
SC ruling on Article 63-A has PTI stans on Twitter ready to welcome Usman Buzdar back with garlands

SC ruling on Article 63-A has PTI stans on Twitter ready to welcome Usman Buzdar back with garlands

In a politically charged climate, technicalities tend to take a backseat, especially when memes are at stake.
Updated 18 May, 2022

Guess who's back? Back again. Buzdar is back — oh wait, he isn't.

But PTI supporters seem to think it's a done deal after the Supreme Court's ruling on Article 63-A, and they have begun commemorating the potential parliamentary change that would remove current Punjab Chief Minister Hamza Shehbaz and reinstate Usman Buzdar.

The top court on Tuesday in its decision on a presidential reference seeking interpretation of Article 63-A of the Constitution which is related to the status of defecting lawmakers, said the votes of defecting lawmakers will not be counted.

PTI Secretary General Asad Umar congratulated the nation and said the legitimacy of the Punjab government had ended whilst PTI Vice President Fawad Chaudhry, addressing a press conference in Lahore, said the verdict had made the governments of Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif and Hamza lose their majority.

It's important to point out that the implications of the court order have yet to become clear — you can read more about what it could mean for the position of the Pubjab CM here.

In a politically charged climate, however, technicalities tend to take a backseat, especially when memes could be made. And the memes that have popped up as a result of the court order are, as the kids say, fire.

Buzdar's entry has already been envisioned.

For PTI stans, he left the playing field only to return as a coach and they borrowed a quote from Maryam Nawaz to really rub it in.

A photo with a badass pose is a must in case the tables turn.

A warm welcome awaits their "hero."

We're sure his supporters can hear this in his voice.

Some glory is shortlived.

Peer baba's business is about to boom.

Same question, Daya.


M. Saeed May 18, 2022 03:44pm
Court decisions on interpretations are effective only from the date of decision. They cannot be back-date, otherwise any body can claim back dated actions even starting from the date of Independence and creation of the state of Pakistan.
Raka May 18, 2022 04:36pm
Pakistanis deserve Usman Buzdar.
Ehsan. S May 18, 2022 04:53pm
premature celebration may turn sour soon
Ping May 18, 2022 05:02pm
Welcome back Usman!
F Nawaz May 18, 2022 05:05pm
Welcome back. Will wait to hear of your work when the election starts.
Abbasshah May 18, 2022 05:23pm
Good news,let him tend his buffaloes.
Ahsan Gul May 18, 2022 05:26pm
Sad for the people of Pakistan that one after another from the same corrupt family are elected to rule. Sincerely
CringeCop May 18, 2022 05:40pm
no wonder the dollar keeps dropping, the collective IQ of this country is dropping every second.
Fast comment May 18, 2022 06:22pm
Back to square one. Hamza now must face the pending convictions.
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad May 18, 2022 06:43pm
United we stand, divided we fall.
N_Saq May 18, 2022 08:04pm
This verdict is a trick to calm down the people. The Bajwa and Co knew that the more they delay the article 63A verdict the more people will get angry, so to calm down the crowds they issued this verdict. The verdict is issued but without any directions, however, when they issue the verdict against IK the SC gave clear directions that assemblies are restored and vote of confidence to go ahead but in this case SC is mum. In other words SC just gave the verdict with no clarification and walk away.
Ibrahim S May 18, 2022 08:17pm
Bazdar and sharifs , two sides of the same coin. Compare ourselves to other south Asian countries and award certificates of excellence to these failed leaders again. SK. Rasheed has been very quiet , let’s see when he jumps in the ring .
Tiktok May 18, 2022 09:14pm
@CringeCop imagine these oeople were running the govt
Narejo May 18, 2022 09:23pm
@M. Saeed matter was already sub-judice. Process huttied with malafide intentions. It does noy mean prospective.
Syed A. Mateen May 18, 2022 09:45pm
I don't go who talk what and who is interpreting the court orders in their own way and in what manner. Every one has a different mind and a different mindset to interpret whether it is court matter relating to the on going politics or some thing else. If Usman Buzdar will resume his office as CM of Punjab, it can't be kept secret and every one in the country will come to know. I heard a lot about Pakistani politics day and night and I don't believe on any thing as for me: "seeing is believing", the rest is thrash.
VoiceOfReason May 19, 2022 01:01am
@M. Saeed Ofcourse you are the expert. CJ will be calling you soon to get your opinion.
Anonymouseee May 19, 2022 01:30am
PML days are numbered.
THE May 19, 2022 06:31am
@Raka : Surely don't deserve a Sharif ? Do we ?
Abdullah May 19, 2022 09:09am
Only fools can welcome him back.he destroyed punjab.atleast pti should this time get some one else for this position.