
Worldwide protests held over Indian medic’s rape and murder

Worldwide protests held over Indian medic’s rape and murder

Activists say the Kolkata case shows how women continue to suffer from sexual violence.
09 Sep, 2024

Thousands of diaspora Indians protested in more than 130 cities across 25 countries on Sunday, organisers said, to demand justice after last month’s rape and murder of a trainee doctor at a hospital in the city of Kolkata.

The protests started in large and small groups across Japan, Australia, Taiwan and Singapore, before spreading to cities in Europe and the US.

They added to ongoing nationwide protests in India after the August 9 killing of the 31-year-old postgraduate student of chest medicine. A suspect has been arrested along with the former principal of RG Kar Medical College where the victim was studying.

“The news of this heinous crime committed on a young trainee doctor while on duty numbed and shocked each of us at the sheer ruthlessness, brutality and disregard of human life,” said Dipti Jain, an organiser of the global protests.

The doctor had retired to sleep on a piece of carpet in a seminar room after a marathon 36-hour shift, given the lack of dorms or resting rooms. She was later found bleeding from her eyes and mouth, with injuries to her legs, stomach, ankles, her right hand and finger, according to a doctor’s inquest report accessed by Reuters.

Hundreds of protesters gathered in several cities in the San Francisco Bay Area, demanding accountability for the crime and safety for Indian women.

In Dublin, California, about 56 kilometres east of San Francisco, protesters formed a human chain, shouting slogans and waving placards that read “We demand justice” and “Shout it loud, shout it far, justice for RG Kar”.

People across ages, including young children and seniors, recited poems and took part in a street theatre.

“While we do want women’s safety, this is about the safety of everyone at their workplaces,” said Sukalpa Chowdhury, a 39-year-old physician who joined the protests in Dublin.

“How can we have our future generations, who will go to the same institutes, feel safe, get a good education and serve society? That is a big concern for everyone.”

At another protest in the Swedish capital Stockholm, scores of mainly black-clad women gathered in Sergels Torg square to sing songs in Bengali and hold signs.

Although tougher laws were introduced after the 2012 gruesome gang rape and murder of a 23-year-old student on a moving bus in New Delhi, activists say the Kolkata case shows how women continue to suffer from sexual violence.

India’s federal police are investigating the crime but are yet to file charges. The country’s Supreme Court created a hospital safety task force last month to recommend steps to ensure medical workers’ safety.


Tahmad Sep 09, 2024 12:15pm
Very sad and tragic things happening in India, please stop this nonsense and make India great and secular country again. Please love all Indians as one great nation on earth.
sadiq Sep 09, 2024 12:42pm
Hope the world - at least after these protests - is able to see the actual face - of the so called incredible india.
Maryam Balenciaga Sep 09, 2024 12:58pm
Atleast they protest, here bone chilling Asifa's case is buried and forgotten with no concrete laws.
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Sep 09, 2024 02:56pm
Please remember the centuries old axiom, "Justice delayed is akin to justice denied."
JohnDoe Sep 09, 2024 03:45pm
Please don't make it a political issue!!
Multani Sep 09, 2024 05:13pm
One rape and so much protest in india, why are we so quiet at our daily rape and murder of young girls , are they not our own.
K R Sep 09, 2024 05:39pm
India needs to fix this attitude towards women, one of the major hurdles for her to become a developed country. In Pakistan we treat women and people with disabilities worse. Everyone is equal and should be treated equal with respect and dignity.
Khadija Sep 09, 2024 07:42pm
As a woman myself, my sincere thanks to Jinnah. Me and my daughters are safe in Pakistan.
Khadija Sep 09, 2024 07:44pm
Barbaric beliefs breeds uncivilized culture.
Laila Sep 10, 2024 01:48pm
My reaction to this was similar to the Nirbhaya of Delhi case. I became physically sick. So this time I chose actively not delve into the gory details of the case. One thing is to stop somebody exposing your hospital scam. It's a whole other thing to unleased such misogynistic and unwarranted torture and brutality. During the Nirbhaya case there were also huge protests and demands for justice and change. Nothing changed.. Otherwise this medic case would've not happened. Nothing will change before the existing law is enforced by courts and police are ruled by law instead of corruption and misogyny and culprits are not acquitted as soon as the media attention and protests fade.