
Anoushey Ashraf says internet trolls project their own misery in comment sections

Anoushey Ashraf says internet trolls project their own misery in comment sections

The RJ and actor answered a fan's question about dressing 'boldly' in a mini Q&A session on her Instagram Stories.
17 Feb, 2022

In a patriarchal society, no woman escapes society's gaze and she is continually judged for the choices she makes, including the way she decides to dress. Celebrities get even more exposure to such comments due to their public profiles. Their fame comes at the price of dealing with internet trolls. RJ and actor Anoushey Ashraf held a mini Q&A session on Instagram for fans and answering one fan's question about 'bold' dressing and trolls, the actor said she doesn't care much for their opinions because she believes they're projecting their own misery in the comment section.

When asked if Ashraf has any regrets about dressing 'boldly' due to comments by haters, the actor replied that boldness is subjective. What is bold to one person is perfectly fine for another. "Someone thinks showing your arms is bold, others think wearing a skirt is bold, and there are some who even say showing your face is bold. What is bold except a perception in one's head?" she asked.

Ashraf said though it's fine to draw a line in terms of what we view as bold or vulgar, it is definitely not okay to hate or troll another for it.

She added that internet trolls are not to be taken seriously because it's not about the person they're commenting on at all, more their internal frustration that they're projecting onto someone else. "It's not about the bold dress any longer, it's about the frustration and anger in the person writing messages of hate to make you feel bad. How can one be upset at such a person who's already at such a low place in their life?"

Ashraf said that she has better things to occupy her attention and trolls do not concern her. "In my world, trolls are the least of my worries, Allah ka shukar hai [thank God]!"

Women are not decor pieces or objects that people can look at and pass their unasked for opinions about. They are people with every right to make choices about how they live their lives. They have the right to choose what they wear but that doesn't give people the licence to comment or hate on them for it. Live and let live!


Khan Feb 17, 2022 10:17am
She’s a beautiful lady!
Babar Feb 17, 2022 12:44pm
Read and follow the teachings of Islam, then you wouldn't need to ask what is bold or not bold, its all very clear. She says bold or not bold is all about a persons perception, she is wrong, thats just a diversion and tactic to justify her dress sense.
IMRAN ULLAH AWAN Feb 17, 2022 01:02pm
Debatable topic. In my humble opinion, the society / social circle in which one moves defines the acceptability of such sensitive things.
Yusuf Feb 17, 2022 02:16pm
Trolls are miserable worms.
Soniye Tu Auder Te La Feb 17, 2022 02:35pm
Straight men will not mind her show-more-skin dressing habits. Most comments probably coming from jealous women...
HashBrown® Feb 17, 2022 03:09pm
"How can one be upset at such a person who's already at such a low place in their life?"" Finally someone offers a hint as to how we feel about all the Hindustanis who post messages here...
M. Saeed Feb 17, 2022 03:09pm
If you subscribe to a religion, then then you are required to follow it's edicts. Otherwise you are the odd man out.
HashBrown® Feb 17, 2022 03:10pm
@Babar "Read and follow the teachings of Islam, then you wouldn't need to ask what is bold or not bold, its all very clear." If you read and followed the teachings of Islam yourself, you would know that there is only one Judge - and it isn't you.
M. Saeed Feb 17, 2022 03:10pm
@Khan, yes, she is a beaming beauty, ear to ear!
Anonymouseee Feb 17, 2022 03:36pm
Truth certainly hurts Anoushey.
iKhan Feb 17, 2022 03:46pm
@Babar Not every one want to follow religion and not every one follows it according to the interpretation of others but why do all those who wants to follow are obsessed with forcing their views upon others lives? Just live yiur own life according to ur own views and not impose them on what everyone else wants in their life.
Syed Hasni Feb 17, 2022 04:19pm
She is sexy to say the least ! come on Guys give her a break
Simple Feb 18, 2022 08:21am
@iKhan That's hyppocracy
M. Saeed Feb 18, 2022 02:18pm
Celebrities get even more exposure on such comments due to their public profiles. Internet trolls is the basic source of their garnering express fame.
Syed Hasni Feb 19, 2022 02:31am
@Babar Dear I feel that you should not read English news papers, Bold means showing an ability to take risks; confident and courageous. How could be bold be against Islam. Are you trying to say revealing? I totally agree with that it is subjective, Its the way you want your lover to see.
Tanvir Khan Feb 21, 2022 05:33pm
In psychology, it is said that many of us adults have a "weeping child" living in us! The severely affected adults make themselves felt, when they get fits of anger during a discussion because their very subjective point of view is refuted by others!