
You need to spread hope, not fear: Anupam Kher to Aamir Khan

You need to spread hope, not fear: Anupam Kher to Aamir Khan

Actor Anupam Kher criticised Aamir Khan on Twitter, saying India has made him who he is
24 Nov, 2015

Following Aamir Khan's statement about leaving India due to growing intolerance, veteran actor Anupam Kher has criticised the actor for his words, reminding him that it was India which gave him recognition and fame, reported Hindustan Times.

Kher tweeted to Khan after the actor and his wife Kiran Rao expressed concerns about intolerance in India and suggested that they should leave the country.

Aamir is not the first actor who has spoken up about intolerance in the country. Superstar Shahrukh Khan had also raised his voice on the matter. Indian actors Sonam Kapoor and Sidharth Malhotra also supported Pakistani actors Mahira Khan and Fawad Khan when Shiv Sena called for a ban on them.

Anupam Kher, who starred with Aamir Khan in Dil Hai K Manta Nahi, is also the husband of actor Kiron Kher who is a member of the current ruling party, Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP).


Goga Nalaik Nov 24, 2015 03:55pm
Anupam Kher is a big supporter of Modi BJP. How can expect a hope from Aamir Khan when Muslims are being lynched and killed for eating beef...
Jaan Bhittani Nov 24, 2015 03:58pm
Anupam kher is becoming spokesperson for BJP & RSS
ritesh Nov 24, 2015 04:07pm
Aamir need to move to west for some time in current global scenario, where he will be strip searched due to his name then he will realize what actually intolerance is.
Sr Nov 24, 2015 04:14pm
Amir Khan has taken all fruits of success and now instead of fixing problems he is talking of leaving not willing to face it
Tariq Nov 24, 2015 04:15pm
May be Anupam should focus on criticising Modi, who he favours.
Syed qadri Nov 24, 2015 04:25pm
Mr Kher, every body earns respect and fame through his own efforts and not through any connection or being some body in politics. Since your wife entered into BJP your tone and comments have become political too. Always speak what is right and listen to what the majority in India is talking about intolerance especially by your country scholars . Thanks
Raza Nov 24, 2015 04:29pm
It is easy for Anupam Kher to come up with these statements but did he take a moment to realise why the things have come to this that a person born and raised has to start thinking like that ? what has Anupam done to stop this ? had he been Muhhamad Nadeem instaed of Anupam Kher would he still be thinking like this ?
Falak Nov 24, 2015 05:16pm
i was not expecting this kind of comments from Mr.Kher. Instead of trying to minimize his fears through arguments as this is his responsibility as an senior artist but he criticized him despite his fears are valid and he should raise voice in a mature manner. I know the way of raising voice by Mr.Khan is not as good as it could be.
Sunil Nov 24, 2015 05:32pm
I agree with Anupam, It is time to spread Hope not fear
Ijaz Nov 24, 2015 05:58pm
Always welcome in Pakistan
Iftikhar Husain Nov 24, 2015 06:06pm
Mr Aamir has given the sntiment of his wive who feels unsafe he has the full right to give his wifes feeling to media, I donot anything wrong in this. Mr Kher has worked hard to make his name India has not given him what he is now.
7th SENSE Nov 24, 2015 06:23pm
The issue is simple. Certain section of people were ''pampered' in the past. After Modi came to power all are treated equally and 'selective pampering' is stopped. This group is unable to adjust the new equation.
Muhammed Ali Nov 24, 2015 06:35pm
Sorry Mr Kher but that job belongs to Mr Modi not Amir Khan...Modi has the power to address things....but he is doing the opposite.
K Nov 24, 2015 06:44pm
Mr Anupam should feel pride for being Indian, where celebrities & scholars speak openly about a problem (unless you don't consider it a problem). It's time for you to criticise your govt for not doing anything rather than criticising those who are raising their voice
shdhsn Nov 24, 2015 07:00pm
Anupam Kher is a supporter of BJP. He does not accept what wrong BJP is doing to the country and minorities, rather he gives false hopes with no cure to others. I doubt Amir will leave the country, I think his point was if people of his fame are not safe in the country than what hope an ordinary person has?
dabangg Nov 24, 2015 07:23pm
I have to agree with Kher. Aamir Khan was sort of exaggerating the situation. If course right now being a Muslims is a problem in most parts of the world. He could go to a Muslims country but most of them have worse problems than India.
Anita Turab Nov 24, 2015 07:36pm
Easier said than done. Try living as a minority in a fanatic country. Amir Khan has made himself who he is. Shiv Sena had nothing to do with it.
dawn Nov 24, 2015 07:42pm
Spreading hope could be too late the way Indian mindset is changing towards 'bad'.
Dev Mehta Nov 24, 2015 07:44pm
His huge and classy movie successes aside, Mr Aamir Khan has done so much for India and Indians - all his life - that it's rubbish to question his bona fides. You cannot get more Indian than him. Unable to address the point raised by him, many are instead attacking the man - foolishly believing that people would forget what an exemplary life of giving he has lived.
Sahil Nov 24, 2015 07:47pm
Actually Anupam Kher is caught in cross fire between wife and BJP. His wife is BJP MP and Anump doesn't have a choice but support his wife which ultimately supports BJP.
Shame Nov 24, 2015 07:52pm
It's easy to say for Anupam Kher !
arya kumar Nov 24, 2015 07:56pm
the message of aamir khan was totally wrong i do not know about mumbai atmostphere But in rohtak a hindu majority town near delhi Muslim people are safe as others and they have no feelings of insecurity Even my neighbor who is Muslim fruit seller never express or show any sign of insecurity and we treat him same way as other people indeed we prefer to purchase from him
himanshu Nov 24, 2015 08:15pm
@Goga Nalaik how many muslims are lynched ?? Please don't stereotype India because of very few instances
AW Nov 24, 2015 08:45pm
Anupam Kher's tweets are ridiculous. Amir Khan is what he is today due to his own talent and hard work and not because of RSS, BJP or Shiv Sena. He is raising his voice because the Indian government of BJP has set aside the secular constitution in terms of its actions which speak louder than the words. Today because of the ruling party, the minorities are fearful since the government has failed to protect their lives and their rights. Anupam Kher should go take a cold shower so his brain and senses start working. BJP's lack of adherence to secular agenda is not only threatening minorities but is a clear threat to the state of India and to the region - BJP's behavior is not only irresponsible but also dangerous.
Indian guy Nov 24, 2015 08:58pm
If Amir Khan is scared, he can always leave India. India is a free country! No one is stopping him. He his wife and kids can go to Pakistan or Dubai.
Ali Nov 24, 2015 09:13pm
Anupam Kher should and must address source of intolerance which is creating grievances rather criticizing grieved people like various scholars returning their rewards or actors etc, who even are not Muslims.
Ali Nov 24, 2015 09:18pm
@Indian guy What about those scholars returning their awards and actors not Muslim but showing their grievances towards intolerance, intolerance is not the character of any free country .
sangun Nov 24, 2015 09:47pm
Did you all watch Sarfarosh? This movie proves he is a patriot. The movies PK and Fanaa proves Indians are tolerant of Aamir Khan despite he not being sensitive towards the hindu religion. The movie 3 idiots proves that the indian audience loves him. So why do you want to leave Mr. AK and where?
Secular Indian Nov 24, 2015 09:49pm
Anupam Kher is a BJP supporter. And we know how tolerant BJP is.It is evident from their response to a mere statement by Amir Khan. And how they responded to, SRK, and many other people who talked against them.
Petrolhead Nov 24, 2015 10:03pm
@Indian guy That's the right 'Modi' approach - Ask the sufferers to leave India rather than making things right. Not a good sign, to see India going down this way as a society.
VGP Nov 24, 2015 10:39pm
I have lost all respect for this guy
azkhan71 Nov 24, 2015 10:42pm
I can bet if Anupam Kher put himself in Aamir Khan's place, his view point will be the same. If Aamir Khan wants to leave India for his safety and the safety of his family than it his decision. I don't understand why Anupam Kher is getting upset.
Ali Nov 25, 2015 12:29am
it would have been better for Anupam Kher to address the source from where intolerance is erupting rather admonishing actors and scholars who are grieved over it.
INDIAN MUSLIM Nov 25, 2015 12:40am
I don't know where ppl are going...but i will not leave this Nation at any cost i love incredible INDIA..its not about being Sikh or Hindu or Muslim or any other religion its about loving ur country no matter What...India was tolerant is tolerant will be tolerant nation...
Moiez Nov 25, 2015 12:52am
Running away from problems only delays the solutions
Zala Nov 25, 2015 02:57am
It the rich muslims feels this way, I wonder what the poor Muslim feels. The rich Muslims can shift to another country but not a poor Muslim.
yabajan Nov 25, 2015 03:28am
@Syed qadri - Amir khan is most welcome to move out of the country. The fact and reality is India is and will remain one of the best and most secular places for ppl of all walks and religions to live peacefully. This was a highly immature and irresponsible statement by Aamir. ..most wc to move out..maybe he can move to one of the countries where he'll realize what freedom of speech and inhumane living standards are..
kuttathi Nov 25, 2015 05:49am
Dear Aamir Khan, India and China represent 1/3 rd of world population and you know how China treats religion.You also know how the 2/3rd of the world treat muslims.In Muslim majority area you know how they treat other muslim fellows. You indeed are Aamir Khan because of India.Indian Muslims should go out to see how they are accepted.In airport and all they just treat you as an ordinary Muslim and you have to go through thorough inspections compared to other people.India may have a problem here and there once in a while.But where in the world it is not?India is much safer for everybody as it is so inclusive.Grass is always greener on the otherside.When you go to the other side you will realise it was a mirage.
Azfar Nov 25, 2015 06:45am
Shahrukh expresses his concerns, nobody speaks up. Aaamir expresses his concerns, everyone goes mad.
dawn Nov 25, 2015 07:20am
You should also identify the problem and say it the way it is Anupamji. Amir's concerns are very valid.
Sikandar Ali Nov 25, 2015 07:33am
Mr. Anupam Kher If you people will not identify the problem then will have it very badly and think it again you will see the future if not act wisely.
gayaz Nov 25, 2015 07:51am
It's amir khan hard work, not India.
Tariq Nov 25, 2015 09:18am
Amir Khan statement should not taken against India but the governance which really make the superstar to think like that. Undoubtedly the biggest so called democracy had elected the second most dangerous person on earth as Prime Minster after Israeli Netenyahu.
sheikh Nov 25, 2015 09:29am
@Azfar 'cause Aamir is a patriot
Krishnan Nov 25, 2015 10:09am
Amir Khan has cult status in India. If you ask anyone in India name top 10 Indians in various fields then I am sure Amir Khans name will figure. He has achieved so much success, fame and money. This is not possible without the support of 82% Hindus of India. In the past three months perhaps three incidents were given too much of prominence. The lynching of a Muslim man over suspicion of eating beef. The blocking of Ghulam Ali's concert by Shiv sena and smearing of ink over the face of Sudeendra Kulkarni for hosting a former minister from Pakistan. India is a country of 120 crore people. Such isolated incidents are bound to happen.
Ramesh Nakhwa Nov 25, 2015 10:36am
@Syed qadri Amir khan is an actor. When he can make political comments why cant Kher ???
Akhilesh Nov 25, 2015 11:40am
@7th SENSE you hit the nail on it's head
aashish Nov 25, 2015 11:52am
@AW seed cannot turn into tree in barren lands
NO ONE Nov 25, 2015 03:31pm
Honest Nov 25, 2015 05:30pm
Anupam Kher why donot you spread the Harmony and Tolerance in India. Tell the fact and tell the Shiv Sena stop spreading the extremism in India against the Muslim. Live in Harmony as were living before. Unless someone does not feel the heat, he does not say. Amir Khan is feeling intolerance in India that is the reason, he is saying. He is stating the facts. Donot sweep the problems under the carpet.
Mohyal Nov 25, 2015 06:55pm
Time for Aamir to not just talk, but start to walk...
Mohyal Nov 25, 2015 07:03pm
Amir Khan chose to listen to a few hundred hardliners and go by newspaper reports of a few stray incidents. But he has labeled millions of his fans as intolerant. His extreme comments do not reflect the situation on the ground, hence he has lost credibility with his fans.
samu Nov 25, 2015 07:42pm
he is a kashmiri pandit he know what is real intolerance is
narvinnie Nov 25, 2015 07:47pm
I did not expect this from Anupam. Just because his wife is a BJP MLA he should not say stuff like this. This is not in his character
Fried Chillies Nov 25, 2015 08:30pm
@Syed qadri In a public profession or personality no one can claim they have earned their place just by merit. Its mainly a culmination of people's response. Let me explain - Not even Modi can claim he is a self made PM since its the people of India who responded to his work and elected him as PM and they can just as easily decide to take him down if he does not meet their expectations. Aamir khan too is an actor like many other actors. If he attained superstar status its because of the love bestowed on by the people. When people buy the products he endorses, repeats his songs and view every movie he makes he rises from mediocre to stardom. Even Sachin Tendulkar in his final days faced criticism from the masses for prolonging his retirement. Think over it and its absolutely ok to disagree with me, but yes do think
Alok Nov 25, 2015 10:18pm
Mr. Kher well said. Completly support you
Asad Ali Nov 25, 2015 10:54pm
@dabangg don't cover it with how is it like being muslim in most parts of the world. The fact is that India does not tolerate Muslims.
VK, Pul Bangash, Dilli Nov 26, 2015 03:21am
@Raza Absolutely agree with you, Brother. V.Kumar, Dilli
VK, Pul Bangash, Dilli Nov 26, 2015 03:24am
@Sunil So So you spread fear, and then instill hope in good strategy boy.
Eramangalam Somapalan Nov 26, 2015 11:50am
@AW Similarly Anupam Kher is also what he is now due to his own effort, he has his rights to own openion
Dr.Sadaf Nov 27, 2015 10:50pm
I cannot understand all the hue and cry, Amir Khan is not going anywhere, where will he go if he leaves his birth country, he just made a small remark.
shahryar Dec 01, 2015 02:45pm
the background of this conversation is the past of this situation, Mr Kher do know what BJP had done previously and its regime, (Babri Masjid) Incident is the most terrible thing happened, so this way the discrimination is right there, difference is the media is more strong and everybody knows
shahryar Dec 01, 2015 02:55pm
India is the 2nd biggest by population, democratically huge, financially strong, literally good , so the great powers comes with the great responsibilities. Not just in the bordered land but also in the region which is now known as Global Village.