
Called for legalisation of theatre dances, not pornography, clarifies Yasir Hussain

Called for legalisation of theatre dances, not pornography, clarifies Yasir Hussain

The actor said the censor board should set age limits on films instead of banning them completely.
Updated 07 Sep, 2024

Yasir Hussain addressed claims that he had called for the legalisation of pornography and clarified that he wanted dances performed at Lahore theatres to be legalised for the government’s monetary gains.

Earlier, social media users and news outlets had alleged that Hussain was calling for the legalisation of pornography after the actor said “adult entertainment should be legalised” on Ahmed Ali Butt’s podcast.

In a recent appearance on Faysal Qureshi’s podcast Pressure Buhat Hey, Hussain stated, “The dances in Lahore theatres are ‘adult entertainment’ because children do not go there”.

According to the actor, the government could earn money if such performances — which he said had expensive licenses globally — were legalised. He said that if a normal theatre ticket costs Rs1,000 then such shows should charge Rs4,000 per ticket with the excess going towards the government.

“So much revenue would be generated if it was legal. Currently, it is illegal and still occurs daily; if it was legalised the only difference would be that the government gets money.”

Hussain detailed that to shut such adult entertainment down, the government announces that it would eradicate vulgarity, conducts raids, takes money and shuts the theatre down, however, the shows resume a few days later. He added that with the current system, the government and treasury was gaining nothing.

“The other thing I said was that if we were so pure then Pakistan wouldn’t place first or second on porn consumption. We are very involved with this, so why don’t they [the government] legalise these dances?”

The Badshah Begum actor said that pornographers were paying taxes and making their content, rhetorically questioning who he was to have it legalised.

Hussain also urged the censor board to set ratings for films, which “happens across the world” so Pakistani cinema could flourish. He said that if the board decided that a 14-year-old, for example, could not watch a movie, only the producer would bear partial loss.

“The film shouldn’t be banned, rendering adults unable to watch it,” he said, adding that the audiences would watch the content on streaming sights instead.

Commenting on the Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA), Hussain said there should be stricter rules for television because children with remotes can control what content is played on the screen. He stated that the recent Shiza and Fiza scene during a show — wherein two twin sisters switch husbands by accident — was not funny but was allowed to run on television despite the seriousness of the matter.

Hussain alleged that intimacy was shown on television and that the things that should be in films are allowed on television but barred from the cinema. He added that banning content on YouTube was “ridiculous” because people could upload those videos elsewhere.


Muneer Ahmed Memon Sep 07, 2024 03:10pm
Why we assume that actor would be intellectual. Why people ask answers to such questions from these actors. Only for rating. In one of the protest Sanam saeed voiced that school may give safe sex education to students. This is their knowledge
Taj Ahmad Sep 07, 2024 03:11pm
Double standards policy by the sensor board of Pakistan should not be in placed from very beginning after the partition of Pakistan, let’s make this sensor board work correctly from now on and make films shooting producer’s and director’s get proper approval from sensor board before executing the films or TV drama series.
js Sep 07, 2024 05:53pm
Sex education should definitely be incorporated in schools so that children know how to protect themselves and others.
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Sep 07, 2024 05:56pm
Tip of the iceberg.
Amna Sep 08, 2024 03:38am
Muneer Ahmed, Why are you here wasting your intellectual opinions on ignorant artists ? Don't you have worth things to worry about ?
Talha Sep 08, 2024 06:01am
This is the islamic Republic of Pakistan. There is a difference between something going on as contraband and society accepting something as normal or even celebrating it. Is it too hard to understand, Yasir Hussain?
Don Sep 08, 2024 01:44pm
He’s got a point though
Laila Sep 08, 2024 02:53pm
Unsure what dances he is talking about? Does he mean 'stage shows' where tightly dressed women shake their bodies in vulgar manner for an exclusively male audience including children? Thought legal, they should be banned as it is clear fahashi. Same with illegal mujra shows taking place across Pakistan often at weddings for males, where girls and transgenders dressed as females dance while the so-called"shareef" "men" shower money and touch and dance closely with them. I have never been to a theatre in Pakistan so I don't know what Yasir means. Maybe he should stop using sensational trigger words like "Adult Entertainment" which has always meant pornography/stripping. Hard to believe this is Pakistan. Land of the pure? What about the dramas displaying violence on and degradation of females? Why not ban them also?
Laila Sep 08, 2024 03:00pm
@MUNEER AHMED MEMON If Sanam Saeed said that, she is right. When parent refuse to parent/raise their kids (parwarish) and educate kids on life, sex, marriage, consent, legal rights clearly schools have to. Do you think it's responsible to push children into marriage (a great % of girl are married off under the age of consent in Pakistan which is 17) by not explaining to them their marital duties and rights? Our society is plagued by misinformation, jahalat, illiteracy, taboos and censorship under the guise of shame and honor. We need to address that. Otherwise I agree with you many of these actors have zero knowledge.
Busaifo Sep 08, 2024 03:13pm
I second Mr. Muneer Memon, they are entertainers and they gained knowledge to gain publicity period!!!, especially this character..
F Sep 08, 2024 07:05pm
And who is going to implement those age restrictions? We all know cinema owners will mean business
Sabeeh Sep 09, 2024 08:57am
Sad, a time will come that people will not care were the money is being earned from. So, we have started talking about making our desires a law.