
Writer Mohammed Hanif withdraws from Goethe Institut conference over Mohammed El Kurd being disinvited

Writer Mohammed Hanif withdraws from Goethe Institut conference over Mohammed El Kurd being disinvited

The British-Pakistani author took to Twitter and asked how one can have a conversation after silencing a key witness.
21 Jun, 2022

British-Pakistani writer Mohammed Hanif has announced that he will no longer participate in a conference held by Goethe Institute in Hamburg, Germany after the conference disinvited Mohammed El-Kurd, a Palestinian writer and poet.

According to the writer, Kurd was invited and then disinvited from the “Beyond the Lone Offender – Dynamics of the Global Right” summit, scheduled to be held from June 23 to 26 in Hamburg, because he was not "respectful enough towards Israel."

In another tweet, Hanif wrote, "Mohammed El Kurd's house was taken over by settlers when he was eleven. Kurd and his sister Muna have been protesting since they were children. Haven’t read much Goethe but I don’t think he wanted the world to be respectful towards a ruthless apartheid regime."

Hanif said that he was supposed to speak about the dynamics of right wing structures and asked how one could have a conversation after silencing a key witness like Kurd. He also suggested that Goethe Institute should have a "good look" at themselves.

In a tweet he also attached a link to read Kurd's poetry collection and asked the public to decide who's being "disrespectful" in this case.

Kurd has been raising his voice against the apartheid for years. Last year, his story about Sheikh Jarrar, his hometown, went viral online when protesters staged a demonstration against the planned expulsion of Palestinians.

The Institut announced that it was disinviting him on June 17.

The 24-year-old has about 790,000 followers on Instagram and almost 249,000 on Twitter.


Daanish Jun 21, 2022 04:31pm
West has double standards about freedom of speech l
HashBrown® Jun 21, 2022 04:32pm
Excellent move by Hanif - not just withdrawing, but doing so with a bang. This is how voices become heard.
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Jun 21, 2022 04:37pm
Brave move and great news to stand united with the oppressed, suppressed, subjugated and depressed land and people of Palestine and to show the guts, courage, resilience and the grit, by calling a spade, a spade.
Hamed Jun 21, 2022 04:45pm
What do you expect from the western civilization?!
funnyman Jun 21, 2022 04:55pm
How shocking!! The sons and daughters of Nazis, in an attempt to cover up and re-write their history, are attempting to forcibly alienate an already persecuted minority. Just like the generation before them did to German Jews. Like mother & father, like son and daughter isnt it Goethe Insitute?
Abbas Naqvi Jun 21, 2022 05:04pm
Apartheid regime of Israel deserves not to be respected given the genocide of Palestinians that it has been carrying out for years.
Dr Sutton Jun 21, 2022 05:14pm
I would have done the same … Zionist colonialist
Niche Jun 21, 2022 05:27pm
We all need to raise voice against oppression. Well done!
LOL Jun 21, 2022 05:31pm
A game changer.
Kashif Ali Jun 21, 2022 05:34pm
A highly commendable decision by Mr. Hanif. This is high time that world must understand that Israel is re-enacting the Holocaust upon innocent Palestinians. I do respect Jews but never at the cost of blatant violations of human rights. What Hitler did to Jews in early and mid 20th century, Israelites are repeating the same to Palestinians. This has to be stopped otherwise, the Holocaust will lose its significance to more than half of the world.
Zulfikar Jun 21, 2022 05:39pm
Ali Jun 21, 2022 05:54pm
Proud of your decision Hanif. Bold and courageous, as always, against established dogma.
SM Jun 21, 2022 06:06pm
Well done for standing up to apartheid apologists. Shameful day for the Goethe institute.
Abbasshah Jun 21, 2022 06:09pm
Majority of world Muslims have same feelings towards Israel’s.
Mnkhan Jun 21, 2022 06:25pm
Hats off to you Sir for taking the stand for him.
kamran Jun 21, 2022 06:29pm
Proud of you Mr. Hanif for doing the right thing. I have deep respect for you. I hope other invitees join the protest.
Iqbal Malik Jun 21, 2022 06:31pm
These institutions are slaves of some cruel countries. Please don't expect anything good from them.
tammanna Jun 21, 2022 06:32pm
Germans have guilt complex about Jews , understandable
Noted Jun 21, 2022 06:49pm
We in Pakistan, have slave mentality, we never question West, their ethics and morals and gulp what ever comes our way from there. This is a very good example of that hypocrisy. Wake up please.
haris Jun 21, 2022 07:04pm
We are living in a World where a stray dog has more rights than a human being.
Karachiite Jun 21, 2022 08:22pm
Excellent move Mr Hanif. On the other hand some of our country fellow want to recognise israel.
Zulfiqar Jun 21, 2022 08:32pm
It would have been great if he attended the conference and said all this when it was his turn to be at the podium and refuse any award that they were giving him. But what he did is great as well
ENGR Hamid Shafiq Jun 21, 2022 09:15pm
Salute to Hanif Sb you are not alone many support to Palestine
Aiza Jun 21, 2022 09:22pm
West's double standard demonstrates again and again their selective humanity. Bravo Mr. Hanif for standing on the principals of human equality and showing high integrity. Proud of you!
Cye Jun 21, 2022 09:34pm
This is called Freedom of speech, in a western way.
HabibM Jun 21, 2022 10:17pm
Please, complain only about things that we want you to complain about. Or become so rich and powerful that we would want to see the world through your eyes.
Tariq Jun 21, 2022 10:48pm
Talking about Israel crimes against Palestinians is entire different about the beliefs and crimes against Jews in past. With this move this conference or gathering is meaningless and futile exercise.
Malik Tariq Jun 21, 2022 10:55pm
This decision to disinvite Mr Kurd shows bias by Goethe Institute. Did not expect this from them
riz12 Jun 21, 2022 11:05pm
The subcontinent won freedom from the British not because the people believed in "might is right", but because the mainstream believed in the supremacy of truth and conscience and to an extent, non-violence. This can never happen in the middle east, thanks to the weak fundamentals and belief systems.
Jimmy Liu Jun 21, 2022 11:18pm
If one’s home is snatched away and speaking up against it disrespectful. Then take a long hard look at what you would do if this happened to you in a society where this is acceptable. Let’s not judge because of the demographic location or the person is coming from. Judge from a humanitarian ground.
Khan Jun 21, 2022 11:22pm
Pot calling the Kettle black. Germany has an abhorrent history of religious persecution that culminated in the Holocaust. Now the pendulum has apparently swung completely in the other direction and the Germans are so utterly scared to be even seen marginally critical of the apartheid Israeli state that they would rather ignore the genocide going on Palestine for the last 50 years. A combination of political correctness and burden of past guilt is at play here. Lets keep this in focus and remind them every time they attempt to lash us with the whip of democracy, human rights, women's rights and other similar garbage. What is good for the goose is good for the gander.
Naveed Mahmood Jun 21, 2022 11:34pm
Great gesture by Mr Hanif lot of self courage shows Muslim brotherhood and love Welldone keep it up
Nadeem Shah Jun 21, 2022 11:35pm
The Arab Muslim leaders have let down the Palestinians and the kashmiris all for the sake of the almighty dollar. Look at the situation of the Muslims in India it's heartbreaking but look at the Arabs signing deals with India as fast as they can...
aslam Jun 21, 2022 11:59pm
@Daanish As if Pakistan has free speech
Alla Bux Jun 22, 2022 12:22am
Your loss.
Raj Jun 22, 2022 03:46am
Like anyone cares
Abha Singh Jun 22, 2022 05:16am
So what? Does the World care? They added just a tiny bit to the issued the conference is to discuss.
Jo Original Jun 22, 2022 05:27am
@Abbasshah You cannot survive on hate ideology and play the victim card. Palestinians are not holier than thou!
Malik Jun 22, 2022 05:41am
The mangoes are still exploding. Thanks Hanif sahib .Somewhere in Russia, another Nobel Laureate placed his prize for auction for Ukrainian children and collected over 100 million dollars. We should not be disappointed with degrading humanity yet.
Tamza Jun 22, 2022 06:31am
@Abbasshah except Qatar KSA and a few others!! They now have a joint air-shield to protect from Iran.
Anonymouseee Jun 22, 2022 10:31am
Hats off to Mr Hanif for doing the right thing. Israel’s apartheid regime should be exposed to the entire world.
Akil Akhtar Jun 22, 2022 10:59am
Dont expect anything like this from a local Pakistani as a foreign tour for them is more important than anything....
Pan Cheng Jun 22, 2022 11:49am
This guy is Pakistan orgin and British- a hard cookie to crack. Goeth institute did a bad bargain - more then they chew. More adverse publicity for German Goeth Inst. Ice on the cake - Dawn published it. Reached millions. Damage done to Goeth Inst.
Pan Cheng Jun 22, 2022 11:59am
@Malik This noble Lau. was sleeping when ex Yugo-savaks killing children and Holland govt. was complacent in the killings of women ; muslim children! selective drama by this noble Lau. 1/2 million Iraqi children killed by West sanctions championed by the Mighty USA and admire by late Madame Albright.
MA Jun 22, 2022 12:46pm
Excellent decision
WesternEast Jun 23, 2022 05:28am
Respect for you Sir! We must learn from today's examples like Mr. Hanif and Elkurd the true meaning of dignity.
Syed Ali Jun 23, 2022 08:00am
Since the birth of Israel world peace is destroyed.
Chenab Chandel Jun 23, 2022 11:46am
Commendable principled stance adopted by Hanif. The West needs to be called out on its selective recognition of oppression and it's reluctance to acknowledge the highly questionable policies of powerful nations.