
Ugandan athlete Rebbeca Cheptegei dies after being set on fire by boyfriend

Ugandan athlete Rebbeca Cheptegei dies after being set on fire by boyfriend

The Olympian sustained burns to 80pc of her body and according to a medic, all her organs failed.
Updated 05 Sep, 2024

Ugandan Olympic athlete Rebecca Cheptegei has died after being set on fire by her boyfriend in Kenya, Uganda’s Olympic Committee chief said on Thursday.

“We have learnt of the sad passing on of our Olympic athlete Rebecca Cheptegei… following a vicious attack by her boyfriend,” Donald Rukare said in a post on X.

Cheptegei, 33, had sustained burns to 80 per cent of her body, the acting head of the Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital (MTRH) in the Rift Valley city of Eldorect where she was being treated, had told reporters on Tuesday.

“All her organs failed last night,” a medic at the facility told AFP on Thursday.

Police had said a man named Dickson Ndiema Marangach, identified as her partner, had allegedly doused Cheptegei with petrol and set her alight in an attack on Sunday at her home in Endebess in the western county of Trans-Nzoia.

The incident took place just weeks after Cheptegei had taken part in the marathon at the Paris Olympics, where she placed 44th.

Kenyan media had reported that one of Cheptegei’s daughters witnessed the assault at her mother’s home.

“He kicked me while I tried to run to the rescue of my mother,” Kenya’s The Standard reported her as saying.

“I immediately cried out for help, attracting a neighbour who tried to extinguish the flames with water, but it was not possible,” said the girl, who has not been named.

Marangach was also wounded in the incident, sustaining 30pc burns on his body.

The assault comes two years after Kenyan-born athlete Damaris Mutua was found dead in Iten, a world-famous running hub in the Rift Valley. And in 2021, record-breaking Kenyan runner Agnes Tirop, 25, was found stabbed to death at her home in Iten in 2021. Her estranged husband is on trial over her murder. He has denied the charges.

Latest figures from the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics published in January 2023 found that 34pc of women in the country had experienced physical violence since the age of 15.


Taj Ahmad Sep 05, 2024 12:50pm
Very tragic death this young athletic, rest in peace, Amen.
Laila Sep 05, 2024 01:14pm
Misogyny exists. Social control of women, their lives, their minds and inevitably their bodies exist. This is misogyny. Uganda is not new to such violence against women. I saw a documentary which showed lesbian Ugandan females were targeted and raoped to "turn them straight". The count relies on mythical man made beliefs rather than science and facts. Their politicians are corrupt. According to Uganda's Bureau of Statistics 95% of Ugandan women have experienced physical/sexual violence. I suspect our numbers are the same in Pak.
Fareeha Sep 05, 2024 01:19pm
Need to be severe punishments for domestic violence. Mens egos can't handle the success of their wives .
Lwazi Matsaku Sep 05, 2024 04:11pm
The boyfriend is a monster & a coward whom i suspect does drugs. The law must take its course severely so especially considering this hienious crime was committed in the deceased daughters presence.. that montster is an animal.
Kashif Sep 05, 2024 04:26pm
Such incidents are very painful to here. All such criminals should be punished by the law. Assaults in Western World on women in tha name of so called freedom are even a bigger issue which is not being highlighted like it happens with developing countries.
F Sep 05, 2024 04:56pm
NYS Sep 05, 2024 05:25pm
Third degree burnt wounds can't survive Was tragic demise RIP
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Sep 05, 2024 05:26pm
What a gigantic, grave, gruesome, grisly, grim, ghastly, gross and great tragedy? Inna Lilla Hay Waa Inna Illehey Rajayoon.
Shoaib Mir Sep 05, 2024 05:48pm
Very tragic incident
James Sep 05, 2024 06:29pm
folks are assuming events conspired in Uganda but the article states it happened inside Kenya, misogynistic tendencies are rife in majority of the continent and the world still but it is important to state the reason Ugandan athlete was living in Kenya. Also, the article fails to report if the culprit was in custody? why such lackadaisical approach to apprehending men in the central, western African nations? have there been any anti-precendents that condone this? no one is now asking about uplift of women in the central and western african nations but if it was Pakistan, all NGOs would run to pretend something needed done or something was being done. when you talk of Pakistan, the situation maybe more dire than african nations. why we have rising rates of revenge and gang rapes is beyond me, if I lived there, I will exact frontier justice on the culprits, maybe it should be the same across the board where crimes happen against women by men. full stop.
Say No to Dynasty politics Sep 05, 2024 06:38pm
Unbelievable cruelty, but same things happen in Pakistan with acid attacks z these criminals should be punished the same way as their victims. An eye for an eye method.
a4 Sep 05, 2024 07:32pm
Heartbreaking. May her soul rest in peace.
GettingThere Sep 06, 2024 12:25pm
Just pure evil. Sickening:(
Laila Sep 06, 2024 07:42pm
@KASHIF Why always bring up the Western world when the article is about Africa and not West? What about the Southern or Northern world? Also I never heard about the so-called "attacks on [Western] women in tha name of freedom". What does that even mean? Can we focus on this article instead? You can always write your own article and send it to Images. Two wrongs don't make a rights. Deflection is not right either.
Laila Sep 06, 2024 07:49pm
@JAMES NGOs are actually present in Africa too. There are plenty of initiatives and projects geared towards betterment and safety of females be that fistula, child brides, rape, slavery or other. I have never seen "All NGOS" come running if this was in pakistan as this is already happens in Pakistan and has been happening for over 7 decades. I don't know why we are using NGO with a negative connotation. Their role and work is greatly misunderstood. It's as if we are saying bad things happen but at the same time we don't appreciate it if somebody wants to help and we also don't want to take a stand ourselves. So things won't change.