
Zindagi to remove Barzakh from YouTube Pakistan amid public discontent

Zindagi to remove Barzakh from YouTube Pakistan amid public discontent

The show will not be available for Pakistani viewers after August 9.
06 Aug, 2024

In a surprising turn of events, Zindagi has announced that it will be pulling its latest series, Barzakh, from YouTube Pakistan from August 9. The decision comes amid criticism surrounding the show, which has been a topic of heated debate since its debut two weeks ago.

Barzakh is directed by Asim Abbasi, known for his previous successes Churails and Cake, sparked controversy for themes considered ‘provocative’ by some viewers. The first episode of the series has already accumulated over four million views on YouTube. The show features an ensemble cast including Fawad Khan, Sanam Saeed, M Fawad Khan, Salman Shahid, Khushhal Khan, Sajid Hasan, Uzma Beg, and Nighat Choudhry.

In a statement posted on the Zindagi Official Instagram page, the network expressed its gratitude to those appreciating the show and explained why it will be taken down regardless.

The statement reads, “We, at Zindagi and Team Barzakh, extend our heartfelt gratitude to our global audience for their unwavering support for Barzakh — a show that was created to bring people together everywhere. But in light of the current public sentiment in Pakistan, we have decided to voluntarily withdraw Barzakh from YouTube Pakistan, effective August 9, 2024. This decision underscores our dedication to honouring our audiences without causing alienation. We sincerely appreciate your understanding and continued support. Thank You.”

The final episode of Barzakh is scheduled to air tonight at 8pm. Fans in Pakistan who wish to catch up on the series have until August 9 to view it on YouTube.

The show’s debut was met with mixed reactions. While some praised its bold narrative and strong performances, others criticised it for not being “family-friendly” and expressed discomfort with its content.

Abbasi, upon receiving hate for the show, had previously said, “With all due respect, if you find queer/non-heteronormative storylines ‘distasteful,’ please do not watch my content. I will always champion the rights of all and tell stories that we believe in.”


Ahmed Aug 06, 2024 02:43pm
A handful of people wanting to watch this doesn't make it a mix reaction. It is hated in our country. Even without the controversial theme the drama itself isn't well made.
Taj Ahmad Aug 06, 2024 02:49pm
It’s just a show and nothing wrong with it if it goes on air.
WAHID ANWAR Aug 06, 2024 02:53pm
Get rid of it worldwide. It's disgusting, and not very good as a story as well.
NYS Aug 06, 2024 03:22pm
Director Writer Editor compel to keep content in mind is that family friendly or disturbing content that sparks controversy we don't just need views , compatible viewership instead .. "Joyland" flick got global appreciation but sorry state of affairs for nation
Sheeth Aug 06, 2024 03:30pm
The show has themes around pedophilia and necrophilia which would be considered disgusting in any society, so it is not just provocative, it is outright grotesque.
Zeeshan Aug 06, 2024 03:37pm
Please make it available atleast for Pakistanis outside Pakistan. I watch everything and support everybody.
Farooq Aug 06, 2024 04:09pm
Such content should not be encouraged. Deserves a kick
NYS Aug 06, 2024 04:11pm
Before depiction keep cultural norms in mind
Consternation Aug 06, 2024 04:19pm
If you don't like it, don't watch it. People who still want to watch it here can use VPNs though, not that I recommend this show to anyone at all.
Laila Aug 06, 2024 04:20pm
I gave up during the first episode. I only learned later about its diverse unusual content from review videos. That said, I think instead of it being taken down and that too on a public platform which has literally all types of content, it's better people just don't watch it. This ridiculous boycott etc is hypocritical at best.because if you want to drag religion and values into this, then the drama industry and anything that utilises gender freemixing is not halal. Why should ghair mehram males and females act out a fake story not covered just for your entertainment? There are many productive ways to spend your time. Read a book? Listen to a podcast? Work in your garden? Do volunteer work? Help the poor? It's funny many who condemn it watched all the episodes. Hypocrisy galore. It's clear Zindagi is removing it to appease the threats of boycotts and hold on to viewers and ratings.
Roohi Aug 06, 2024 04:26pm
They keep saying it's a form of art, and we're showing what's happening in society. Both are absurd statements. There have been many art masterpieces in future without using vulgarity. Secondly a lot of things happen in societ but you don't go around telling everyone, like you go to toilet but never tells everyone how was your stool. Our society has serious issues which ate a big problem and which needs to be brought in light, none of those issues are discussed in dramas coz its not glamorous.
Jamil Soomro Aug 06, 2024 04:30pm
It is simply not family oriented story and culturally and ethically is unfit for Pakistan. Better late than never.
Hindu Aug 06, 2024 04:42pm
If it’s banned in Pakistan, it must be a really good story.
Ahsan Aug 06, 2024 04:42pm
Such type of shows are much needed in this country. We must face reality and must not behave like pigeons. Bold dramas are need of the day. Weldone barzakh team
Ahsan Aug 06, 2024 04:43pm
It's a beautiful drama. We must produce a lot of such beautiful dramas. As it's realistic
AbdulHaque Shaikh Aug 06, 2024 04:44pm
Instead of telling the story honestly the director has indulged into hypocrisy of scenes. It will go down as worst drama Pakistan has created. What a waste of talent. When you compare first scene of Zindagi Gulzar and first scene of Barzakh you know director has tried to fool audience.
Malik Aug 06, 2024 04:54pm
It should never have allowed to stream online/on-air in the first place. Fawad & Sanam should never have engaged in such ill-minded script. Asim Abbasi needs some soul searching to realize what's un-natural & immoral would always be criticezex
humaira Aug 06, 2024 05:01pm
This drama should not be aired anywhere, not only in Pakistan, because neither our religion nor the law of this country allows such things.
Asghar Aug 06, 2024 05:05pm
We appreciate Zindagi channel decision, it's is sponsored product with hidden agenda. Thanks anyway for discontinuing it.
Unaiza Nisar Aug 06, 2024 05:07pm
Very good...This show is pathetic and should be banned worldwide
Asad Aug 06, 2024 05:14pm
This Abbasi guy should be taken to task. This drama is an art disaster. He should not try to act BOLD, as no one gives a damn about it.
Saifi Aug 06, 2024 05:42pm
People who don’t like it should just turn it off. Pakistanis tend to forget that our country is number 1 in the world for watching pornography. Nobody in this country complain little boys and girls are being raped. Shameful
BuSaif Aug 06, 2024 05:52pm
Usual pathetic rant, they thought that they will address the global buzz issue and make money but failed too, not because of the content but mainly due to quality and theme. After broadcasting complete drama they realized that this is disturbing SOME audiences. Be professional and confess that withdrawal is due to business failure. No harm done.
Asad Aug 06, 2024 05:53pm
Internet should be banned in Pakistan and restricted to business use only. Problem solved. It is the main root cause of moral decay and corruption. Next step should be to block travel to places like Thailand, Azerbaijan and Dubai unless travellers can provide reasonable justification (such as a business letter attested by the Chamber of Commerce of the destination country) as our youth goes to Bangkok and Baku for indecent activities and alcohol consumption.
Tria Aug 06, 2024 06:07pm
Are meaningful and moral storylines dead......local industry is just interested in getting tangled in controversies to gain attention.... Sad state
Grisha Aug 06, 2024 06:18pm
Well, now I am going to watch this series before it goes down.
Alveena Aug 06, 2024 06:30pm
Those who say its just a show then wait for the time when your generation will surely follow it. We boycott barzakh and anything like it
Mrs haris Aug 06, 2024 06:33pm
I just saw the first episode, there is a difference in a decent international show and a vulgar show. Drama started with a semi nude scene. If you want to put on a show show everything thing as a normal scene why emphasizing on vulgarity and zoom and close and make long scenes. If a person has a good story line and characters then you can win hearts world wide.
Ramsha salman Aug 06, 2024 07:17pm
The damage has been done. Thousands of young minds have been affected. Its heartbreaking that pakistani respected artists broke the trust of common people.
karim Buksh Aug 06, 2024 07:21pm
If you don't want to watch at least let others. Try and expand your sense of the possible ways of being human instead of thinking there is only one way and being dismissive of others. Life would be so boring if everyone was the same and thought the same way.
Ehsan Aug 06, 2024 07:39pm
Insecure nation
T.Ahmad Aug 06, 2024 08:27pm
This new drama series should not be on air as it effects negative effects in our society and culture as it did in our Western society. Please stay away from this new change in our drama series. Thanks to all.
Mudassar Aug 06, 2024 08:37pm
It’s the best show. Pakistanis can watch Bollywood movies with families but can’t watch this show which is their own. Double standard by Pakistanis.
Adnan Aug 06, 2024 08:45pm
There is loads of content available on You Tube which might be more deplorable than the play in discussion. However unimaginable double standards have left our society in limbo
Laila Aug 07, 2024 01:43am
@WAHID ANWAR, We don't have legal jurisdiction on the entire world. Only in Pakistan, and on Pakistani platforms. Your demand is absurd. YouTube has lots of content which is unsuitable for us. Yet kids and adults are watching without filter or supervision or censorship. Zchannel is not a Pakistani channel and YouTube is not a Pakistani platform. Therefore it will be made inaccessible to Pakistani viewers but not other countries. It's not right to dictate to others what you think they should watch or not.
kausar Aug 07, 2024 01:45am
plz don't promote against our cultur
Laila Aug 07, 2024 01:48am
@HUMAIRA How do you propose that we Pakistan control what other countries viewers watch and don't watch? Is Zee Channel or YouTube Pakistani? No. Is the world Muslim or Pakistani? No. It's Completely bizarre that some of you think you have a say in what others viewers can watch. Remember, what is not acceptable to us, is acceptable to others and vice versa. You can only ban it in Pakistan. Period.
Faheem Aug 07, 2024 02:03am
Stop this rubbish, can u watch this with ur family. It's another extremism in the name of modernism.
Asma Waqar Aug 07, 2024 08:57am
Good riddance. We dont want to watch such obscenity.
Laila Aug 07, 2024 02:18pm
It's unfortunate that many Pakistanis don't understand that art is relative. Therefore yes Barzakh IS art to some, whilst not, to others. It depends on the individual viewer. Eye of the beholder. Just because we sont like it or believe it goes against our culture, does not mean it is not art. You may not like a poem, statue, painting, book, film, music, graffiti or installation, but it still remains art. Art does not depend on whether majority Pakistan approves of it or not.
B Aug 07, 2024 03:11pm
Sounds like there are a bunch of prudes that objected. Living in the stone age. Sad.
Haris Aug 07, 2024 08:20pm
Pakistan should never have allowed Zindagi to launch. Shameful channel producing shameless content that tries to propagate their content as ‘art’. Ever since stupid humsafar, the entertainment industry has an excuse to produce anything and call it drama. What happened to creating stories centered around entertainment values, family values, and cultural depiction? If we could produce serials such as Aangan tehra, we may definitely produce better dramas and entertainment in this age as well.
vin Aug 07, 2024 08:46pm
@Mrs haris Since when, nudity has become vulgarity. Were you born with clothes?
vin Aug 07, 2024 08:47pm
@Alveena It is about what is already happening in society, not what will be happening in society.
Laila Aug 08, 2024 12:50am
@RAMSHA SALMAN, Really? Before Barzakh young minds were not effected? By pornography and Pakistan is in the lead? By TikTok? By secret WhatsApp chat groups? By internet? Then, you must blame the incompetent and irresponsible parents, who allow their young minded children to have mobile and internet, and to watch YouTube without supervision not having a clue about what their "innocent" young minds are doing online, on their mobile, social media etc. It is not the responsibility of some channel in India, a global corporation like YouTube to raise or monitor other people's children. It's our responsibility as parents. Cut off internet access and problem solved. It is not like we cannot survive without internet. There is radio, books, poetry etc.
Bing zing Aug 08, 2024 04:07am
Its burden on mind and heart not good for any suppress nation like us
Sami Ullah Aug 08, 2024 09:42am
In Pakistan film and drama industry both are still surviving. I think this should not be banned.
Teju Aug 08, 2024 10:32am
It is a available in india
A. Ali Aug 08, 2024 01:08pm
Shameful defence by producer.
Macro Aug 08, 2024 02:25pm
We will need 1000 years to be mature enough to have such a serial aired without public discontent. Shame on us.
No Freedom Aug 09, 2024 12:05am
@NYS Despite “cultural” norms these things, stories, beings, EXIST in our society. Accepting that something exists is helpful (not in encouraging but) towards understanding the sane.