
Wasim Akram opens up about post-retirement cocaine addiction in upcoming autobiography

Wasim Akram opens up about post-retirement cocaine addiction in upcoming autobiography

The cricket commentator said his dependence ended after the death of his first wife in 2009.
31 Oct, 2022

Writing an autobiography is a daunting task, especially if you choose to reveal parts of yourself that are difficult to confront even by yourself. In his upcoming book Sultan: A Memoir, Wasim Akram has decided to pen it all down for the sake of his children. He wants his side of things out there even if the topic is as personal as dealing with a cocaine addiction.

The former cricketer retired in 2003 after 18 years of playing internationally. He stayed within the orbit of the cricketing world though — his career transitioned to cricket commentator and coach. He continued to travel the world on assignments. According to ESPN, the cocaine habit followed his retirement when he started to crave “a substitute for the adrenaline rush of competition”, and ended after the death of his first wife Huma in 2009.

Akram opened up about the matter in his book and an interview to The Times. “I liked to indulge myself; I liked to party,” he wrote. “The culture of fame in south Asia is all consuming, seductive and corrupting. You can go to 10 parties a night, and some do. And it took its toll on me. My devices turned into vices.

“Worst of all, I developed a dependence on cocaine. It started innocuously enough when I was offered a line at a party in England; my use grew steadily more serious, to the point that I felt I needed it to function.”

Akram said cocaine use made him “volatile” and “deceptive”. He felt that his wife at the time, Huma, often felt lonely. “She would talk of her desire to move to Karachi, to be nearer her parents and siblings. I was reluctant. Why? Partly because I liked going to Karachi on my own, pretending it was work when it was actually about partying, often for days at a time.”

Eventually, she found out about his substance abuse, discovering a packet of cocaine in his wallet. “‘You need help.’ I agreed. It was getting out of hand. I couldn’t control it. One line would become two, two would become four; four would become a gram, a gram would become two. I could not sleep. I could not eat. I grew inattentive to my diabetes, which caused me headaches and mood swings. Like a lot of addicts, part of me welcomed discovery: the secrecy had been exhausting,” he said.

Akram sought help and went into rehab but the experience ended up being an unpleasant one. “The doctor was a complete conman, who worked primarily on manipulating families rather than treating patients, on separating relatives from money rather than users from drugs,” he wrote. The commentator ended up relapsing.

“Try as I might, part of me was still smouldering inside about the indignity of what I’d been put through. My pride was hurt, and the lure of my lifestyle remained. I briefly contemplated divorce. I settled for heading to the 2009 ICC Champions Trophy where, out from under Huma’s daily scrutiny, I started using again,” he said. Things took a turn after Huma’s death in October 2009 from a rare fungal infection called mucormycosis. Akram stopped using cocaine.

“Huma’s last selfless, unconscious act was curing me of my drug problem. That way of life was over, and I have never looked back.”

The former cricketer married Shaniera Akram in 2013 and has three children — two sons from his first marriage and a daughter from his second. He told The Times that he wrote his book for his children.

“I’m a bit anxious about the book,” he said, “but I think once it is out, I’ll be kind of over it. I’m anxious because at my age, I’m 56 and I’ve been diabetic for 25 years, it is just stress, you know… it was tough to revisit all the things. I’ve done it for my two boys, who are 25 and 21, and my seven-year-old daughter, just to put my side of the story.”


Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Oct 31, 2022 11:35am
To err is human but to admit one's mistakes is divine.
Sheila Kijawani Oct 31, 2022 11:39am
Good for Wasim Akram, it takes guts to own up publicly, even is it helps in book sales. There are many more ex Pakistani cricketers who still indulge in the habit, some have been in top positions and aspiring to be in that position again
Wolf Oct 31, 2022 11:52am
That is a good business to make money once horrible past.
Sam kahn Oct 31, 2022 11:54am
High profile junkie
Adnan Mazher Khan Oct 31, 2022 11:55am
Wasim Akram is a brave man to admit his faults and felonies. No one is perfect and if he carries on a righteous path hereon, he will get the real success here and hereafter.
Mansur Ul Haque Oct 31, 2022 12:02pm
He was great bowler . May be the best left arm fast bowler ever produced. His tenure as captain, trainer and coach left a lot to be desired. Many other matters should not be discussed now as time has moved forwards. If you left behind good memories world will remember you fondly otherwise---
Tajammal Oct 31, 2022 12:06pm
Difference between educated and non educated persons is here visible
Lahoriyaa Oct 31, 2022 12:13pm
He has lot more to confess. When would u talk about fixings?
Falcon1 Oct 31, 2022 12:15pm
Self praise is no recommendation. IK is fighting for the soul of Pakistan But Wasim wants glory and calls himself ''Sultan'? Sultan of what exactly??
saifullah khan Oct 31, 2022 12:28pm
Looking for new avenues to generate money-- Notriety!! So what
Fareed Oct 31, 2022 12:29pm
Just to be in news and sell his book.
saifullah khan Oct 31, 2022 12:30pm
Must be a joint venture with GEO
Realistic Oct 31, 2022 12:42pm
Why to share your bad habits with young generation
Wahab UK Oct 31, 2022 12:56pm
Respect for accepting his mistakes.
Truth be told Oct 31, 2022 01:38pm
@Sheila Kijawani don't justify his incorrect actions. What kind of a message are you sending our youth? That it is okay to be an addict? One should be denounced initially for a wrong doing and later should be supported for taking a positive step of fixing a vice.
datta Oct 31, 2022 01:38pm
@Falcon1 Sultan of swing.
Truth be told Oct 31, 2022 01:38pm
@Sam kahn along with buddy Imran who will never admit similar things, worse crimes and a child.
datta Oct 31, 2022 01:39pm
Akram's honesty must be lauded. He is a legend.
Haqeeqi Azadi Oct 31, 2022 01:49pm
Who was supplying the cocaine ??
Philosopher (From Japan) Oct 31, 2022 02:08pm
so all cricketer should immediately start using cocaine for relaxation?
M. Emad Oct 31, 2022 02:42pm
The Addict.
Amitabha Oct 31, 2022 04:11pm
That was indeed very courageous of you to come out in the open about your PAST addiction. Honesty requires courage.
ABE Oct 31, 2022 04:11pm
I hope the publisher didn't run a print of more than a dozen or so of his books. Who exactly would be lining up at his book signing?? Except folks from his own family or friends.
zaheer Oct 31, 2022 04:20pm
thats all behind him now-- he is still an asset to our country and his services should be used as a coach for years to come
SaneMind1st Oct 31, 2022 04:29pm
A Pious man from the land of pure.
Muquarrab Oct 31, 2022 04:38pm
@Falcon1 well said! I am disappointed!
Testdriver Oct 31, 2022 04:43pm
Axxxcuse me, ap bhi??
David cooper Oct 31, 2022 04:53pm
you never know he might be on that during play days. But its a Good idea to sell book.
Ukpindite Oct 31, 2022 05:16pm
Blatant lying match fixing pioneer
Naim Oct 31, 2022 05:20pm
The stress of relationship must have driven to take up this habit and once that was over he sobered up!!
Tariq Choudry Oct 31, 2022 05:40pm
Your story is a success for lot of drug users out there who can't. Thanks for sharing, you can be their beacon.
Anum Chaudhry Oct 31, 2022 06:01pm
Gives more wieght to his match fixing past which he always denies.
Main Oct 31, 2022 06:53pm
Immie is still at it. Good ploy to make money, How about educating yourself and stop behaving like a 15 year old.
Jawwad Oct 31, 2022 06:56pm
Wasim bhai aap thakte nai hain
Honest Oct 31, 2022 07:07pm
Lie. Taking cocaine after retirement is a lie. His poor first wife might have suffered a lot.
asma Oct 31, 2022 07:24pm
Not too mention countless bribes etc he took to loose various matches. He was never caught though !!!! The man only met his current wife in a casino so he was known to party hard
dr.grouf Oct 31, 2022 07:25pm
overrated piece of excrement
Taj Ahmad - USA Oct 31, 2022 07:32pm
Wasim Akram is simply Pakistan’s legend and world’s one of best fast bowler in cricket history. My salute to Wasim Akram.
Sach baat Oct 31, 2022 08:13pm
What a life. Fame is so deceptive, money is so adrenaline friendly. His experience must wake up people who have become addicts and also have same lifestyle. I think one should appreciate him. Why do Pakistanis criticise so much? It's a great message he is giving.
Chand bibi Oct 31, 2022 08:15pm
It is so unfortunate, that the very sport that is supposed to give discipline sometimes put players in difficult situations for partying and away from religion effecting marriages. But at the end it is the sole responsibility on the person as to what path they chooses with fame
Chand bibi Oct 31, 2022 08:16pm
It is unfortunate situation
Afzal USA Oct 31, 2022 08:54pm
WASIM Akram, hats off to you. You were the best and sensible bowler, was an asset of Pakistan Cricket in those unforgettable years. You are still an asset to Pakistan cricket, in the sense that you can provide tricks and tactics to the upcoming potential bowlers which you displayed during your marvelous golden years of bowling. We all have personal drawbacks as humans and no one is perfect. With time, we realize our shortcomings and with our sincere repentance with honest acceptance of mistakes, we can ask the Almighty to forgive us and keep us on the straight path.
Just Saying Oct 31, 2022 08:54pm
Wasim was a top notch cricketer. He is a top notch commentator. He knows how to engage a TV audience - whether with his cricketing analysis or appearance on a comedy show. Most of us have made mistakes in life. So on that basis, and as an Indian supporter, I wish him well.
Just Saying Oct 31, 2022 09:01pm
No one is perfect. When you are constantly surrounded by money, fame and adoring female fans, it is easy to slip up. At least he has come clean, unlike many others who suddenly start pretending to be pious and holier than thou.
FM Oct 31, 2022 09:03pm
Wasim Akram trying to stay 'relevent' with a story here and there or those some odds tweets every now and then...
Pandu Oct 31, 2022 09:08pm
We have respect for men like Akram who are open about their weaknesses. Many people will find strength in his words to overcome their own weaknesses. Congrats wasim.
Imran A. Oct 31, 2022 09:39pm
Pretty sure that other players and celebrities are victims of drug abuse because it is hard to get over the high that one gets from winning matches and public attention. It is not just as easy as giving up addiction from cocaine. It doesn't stop at physical substance abuse. Unless and until one discovers his/her connection with their higher self, there is no end to addiction. It will manifest itself in other forms. It actually gets tougher as you age. Sometimes the only cure is bad health. Good luck in your future wins over yourself Wasim Akram!
Rafi Oct 31, 2022 09:43pm
It's great he is sharing and it will help others ! Some people are addicted to religion and there is no coming out of that.
Peaceful Mind Oct 31, 2022 10:09pm
Brave man and courageous to acknowledge and accept mistakes, we are all human not robots we make mistakes.
Sane Oct 31, 2022 10:13pm
This was spoilt cricket heroes and one is imran khan when will he learn a lesson ?
JhunJhunwala-Tikkaramgurung Oct 31, 2022 10:23pm
@Falcon1, Sultan of swing.
Sabah Nov 01, 2022 12:28am
I am amazed at the level of negativity in the comments. At no point in this article is he shown to be justifying his habit at all. Right from the first mention, he has stated that it was wrong. Completely missing the important point on lack of good rehabilitation services in Pakistan. Maybe he can raise awareness of the need to seek help and also for holding conmen accountable for hurting families?
Punisher Nov 01, 2022 01:03am
Did he also take Performance enhancing drugs (PEDs) while playing cricket?
Punisher Nov 01, 2022 02:31am
He must've made a lot of money playing all those fixed matches against India in Sharjah in the 80s & 90s. Azharuddin has already admitted it. Everyone knew the result even before the match started.
Ijaz Durrani Nov 01, 2022 07:26am
A SELF Confessed cocaine addict, what a shame. How low can a man plummet to sell his 'book'? The Publishers should take cognizance and ban the book in its perpetuity.
Farooq Nov 01, 2022 08:56am
What a piece of trash?