
Nimra Khan hopes other women benefit from her sharing her ‘attempted kidnapping’ story

Nimra Khan hopes other women benefit from her sharing her ‘attempted kidnapping’ story

The actor said the assailant had not been caught and hoped others did not become victims of such crimes.
03 Sep, 2024

Nimra Khan recently spoke about her attempted kidnapping and hoped that other women would not go through the same ordeal, adding that “major action” was taken for her case but other incidents did not receive the same attention.

Last month, Khan revealed that she was almost kidnapped from outside the Ramada Karachi Creek Hotel while waiting for her car. Teary-eyed, she detailed in a video shared on her Instagram that three armed men on a motorcycle came up to her and allegedly pressed a gun to her stomach in an attempt to kidnap her despite a visible mobile phone in her hand.

In an appearance on the 365 Podcast With Adnan Faisal, the Umme Ayesha actor appreciated the efforts of the Sindh police and the deputy inspector general (DIG) involved in her case. However, she said people thought she posted her Instagram video for fame.

“Even if I do say I did it for fame, what about the women whose pictures are printed [in the newspaper]? I put up a story the next day clarifying that I’m not the focus, the crime is the focus. Today Nimra Khan raised her voice and such major action was taken and everyone was shaken, but what about the girl whose picture was printed? Why is her incident talked about in the past tense?”

Khan said that crime like this was “unstoppable even if there was action because if there isn’t kidnapping there’s snatching, target killing and harassment” that would continue to occur. She added that she tried to set an example with her case but people were “not used to being supportive”, however, she was happy that a lot of people including the entire media industry did stand with her.

When asked by the host why her Instagram comments were turned off on the video, she maintained that this had been the case for years.

“People’s perception is not my reality. People believe they have an open field to comment on whichever women [they want], I do not want to give them that authority. If you want to say something to me, DM [direct message] me.”

Talking about the incident, Khan said the man’s target wasn’t the actor but an ordinary girl, and questioned how those commenting on her video would feel if their daughter, sister, or daughter-in-law was the victim.

“I think people won’t come forward [with their narratives] because others don’t let them live. Girls don’t receive marriage proposals, are scared of bringing shame to their parents, and of boys not accepting them. Social media doesn’t let them [share their stories].”

She said that the light drizzle during the incident was a blessing because the rocks on the ground were slippery, allowing her to push the assailant’s motorcycle and run away. Khan added that she still couldn’t bend her thumb because of the force she had to exert.

The host then questioned if the case was one of harassment and not kidnapping, to which the actor replied it could be called whatever and there was a possibility that it was harassment because kidnappers do not usually commit their crimes on a motorbike. However, she added that the man placed a gun on her person and tried to pull her by her collar, asking her to come with him, instead of snatching her belongings.

“Why was he trying to take me,” she questioned, gesturing to highlight that her phone was visibly in her hand but the man did not attempt to take it.

According to Khan, three security guards were sitting in front of her as the incident occurred and despite her yelling for help, they did not intervene, later claiming that they thought it was a fight between a married couple. She said that she was grateful to the family who stopped their car and stepped out to help her as “no one does that at times like this”.

“I was screaming that he will kill me. I yelled so much, and my voice was echoing, prompting Ramada Creek’s team to come from inside and take me [into the hotel],” she said.

Khan said that the assailant had not been caught yet and his face was unclear in the CCTV footage. She added that while the authorities were trying their best, if an example was not made out of her case, other women should not become victims at the very least.

The Zindagi Aik Paheli actor said that she used to make fun of self protection and people who had security details but she doesn’t do that anymore. She advised women to keep tasers in their cars and carry a cannister of pepper spray when stepping out of their vehicles. “If you want to keep weapons in your car make sure you have a license, but avoid weapons,” she said.

Khan revealed that after what happened, her guard would be raised anytime she heard a motorcycle’s engine.

Talking about the Karsaz accident case, where a driver killed a father and his daughter due to negligent driving, she said that while it wasn’t her case and she did not know the people, the incident changed her life because she realised that other lives were attached to her.

Shortly after the kidnapping attempt, the Karachi police said they were investigating the matter following Sindh Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah and Home Minister Ziaul Hasan Lanjar taking notice of the incident after her video went viral on social media.

South DIG Syed Asad Raza told Dawn that the police invited the actor to record her statement in order to initiate legal proceedings but she did not want to pursue the case.

The police also retrieved CCTV footage of the incident and described it as one man on a motorcycle coming into the open parking space opposite Ramada Hotel and attempting to “misbehave” with the actor.

“Miss Nimra promptly responds by pulling him back and runs towards the main road. A vehicle stops to rescue her, assessing the situation the culprit escapes from the point.”

The South DIG said that as per the initial investigation, he can say with a degree of certainty that it was not a kidnapping attempt nor a bid to rob her. Instead, it appeared to be an attempt to make ‘indecent advances.’


Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Sep 03, 2024 01:58pm
Are we still living in the "dark ages?"
Zakriya Sep 03, 2024 02:46pm
Unfortunately, many men and women experience such mishaps. But this woman has managed to get publiciity and airtime out of it. Desperate.
Taj Ahmad Sep 03, 2024 04:38pm
Good job Nimra Khan for awareness to general public about the incident that occurred in our society almost every other day. Please be careful and be saved.
M.Saeed Sep 03, 2024 05:37pm
Hope her kidnapping was not a self sponsored stunt to gain her fast eroding popularity rating?
Laila Sep 03, 2024 09:41pm
Evidently she made the whole thing up. Kindly watch Maria Ali's channel on YouTube (she is an anchor and journalist). Even her crying is so forced and unconvincing. Her story has holes like Swiss cheese. Attention seekers just crave attention. It's not their fault.