
Internet slams ‘disgusting’ incident of police brutality against Muslim men at Manchester Airport

Internet slams ‘disgusting’ incident of police brutality against Muslim men at Manchester Airport

A video capturing a shocking altercation at Manchester Airport has gone viral, evoking widespread outrage.
Updated 25 Jul, 2024

A video capturing a shocking altercation and incident of police brutality at the Manchester Airport has gone viral, evoking widespread outrage on social media.

Recorded on Wednesday afternoon, the video shows an armed officer aiming a taser at a Muslim man on the ground. What follows is a chaotic scene where the officer proceeds to kick and stamp on the man’s head, amidst shouts and pleas from onlookers and the man’s family to stop the violence.

The incident, initially sparked by an “altercation among the public,” quickly escalated into a violent confrontation with the police. Reports suggest that the individuals targeted by the officers are British Pakistanis.

The clip, viewed thousands of times online, prompted the Greater Manchester Police to refer the matter to the Independent Office of Police Conduct (IOPC). One officer has been relieved of duty pending investigation.

Social media users have been swift to react, condemning the use of excessive force by the police in the video. The footage sparked a wave of criticism and calls for accountability across X and Instagram, with users expressing shock and dismay over the violent tactics employed by the officers.

British politician and broadcaster George Galloway called for the suspension of the officer “kicking and stamping upon the head of the helpless prone.”

Boxer Amir Khan released a video condemning the brute force applied by the policemen. Calling their behaviour “disgusting”, he said, “This is the first time I’ve seen policemen, without even asking questions, beating and stomping on the heads of these young Asian boys. It is disgusting to see a video like that, it scares you from coming to the UK. Imagine what the mother was going through. They need to be sacked.”

Actor Armeena Khan shared the video saying, “Should check if any one of them work in the Israel Offensive Forces (IOF)”

Actor Khaled Anam also shared the video on his Instagram, writing, “This brutal behaviour cannot go unchallenged, and the authorities need to take notice and investigate. So much for the civilized lot…”

Many commented on X in a similar vein, calling for disciplinary action against the officers while labelling the incident “disgusting”.

Many were appalled at the level of violence displayed in the video.

In response to public outcry, authorities said that four men were arrested on suspicion of affray and assaulting emergency service workers. Amidst the chaos, a female officer suffered a broken nose, and several other officers required hospital treatment.

As always, there were those online who claimed what happened was okay.

But several others pointed out that two wrongs didn’t make a right.

Since the context was missing, some called on the police to release bodycam footage while others demanded the officer be charged with attempted murder.

The IOPC has assured that a thorough assessment of the incident will be carried out, emphasising the need for accountability and further action as deemed necessary.

Regardless of what the investigation reveals, the response to this incident underscores broader concerns about police practices and the treatment of minority communities in the UK.


javed Jul 25, 2024 01:45pm
Disgusting behavior by a UK cop.
NACParis Jul 25, 2024 02:10pm
disgusting. Probably, the officers involved were trained by Pakistan police
M.Saeed Jul 25, 2024 02:11pm
Why Pakistan is on top for all the wrong reasons, almost always???
Zahid Jul 25, 2024 02:29pm
I wonder if all these righteous Pakistanis will boycott UK this summer
Iqbal Jul 25, 2024 02:35pm
Despite breaking the law by common citizens, even if that happened, Police cannot behave like this; brutality in public is simply disgusting, while the victim is at the receiving end. The value system of west has considerable eroded rather exposed, especially after October 7.
Hamed Jul 25, 2024 02:56pm
Quite normal behavior. The "blacks" in USA can confirm that! the behavior of British Christians is well known!
NYS Jul 25, 2024 03:43pm
Voilance by European cop It should be addressed immediately and one sided matter resolved by international law
Asif A. Shah Jul 25, 2024 04:17pm
" Never Again" this kind of police brutality in UK
Hypakrisy Jul 25, 2024 04:43pm
Being Muslim has nothing to do with this. They weren’t beaten by police for being Muslim or police even knowing, they were beaten because of what they did first, rightly or wrongly
Rayan Jul 25, 2024 04:55pm
What did the Pakistani men do. At least report that so we can conclude. Thanks
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Jul 25, 2024 05:07pm
True face and real intentions of the racist, bigot, wicked, liar, crooked, cunning, cruel, crafty, crazy and biased U.K. police has been exposed before the whole world.
Hamed Jul 25, 2024 06:08pm
Mr. Nacparis I am sure pak police were trained by British police. Check the history of Pakistan since 1950.
Nadeem Shah USA Jul 25, 2024 06:13pm
This is how the IDF are trained, these cops need to be interrogated and their background made public, these cops will never feel safe now, they will always be looking over their shoulders.
Mandviwala Jul 25, 2024 06:20pm
so its ok for the ppl to hit the police and when the police does self defence and hits back thats not OK ?
Ehsan Jul 25, 2024 06:39pm
How about our behavior towards our minorities
Multani Jul 25, 2024 07:02pm
You have not seen cops in USA handling problems, British police look gentle compared them, never mess with police in USA., you will regret it.
Salma Jul 25, 2024 07:47pm
Why Muslim man or Muslim woman just say Britishers, because they have now British passport, so they are Britishers!
Liaquat Ali Jul 25, 2024 09:56pm
In civilized society & country like UK such brutal action by police officers on 2 young men is not accepted by any norms. It is very violent action & these police officers who actually acted brutally and those officers who helped them are not human beings they should be charged for attempted murder, excessive use of force, hate and discriminatory act. Victims families should also go to UK court against police men, police department, Manchester air port personnel and all those wearing uniform of law enforcement should be charged for murder
Waheed Rehman, US Patriot Jul 26, 2024 12:02am
Look at it rationally, these dudes are not innocent. There must be very good reasons why the police went ballastic on these dudes. The fact that a Mom was kneeling next to her son means nothing. As we all know in Pakistan, how "gundas" are also raised by very sweet Moms.
SriniS Jul 26, 2024 12:25am
Indeed disgusting, no one deserves such treatment but why identify / mention victim's religion? would you not condemn if the victim is non-muslim?
Ghulam Mujtaba Jul 26, 2024 03:51am
Does this happen in UK? We had very soft image about UK.
Sami Shakoor Jul 26, 2024 05:16am
Rather than to call the victims with their religion, it would be approbiated to identify them with their Nationality or social upbringing. Leave it now to hide behind the curtain of religion.
Laila Jul 26, 2024 06:21am
That guy needs to get a good lawyer and sue the hell out of their police. Just because you are in a position of authority, wear a uniform or carry a badge does not mean you abuse that authority (power). On the contrary you should honor your position, uniform and badge.
Laila Jul 26, 2024 06:30am
@HAMED Well I spoke to blacks when visiting the UK, and many shared that UK Pakistanis are notoriously racist to blacks in the UK even disallowing their kids to befriend let alone marry black Muslims. So there another side of the coin too. It's like a hierarchy where whites sit atop and the rest are sorted according to their level of pigmentation. The blacks end up on the bottom. Their pain can not be imagined or experienced by us. Its not the same. That doesn't mean the racism faces by us as browns is less serious. But the history black oppressions goes back centuries like slavery both by the US and before them, slavery by the Arabs (unofficially still ongoing in parts of the Middle East like Libya)
Adv ch. M. Maroof Jul 26, 2024 07:21am
I strongly condemn it...this is worst brutality by the police officer...he should be dismiss and punish with jail imprisonment... so so soshamful act its disgussting... ch.m.maroof advocate High Court...
Jessica Jul 26, 2024 08:19am
The Police officer who is punching and kicking it is a coward and imbecile , who gave him licence to serve as police ? He should be arrest and go to prison for minimum of 15 years !
Jessica Jul 26, 2024 08:20am
Well said it.
Jawed Naqvi Jul 26, 2024 08:31am
Kousar Jul 26, 2024 12:27pm
The Pakistani person assaulted three officers., including a women officer,, broke her nose. Hr tried to take police gun..
Laila Jul 27, 2024 03:09am
People saying the sons attacked police officers...well all I saw was a video with a mother handling one son after police attacked him and meanwhile the police attacked the other son. Neither son is exactly strongly built. Nothing justifies such display of violence. Stomping on his head, kicking him all this part of police training? In Pakistan yes, by surely not in the UK? They receive training to subdue anyone resisting arrests or being aggressive. You can inflict serious lasting damage including paralysis or coma when attacking somebody's head and back due to the human nervous system along other factors. There is a reason the officer in question was suspended? At least according to some Urdu media on YouTube. I hope both sons recover from this and that they seek legal action. This is not ok. I also noticed the protest taking place in the UK only seemed to show Pakistanis? Where were the other minorities and brown people or Muslims at least in the name of solidarity?
Laila Jul 27, 2024 03:18am
@EHSAN This is water next to how our women and minorities are treated by the Pakistani police. You can find official reports revealing how our Muslim police use baton rubbing chilli on them and raping women and men, how convicted children are put in prison alongside adult males convicts who then pass them around and abuse them and how Christians are imprisoned under false charges of blasphemy and how Hindu and Christians girls are kidnapped and forced converted with the police siding with the abusers and not the parents. I am sure our minorities cant say much positive about our police and neither can the rest os us which is why it is not considered honorable to even seek help from the police. I would never willingly go to our police because there is no enforcement of law or ethics. However, with that said, I expect a civilised country like the UK home to like millions of desi Pakistani Muslims to not stoop to level of police brutality. Your concerns are legitimate though. But two wrongs don't make a right.