
There is extreme intolerance in India, says Shah Rukh Khan

There is extreme intolerance in India, says Shah Rukh Khan

The Bollywood star is ready to give up his Padma Shri as a symbolic gesture against intolerance in India
02 Nov, 2015

The list of Bollywood stars speaking up against Shiv Sena's extremism just got a huge surge in cache with the arrival of Shah Rukh Khan in their count.

From veterans like Mahesh Bhatt to young, happening stars like Siddharth Malhotra have spoken out against Shiv Sena's recent threats against Pakistani actors and other luminaries working in India.

Shah Rukh expressed his views of the rising intolerance in India during a Twitter townhall session hosted by India Today's Rajdeep Sardesai today.

He said that he would give up his Padma Shri, the fourth highest civilian honour that he was awarded in 2005, as a symbolic gesture, reports Huffington Post India.

“Yes, as a symbolic gesture I would give it up… I do think there is intolerance. There is extreme intolerance,” he said.

He also spoke about why Bollywood celebrities are often not as vocal about issues as their Hollywood counterparts.

"With great power comes great vulnerabilities," Khan said, "if I take a stand on an X thing or a Y thing, people will come out and throw stones at my house but if I do take a stand, I'll stand by it. I feel sad, it's unfortunate and extremely pathetic but its better to keep quiet and do your job".

He added, "How many times should I react? America with all its issues and non-issues has slightly more leeway," and went on to explain that if "his film is stopped on a Friday for speaking his mind" then it would impact the lives of many others. "It's not a cop out, I'm being honest."


rehan Nov 02, 2015 04:03pm
srk why dont you shift to a tolerant pakistan
Shashidhar Nov 02, 2015 04:05pm
This is baffling. Shah rukh said this?! Shivasena has been doing this since its existence but this man never uttered a word. Now in Modis world, he sees intolerance?! Pathetic. Look guys, for everybody's information, shivasena doesn't represent India or its values. Just because of a couple stray incidents, he should not have colored the entire country in black.
Harmony-1 Nov 02, 2015 04:14pm
Another sane voice joins the chorus against rising intolerance...
سے Shaam Nov 02, 2015 04:22pm
"There is extreme intolerance in India" That is why he is a super star in India.
gopal Nov 02, 2015 04:24pm
SRK can move to Pakistan if he likes.
nitin Nov 02, 2015 04:28pm
after Bihar victory everyone silence it is only political drama
Ahmad Nov 02, 2015 04:44pm
It is a nice gesture and we Pkistanis respect this. We reciprocate with the message of love and peace.
ABC Nov 02, 2015 04:47pm
Yep, Even the people of India has started talking about it now. Its high time that India get rid of stone age mentality and try to go with modern world
Bajrangi Bhaijaan Nov 02, 2015 05:01pm
Yes there is intolerance in India that’s why he is and many others are allowed to speak against the government that’s why despite being a “Muslim” he got the unprecedented success in Bollywood.
BNA Nov 02, 2015 05:03pm
Please ask Rajdeep to return his Padma award as well in protest for what you plan to do. Has Rajdeep given up his gas subsidy too? That is more important than the these awards which are won through political connections
Dipak Singh Nov 02, 2015 05:24pm
I wonder why still now SRK didn't say anything about murders of writers In Bangladesh or what is going on in Syria or Irak. I shocked when thesehigh profile people only fevered one sided of Page. common SRK you most welcome to relocate from India where you want to go. its my humble opinion.
Oscar Nov 02, 2015 05:30pm
After reading some comments against Shahrukh - Dear indian Fellows, taking criticism is also symbol of tolerance. You can't ignore the fact that there exist extremism in India. I admit that Pakistan is no exceptional. We (both Pakistani and Indians)should stop portraying that we are from the greatest nations. Problems exist in both countries and need to be addressed.
pardeep Nov 02, 2015 05:30pm
Dilip kumar was a super star and now SRk himself is a superstar ...if we were intolerant he could not have succeeded. He has insulted Indians by Saying so.
Zafar Nov 02, 2015 05:53pm
@Dipak Singh There really is no need to be so sensitive about this. It is a real problem with people of Pakistan and India being so emotional about such issues. Think with a clear head please. There should not be intolerance in any part of the world, period.
Mirza Nov 02, 2015 06:27pm
Once Salman Khan was asked by a reporter if he felt that muslims in India were disadvantaged. He said if that was the case then there wouldn't have been a Salman Khan as one of the top stars in the film industry. Nor would there be SRK and Amir khan. Very well said.
Dipak Singh Nov 02, 2015 06:30pm
With these tow or three incident which was did by Shiv Sena to Pakistani representatives doesn't meant as a whole India. Shame on you SRK who loves you like Hero, Son etc etc.. today you saying extreme intolerance in India? unacceptable from you, I will stop watching your movie from today onward.
Arshad Nov 02, 2015 06:43pm
@gopal Dear Gopal, what you just said is also intolerance, should we not respect others opinion.
Harmony-1 Nov 02, 2015 06:47pm
@Rehan - Amazing how people are asking their own citizens to move out of their country. Must be bad that it has come to this. Where would you want Zubin Mehta to go?
Truth Prevails Nov 02, 2015 07:01pm
Shiv sena's antics are not new. This party is intolerant not only towards Pakistan but also towards its cabinet partner BJP. In fact shiv sena is fighting BJP in KDMC (Near Mumbai) Council poll in Maharashtra. All these rantings are for votes. When it started in 60s, it was against south Indians and thereafter it was against north Indians . It is better ignored I wonder why SRK waited for so many years when this intolerance is known to exist in some form!
Hasan sahab Nov 02, 2015 07:24pm
@Shashidhar but because of the few terrorists, Pakistan should be declared as a terrorist country? I see your(indians) logic
Nabarun Dey Nov 02, 2015 07:29pm
He should not have been awarded Padma shri in the first place. I would welcome if he keeps his promise
Alan Nov 02, 2015 07:32pm
"SRK move to Pakistan"...really?? If an indian citizen tries to address the elephant in the room he is asked to leave the country...Partition was not such a bad idea afterall..
aj Nov 02, 2015 07:47pm
@Dipak Singh You have proved SRK point, learn to accept other view rather than showing extremism
AXH Nov 02, 2015 07:48pm
Looking at comments from across the border, it seems pretty obvious that if you are a Muslim in India and happens to be very successful then you are expected ONLY to entertain people and not speak your mind and if you do that then you will be asked to relocate to Pakistan. The same has happened to Dalip Kumar in the past. Hopefully, Adnan Sami is paying attention.
shabut Nov 02, 2015 08:03pm
Most of the comments on this forum from Indians is itself a proof of intolerance.
Rajesh R Nov 02, 2015 08:06pm
if somebody like SRK says there is intolerance then, maybe we should look at this differently, maybe there is a growing intolerance. NDTV recently showed a group of Shiv Sena folks beating up a RTI activist. This should not be allowed. Our silence will embolden these anti social elements. SRK is right to stand up against it. It will raise awareness.
Zack Khan Nov 02, 2015 08:07pm
@Shashidhar neither does taliban represent the whole of Pakistan, but isn't that's how we are painted!
Zack Khan Nov 02, 2015 08:07pm
@سے Shaam is there a better actor than him in India!
Zack Khan Nov 02, 2015 08:08pm
@Dipak Singh he is bringing this up because it is directly effecting him!
A Troll From Nowhere Nov 02, 2015 08:14pm
India need no enemies. Modi and his Shiv Sena is enough to destroy it. My argument may sound harsh and unacceptable to many but I am reasonably sure that the only serious threat India has today and future is increasing intolerance and bigotry in its political circles especially BJP and its stooge Shiv Sena.
Mazhar Nov 02, 2015 08:14pm
@rehan , he is most welcome here in Pakistan and even you are welcome here.
Asif (Lahore) Nov 02, 2015 08:16pm
How can he say that India is extreme intolerance when most of the Khans are ruling Bollywood and there are so many Muslims who are highly successful in many sectors. Exaggeration!
Raja Farhat Abbas Nov 02, 2015 09:31pm
@gopal People like you prove his point and I totally agree with SRK .
muntzir Nov 02, 2015 09:37pm
he said he will return the award if asked to..
Mohammad Khan (USA) Nov 02, 2015 09:40pm
There was always the element of intolerance in India, but now after and the main party of intolerance was Shiv Sena today we see extreme intolerance and the main cause of this extreme intolerance is number one Prime Minister Modi and number two there is a split in Shiv Sena too one is Balthakery's son and another is his Nephew Raj there is a lot of tension between them Raj is handling Shiv Sena through his methods and Bala sahebs son is handling it his way and above all the joker is Mr.Modi who is handling both of them all of them have to be against Muslims specially Pakistan to run their Government so that is the main reason we see extreme extremism and intolerance and this will go higher and higher if the Muslims of India needs to live in India they should stop contributing their abilities and return all the awards they got from the Government of India
sudheer Nov 02, 2015 09:49pm
my wifes christian friend put this on his Facebook account - "Eating chapati with goumatha". I am pretty liberal in my views. definitely wouldn't bash him up or react. honestly the taunt hurts……when will SRK talk about these things?
Aur Nov 02, 2015 09:58pm
THANK YOU SRK and all those who have spoken up !!! and just look at the Indians here who are telling him to go to pakistan and leave india, just becoz he has dared to SPEAK UP ... shows the intolerance in india that SRK and others are talking about ....
Indian guy Nov 02, 2015 10:09pm
Extreme intolerance is there in every part of the world. World seem to be engulfed in hatred now a days. People do not like other country, within country, they do not like other person's religion, within same religion, they do not like other sect, within same family, they do not like other cousin and in same family, people are not liking their own family members. Reason, they have different view than theirs. People forget that no 2 people are alike! May be it is time people start accepting other person who are different than them and world will slowly change.
subcontinent Nov 02, 2015 10:19pm
Well said. I think each word of the khan bears out the truthfulness of the fact that enmity and antipathy of India's radicals are out of control. The state should enhance her secular values as supporting or cherishing the values of the Nehru's India.
Sita Nov 02, 2015 10:19pm
Indians, as usual in denial.
Daood Nov 02, 2015 10:21pm
And the comments over here from our fellow Indians are proving his point.
Haider Nov 02, 2015 11:02pm
100 YEARS ago our ancestors told us so, this is why two nation came into being, and today it is very clear. Devidian Hindu is insecure and obsessed, no different than KKK or Neo Nazi.
Jawed Usmani Nov 02, 2015 11:02pm
This "intolerance" binge is starting to get ridiculous. India is a country of 1.3 billion people, that 1/5 the of the whole world. A stray incidence here and there can not be perceived as phenomenal growth of intolerance. Very few countries around the world are as tolerant as India and this includes much of the western word where you can live all your life but their society will make sure that you feel you don't belong there.
Asif Nov 02, 2015 11:06pm
How come an intolerant India made you a superstar? There is something amiss.
Awais Lodhi Nov 02, 2015 11:21pm
When stars such as srk make blockbusters, Indians shower them with love just because they are promoting the brand India however when the stars point out the tolerance prevalent in the indian society, they are asked to leave India. I call that hypocrisy.
Awais Lodhi Nov 02, 2015 11:23pm
@Shashidhar hundreds of indians asking srk to leave india prove him right.
VRM Nov 02, 2015 11:42pm
In recent days there have been intolerant incidents in India which should never have happened. However, using the word extreme is extreme in itself.
Khan Nov 02, 2015 11:55pm
@Shashidhar The amount of pakistanis who are terrorists are minuscule, yet you guys routinely portray all pakistanis as crazy fanatics. Now after shiv Sena directly tries to effect us, you want us to take notice that they are just a fringe and not mainstream? Double standards. And let's not forget: our extremists don't win any elections. Yours do.
prashanth Nov 02, 2015 11:56pm
Funny thing is, all those who are returning their awards, received those awards during Congress regime. And the recent killings have happened in states ruled by Congress(Karnataka), SP(Uttar Pradesh) and BJP(Haryana). And Modi does not control the police of these states. So should he send the military to these states, over looking the state governments?
Parth Nov 03, 2015 12:11am
What he means is his latest movies are flopped and Salman is preferred.
kuka Nov 03, 2015 12:20am
Everyone knows about this Mr. Khan.
Aleem Nov 03, 2015 12:24am
@rehan He is most welcome in Pakistan!!
Aleem Nov 03, 2015 12:27am
@Mirza On the basis of their looks they break through and make it. In between them and the masses of Muslims in India, there is a huge gap in terms of opportunities available and upward mobility for minorities in India.
Cyz Nov 03, 2015 12:30am
I see emotional comments from fellow Indians telling. SRK to go to Pakistan or pointing at his religion.... Isn't that an immature knee jerk reaction which is again a sign of intolerance that any Muslim who comments about this issue is told to move to Pakistan.... And in that we forget all the other things the same person might have said in support of the country? Isn't it extremely offensive to question that person's patriotism just cause he is a Muslim? I am a Hindu but I agree with SRK about intolerance.... The divisive comments made by the ministers of ruling party, all the brouhaha about beef, the increase in vitriolic in public space.... That is intolerance and I fear for my country.... Cause the long term impact of this could be very detrimental to our society. Indians cannot afford to take divisive and staunch stance - our society will not survive it
Pukudengutha Nov 03, 2015 01:06am
@Zack Khan He is the worst actor of India. Rest are all better.
Sonny Afridi Nov 03, 2015 01:17am
@Shashidhar Shiv Sena represents india the same way BJP and RSS do. These groups are all one and the same as far as we are concerned.
sudhir Nov 03, 2015 01:31am
@Sita Look who's talking
Murali -Neutral Indian Nov 03, 2015 01:36am
@ Rehan BJP supporters can't tolerate that Shah Rukh is calling India intolerant. That proves the point.
LTPeace Nov 03, 2015 01:38am
@prashanth Least he can do is strongly condemn it, instead of calling it unfortunate. His legacy imposes a higher standard on him.
AHA Nov 03, 2015 02:36am
Free publicity of Sivasena.Just see results of local bodies
nick Nov 03, 2015 03:00am
He always do that,later he apologizes and eats his own words
pc amin Nov 03, 2015 03:31am
@Dipak Singh i am sure SRK has opinions about wrong things happening in other nation. but should he not express his view for the things happening in india? you do have right to disagree with his view but do not have right to export him
pc amin Nov 03, 2015 03:35am
@pardeep he has insulted those who are intoerent. you are taking credit for their success? their success is due to their talent and mass majority indians do not hate others for their religions barring few intolrent
Hasan Nov 03, 2015 03:38am
@Shashidhar you are wrong. In Modi's government, Shiv Sena is definitely much more active and visible. I guess you have no clue as to what level of open speech being conducted by Shiv Sena, which was not the case before Modi !!
A. Ali Nov 03, 2015 04:08am
@Shashidhar ............. what's biting you is a Muslim speaking for intolerance in India. what's wrong with that ? you are democratic and secular at the same time, as you relentlessly cling with this two words, whereas in no democratic country whom you are following to copy, would ever ban beef and lynch a Muslim for eating that. no other democratic country would stage protest in a govt office backed by govt to shun out other countries delegation. quote one such example in last 100 years ?
Suj Nov 03, 2015 05:08am
Showing his displeasure now as his latest film Raees is getting affected!! Typical business man.
md Nov 03, 2015 05:53am
@Arshad Right that intolerance but that is against propaganda,against a false statement...there were case earlier had happened but never given media hype because of Modi Pak media is really following him closely ...Nobody highlighting his good gesture his leadership quality...only such thing he never indulged
Adnan Mazher Khan Nov 03, 2015 06:57am
@Dipak Singh . .You have no clue how stars shine or earth moves.
Talha Nov 03, 2015 09:00am
@Khan Well said Khan and Shah Rukh Khan.
laxlax Nov 03, 2015 09:06am
@Dipak Singh Running away is seldom an option. Its better to stay back and make life better for all.
Talha Nov 03, 2015 09:10am
@prashanth SRK didn't specifically talk about incidents where Hindu extremists killed poor Muslim minorities. He was talking about the general environment in India which is becoming extreme and includes: banning of beef, throwing of black ink, asking people to leave India if they point out a problem, disrespecting and mistreating women, mistreating foreign guests whether Asians or Europeans, mainstreaming an extremist party like Shiv Sena, disrespecting of the faiths of Sikhs and people of other religions, killings of people from minorities including Dalits and much more. SRK speaks sense if one thinks from a neutral view.
Alibaba Nov 03, 2015 10:28am
Khan sahib, As you had once quoted in a movie....Bade bade deshon main ye choti choti baatein hoti rahti hai...
Ayaz Munir Nov 03, 2015 12:33pm
@Dipak Singh My dear he is an Indian and he discussing the problems he is facing himself . Talking about Bangladesh or Iraq , whats the point in it?? If someone in Bangladesh criticizes their government , should the government say check out the Intolerance in India or they should defend their stance?? Think about it
amit Nov 03, 2015 12:56pm
THANK YOU SRK and all those who have spoken up !!! and just look at the Indians here who are telling him to go to pakistan and leave india, just becoz he has dared to SPEAK UP ... shows the intolerance in india that SRK and others are talking about ....
DP Nov 03, 2015 01:32pm
SRK himself is an intolerant man, he has slapped many media people and camera men, he forcefully entered MCA stadium..... for his success he has done everything and now he is preaching to others, he has become so egoistic person now and will do everything to earn his name and fame.
zoya Nov 03, 2015 02:23pm
this is intolerance, you people can't positively take this comment.. a person can be right or wrong but you should tolerate .. LIVE EXAMPLE well its not about India, its about illeteracy
Rachit Nov 03, 2015 06:42pm
Shahrukh got this award from a Muslim President of India. This man has tens of millions of Hindu fans praying for his well-being.
Baffled Nov 05, 2015 01:46am
@Bajrangi Bhaijaan he is an Indian! Being Muslim or Hindu has nothing to do with it. You're implying that he is being allowed to be a superstar despite him being a Muslim? Even though he's an Indian national! That's pathetic to say the least and you're voicing BJP's intolerant mentality.
Saira khan durrani Nov 06, 2015 12:10am
@Mirzaji.... Well said