
13 Mar, 2023

Noor Mukadam was murdered by Zahir Jaffer in 2021 and after two years of court proceedings, the Islamabad High Court has sentenced the rapist and murderer, Zahir Jaffer, to death twice. Though Twitter is of the belief that the punishment should have been handed out a long time ago, it is glad justice is finally being served.

The IHC on Wednesday upheld Jaffer’s death sentence which was earlier reserved on Dec 21 in the Noor Mukadam murder case. A two-member division bench comprising IHC Chief Justice Aamer Farooq and Justice Sardar Ijaz Ishaq Khan announced the verdict.

In its judgment today, the IHC rejected Jaffer’s plea and sentenced him to death twice. It turned the 25-year jail term awarded to the criminal into the death penalty.

Justice delayed but delivered.

This is what is means to actually protect a woman’s honour.

We need to tackle the issue at the grass-root level in order to fully take it on instead of surface level trimming.

Two years, despite a confession.

People feel the punishment is too lenient for the crime.

The worst part is how the cycle continues.

Though nothing will ever be enough, paying for it with hard labour doesn’t sound like a bad idea.

Today’s a victory but it is not the end.

We hope 2023 yields more convictions of murderers, rapists and harassers and justice for the all victims of violence against women.


Tm Mar 14, 2023 09:01am
There are many more Noor waiting for justice.