
Khadijah Shah to relinquish US citizenship for NA reserved seat on PTI ticket

Khadijah Shah to relinquish US citizenship for NA reserved seat on PTI ticket

The designer said she could not 'give up' on Pakistan and its people.
31 Jul, 2024

Designer Khadijah Shah announced that she is relinquishing her US citizenship to accept a reserved National Assembly seat for women on the PTI’s ticket, after former premier Imran Khan offered it to her. Pakistani law prohibits dual nationals from serving as members of parliament.

“Making the decision to relinquish my US citizenship, which guarantees freedom, safety, and opportunity, was not easy,” Shah wrote in an Instagram post. “However, Pakistan is my motherland, the place I call home, and the country where I’ve built my life. I cannot give up on it and my people.”

She maintained that she personally experienced “unimaginable injustice over the last year and a half”, but that the adversity instilled a sense of purpose within her. Shah added that she was driven by her desire to make a difference for Pakistan.

“I’m honoured that Chairman PTI and my lifelong hero, Imran Khan, considered me worthy of representing his party and being part of his vision for Pakistan. I accepted his offer to take the reserved seat and hope to live up to his expectations and those of my fellow citizens,” the designer stated.

Until her dual nationality issue is resolved, Shah nominated Mehrunnisa Sajjad to represent her. She detailed that Sajjad is an Oxford University graduate and a barrister who “dedicated her career to advocating for the marginalised and downtrodden in Pakistan”.

She clarified that Sajjad was not a family member or friend and was chosen after careful consideration because she embodied what Shah hoped every Pakistani woman could have the opportunity to become.

“Like me, Mehrunnisa is passionate about fighting for the rights of the marginalised, establishing genuine democracy, and driving progress in Pakistan. I’m proud to have nominated such an exceptional young Pakistani woman to represent PTI and myself in parliament.”

Shah, who helms the fashion brand Élan, was arrested after the May 9 riots. The designer was incarcerated on charges of vandalism and rioting, but released on bail in December 2023. In April 2024, an anti-terrorism court withdrew bailable warrants for Shah, however, issued her warrants in another case of the May 9 riots.


Amir Mahmood Jul 31, 2024 01:20pm
Bravo! True love for Pakistan, PTI, and Imran Khan
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Jul 31, 2024 01:22pm
Great move and excellent news. Keep it up and hang on tough.
Rama Jul 31, 2024 01:46pm
Moeed Yusuf is US citizen isn't !!
NYS Jul 31, 2024 02:52pm
In the face of adversity when the country is going through turmoil Khadija S has taken bold initiative to relinquish Us citizenship and prefer to stay homeland salute her for being a true Pakistani
Waseem Ashraf Jul 31, 2024 03:12pm
She deserves the best in life . My prayers with her.
Ali Murad Tunio Jul 31, 2024 03:51pm
Laila Jul 31, 2024 03:57pm
I can respect that. Good for her.
Taj Ahmad Jul 31, 2024 04:05pm
I’m truly agreed with her comments and desires to give-up US citizenship and to run on PTI ticket for Pakistan National Assembly. Of course Pakistan is her original country where she born and raised before becoming US citizens.
A Alan Jul 31, 2024 04:08pm
Courageous women trying to make a difference in country where elite is corrupt and selfish they dont care about country . They are here to rob and go back to England.
M. Saeed Jul 31, 2024 04:26pm
A person having lose nationality affiliations is not having a stable mind and should never be made member of the national law maker house.
John Malik Jul 31, 2024 04:28pm
Seriously? We need more fashion designers as legislators.
chip monk Jul 31, 2024 04:55pm
More written should challenge the current super corrupt system because men in our society are too scared to speak the truth.
Impatient Jul 31, 2024 05:23pm
This is nothing but a lust of power. Her motherland is still USA, she was incarcerated in PK illegitimately & unconstitutional. Even after relinquishing her US citizenship, she'll remain safe because of Transnational Regression now almost a international law. Of course she'll be always welcome to return to USA for restoration of her citizenship. Good luck Ma'am, your friends, relatives, & loved ones will miss you. Good luck.
Jono Jul 31, 2024 05:33pm
Congratulations. A bold lady of honour and dignity. A rare kind of human being, her parents deserve to be extremely proud of her.
MBA Jul 31, 2024 05:57pm
I hope, there is no faul play behind the words of Ms. Khadijah Shah. There are certainly many honest persons in is our country, but it very difficult to believe, when it happens. Again, I hope and I wish her (and Pakistan) a good and safe start.
M. Nasir Jul 31, 2024 06:36pm
Wrong decision at wrong time. Following cult is a crime. She wants serve a man rather than people of this country.
Aslam Khan Jul 31, 2024 07:26pm
A brave girl. I couldn't have done this.
Matt Jane Jul 31, 2024 08:07pm
She will probably retain permanent residence in US somehow and it will make no difference. Good for her though. Her brand would benefit from this appointment.
musti sheikh Jul 31, 2024 08:11pm
I have no words to thank you for your courage under undesirable circumstances for the love of your beloved country. Your motivation to serve the marginalized public and specifically the women will be an example for the future generation.
MK Jul 31, 2024 09:32pm
Speechless. This so so dumb what she's gonna do if she does. And for what? Which Pakistan or it's people she's talking about. We all are the most dishonest people on this planet and we will always be in misery for we deserve it. Stupid decision.
John Jul 31, 2024 10:03pm
“unimaginable injustice over the last year and a half”? Really? Talk about privilege and entitlement! What exactly do you know about legislation or running the state? You should stick to what you know best, show business.
Imran Ahmed Jul 31, 2024 10:22pm
Good sentiments. I hope we see them echoed by many more in our country.
Ali Hassan Aug 01, 2024 02:21am
Pakistan does not deserve you! There is no law and order in that country
Jamal Anjum Aug 01, 2024 08:32am
I do not know you. You seem to be a symbol of courage and love for humanity and democracy. I pray for your success.
chengezk Aug 01, 2024 11:34am
How would that solve inflation or other issues Pakistan is facing ??
Mahmood Aug 01, 2024 12:50pm
She's couranges enough to give up her prized US citizenship - which much of the world can only dream of - to serve Paksitan and make it a better place. Yet, record number of Pakistanis are desperately trying to escape inflation, injustice, lack of opportunities and lawlessness of the land and applying for US Visas. Go figure!!!
Mahmood Aug 01, 2024 01:13pm
@chengezk What have YOU done to tackel the problems in Pakistan you alluded to??
Azmat Ali Shah Aug 01, 2024 02:19pm
Very brave of her, especially after knowing what she went through
Seema Shah Aug 01, 2024 07:04pm
One more US citizen coming to have share in increasing problems of poor Pakistanis
Komal Baig Aug 01, 2024 08:18pm
This makes me proud, I see some hope in Pakistan when I see people like you!
MZ Aug 02, 2024 11:42am
Pakistan's elite lol. The masses are fighting to get liberated from this elite itself.