
Selena Gomez deletes video crying about deportation of undocumented immigrants

Selena Gomez deletes video crying about deportation of undocumented immigrants

The singer posted the video to her Instagram story and faced backlash from conservatives.
28 Jan, 2025

Pop icon Selena Gomez posted and deleted a video of herself crying over deportations of undocumented immigrants by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents in the US after Donald Trump was elected as president, Variety reported.

“I just wanted to say that I’m so sorry. All my people are getting attacked, the children. I don’t understand. I’m so sorry. I wish I could do something but I can’t. I don’t know what to do. I’ll try everything, I promise,” she said amid tears in a video posted to her Instagram story.

Gomez is Mexican-American and, according to The Cut, her paternal grandparents were undocumented immigrants.

The Spring Breakers actor deleted the video shortly after it was posted when she received backlash from conservatives. According to Variety, she then posted a since-deleted response on her Instagram that said, “Apparently it’s not ok to show empathy for people”.

Right-wing political host Tomi Lahren posted a video on X (formerly Twitter) criticising Gomez and called her a “certified moron.”

“This is why we don’t take our political advice from Disney child stars,” she said.

Gomez has advocated for undocumented immigrants in the past. In 2019, she produced the documentary Living Undocumented and wrote an essay for Time about America’s immigration crisis.

“Undocumented immigration is an issue I think about every day, and I never forget how blessed I am to have been born in this country thanks to my family and the grace of circumstance,” she wrote.

Since Trump came into office, ICE has drastically increased efforts to deport undocumented immigrants. The Washington Post reported that Trump officials issued arrest quotas to ICE, asking them to arrest “at least 1,200 to 1,500” people per day.

ICE officials told the Post that the order will “significantly increase the chance that officers will engage in more indiscriminate enforcement tactics or face accusations of civil rights violations.”

Amid the crackdown 956 arrests were reported on Sunday, 286 arrests on Saturday, 593 arrests on Friday and 538 arrests on Thursday, the BBC said.


JohnDoe Jan 28, 2025 04:51pm
crocodile tear.
Gurpreet Singh Jan 28, 2025 05:24pm
She’s crying over the deportation of criminals, its ridiculous! If she’s so concerned about them, she’s free to leave with them.
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Jan 28, 2025 05:50pm
Too little, too late.
Fastforward Jan 28, 2025 06:07pm
Why can’t she self-deport to Mexico to show the credibility of her sorrow?
Tahmad Jan 28, 2025 06:29pm
Not all illegal immigrants are doing bad things in USA and Canada, majority of them are hard working and honest people, if all goes fine in their respective countries, they may not come to USA/Canada illegally. Please think about it and keep good people and issue them legal status so that they can pay local tax as well.
Laila Jan 28, 2025 06:36pm
Every country has borders and a right to guard those borders. Go the legal way or be faced with the prospect of deportation or/and criminal charges disabling future entry into such countries. It's insane how people expect laws to just not be applied and operate open borders with undocumented or illegal immigrants. She shouldn't have deleted her video as that's her opinion and she is entitled to have it. Just like her government is entitled disregard opinions and apply their laws.
Love America Jan 28, 2025 07:22pm
America and Canada have a lot of lands and they need people to work here, why not they grant legal status to all illegal people so that they can pay local taxes and raise their families. Let’s bring more people from Gaza, Afghanistan and Pakistan as well.
babaji Jan 28, 2025 08:19pm
she has a heart
SyedHasni Jan 28, 2025 09:02pm
Why did Donald Trump marry an immigrant? Once again, immigrants are doing the jobs no American want to do. I hear you Selena !
asif hussain Jan 28, 2025 10:27pm
all country,s have the legal right to remove unregistered people from their country. convicted criminals etc. Any person entering any country should have paperwork from their country,s to say that they do not have records. Also i will say do not let any country bully you stick up for your rights.
Imran khan (Mardan) KPK Jan 28, 2025 10:59pm
All non western countries should expel westerners from their countries too.
Fastforward Jan 29, 2025 05:01am
Until now I have not seen “crocodile tears”. But today I was very fortunate to see “crocodile tears”
Anonymouseee Jan 29, 2025 10:22am
Where were yer tears when Palestinian children were being murdered by Israeli terrorists for over a year at least. Such double standards.
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Jan 29, 2025 12:51pm
Get ready, this is just the beginning and tip of the iceberg of a highly controversial time and tenure of Donald Trump in the White House, Washington, D.C.
Laila Jan 29, 2025 03:06pm
@SyedHasni You should probably actually read the article, seeing the heading wasn't enough clue, as you are talking about something completely different. Do you really not understand the difference between 'legal immigrants' and undocumented immigrants'? Do you understand the concept of borders and immigration laws?
Laila Jan 29, 2025 03:15pm
@Anonymouseee Where are and were your tears when, as we speak, 35+ millions Africans are displaced in Africa afflicted by genocides, burning of entire villages, systematic and weaponized rapes of females of all ages, butchering of males, no place to find refuge amidst wars in Rwanda, Sudan etc? Where are your tears for the displaced and persecuted of Myanmar? Or for the Uighurs if China? Or for our own Pakistanis and local minorities like the enforced disappearances and killings of Balochis, activists, journalists, the forced conversions and rapes of religious minority girls? So worry about your own double standards and selective outrage.
SyedHasni Jan 29, 2025 06:20pm
Dear Laila, I feel bad for you, I see from your writing, that you lack abstract thinking which is a hallmark of Alzheimer's disease. The context here is to bring a smile to a beautiful girl who is suffering from a deadly disease and has undergone Kidney Transplant no legal advise or political statement. Since you have Poked me before and I could not answer your question last time. Sex" refers to the biological characteristics that define someone as male or female, based on factors like chromosomes, hormones, and reproductive organs, while "gender" is a social construct referring to the roles, behaviors, and identities associated with being male or female, which can be influenced by cultural expectations and personal perception, and may not always align with one's sex assigned at birth; essentially, sex is biological, while gender is social. Kind Regards S
Azhar Nadeem Jan 29, 2025 07:36pm
I strongly advocate the arrest and deportation of un documented and illegal immigrants in any country of the world.