
‘Suffering knows no nationality, race or religion’: Mehwish Hayat calls out Bollywood for their silence on Pakistan floods

‘Suffering knows no nationality, race or religion’: Mehwish Hayat calls out Bollywood for their silence on Pakistan floods

The actor believes there is no better time for them to show they can rise above "nationalist politics" than now.
04 Sep, 2022

Actor Mehwish Hayat called out the Bollywood fraternity for keeping mum about the catastrophic floods that have a third of Pakistan submerged in water. She said human suffering transcends borders and this is the time to show that.

Responding to a tweet expressing disappointment in the lack of response by Bollywood stars, she said, “The silence from the Bollywood fraternity is deafening. ‘Suffering knows no nationality, race or religion’ — no better time for them to show us that they can rise above nationalist politics and care about their fans in Pakistan. We are hurting and a kind word or two would not go amiss.”

The London Nahi Jaunga actor, who is also the global ambassador for Penny Appeal, recently appeared on Sky News and BBC to appeal for donations and revealed that she is closely working with the organisation to provide aid to people affected by the floods.

Humanitarian assistance and solidarity messages from different parts of the world have poured in, with Canada, France, Qatar, the UAE, Turkiye and Azerbaijan among the leading countries to pledge support in response to Pakistan’s call for help in the wake of devastation caused by flood.

Pakistan is in a state of national emergency with over 1,200 dead, over 12,000 injured and tens of millions displaced. Catastrophic floods resulting from this year’s monsoon rains have washed away everything that came in its way including houses, schools, hospitals, powerhouses and people.

If you wish to contribute in any way, here is a list of organisations you can donate to to help.


Sayena Sep 04, 2022 04:34pm
Now begging even from Bollywood!
NSG Sep 04, 2022 04:35pm
Bollywood is Indian cinema, not a country
shukari Sep 04, 2022 04:38pm
Bollywood is popular in Pakistan? I thought they were banned there?
Tajammal Sep 04, 2022 04:39pm
For whom she is calling!
Abdul S Sep 04, 2022 04:50pm
Is Ertugrul actors or Chinese actors tweeting about Pakistan floods? Who cares really.
Raghu Sep 04, 2022 04:50pm
Why should India care?
Pandu Sep 04, 2022 04:52pm
Pakistani movies are full of anti india rhetoric
Jamil Soomro, New York City Sep 04, 2022 05:05pm
If the great Dilip Kumar were alive today he would have been the first one to have announced the Aid for the victims of the recent floods in Pakistan. He did many Shows around the world to raise money for Charity Purposes. We miss you.
Ravi Shah Sep 04, 2022 05:11pm
Desperately seeking 5 minutes of fame
Nawaz Sep 04, 2022 05:12pm
Why does she require Indians to beg for Pakistan, Pakistanis are good at it
Shiva Sep 04, 2022 05:14pm
Ya..Suffering has no boundary...How many of you condemn/raise awareness when there was a terrorist attack in India?
Zak Sep 04, 2022 05:22pm
We dont care about foreign countries, they need more help then us, and we under IK, saved them in pandemic times
Salvo Sep 04, 2022 05:31pm
Pakistans actors, Calling out Bollywood in a self serving statement to get their 15 min of fame ..
Syed A. Mateen Sep 04, 2022 05:33pm
Mehwish Hayat is the heart beat of hundreds and thousands of Pakistanis in the country and abroad. Bolltwood actors and actress must pay heed to Mehwish Hyat as what she is saying. Come out from your homes and collect donations for the flood victims and meet the displaced people and provide them every thing what ever is required to pass on the daily life in the need of the hour.
Zoltar Sep 04, 2022 05:33pm
This actress is always so consumed with Indian actors & actresses. You can’t force someone to look at you and acknowledge you, it’s their choice.
Mulki Sep 04, 2022 05:36pm
I am so much surprised at the level of stupidity of Pakistanis, why just Bollywood, why not go after Hollywood too, lol losers
SATT Sep 04, 2022 05:44pm
People who think Bollywood is India are completely fool.
Ravi Sep 04, 2022 05:51pm
Ya same .. as u guys didn't say any word when uri and pathankot attack happened
Anuj Sep 04, 2022 05:54pm
The sense of entitlement these people have is amazing.
Gaur Sep 04, 2022 05:54pm
Who is she ?
Samrat Sep 04, 2022 05:56pm
As if their tweets will undo the incompetence of Pakistan.
JustSaying Sep 04, 2022 05:58pm
But Pakistanis Abuse and Insult Bollywood Right and Left....
sultan Sep 04, 2022 06:02pm
Why are you even bothered about them? Why are you not helping out in the trenches? Bit hypocritical.
Aqliyat Sep 04, 2022 06:09pm
Donation and empathy are always reciprocated by both sides. What was your and Lollywood's response to neighbor's calamities? And at that time, did any celebrity from the neighbor's place call out Lollywood's silence?
Simba Sep 04, 2022 06:25pm
We don't need India,Bollywood involved here.
Zulfiqar Sep 04, 2022 06:28pm
Please don’t beg for sympathy. Yes we’re hurting but this too shall pass. The whole world cannot be expected to feel good or bad about us.
Sach baat Sep 04, 2022 06:28pm
Bollywood is undergoing a famine themselves with all big budget films delivering flops. Anything they say will hit them hard.
Fast comment Sep 04, 2022 06:28pm
Mehwish is right. But did her statement really melt down the metal hearts that’s remains to be seen.
Lalit Turan Sep 04, 2022 06:30pm
Did she tweet about floods in Assam and Bihar recently? Did she tweet about 26/11 Mumbai attack?
Uturn Sep 04, 2022 06:36pm
Bollywood actors are famous in Pakistan??
Pakistani1 Sep 04, 2022 06:37pm
It would be a better use of time of the Pakistani celebrity to mobilize funds on her own and with her own followers rather than begging celebrities from another country. Is this a way to stay in news without doing anything herself?
Fatima Sep 04, 2022 06:51pm
What does this have to do with Bollywood ? Next you will be asking why premier league teams are not wearing black armbands this weekend
Hanna Sep 04, 2022 07:18pm
Sorry mam,how is it the responsibility of Bollywood and not the nation's own elite and privileged to help their own countrymen in need, instead of blaming the neighboring countries you should focus on relief work if your real intent is helping the affectees
Alla Bux Sep 04, 2022 07:23pm
Why are we talking about Bollywood (which we always claim is hurting our culture)?
Shaun Sep 04, 2022 07:28pm
@Zak Then why Imran Khan not helping, currently he is busy doing politics and trying to become the Prime Minister.
Tiger Sep 04, 2022 07:41pm
Bollywood is being boycotted. Please release their films in Pakistan. Help them from getting drowned in their self created puddles of miserable movies.
Alla Bux Sep 04, 2022 07:47pm
Why do we care what Bollywood says? We do NOT allow their movies to be screened. We want their sympathy/money?
Khan D Sep 04, 2022 08:10pm
You'll don't want trade with India so why are you moaning now. Your government keeps banning Bollywood movies and you forcing people to look at you.
Saniaa Sep 04, 2022 08:17pm
If suffering knows no nationality, then why trade is banned by leaders of Pakistan? Leave Bollywood. Ask the government atleast to allow trade if not aid atleast till the disaster subsides.
kaly Sep 04, 2022 08:40pm
@Lalit Turan Exactly I have written what you have said.
James (California) Sep 04, 2022 08:43pm
The floods started 30days back..this lady and most of Pakistan media were silent till they started hitting south Punjab
Joe Sep 04, 2022 08:54pm
When Pakistan bans Bollywood movies,any words by you ,Mehwish Hayat to say that art has no boundary ?
SANDIPAN KHAN Sep 04, 2022 08:59pm
What about oil rich nations?
Advd Sep 04, 2022 09:33pm
Zero business, zero sympathy. It's an industry bro and the industry is being taught to toe the line now.
TPA Sep 04, 2022 10:17pm
Self created mess deserves no sympathy.
Shahid Sep 04, 2022 10:18pm
@Sayena shame on you for making such a comment.
AJ Sep 04, 2022 11:06pm
Why is she embarrassing Pakistan? She is no one. Is Imran Khan asking from Bollywood. he is the only sane person in Pakistan's leadership and does his on his own. She needs to be quite.
Nawaz Sep 04, 2022 11:15pm
Even Hollywood and Turkish actors have not tweeted for Pakistan floods, why not ask them
Cye Sep 04, 2022 11:16pm
She basically saying to Bollywood to show some humanity, if there is any left in you guys.
KASH Sep 04, 2022 11:24pm
They Bollywood are scared of saying anything that would be detrimental to their future films at the box office. They don't care tbh. Lollywood should also not bother when a catastrophe hits India next time.
Tanmay Sep 04, 2022 11:36pm
Did you tweet about 26/11 Mumbai attack?
Pak Pashtun Sep 05, 2022 12:24am
Who cares about Bollywood? Why do you care?
Deepak Sep 05, 2022 12:32am
Where is your all-weather friend. Heard that nothing has come from them yet but USA has helped
Pakistani Sep 05, 2022 01:45am
@Abdul S Yes they are. Get your facts straight.
Raghs Sep 05, 2022 01:45am
India has regular floods even recently in WB, Odisha, Kerala, Karnataka, AP, HP, Uttarakhand - did we see any tweets from Pakistani celebs ?
Raand Sep 05, 2022 01:53am
Leave politics for politicians. Go back to acting.
Zeeshan Ahmed Sep 05, 2022 02:47am
Be honest, when was the last time we ever called out for anything in India?
Sam Sep 05, 2022 03:25am
How about sufferings of Kashmiri pundits? Sufferings of minorities in Pakistan?
GreenAura Sep 05, 2022 03:26am
The silence of our neighbours is actually an improvement given how they responded to Pakistan's covid deaths and a recent air disaster.
MG Sep 05, 2022 04:33am
How about demanding such acts from your own leaders like Ex PM IKN? He is busy in organizing sit ins asking early elections while the whole of the country is suffering?
Fastforward Sep 05, 2022 05:09am
@Zak Extent of gullibility
Fastforward Sep 05, 2022 05:30am
More or less like- banned trade with India. But wants tomato and potatoes.
Loan seekers Sep 05, 2022 05:32am
@Tiger better watch movies from China Turkey and Iran.
Really Sep 05, 2022 07:13am
@Pandu, Bollywood is mostly anti India too.
Manish M Sep 05, 2022 07:46am
Please ask sharukh khan
Inde Sep 05, 2022 08:06am
Mehwish Hayat is a big star and speaks as a big star. Brilliant!
Sayyar Khan Sep 05, 2022 08:52am
What difference will it make if they acknowledge it or not.
Gah Sep 05, 2022 09:16am
The Prime Minister himself has expressed his condolences. And what does Pakistan do - go into convulsions about whether to accept aid from India or not, even though no aid has been offered. Hypocrites.
Alige Sep 05, 2022 09:21am
Begging from Bollywood
Saad Sep 05, 2022 09:30am
Do we really care? Please do not bring this trend here in Pakistan, where some odd celebrity is forced or expected to make a comment on certain matter.
Roy Sep 05, 2022 09:55am
the problem is one does not know how Pakistan will react...see what your PM's response was when there was just an expression of support. no point blaming others ... you need to look inside to figure out what the problems are..
HumaN Sep 05, 2022 10:19am
@Zak, you're a perfect example of ostrich, but the problem is there are millions like you in Pakistan who don't learn even in the face of adversity.
khanman Sep 05, 2022 10:51am
Celebrities in general are dumb. some proves it.
Love Your Country Sep 05, 2022 10:53am
Statement made for fame. What a shame!
Ggrao Sep 05, 2022 11:26am
Ask china for loan.
Shahbano Khan Sep 05, 2022 11:58am
@Tajammal Shes actually trying to get their attention so they can give her a movie role.