
Kubra Khan advises fans to ‘stay safe’ after young admirer runs away from home to meet her

Kubra Khan advises fans to ‘stay safe’ after young admirer runs away from home to meet her

The 13-year-old was found in Karachi three days after running away from her home in Lahore.
25 Jul, 2024

Who doesn’t love Kubra Khan? The actor is a national treasure and we’re all fans. However, some people are bigger fans than most, just like the 13-year-old girl who ran away from her home in Lahore and travelled all the way to Karachi to meet the Sinf-e-Aahan actor.

After the young fan was reunited with her family, Khan, who is currently in London, took to Instagram to remind Kuberians (her fandom, of course) that “safety is the utmost important thing”. She emphasised that while she appreciated the love she received, the “world is scarier than it used to be” and she would never want her fans to put themselves in danger because of her.

“I pray and hope the little girl is safe and sound with her family,” Khan said, adding that she was overdue for a meet-and-greet in Lahore.

The 13-year-old missing girl was safely rescued from Karachi within 72 hours after timely action by the Lahore police, reported.

A press release issued on Monday by the Lahore police’s investigation wing said the girl had taken Rs300,000 from her home and left for Karachi without informing anyone to meet actor Kubra Khan of who she was a fan.

It added that prompt action was initiated on Lahore Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Dr Anoosh Masood Chaudhry’s notice of the incident and the girl was rescued with the help of human intelligence and advanced technology by the team of Faisal Town in-charge Muhammad Waleed.

The press release said the girl was handed over to her parents at the SSP’s office and they expressed their gratitude to the police for the recovery.


Sharjeel Syed Jul 25, 2024 12:01pm
Fandom has no limits!
NYS Jul 25, 2024 12:24pm
Why 13 years girl was so enthusiast to meet popular actress , the intention takes her too far to meet without parents knowledge Consider your home the safe place where you live with your family.. Thanks to ultra forces using geopolitics found her with no exegeration the matter
Taj Ahmad Jul 25, 2024 01:23pm
Safety first for everyone of us, all parent’s, please keep an eye on your children’s 24 hours, if possible.
M.Saeed Jul 25, 2024 01:34pm
Very clear harm of the insensitive display of our TV programs. The recent drama portraying Kubra Khan as the morning show host and Ramshaw Khan her ardent fan, has probably influenced the young girl to steal Rs. 3 lacs from home and look for Kubra in Karachi, putting her life and honor of the family in utmost danger. We must always keep in mind such matters when airing our mass media outlets.
Wolf Jul 25, 2024 02:49pm
I wish police could have recovered lot of missing girls like that!
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Jul 25, 2024 05:09pm
Great advice but does anybody care?
M. Emad Jul 25, 2024 05:19pm
❤️ Beautiful Kubra Khan ❤️❤️
Nadeem Shah USA Jul 25, 2024 06:16pm
Who comes up with these silly names, trying to be cool. Sniffin arms
Taj Ahmad Jul 25, 2024 07:48pm
My salute to Punjab Police and other private agencies swift action and response in recovering the missing girl from Karachi. Good Job Punjab Police.
Ron Jul 26, 2024 03:55am
May all stay safe and follow their parents' guidance
Laila Jul 26, 2024 06:40am
@M.SAEED I agree with all except the parh of putting honor of the family in danger. You would never say that if she had been a boy. We need to treat girls as humans, not as responsible for the entire family honor. This is exactly the kind of thinking that enables and results in honor killings and why females are stigmatised since birth until death for being female. Females are not responsible for their familys, their father's, brothers, uncles, grandfathers, sons, husbands or even Pakistans honor. This thinking is not islamic. Each man and woman have their own honor. Girls are humans and as vulnerable to making mistakes and committing sins as males are. We need to stop tying family honor to girls. We also need to reach kids, male or female, nt to worship or glorify celebrities and distinguish between fictional roles and real life. Parents need to be more involved on their children's lives and their digital online lives in a loving, but responsible and firm manner so they will understand the risk and dangers in taking such foolish steps. Especially in Pakistan where nobody is safe and everybody is a prey. Even boys.
Asma Ashfaq Jul 26, 2024 08:16am
Laila Jul 27, 2024 03:38am
@WOLF, How can they when they are busy babysitting the likes of entitled and elite people like Khalil Ur Rehman Qamar and others. No time for actual crimes or actual victims. Many children gone missing (usually lured and kidnapped) end up groomed and in human trafficking and sexual slavery nationwide. Dawn has some articles about this in their archives. Police doesn't care. Unless you are rich. Influential. And connected.
Kartar Singh Jul 28, 2024 10:39pm
Thanks to police that they traced the tiny girl, and thank to the actor for her concern with her fans.
Laila Jul 30, 2024 01:32am
Parents need to foster solid relationships with their children and educate them on the risks and dangers of the world. Without trust and the room for kids to make mistakes (as they are human), there is no healthy relationship. Teach children not to worship idols/celebrities or anybody. Stop putting the burden of family honor on females and empower them. Stop allowing males unbridled freedom but teach them accountability. Be the kind of parent your child can come to with anything without fearing being beaten or silenced. Be their confidant. Their safe haven.