
Family court orders verification of evidence filed by Feroze Khan’s ex-wife Aliza Sultan

Family court orders verification of evidence filed by Feroze Khan’s ex-wife Aliza Sultan

Directs SHO of Darakhshan police station and the medico-legal office of JPMC to submit reports by Jan 11.
23 Dec, 2022

A family court in Karachi has directed police and hospital officials to verify the evidence submitted by Aliza Sultan regarding alleged physical torture on her by actor and her former husband Feroze Khan.

Judicial Magistrate (East) Sajid Ali Abbasi, who recently took up the matter, directed the SHO of the Darakhshan police station and the medico-legal officer of the Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre to submit their respective reports till Jan 11 and adjourned the hearing.

Syed Qasim Shah, the counsel for Ms Sultan, had moved an application requesting the court to summon the SHO and the MLO concerned to verify the evidence submitted with the court by his client on the last date.

In October, the lawyer had submitted the medico-legal and emergency room reports in a case filed by his client’s former husband Feroze Khan.

The family court is hearing two cases, one filed by Mr Khan for custody of their two children and another filed by Ms Sultan for maintenance money for the children.

The lawyer argued that a medical report from the Accident and Emergency Department at the Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre documenting a complaint of assault in November 2020, mentioned “blunt injuries on both arms, [the] back, chest and face”. A "minor nosebleed" was also recorded.

Originally published in Dawn, December 23, 2022


Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Dec 23, 2022 04:32pm
As you sow, so shall you reap.
Waheed Dec 23, 2022 04:35pm
Let the court decide before you start taking sides.
FAZ Dec 23, 2022 05:55pm
Now? Isn't this too late?
Sana Dec 23, 2022 06:12pm
Something is fundamentally wrong with our society and the men in this society.
Zak Dec 23, 2022 06:25pm
The man should be sent to jail for 10 years. No physical violence should ever be used, ever.
NYS Dec 23, 2022 06:50pm
Now table turn to the prosecuter
Soniye Tu Auder Te La Dec 23, 2022 07:10pm
Aliza Sultan needs to remarry as soon as possible. There is no place for a non-earning divorced woman with kids in Pakistan.
M. Saeed Dec 23, 2022 07:18pm
Exemplary punishment must be given to the extreme wife beater and seriously endangering his own child, by driving car in traffic with his child in lap, without seat belts.
Ahsan Gul Dec 23, 2022 07:39pm
Country is in turmoil politically and economically But this news about some drama artist is important.
No one Dec 23, 2022 11:27pm
Poor guy is mentally sick, hence not fit for child custody. Driving while kid sitting in lap.
Rubab Dec 24, 2022 12:32am
Pakistani Johnny depp
Sidhu Dec 24, 2022 05:57am
@Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad is she expecting baby?
Captain Dec 24, 2022 12:10pm
Wife realised “being tortured” after having 2 kids ? If yes then too late if NOT then she BLUNDERED
Ann Dec 24, 2022 12:11pm
Women, do remember to take photographic and medical evidence and have it attested by gazetted officer each time you get beat by your husband. We all know domestic violence is rampant in Pakistan but no one will believe it when you file a case.