
25 Jul, 2022

Selahaddin Eyyubi has been a long time in the making and it looks like the release date is getting closer and closer. Until then, Adnan Siddiqui, one of the producers of the Pak-Turkish series, has dropped a date for the set reveal.

On Monday, he shared a video to announce the reveal, captioned, “Mark the date July 29! We, the quartet of Dr Kashif Ansari, Dr Junaid Ali Shah, Mr Humayun Saeed and yours truly, are in anticipation of all of you on July 29 when we reveal the set of one of our most ambitious and loved projects, Sultan Selahaddin Eyyubi, in Istanbul, Turkey.”

“The epic, based on the life of Saladin, the founder of Ayyubid dynasty, is a joint venture between the four of us and Akli Films. Be there to be a part of history,” he added.

In the video, he explained how the series came together. “Today I have a very important news to deliver — let me delve into the past for you to understand better. Around three, three and a half years ago, Kashif Ansari called me from the US and extended an offer, asking me to join him in visiting Ertugrul’s set and shrine. Without a moment’s hesitation, I accepted. There began talks that led to us considering a production together. That wasn’t possible due to a teething problem but as a result, we are on our way to do a very big project together.

“Yes, Dr Kashif Ansari and Dr Junaid Ali Shah ended up starting a production company together and Humayun Saeed and I are both part of it. InshaAllah, we will reveal the set on July 29 in Istanbul and have our cameras open. [The four of us] will be waiting to host you, please come and grace us with your presence. We pray that this series of ours, Selahaddin Eyyubi, makes an impact all over the world,” he said.

The team had announced in May that the set reveal would be held at the end of July. Saeed shared a video of the ongoing construction and said, “So glad to share that our team and producers, Dr Junaid Shah and Dr Kashif Ansari, are working extremely hard and efficiently to bring Pakistan’s biggest ever collaboration with Turkey — Selahaddin Eyyubi — to life. As you can see, pre-production work is being done very professionally and at a fast pace so Insha Allah you will be seeing this series on your screens very soon. Proud to be associated with this project!”

The Pakistani and Turkish producers behind the show met former PM Imran Khan in October to announce the joint production. Imran stressed the need to familiarise the younger generation with Muslim history and expressed the hope that the use of multimedia could prove helpful in this regard.

“The series on the life of Selahaddin Eyyubi will make the youth aware of his historic role,” he said. “It is high time to make dramas and films based on historical narrative rather than opting for routine topics.”


NYS Jul 25, 2022 03:28pm
The ancient topic will become the significant historic series All the best wishes here
Simple Logic Jul 25, 2022 03:42pm
No doubt Selahuddin was an upright and victorious general who conquered Jerusalem against stiff opposition. However, it would be nice to also celebrate some of the glorious Muslim scientists, mathematicians, doctors and astronomers from the same era who changed the course of world history through their discoveries. Will someone make a movie or a series to honour their memory and inspire the future generation of Muslims to follow their path ?
Syed Hasni Jul 25, 2022 03:52pm
With Kashif bhai on the team, it is going to be a real treat. In the last episode , couple of people should be beaten up in real, DMC days will come alive. Best of Luck !
Mnkhan Jul 25, 2022 05:41pm
Excellent news. Eagerly waiting. Kudos to Humayun and Adnan for venturing into this genre.
ENGR Hamid Shafiq Jul 25, 2022 05:56pm
Better to work and think for future its past story
Texas Tariq Jul 25, 2022 06:15pm
and Pakistani actors will destroy an otherwise great Turkish drama. None of these guys or gals have any talent. Just posers.
Zak Jul 25, 2022 06:35pm
Selahaddin Eyyubi has been a long time in the making and it looks like the release date is getting closer and closer. Until then, Adnan Siddiqui, one of the producers of the Pak-Turkish series, has dropped a date for the set reveal. After his Nawaz sharif visit, no one is interested.
Masood Khan Jul 25, 2022 07:14pm
How much of Nawaz Shareef's money is in the project? You know very well, where that money came from. This is a vicious cycle. The leaders steal from the public, film producers get the same money from the leaders and then this stupid public goes and see the same movie. Poor people are getting robbed from both sides.
Ayesha Jul 25, 2022 09:17pm
No thx .there is no need for dipping to Turkish dramas .nobody in turkey watches turkey dramas .
Pandu Jul 25, 2022 09:26pm
@Simple Logic "celebrate some of the glorious Muslim scientists, mathematicians, doctors and astronomers from the same era " - like who? There are none like that.
Pandu Jul 25, 2022 09:27pm
A nation living in the past.
Sajj Mahmood Jul 25, 2022 09:30pm
@Texas Tariq speak for yourself, you must be talentless with such negative comments, Adnan Siddique and H Sayed and co are top actors, you looser
RASHEED SHAIKH Jul 25, 2022 11:44pm
mashallah turkish brotheren conquer the third of the world. but muslim scientist of spain and arabic peninsula, contribution towards the science, architects and mathematics, is truly remarkable. Because of them, the western scientific research flourish, and help the human kind. lets pray for them as well.
M Emad Jul 26, 2022 12:05am
Please make a Pak-Indian series Maharaja Ranjit Singh,
Zak Jul 26, 2022 02:02am
@Masood Khan well said.
Nasser Jul 26, 2022 02:35am
@Simple Logic what a brilliant idea; the nearly 900 years of the Golden Muslim Period is what we Muslims need to inspire ourselves out of 500 years of decline
Tariq Jul 26, 2022 08:10am
I hope the series has nothing to do with religions and wars on religions and focus on something else.
Babubhai Jul 26, 2022 09:38am
High time we distance ourselves from Turkey and instead try to improve relations with our neighboring countries. All the best -- long live Pakastan.