
A scene from Ms Marvel has Pakistani Twitter pressed about 'Indian' accents and misrepresentation

A scene from Ms Marvel has Pakistani Twitter pressed about 'Indian' accents and misrepresentation

Netizens say that the series-makers could have done better research on Pakistani culture or hired more Pakistani actors.
04 Jun, 2022

The upcoming release of Ms Marvel is being hailed by Pakistanis as they welcomed Pakistani representation in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). But days away from the series' official launch, a clip from the show has surfaced that's got Pakistani Twitter heated.

On Friday, Discussing Films re-shared a short video with Kamala — aka Ms Marvel, played by Iman Vellani — and her parents that was supposed to be funny in a cringey style that's often portrayed when raising teenagers. The scene was picked apart by Pakistani netizens as they pointed out the "Indian" accent, the incorrect lingo and overall misrepresentation.

Twitter users also had suggestions for the creators of the show, stating what they should have done differently. They said Pakistani culture could have been more thoroughly researched for the series, the actors playing Pakistanis could have actually been Pakistani themselves instead of Indian or they could have simply kept the storyline restricted to that of the comics.

An endless stream of comments were dissatisfied with the accent, claiming Pakistanis do not sound like that and that the series was more Bollywood-esque than anything else.

There was a minority claiming that the accent was Pakistani.

Netizens pointed out that the phrase "chak de patthe" is not Pakistani — it originates from India but we're not sure if anyone in India uses it either — at least outside of Bollywood.

Users found the representation portrayed in a very limited way, sticking to stereotypes about brown people instead of venturing into the reality of things.

This user said that the depiction of Pakistanis in the comics was "a lot more genuine and likeable".

Fans tagged Marvel, saying they should've researched the characters better and hired actual Pakistani actors to play Pakistani roles.

On a lighter note, this user ignored everything to focus on the dad's Hulk costume.

Do you also think the scene misrepresented Pakistanis?


M. Saeed Jun 04, 2022 12:56pm
When we took pride in becoming a nuclear power about quarter of a century back, everything else becomes minor now.
Chrís Dăn Jun 04, 2022 12:58pm
But Pakistani English accent is exactly same. I live abroad and I have seen many Pakistani families speaking English with this accent.
JMN Jun 04, 2022 01:56pm
What Pakistani culture? You mean imported Arab culture mixed with selected Hindu culture?
Pops Jun 04, 2022 02:21pm
Chak de phatthe is Punjabi Sikh saying, not even Bollywood, although they use it in Hindi films. Harnaaz Sandhu said it when she won Miss Universe. She is Sikh.
Ravi Kumar Emani Jun 04, 2022 03:24pm
What was the culture of Pakistan before Partition?
Zaidhaq Jun 04, 2022 03:28pm
Why are we being so insecure?
Shahid Jun 04, 2022 03:46pm
@Chrís Dăn true
Shahid Jun 04, 2022 03:46pm
@Chrís Dăn True
Mansoor Iqbal Jun 04, 2022 03:48pm
Seems very much like how Pakistanis speak English. I don't know what's the hue and cry about.
Sinister Jun 04, 2022 03:51pm
Friendship and having fun with the children is different thing and cheap overacting is different.
Mahira Jun 04, 2022 04:09pm
They did a good representation of pakistani accent. Seems like these people never heard pakistani celebs Meera, Veena, Sarfaraz, Shahid Afridi speak.
Salamat Jun 04, 2022 04:10pm
I don’t think Marvel is a Pakistani company. We should be happy that the main character and actor are both Pakistani! It could have vet well be an Indian muslim actress that would have opened up a much larger market.
Arvind Jun 04, 2022 04:22pm
UNESCO voted Pakistani accent to be the best in the world and Indian accent came in last.
Zeeshan Jun 04, 2022 04:49pm
How is the Pakistani angrezi accent any different? Trying to understand.
Sadiya Jun 04, 2022 05:08pm
Picked up during movement from turkey,hard to go
GM Jun 04, 2022 05:42pm
@Chrís Dăn May be you hear the accent as same but for us Pakistanis, we can differentiate the difference of how Pakistanis talk in English and how Indians talk.
Constantine Jun 04, 2022 05:42pm
What is “Pakistani culture”?
PAJ3ET PAT3L Jun 04, 2022 05:58pm
@Chrís Dăn Not exactly the same, I live just 10 KM away from the Indian border (Punjab) and you won't believe how differently they speak the same language I speak just 10 KM away, different dialects
Faiq Jun 04, 2022 06:52pm
@Chrís Dăn Accent varies within Pakistan some people almost speak with an Indian accent. Her mother's accent isn't too Indian but the speaking style of her parents is Indian.
Faiq Jun 04, 2022 06:53pm
@Ravi Kumar Emani Almost the same as it is now, different from Indian
Faiq Jun 04, 2022 06:55pm
@Mahira Shahid Afridi speaks in moderate Pashto Accent which is definitely different from Indian accent
Saleem Jun 04, 2022 07:00pm
Accent so different?? Maybe to some of our elites who use fake American or British accents even in Pakistan. For the rest of us it seems alright.
Skeptic 2 Jun 04, 2022 07:51pm
Who cares about a few hundred netizens? This small minority complaints does not take away from the movie. Be happy a movie was made with a Pakistani as hero instead of being a terrorist as they are represented in most movies.
Tadka Jun 04, 2022 07:52pm
When you use an Indian name to get noticed what more so u expect ???
Ahad Khan Jun 04, 2022 07:54pm
They're right. It was a nonsensical Indian accent they used, and nobody in Pakistan says "chak de pattay" whatever that means. This is what happens when you hire Indians to write about Pakistani characters.
Ahad Khan Jun 04, 2022 07:54pm
@JMN They mean Pakistani culture. But you're right, we still unfortunately have much of the Hindu culture of the past which is highly regressive, things such a honor killings and acid attacks. We need to get rid of that.
Ahad Khan Jun 04, 2022 07:56pm
@Chrís Dăn It's not the same at all. Neither my family nor any Pakistani I know speaks English with that FOB accent. Pakistani English is pretty clean and the accent is incredibly subtle, not hard and annoying like the Indian variant.
Selected vs Imported Jun 04, 2022 08:07pm
How many Pakistani can speak Urdu at its proper spirit ?? Urdu is national language of Pakistan. How many Pakistani can go beyond "Boys played well"?
Uturn Jun 04, 2022 08:14pm
Pakistani culture is 99% same as Indian culture. Let's stop the delusion.
K_hasan Jun 04, 2022 08:16pm
@Mahira and what about Hania aamir, Aima baig, Atif aslam, Ali zafar, Momina Mustehsan, Mehwish hayat and soo many more, what about them? do they sound the same, just pointing out 2 3 people doesn’t reflect the whole public
The Great Conspirator Jun 04, 2022 08:30pm
Sample Boys Played Well
Anonymouseee Jun 04, 2022 08:39pm
I totally agree. Indians have a very thick English/Indian accent, whereas Pakistanis don’t.
Anonymouseee Jun 04, 2022 08:40pm
@Chrís Dăn not true at all. I live abroad as well and Indians speak accent totally differently than Pakistanis. Indians have a very thick accent.
Anonymouseee Jun 04, 2022 08:40pm
@JMN you wish buddy.
Cubes Jun 04, 2022 08:53pm
All Pakistani's parents/ancestors are Indians. So, this is shown true in this film.
Asif Jun 04, 2022 09:09pm
People complaining about Indian culture is like North Koreans saying South Korean culture/ accent is different than North. What was Pakistani culture before partition. And there will be more Muslim population soon in India than Pakistan.
vikas gupta Jun 04, 2022 09:16pm
Did you guys forget that the Indian girl initially selected to be Ms Marvel politley declined and said a pakistani girl would be a better choice? thankless people
Rho Jun 04, 2022 09:38pm
There is no such thing as an “Indian angrezi accent”. The malyali angrezi accent, for example, is vastly different than the Bihari angrezi accent.
Mahira Jun 04, 2022 09:59pm
@Pops chak de phatte is punjabi saying. Be it hindi punjabi or sikh or muslim punjabi.
Mahira Jun 04, 2022 10:03pm
@Faiq go watch Ali gul posted his english video in dawn article today. This is Pakistani accent. We have become our own enemies, when they potray us terrorist in hollywood movies we crib. When they show us good accent and normal family, we crib. Seems some pakistanis people wanted actress meera accent.
A lige Jun 04, 2022 10:26pm
Y’all have culture.
A lige Jun 04, 2022 10:26pm
Y’all are so inconsequential that nobody cares
Obaid Rahman Jun 04, 2022 10:30pm
@JMN Haan ji!
Truth be told Jun 04, 2022 10:45pm
I had warned about this. No one listened. Actually no one cares. Now live with it.
Mani Jun 04, 2022 11:00pm
It’s the show runners fault. If she can’t distinguish between Indian and Pakistani cultural norms then she’s not fit for the job.
Mani Jun 04, 2022 11:01pm
@Ravi Kumar Emani Is Miss Marvel set in pre partition times?
Mani Jun 04, 2022 11:08pm
@JMN Majority Result of Hindus turning to Islam. There’s also influences of Turkey and Iran besides lot of distinctive ethnic culture depending on the areas one hails from. Pakistani culture is an amalgamation of various. It’s dynamic.
M. Saeed Jun 04, 2022 11:15pm
@Chrís Dăn, but South Indian accent is even copied in comedy by the African actors.
M. Saeed Jun 04, 2022 11:16pm
@JMN, beyimaani to the next level, is Pakistani culture, if any.
M. Saeed Jun 04, 2022 11:18pm
@Ravi Kumar Emani , how could there be any Pakistani culture before partition, when Pakistan was not even born?
Rehana Bounse Jun 04, 2022 11:47pm
@JMN every country has its own culture . Indian/Pakistani/ Arab whatever. If it’s a mixture of all so be it . Our way of talking, socializing & our slang & lingo is it’s own. Even if people copy Bollywood but still the Pakistani culture is different & unique.
Rehana Bounse Jun 04, 2022 11:48pm
@Sinister definitely!
Rehana Bounse Jun 04, 2022 11:49pm
@GM you are right about that
Zoltar Jun 05, 2022 01:04am
Pakistanis in the US & west have been trying to pass off as Indians for a long time now. So why this fuss? Be happy that Hollywood is at least portraying Pakistanis in a positive light for a change instead of stereo typing them as terrorists & villains.
Abs UK Jun 05, 2022 03:14am
@Chrís Dăn not true at all.
Abs UK Jun 05, 2022 03:16am
@Ravi Kumar Emani Ms Marvel is not depicting pre partition era, so why don't we focus on present.
Abs UK Jun 05, 2022 03:16am
@Mansoor Iqbal absolutely not.
Abs UK Jun 05, 2022 03:18am
@Saleem Pakistani's speak English with Urdu accent while Indian's speak with Hindi accent, there is a big difference.
Salman Khan Jun 05, 2022 03:57am
This accent is way more Indian than Pakistani. The Sanskrit undertone is too strong.
Tadka Jun 05, 2022 08:30am
Kamala is a Indian Sanskrit name...yet u used it for for accents we do see local accents on display in youtube....petrel..etc
Semab Jun 05, 2022 09:09am
It should be Dama Dam instead of chak Dy patty
Dr Maddy Jun 05, 2022 11:46am
Yes, this is not the presentation of Pakistani culture nor the accent is correct. This series shows poor depiction of Pakistani culture, may be improved if some research has been done.
Tadka Jun 05, 2022 02:59pm
@Anonymouseee go watch a few cringe worthy local YouTube videoa churned out locally ....u will understand their angrezi n their accent
Rehana Bounse Jun 05, 2022 06:08pm
@Zoltar No the don’t!
George Jun 05, 2022 10:53pm
@Ravi Kumar Emani Muslim culture, mughal culture
KK Jun 09, 2022 11:15pm
All the Pakistanis here who are offended by 'Indian' accent, I just want to say, relax :) Itna bhi bura nahi hua yaar!Ja ke Mission Impossible 4 dekhiye (with Anil Kapoor in it), you will feel better! At least Ms Marvel's parents used a 'neighbouring' accent..I don't know what accent Anil Kapoor was using in MI 4