
'Please take your dirty comments elsewhere': Ayesha Omar defends BTS video from Rehbra shoot

'Please take your dirty comments elsewhere': Ayesha Omar defends BTS video from Rehbra shoot

Some netizens made crude remarks about her and Ahsan Khan in the video's comment section, forcing Omar to respond.
28 Jun, 2022

Sometimes people take onscreen chemistry too seriously — actor Ayesha Omar posted a BTS video with her Rehbra costar Ahsan Khan atop a horse and online trolls had a field day with it. The actors were quick to respond and tell them to "take their dirty comments elsewhere".

On Friday, Omar shared the horse video and later edited the caption to include a note specifically aimed at those who had something unpleasant to say about it. "P.s. turned off comments! Don't want negative energy around. We just doing our work baby and laughing through the hard, tough shoot to keep our energy, mood and focus up. It was freezing and raining and we hadn't slept properly in days because of nonstop shoot. We had 30 minutes to finish the entire sequence. We still put in our best with smiles on our faces. And that's NOT easy," she wrote in the caption.

She then clarified that there is no relationship between the costars other than a professional and friendly one. "Ahsan and I are buddies for life and there is no other "intention" involved except to play our characters to the best of our abilities. Not that I need to give an explanation but I felt like it."

This was in response to comments under the video that tried to shame the actors for how close they were sitting on the horse and made inappropriate implications. Social media users who are okay with witnessing intimacy onscreen seemed to have very strong feelings about seeing how it is filmed behind the scenes. They blamed the actors for the "destruction of society", among a host of other things.

The Bulbulay actor prompted her followers to go watch Rehbra to see the actual scene for the BTS clip. "You'll love it, it's adorable. And do give me feedback for it under my next BTS video. I would love some constructive criticism so we can work on ourselves and do better next time," she said.

Swinging back at the trolls. she concluded with, "Oh, and please take your dirty comments elsewhere."

Omar posted the edited caption on her story as well, for good measure.

Khan also commented on the issue. Addressing the trolls he said, "It's just a simple scene where I try [to] save my heroin[e] and we only have one horse to flee! If you have to save someone in real life, what will you do? Relax guys."

Online trolls need to learn that it's always better to stay quiet than to make comments based on assumptions. And to avoid speaking on matters that in no way concern them. Follow Omar's advice and watch Rehbra and chill.


well-wisher Jun 28, 2022 05:49pm
Great actors. Just let them act the characters and give freedom a chance.
Sheraz Ali Rizvi Jun 28, 2022 05:49pm
This is happened when uneducated people start using social media.
Syed Hasni Jun 28, 2022 05:55pm
I think, its Ahsan and Ayeshas facial expression which has made the Netizen think that way. it's only the horse, who is shying away, cute horse by the way!
Kashif Khan Jun 28, 2022 06:09pm
Why should we watch a film we don't care about. Jurassic Park is way better, and way more family friendy than this bogus acting.
MA Jun 28, 2022 06:21pm
They should not be sitting at that range.
Imran Jun 28, 2022 06:26pm
You have to admit that the actors provided a soft target for all sort of jokes and meme's.
Viq saad Jun 28, 2022 07:44pm
Negativity is in individual’s head and not in the action of others unless ptherwise proven. In this case its a horse ride and nothing more.
Taj Ahmad Jun 28, 2022 07:45pm
Ayesha great respect to you and Ahsan, you know some people may never change, just a negative mind people, most people understand our TV actors and actresses are like a family and they respect each other’s as brother and sister. Just enjoy, you guys need some out to enjoy during and after shooting on sets.
AHAQ Jun 28, 2022 08:21pm
2 separate horses with each actor on a horse would have been a better choice
Douglas Jun 28, 2022 08:40pm
Shooting should have been done during winter
El Cid Jun 28, 2022 09:12pm
Testing the waters, I'd say!
Seedoo Jun 28, 2022 09:31pm
Pakistani society is sexually deprived, therefore, can be triggered very easily. Anything simple that would go totally unnoticed in an open society, becomes a big deal here. This is what happens when you deprive masses too much, their minds are focused on one thing and one thing only.
Ijaz Jun 28, 2022 10:12pm
This is what happens when you have a population that takes to social media before it can read a book from cover to cover
Sab Se Pehle Pakistan Jun 28, 2022 10:30pm
No one cares about these losers as people have more important things to do. These self proclaimed celebrities will do anything to seek cheap publicity. Our entertainment industry is a disaster.
TenJee Jun 28, 2022 10:41pm
@Seedoo As uneducated and uninformed an opinion as I've ever read.
Haroon Jun 28, 2022 10:55pm
Who ever is criticizing Ahsan and Ayesha are doing the right thing. But for those people also I say that what you expect from such low caliber people. If they can do such scene in front of camera then imagine what they can and are doing behind the camera.
Naseer Jun 28, 2022 10:56pm
You guys suck being keep reproducing the same rotten things whether it is a TV or a big screen. Your accomplishment is nothing and career begins and ends on the single line shut up Nabile. Pathetic so called artist.
Zeeshan Ahmed Jun 28, 2022 11:01pm
Dirty industries breed dirty things.
Truth be told Jun 28, 2022 11:33pm
"She says they kept focus up". Wonder what that means. Every Pakistani dad wants his daughter to be where Ayesha is and every Pakistani brother wants his sister in the same place. Thank you Ayesha and Ahsan for representing Pakistani family values accurately.
arman Jun 28, 2022 11:55pm
@MA You are absolutely right of them should be sitting on the tail of the horse... how dare they not ......shame on them by they way if I don't like the way they are sitting I recommend one facing the tail 'of the horse one the face ..don' you agree.
arman Jun 28, 2022 11:57pm
@AHAQ You are right I might add going in opposite direction as well ..after all Dunya Goal hai...
Douglas Jun 29, 2022 12:05am
Shooting during winter is reasonable
Imran khan (Mardan) KPK Jun 29, 2022 01:02am
The pose they are in, reminds one of something, hence the uproar and quiet rightly so.
Rehbra or Zebra??!! Jun 29, 2022 01:58am
Pakistanis are still riding horses in their useless movies!!??
Ahad Jun 29, 2022 03:15am
The shoot was in Kasur. Everyone knows Kasur makes people indulge in sexual depravity. That's why we are concerned. No dirty mind at all!
A-man Jun 29, 2022 04:43am
Below average actors getting unnecessary attention In dawn. Seems like naughty women need to be tamed in Pakistan. All this media has created a lot of women on the loose.
A-man Jun 29, 2022 04:46am
@Seedoo listen up Indian, just go and dance away to your third rate entertainment. Just because you all live in a naturally subservient society, doesn't mean others are the same. Our values are different to yours.
Omamah Khan Jun 29, 2022 04:52am
this is the fun of Pakistan Free speech
Ali Jun 29, 2022 05:28am
Correct criticism
Dr. Asim Maqbool Jun 29, 2022 06:57am
Shame on these two "role models" in showbiz - trying to imitate other countries..
John Jun 29, 2022 07:13am
she should have been in parda
ST Jun 29, 2022 07:49am
Its definitely a cheap pose. Both clinging to each other . Should be sitting on separate horses
baby prasad Jun 29, 2022 09:26am
We gotta ask is this our culture?
Noted Jun 29, 2022 10:11am
Too deeply immersed in their characters!
Shaby Jun 29, 2022 10:34am
Double standards of viewers. We love the scenes but hate to see how it is done.
Me Jun 29, 2022 10:46am
Why she is not sitting at the back?
Me Jun 29, 2022 10:47am
@Seedoo western society have sex available at every corner of the street then why they have such high rate of sexual abuse?
Hi Jun 29, 2022 11:35am
Pakistanis will never be educated and always have dirty mind toward their people. This is sad for future of pakistan
SaneMind Jun 29, 2022 11:43am
In the Land of the dream of Quaid, hota ha ye sab.
luke Jun 29, 2022 12:10pm
@Sheraz Ali Rizvi :in your country educated and uneducated are on the same page, educated looted the country
The Truth Spy Jun 29, 2022 01:02pm
@Hi :relax dear it happens everywhere not only in Pakistan
Salman Haider Jun 29, 2022 05:36pm
The best way to stay positive is to turn off all the comments. But one needs courage to do that because then you won't be a topic for discussion anymore. And that's a big NO for celebrities.
Isthisreal Jun 29, 2022 09:43pm
Can you blame people? Seriously.. even siblings wouldn't sit like that.. come on look at the man's hands lying in her lap.. please
Fizz Jun 30, 2022 01:14am
@Sheraz Ali Rizvi so true. Same thoughts
Asad Ali Jun 30, 2022 02:00am
@Sheraz Ali Rizvi Would u like to ride like that with an educated guy like me?
Tariq Jun 30, 2022 05:38am
It is easy to understand both sides of the argument. However, Pakistan was created as a separate state from India with an Islamic ethos. If we want movies that are going towards Bollywood and Hinduism then why did we separate? The so called uneducated people have a point. If Pakistani actors love Indian style of movies then please go there. Pakistan is a muslim country. It is the right of every pakistani to say the industry needs to clean up. Stop being cheap Bollywood clones.
Ahmad Jun 30, 2022 06:34pm
The bottom line is both are too closed while sitting on the horse and our society not going to accept it 100% even if they are real married couple they still not sits that closed. Sorry!!!
Umair Jul 03, 2022 02:28am
@Taj Ahmad, Yes brother and sisters that share romantic scenes together!, don't try to justify things which are taking our society further away from Islam, why do we have to copy the west in all aspects that have no benefit, shamelessness is not the key to their success but the catalyst for their pending downfall.