 2016 01:10pm
@Rajesh Punjabi He not applied for visa. because he dont want to come Pakistan. He good actor but very narrow minded .
Zahid Feb 03, 2016 01:11pm
prince Feb 03, 2016 01:15pm
Is pakistan making difference in actors and good actors?
Ihtesham Kayani Feb 03, 2016 01:34pm
@LA LA Land Love your enthusiasm but can you count how many Pakistanis have been refused visa by India for no reason at all? Mr Kher should calm down, not a big deal to cry foul.
Sajid Mir Feb 03, 2016 03:43pm
Anwarahmad Feb 03, 2016 04:33pm
Keeping in view the statements being issued by him and his wife the decision of our High Commissios is correct.
Atta Feb 03, 2016 05:48pm
Rich culture of tolerance ? Babari masjid? Gujarat ? TTP financing ? Need to say more?
Seth M Sarwar Feb 03, 2016 08:37pm
Mr. Anupam Kher, you are welcome to Pakistan. Please be generous and apply for visa, which shall be inshallah granted. Please come with your family and enjoy the good weather of Lahore.
Akif Hasan Feb 03, 2016 10:50pm
Kinda sad, how many Pakistani intellectuals are invited to India so such kinda of festival. So what if he is Indian film celebrity. In the eyes of Pakistani Embassy he will be treated as an Indian citizen. There are many families from both the country who are trying to avail visa, but both the countries have made the visa application and police paper work on arrival of country an utter hardship, that once just say, why???
iftekhar Feb 04, 2016 03:09am
This is very sad to deny visa to an actor who could have been a big relationship ambassador for both countries. Very saddened by this news. Pakistan should rectify their stance and grant him a visa straight away without fail.
Saleem USA Feb 04, 2016 07:19am
@Atta Good reply.
Hilal Feb 05, 2016 03:08am
It is not a only a great shame, but pathetic that a non political person and an artists of Anupam Kher stature is denied visa for Pakistan for political reason. His words on the Peshawar school attack on the children by the Talibaans are good enough to celebrate him in Pakistan.
Aslan Feb 05, 2016 07:18am
Very unfortunate that artist or literary people cannot get visas to both countries.However what he did next was uncalled for.Sovereign laws of a country can be challenged with the embassies, but not ridiculed online. Didn't expect this from him.
Optimistic Pakistani Feb 05, 2016 07:55am
@Pratap are you in a different world...our Cricket team was not allowed to play in IPL because they are Pakistanis same with hockey and kabbaddi. You don't play cricket with us and you are threatening us in fact Indians should wait for the reciprocation
ravi vancouver Feb 05, 2016 12:31pm
Why so much fuss being created about Pakistani govt. not giving NOC for visa to Mr. Anupam Kher. Pakistan is an independent sovereign state, it has right to give or refuse visa to any person. Respect the decision and move on.
warsi Feb 08, 2016 01:54pm
I think anupam need to find some work in India. I think he has got too much time in hand..