
Syeda Dania Shah says she has approached a court for separation from Aamir Liaquat, accuses him of abuse

Syeda Dania Shah says she has approached a court for separation from Aamir Liaquat, accuses him of abuse

The former MNA's third wife told a news channel he was cruel and once threatened to shoot her.
Updated 07 May, 2022

Politician and TV host Aamir Liaquat's third wife Syeda Dania Shah says she has approached a court for separation from former the PTI MNA. She took to her Instagram stories on Saturday to announce the news.

She said that details and proof, including documents, will be shared via the media.

In her application, a copy of which is available with Images, she accused Liaquat of forcing her to make adult videos to “send to people abroad” and locking her up for five days if she refused to do it. She also said he “forced her to appear before non-mehram men”. She also accused him of being impotent and consuming drugs.

In an exclusive interview with Dunya News, Shah said, "he (Liaquat) was very cruel. He would lock me in the room for four days straight. He wouldn't give food to me on time and would keep me up all night long. I'm a child, I'm not even old enough. He would humiliate me. He would bring every single matter to me, be it the maids or even the media, anything he disliked, he would misbehave with me. He used to push me around and even threatened that he would shoot me. He even tried to strangle me."

Shah told the media outlet that Liaquat abused her and at the time she felt like she was being punished. She likened the experience to having been in "hell" and said that if anyone from her family was harmed, Liaquat would be responsible.

Liaquat took to Instagram and shared a video of Shah that he claimed is two days old in which she denied news of the divorce and asked people to leave them in peace if they couldn't wish them well. Liaquat said if they hadn't contracted a nikah, he would've revealed the "truth" to the entire nation, which he claimed would shock everyone. He requested journalists and the media to investigate Shah's appearance in order to judge if he could've harmed her in these three months.

"I request to let me run some tests whether or not I consume alcohol. I've never consumed crystal methamphetamine (Ice). But now what I'm about to share is far worse and even more terrible, wait for it," he wrote while requesting Shah to get a medical report to support her claims.

A few weeks ago, Shah and Liaquat had denied rumours of a divorce by sharing a video of Shah addressing the rumours. The video has since been deleted.

Liaquat, 49, and Shah, 18, got married in Feb this year. The news broke less than 24 hours after Syeda Tuba Anwar announced her divorce from Liaquat.


Art May 07, 2022 05:53pm
Man is a pedo
LOL May 07, 2022 06:00pm
Following the footsteps of his master.
Mohammed sattar May 07, 2022 06:06pm
Now she says she is a child. What were you when you married him? You have had your 2 months of fame, now you can have regrets for the rest of your life.
Alia May 07, 2022 06:15pm
Sad part is, he will marry a fourth time, and with an even younger child.
Jamil Soomro, New York City May 07, 2022 06:23pm
No surprise. This is what happens when Syeda Dania Shah 18 year old girl marries an half a century old man Amir Liaquat who has no ethics and shame.
M. Saeed May 07, 2022 06:24pm
Is he even sane? How was he made a minister of religious affairs by Musharraf?
M. Saeed May 07, 2022 06:25pm
@LOL Following the footsteps of his master, who?
bhaRAT© May 07, 2022 06:26pm
@LOL His master is in London, his Altaf Bhai, and now the imported Govt!
Amjad Afridi May 07, 2022 06:31pm
I hope the next one isn't a 14 years old !
Farooq May 07, 2022 06:38pm
Every one knew its going to end like this, though it happened a bit quicker then expected
Hello world May 07, 2022 06:40pm
They both used each other for fame.
well wisher May 07, 2022 06:41pm
Shame on this former Minister of PK and those who appointed him. He is bad news for PK tried and punished severely.
Baloch May 07, 2022 06:45pm
O, Beta g, qismat ki hawa kabhi naram kabhi garam
Alia May 07, 2022 06:52pm
@LOL imran khan
Zak May 07, 2022 07:01pm
Shah told the media outlet that Liaquat abused her and at the time she felt like she was being punished. She likened the experience to having been in "hell" and said that if anyone from her family was harmed, Liaquat would be responsible. Put Liaqat in mental asylum where he belongs.
Zak May 07, 2022 07:01pm
@LOL Following the footsteps of his master. He was in sind house, so master must be zardari and Shebaz.
Zak May 07, 2022 07:03pm
A bad tv drama.
Noted May 07, 2022 07:06pm
Amir Liaquat will marry a NEUTRAL now!
Imran May 07, 2022 07:06pm
I guess there is no such thing as bad publicity for people who crave the spotlight.
Noted May 07, 2022 07:08pm
Both got their due, fame and .... Why cry now. Her family must have made a quick big buck, I guess.
Abrar May 07, 2022 07:10pm
It's their personal matter, but it seems like both tried to benefit from each other using the tool of marriage.
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad May 07, 2022 07:13pm
Too little, too late. Why was she silent up till now?
Tanvir Khan May 07, 2022 07:17pm
Self-torturers are a cult of abused children... from the cradle to the grave!!!
Fast comment May 07, 2022 07:20pm
Stay away from such beasts. Boycott their programs.
ENGR Hamid Shafiq May 07, 2022 07:32pm
Downfall of Pakistani society
Babar May 07, 2022 07:33pm
Surprise surprise For a moment, set aside Aamir Liaquat, his moral compass is broken, the man has zero integrity. Having said that.... Is this same girl who said he was the love of her life? She now claims to be a child, was she a child when she married him? Did she not know of his past? Did she really think this marriage would last? She was very comfortable with the free PR and lime light, no reality kicks and she's coming out with all kinds of personal stuff, why is she washing and hanging her dirty laundry to dry in public? She says he is impotent, what did she expecting from a man who is 30 years older than her? He forced her to make adult videos? If she did, the video's will soon be on social media. This mess will come down to he said...she said........ You reap what you sow!!
Multani May 07, 2022 07:39pm
Disgraceful individual, unworthy of being in any kind of news
Shoaib Arif May 07, 2022 07:46pm
Chalo yeh Kahani to khatam huee
Rami May 07, 2022 07:49pm
This girl family agree to this marriage, why ?
Qamar Ahmed May 07, 2022 07:51pm
No wonder, it happens when you marry a girl of your daughter's age.
Philosopher (From Japan) May 07, 2022 07:55pm will have all details in a book written by Dania Shah like his boss's story.
Qaiser May 07, 2022 08:05pm
It was just a matter of time ....good riddance
Farhan May 07, 2022 08:11pm
Aamir bhai don't waste your time and energy by responding to any allegation. Let her say whatever she has to say because this is the best they can do. Just go ahead and get married.
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad May 07, 2022 08:16pm
Nothing new in Pakistan. Look at your ex PM Gandoo.
Sheraz Ali Rizvi May 07, 2022 08:19pm
Honeymoon period is over
Salman May 07, 2022 08:26pm
Former master is Altaf Hussain. IK never made him a minister for good reason no matter how hard Amir tried.
joe May 07, 2022 08:28pm
best of luck to her
Attiya May 07, 2022 08:29pm
I am surprised that he wasn’t discovered in a bori long time ago when he left his master!
Kaka May 07, 2022 08:53pm
TicToc'er got what tictok'er wants: fame
Abs UK May 07, 2022 08:59pm
He must be arrested and tried as per law, this man is a menace to society
Ramay May 07, 2022 09:10pm
As you sow,so shall you reap.
Sidc May 07, 2022 09:16pm
Good take away all his money .
AbdulHaque Shaikh May 07, 2022 09:33pm
This Liquat is a con man. One can easily see in his body language on his TV show
Anonymouseee May 07, 2022 09:34pm
Why am I not surprised. This women is the definition of a gold digger.
Nadeem Shah May 07, 2022 09:36pm
Wow, we always suspected this man was sick, now his 3rd wife says the same thing, all of them can't be wrong, this guy needs to be investigated and mental checkup performed. Never liked him, since his video came out revealing his true double face. Very sick person.
M. Saeed May 07, 2022 09:47pm
The born again Ras-Putin
Laeeq May 07, 2022 09:59pm
Just after money of Rich guy!
Aamir May 07, 2022 10:12pm
Real mental case
Fida May 07, 2022 10:19pm
Nothings else just old politics
karim Buksh May 07, 2022 10:24pm
She is a child and he is clearly a pervert. Lets hope she gets justice.
karim Buksh May 07, 2022 10:26pm
@Anonymouseee - yeah right. like he has deep pockets and no-one is that desperate even for gold. she was dazzled but now she sees him for what he really is.
Truth will always prevail May 07, 2022 10:42pm
He is mentally sick he should be locked up in mental institution for lengthy treatment
Aamir Akram May 07, 2022 10:46pm
The guy should be in jail. As a mirror for what is happening in Pakistan it is truly shocking, this is our Ulema. Amazing how you can grow a beard and profess religiosity and get away with pretty much anything. sums up Pakistan
SKF May 07, 2022 10:58pm
What a shame? Knowing everything about this thug still married him. Now she says she was a kid.
Faisal May 07, 2022 11:00pm
@Abs UK wanting fame doesn't mean you deserve to be abused
Faisal May 07, 2022 11:03pm
@Anonymouseee I've always wondered why women get vilified for being "gold diggers" when the societal structure demands that they depend economically on men. Would a man be a "gold digger" for wanting a higher paid job? This double standard really blows my mind.
Vgp May 07, 2022 11:09pm
That was fast even by Pakistani standards
Citizen May 07, 2022 11:36pm
A pure private matter
Abdul Rasheed May 07, 2022 11:36pm
@Alia Bud se Budnam Boora,,, dont you see anyone else may be your leaders from NOON Leagues!!!!!
Afia May 07, 2022 11:46pm
@Salman , IK accepted him in the party and even met with him with his young bride a week before he was ousted from PM House
Philosopher (From Japan) May 07, 2022 11:49pm
...soon. we'll hear the same fate for his boss's story..just wait n watch.
Ibrahim S May 08, 2022 12:00am
My bad , for a second I thought what a loving father was Liaquat.
Pak-UK May 08, 2022 01:57am
True face of AL. He is a disgraced person.
Javed May 08, 2022 02:10am
This should be a fair warning to alim-on-line’s fourth prospective wife.
Salman May 08, 2022 02:25am
Very quick to come to a judgement, which others reached half a century ago. Now, what TV programmers is she going to watch, when she cries ?
Rafique May 08, 2022 02:52am
@Alia How do you know that?
Aamna May 08, 2022 03:16am
I am surprised that people are blaming an 18 year old teenage girl on why she didn't know better marrying such a shady character. She's an 18 year old immature girl. At that age girls do feel like they're in love with anyone who is smart enough to manipulate them. She has practically no experience of life. In fact, her family wholeheartedly accepted this dude despite his past shenanigans and abuse of his previous wives. Middle aged men and women commenting here and blaming an 18 year old for being a silly teenager reveal their own lack of common sense and understanding. These people act as if they never made mistakes in life and were excellent judges of character even in their teens. This man is obviously abusive and instead of blaming his victims for not knowing better, he alone should carry the blame of his abusive actions.
Ardl May 08, 2022 03:34am
@Rami Money, dear dear
V for Viral May 08, 2022 03:34am
Wow, what an entertaining couple!
MG May 08, 2022 04:29am
There will another girl (may be younger than Dania) marrying Amir soon and shamelessly this guy will showcase her proudly
Syed Qutub May 08, 2022 05:40am
This man is a disgrace. All accusations against him must be thoroughly investigated.
Hanna May 08, 2022 06:20am
@Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad here we goo again with the Desi victim blaming men, instead of asking him why he married and abused a kid, you're just blaming the kid for what he did to her when she exposed him
Mark May 08, 2022 06:51am
Who would tame this monster before its too late!
SHAH May 08, 2022 07:53am
He should gear up for 4th one...
AHAQ May 08, 2022 08:11am
He is going to try to trap and fool around with another inexperienced simple girl young girl. Once a cheater always a fraudster
Ghulm Ali May 08, 2022 08:28am
@M. Saeed 'made by musharraf' sanity not needed
Texan May 08, 2022 08:29am
Did she really expected a different outcome? She should enjoy the popularity she wanted.
A1 May 08, 2022 08:35am
@Zak His master is imran Khan we all know it
TPA May 08, 2022 08:59am
AL is a typical Pakistani man.
TPA May 08, 2022 09:14am
One is smarter than the other.
Za May 08, 2022 10:39am
Ameer is a rich man he can go for another contract marriage soon younger than her.
Ali Mehdi May 08, 2022 10:44am
This man continues to marry one girl after the other. Something is seriously wrong with him. Not all girls that he’s married rather ruined their lives can be wrong.
Ali Mehdi May 08, 2022 10:45am
What truth will he bring against the young adult. His own actions loud enough of his mental health.
Pakistan Zindabad May 08, 2022 12:29pm
What happened?
Haris May 08, 2022 01:12pm
@LOL Very sad to read your comment. I mean we can say anything to anyone without even thinking how digusting our words are.
Masood May 08, 2022 01:15pm
He is simply certified crazy abuser !!!!!
Babar May 08, 2022 01:20pm
This whole sad saga is reflection of Pakistan today. Moral compass is broken from the very top down, we are merely Muslims by name, our actions are seedy, dirty, corrupt, two faced. Social media has fast tracked Pakistan into the gutter, one only has to watch tiktok, Instagram and etc, those pictures and videos posted by guys and girls go against every teaching of Islam. Anyone who critises these inviduals is labelled Non Modern. Modern does not been degrading yoursel, modern does not mean losing self respect. Same men and women criticising here will be the first to watch this so called adult video. It's a fact, adult content is watched more in Pakistan than any other country in the world.
SKF May 08, 2022 01:42pm
@A1 he is been kicked out by IK for switching loyalty
Faisal Hanif May 08, 2022 01:44pm
where are all the wonen rights champions now.
Captain May 08, 2022 02:39pm
You ruined your life yourself!
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad May 08, 2022 04:51pm
Once a cheater, always a fraudster, trickster, hustler and swindler.
Henchi May 08, 2022 05:05pm
Liaquat doesn't have the strength of 40 men.
NAK May 08, 2022 05:25pm
Fight your own battle, females of Pakistan. This is what other victims worldwide have done historically and still do to get their rights. You cannot fight for yourself and expect others to fight yours?
SKF May 08, 2022 05:34pm
She should sue Amir Liaqat
Ghani K May 08, 2022 07:58pm
Hold the parents of this woman, responsible for allowing her to marry this conman
Ghani K May 08, 2022 08:00pm
@Jamil Soomro, New York City She married a conman
Asim May 08, 2022 08:45pm
it is not what it seems as we know it - dig deeper and you would find out more about "her" - but i guess - Aamir Liaquat deserved someone like her to do what she did - but equally we all should know that 'girls' of this type exist all over society
Dr Atam Vetta May 08, 2022 08:59pm
In a civilised country he would be in a prison.
Religion less May 08, 2022 09:08pm
Where were her mind when she was marrying with a guy having age of three time of her age?
Sam Hanan May 08, 2022 10:19pm
But where were her parents who approved this Nikah?
Tan Zar May 08, 2022 11:55pm
@Salman Ik also never gave CM Punjab : ch. Sarwar; Aleem Khan; JTarern and many hopefuls. But bestowed PTI tickets includy Amir L.
Tan Zar May 09, 2022 12:05am
Fame and shame both play hide and seek! . “ Remember ! ‘ My Feudal Lord’ . Reham Khan ; now Syeda D. PK interesting soap opera.
Dr Asim May 09, 2022 02:05am
When is the fourth wife coming Aamir bhai?
Rami May 09, 2022 02:08am
Well every one had such high hope for this union ! Next!
Hamid May 09, 2022 02:17am
She needs money
amber May 09, 2022 02:29am
@Alia The qs remains why would any female marry him???
AJ May 09, 2022 07:25am
True Pakistani hero…..
WeCare May 09, 2022 09:04am
Both cannot be trusted.
Kash Qurashi May 09, 2022 09:11am
This girl got married under lucrative financial terms, now asking for 11 coror, a vehicle and house, greedy rural area people.
i2i May 09, 2022 10:36am
Next time please ensure that your new wife is mature enough and her bloodline authenticated.
Abdul May 09, 2022 11:55am
Firstly her name is Dania Bibi, daugher of Malick Mukhtar Ahmed, Caste Danour, she is not a Syed nor is her name Syeda Dania Shah, this was just pure fiction
Vikas May 09, 2022 03:18pm
This is his daughter's friend that he married? Very short lived. This guy seemed mad anyways on tv. Poor little girl. Her life is now ruined.
Babar May 09, 2022 07:11pm
@Vikas...her life is NOT ruined. People keep saying her life is ruined, the same people don't say Aamir's life is ruined, talk about double standards and a mans world in Pakistan!! This is 2022, not 1922, she will recover from this mistake, and lets hope she moves onto a better life.
Sami May 11, 2022 05:34am
It was plain, this was going to end badly.