
Miss Pakistan World Areej Chaudhry says beauty pageants provide a platform to advocate for worthy causes

Miss Pakistan World Areej Chaudhry says beauty pageants provide a platform to advocate for worthy causes

In a conversation with Images, the model offered a glimpse into the world of pageantry.
14 Apr, 2022

Miss Pakistan World Areej Chaudhry has competed in some of the world's largest beauty pageants — more recently Miss Eco International, hosted in Egypt. The model and actor spoke to Images, offering a peek into her world.

Contradicting the stereotype that pageants are all about the way a woman looks, Chaudhry said, "Beauty pageants are not only about beauty — [they provide] a strong platform to raise your voice internationally and nationally." The model revealed she has always "wanted to be a queen with a purpose", which includes helping others and raising her voice over environmental health concerns, among other issues.

She said beauty pageants are actually about "beauty with brains" and your whole personality plays a part. The model said this experience makes you stronger, shaping you into a woman who "stands up for the causes of concern." She explained how her purpose is larger than it appears, "I am always interested in building a softer image of Pakistan internationally and also helping everyone, not only in my country, but also internationally. So I decided to break the stereotypes and get along with the beauty pageants."

"I really feel proud representing my country internationally. When your name is called not with your name but with your country's name, every second you feel proud of it," said the Sitam actor. She explained that all participating countries share accommodation which leads to bonding and "you make them learn about your country and culture." Chaudhry said she feels honoured being the first woman "directly from the soil of Pakistan [who] went to represent the country internationally."

When asked if she's ever been in an uncomfortable situation at the pageants, the model said "never." "Pageants have [such a] comfortable environment that you feel like [you're at] home. And they take care of everything — accommodation, pick and drop, and all the tours in their country [plus] food. A special protocol is provided and security is always with you wherever you go." Praising the pageant organisation, the model mentioned there is an added advantage of making friends all over the world.

Commenting on governmental support, the model expressed some grief. "I had this problem and felt sad and stronger at the same time because I didn't get any support from my country or any organisation. But still I stood stronger and represented very well alone — I am proud of that." Though Chaudhry got to the other side on her own, she admitted it was "difficult" and requested the government and organisations to provide support and respect.

Chaudhry added that generally beauty pageants are not backed by governmental support. "It’s not [on] a government's agenda," she said. However, she named the countries that do promote it, including the Philippines, India, Vietnam and Thailand. She said it helped "promote the tourism industry and bring [a good] name to the country."

Drawing parallels with Pakistan, the model said, "In Pakistan every one of us is unique and beauty is not considered a luxury." She explained how people in the North look European and people in the West look Middle Eastern or Persian, which explains the uniqueness. "And so we have too much beauty and all kinds of beauty," she said.

Chaudhry said building a softer image of Pakistan is part of what she hopes to achieve by participating in pageants. "At least they know that Pakistan is participating and fighting for the good cause as my advocacy is to plant more tress and to be a voice [for] the voiceless, which includes animals, orphans and others." By raising her voice, she got a chance to meet different media people and was even offered a role in a South African movie.

"I achieved a lot — I [visited] so many countries, lived [in] them and came to know about their cultures, norms and values. I have made so many friends from all over the world and the international media recognises me as Miss Pakistan, which [is a] really proud moment," she added.


Tadka Apr 14, 2022 12:26pm
And someone said such pageants don't happen here! Anyway can see the outcome
Ahmed Apr 14, 2022 12:41pm
Justify it with whatever reason you want. Nobody is buying it. This competition is the definition of objectification of women. Nothing good comes of these pageants.
Soniye tu auder te la Apr 14, 2022 01:03pm
International pageant events covering models from regional countries are totally doable in Pakistan. The current fashion weeks prove the point. A person like Fareiha Altaf, for example, could get it done.
Johnw Apr 14, 2022 01:42pm
Good luck ,but she stands no chance
Chrís Dăn Apr 14, 2022 01:45pm
Yes,I agree fully.
Salvo Apr 14, 2022 03:00pm
This looks so dated.. like those Pakistan ‘rock’ concerts where the audience are seated..
Faizan Apr 14, 2022 03:22pm
What a load of nonsense. If Pakistan was actually "competing" in these objectification stunts, there are FAR better "candidates" than her available.
SKF Apr 14, 2022 03:24pm
Strange no one in Pakistan knows her
LOL Apr 14, 2022 04:14pm
Ms. hybrid is a major beauty pageant.
Anon5 Apr 14, 2022 05:45pm
This is a terrible image, huge shame the country is losing its morals and adopting western women objectification programmes. This needs to stop
S. Nasheed Ahmed Apr 14, 2022 05:51pm
Who has sponsored or represented her from Pakistan ? How can she carry Pakistan's name in the contest if she's not sponsored ?
S. Nasheed Ahmed Apr 14, 2022 05:52pm
Generally, Pakistan would not approve.
Sidhu Apr 14, 2022 06:08pm
@SKF now will know.
Ali B Apr 14, 2022 06:34pm
Never heard of her before, but absolutely she should take part in contests across the globe and throw in Pakistan`s softer side, thank Dawn for this report which certain section of the society will not like but thats ok.
Constantine Apr 14, 2022 06:38pm
Very brave woman, you go girl!
Constantine Apr 14, 2022 06:39pm
"I am always interested in building a softer image of Pakistan internationally “- yes, because the real image is hard and radical
Constantine Apr 14, 2022 06:41pm
@SKF “ Strange no one in Pakistan knows her”- because they only know that ertagrul actress to whom Pakistanis like giving sharam haya warnings on Instagram
Moud Apr 14, 2022 06:50pm
This artificially "pasted pagentry" of miss Pakistan belies the disturbing internal inferiory complex of this world
N_Saq Apr 14, 2022 06:51pm
But this is not our culture, no?
Tahmad Apr 14, 2022 07:03pm
Women's desires to look as beautiful and sexy to her husband not to the world, sorry not in Islamic cultures.
Jamal ahmed Apr 14, 2022 07:45pm
Where is her swimsuit phot? I am eagerly waiting
Ayesha Apr 14, 2022 08:02pm
@Faizan Get updated. Pakistan participates every year in Miss world, miss Universe and other beauty pageants.
Saad Apr 14, 2022 09:24pm
These pageants downgrade women and initiated with I’ll intent of men. Now, with time they are softening it by adding some elements which could help them justify the existence of it. However, looking our fashion industry, film industry, etc I don’t mind having Pakistan representation in such events, it will improve our international position and show the real us. We are not true Muslims that we always pretend, we are more Asian than Arab, accept it and move forward.
arman Apr 14, 2022 09:37pm
@Ahmed It depends what you make of i..t models be it a man or a woman promotes an idea you have the option to look at it as a piece of meat or decides if the marketing of an idea or a product is beneficial for you.
Rami Apr 14, 2022 09:38pm
The beauty pageant are not relevant any more !
AUKUS Apr 14, 2022 11:08pm
somebody tell this person what she is doing is against her culture.
Al Athar Apr 14, 2022 11:12pm
Well said Areej Choudhry. Stay blessed.
Haroon Jamshed Apr 15, 2022 12:18am
@Ahmed well said...I've never looked at it this way but now I agree with you. A bunch of old men from the boys' club are usually creators and decision makers of such pageants.
AJ Apr 15, 2022 12:38am
Objectification of women is a pre-requisite to provide a platform to advocate for worthy causes?
Omar Khan Apr 15, 2022 04:47am
@N_Saq What is Your Culture? Hypocracy?
ss Apr 15, 2022 05:04am
@N_Saq What is your culture, Burka, but then will be difficult to judge?
Harrobas Apr 15, 2022 05:26am
@Constantine .Or hard and ultra-conservative?
Tamza Apr 15, 2022 09:39am
@Tahmad not to the husband - women prim and prep to ‘compete’ with their women friends.
time_travel Apr 15, 2022 10:07am
Who is she?
Pakistani Apr 15, 2022 10:09am
Wait till I inform Khadim Hussain Rizvi of all this.
Sam Apr 15, 2022 10:30am
She is at least partly right. These ladies do what they can to help the country's image. But remember, she competed only with others of Pakistani origin. Traditionally, Pakistanis have never made it to the top 15 in a global competition.
Sama Apr 15, 2022 08:19pm
@AUKUS she decides her culture Not you
Ruby Apr 16, 2022 01:30am
@Ahmed agreed
Ramay Apr 16, 2022 06:48am
Freedom of expression is a naya Pakistan trend,but a foreign interferance has pushed us all back to old corrupt Pakistan.
TTA IS RESPONSIBLE FOR TTP Apr 16, 2022 11:17am
@Saad we are from all backgrounds in Pakistan, we have Arab, Persian, Afghan, Turkik, Macedonian, mongol, Indian, Nepali, Bengali blood in us ... We are beautiful.
Adila Apr 16, 2022 01:13pm
Shame on her
Adila Apr 16, 2022 01:13pm
Nothing to feel proud about,its shameful
Asim Apr 17, 2022 09:45am
Getting nude in front of public, just to get a trophy and feel proud. Shameful!
dan Apr 19, 2022 01:06pm
@Tadka it was in Egypt.