
‘Just one out of 10,000’: Mahira Khan brushes off ‘miscreant’ throwing things at her in Quetta

‘Just one out of 10,000’: Mahira Khan brushes off ‘miscreant’ throwing things at her in Quetta

This is why we must have more events like this, she said at the Pakistan Literature Festival.
16 May, 2024

Mahira Khan is a class act — and she demonstrated that class despite having something thrown at her at the Pakistan Literature Festival in Quetta. Brushing it off as one “miscreant” among 10,000 excited people, she said this just proves that we need to have more events like this.

Sharing a video of the incident on Instagram, the actor agreed that what happened was uncalled for. “No one should think it’s ok to throw something on stage, even if it’s a flower wrapped up in a paper plane. It sets the wrong precedent. It is unacceptable. There are times I get scared, not just for myself, but for others who may be trapped in a mob like situation,” she said.

For her part, the actor handled the situation with an astounding amount of grace — briefly acknowledging it and gently admonishing the person who threw the item.

“But hear me out — while we were on our way back someone said ‘after this we won’t have an event here’. I disagreed completely. That is not the solution. Here was a crowd of 10,000 or more… who were showing their love and excitement — the way they know best. Because I could see them I could see they didn’t know how to contain/express their excitement,” she said.

“Whoever the miscreant was, was one out of 10,000. Maybe I should have gotten up and left, maybe the crowd could have been screened, maybe I should not have been put on the spot…lots of could haves and should haves.”

Khan said she feels strongly that we need more events like these in more cities in Pakistan. Most literature festivals or other events of this nature are limited to big cities like Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad. While they may venture out to a few other cities, events of this nature are few and far in between, especially those that feature celebrity guests.

“The more you are exposed the more you are aware and educated. Normalise it. And see what happens. People, cities, our culture, our understanding of each other (which lacks), unity (which lacks even more)…it will all flourish!”

Khan was all praises for her time in Quetta — “I met the most amazing people. We sat together under the beautiful Quetta sky, ate delicious food.. while we shared stories, laughed and made plans for my next visit. I come back enriched.”

“I love you Quetta. Thank you for the insane amount of love. There shall and will be a next time.. and on every end we will be better. InshAllah.”

We have to hand it to her, Mahira Khan has a lot more grace than the rest of us and is far more understanding of her fans than most other celebrities who are quick to anger in moments of disrespect.


Taj Ahmad May 16, 2024 06:35pm
Simply beautiful and charming and I called her Miss Pakistan as well.
Ehsan May 16, 2024 07:15pm
What a great response by our great Mahira khan
Ron May 17, 2024 03:48am
What more we can say is this was not good...And being a Pakistani Men, we are sorry for this action as he was one among us.
Salim May 17, 2024 04:47am
She has class n beauty, rarely you'll find these traits in an actress.
Asad May 17, 2024 12:11pm
What kind of loser person would throw things at a woman. A mental case, only.
Deb R May 17, 2024 12:39pm
Graceful and mature
NYS May 17, 2024 02:55pm
Mahira composed and how gracefully handled the situation despite that she created fuss... Valid point raised here that kind of festivals are limited to big cities no one take a look to organize these gatherings in Baloch city... Last year I was also part of LLF at Alhamra Arts Council it was big from all aspects ✴️ rooting all keep continuing
Suren Kaushik May 18, 2024 08:00am
Commendable attitude on the part of Mahira Khan. She has shown magnanimity and class - some thing that defines her apart from others.
Khalid Mehmood Saman May 19, 2024 08:38am
People like her
Khalid Mehmood Saman May 19, 2024 08:42am
Simply beautiful and charming and I called her Miss Pakistan as well.