
Humayun Saeed was chosen from among eight actors from Pakistan, India to play Dr Hasnat in The Crown

Humayun Saeed was chosen from among eight actors from Pakistan, India to play Dr Hasnat in The Crown

In case you're wondering, the role wasn't just handed over to him — the actor went through a series of auditions before getting selected.
21 Feb, 2024

The role of Dr Hasnat Khan on Netflix series The Crown wasn’t just handed to actor Humayun Saeed — he had to work for it.

In a recent interview on The Knock Knock Show hosted by actor Mohib Mirza, Saeed shared his fascinating journey of landing the role of the late Princess Diana’s love interest. From auditions to selection, Saeed provided insights into the casting process and his initial apprehensions about auditioning for an English series.

When Mirza highlighted the fact that “Humayun Saeed had to give an audition for The Crown,” like it was something out of the ordinary, Saeed assured him that this was and should be the process all actors must go through. He emphasised the importance of auditions and explained that it’s a standard practice for casting directors to gauge an actor’s suitability for a role by observing their performance in a scene.

Reflecting on his feelings during the audition process, Saeed admitted to experiencing a mix of excitement and anxiety. As a fan of The Crown, the opportunity to audition for the show was a surreal moment for him. He confessed that he couldn’t even believe that he was being considered.

“I certainly didn’t know where Diana’s character arc was headed in the story when I completed watching Season 4. And I never thought that despite Dr Hasnat being Pakistani The Crown makers would actually cast a Pakistani to play him. That thought didn’t even cross my mind. So when I was approached, I became really happy. And then they told me that I had to give an audition. That’s when I was like, ‘Damn it! Can’t you tell from my face or my previous work whether I fit the bill?’”

Saeed was certain the casting directors had done their homework prior to approaching him but explained how they wanted to see the way he looks while playing the role of Dr Hasnat onscreen. Despite his initial apprehensions, Saeed approached the audition with sincerity and dedication. That’s when he was shortlisted.

“They wanted to see how I look when I speak like him, act like him. They sent me a scene to do and I did it, after which my agent told me that I, and four others had been shortlisted from a group of eight actors that they had approached from both India and Pakistan for the role. And then they sent another scene that we had to perform and I did that.”

It was after this that Saeed finally received the news that he had been selected to portray Dr Hasnat in The Crown, marking a significant milestone in his career.

Saeed’s journey from auditioning for The Crown to portraying Dr Hasnat serves as a testament to the importance of auditioning and the opportunities that arise when actors embrace new challenges.


Usman Bahadur Feb 21, 2024 05:51pm
He has done a good job . He is a good actor.
Syed Hasni Feb 21, 2024 06:35pm
Good for him !!
Ehsan Feb 21, 2024 07:54pm
That’s professionalism and that’s how you produce or get the best product
Asad Feb 21, 2024 09:18pm
No Indian can play the role of Pakistani surgeon, Dr Hasnat. Thry tried in serial made earlier, it flopped. Audoemces are not fools, they van make out am Indian and a pakistani, very different in looks, culture and mannerism
NYS Feb 22, 2024 12:57am
Humayun was the final product for Dr Hasanat role after tough scrutiny exercise and he did it shine man!
Taj Ahmad Feb 22, 2024 02:14am
Big news for Pakistan and the actor Humayun Saeed, good luck.
Jamal Anjum Feb 22, 2024 06:54am
It is indeed a great achievement for Saeed and a wonderful news for Pakistan
mitterande Feb 22, 2024 08:46pm
role was initially given and fnalised long time back for INDIAn actor ....sadly indian actor passed away hence th change