
Celebrities call for prayers after Lahore blast claims three lives

Celebrities call for prayers after Lahore blast claims three lives

Adnan Siddiqui, Ramsha Khan and Humayun Saeed were among the many stars who offered their condolences after the tragic attack.
Updated 21 Jan, 2022

The nation is in mourning after three people were killed and 33 injured in a blast in Lahore's Anarkali area on Thursday. The country's celebrities have been posting their condolences online and praying for the families affected by the attack

It started with TV show host Fakhr-e-Alam, who took to Twitter to request "prayers for Lahore."

Actor Adnan Siddiqui said he strongly condemned the blast and prayed for strength for the victims' families.

Punjab Nahi Jaungi actor Humayun Saeed asked God to "bless the should of the deceased and give health to the injured".

Actor Ramsha Khan also shared the news on Twitter.

Cricketer Shoaib Malik offered his condolences.

Former wicket-keeper Kamran Akmal said his heart goes out to the families of the people killed and injured in the barbaric blast. "May Allah grant health to all the injured people. Ameen," he wrote on Twitter.

The Punjab Counter-Terrorism Department has lodged a case against unidentified suspects for the blast and several political leaders, including the prime minister and Punjab chief minister, have condemned the attack.


TPA Jan 21, 2022 12:47pm
Celebrities got their 5 mins of fame.
Fastrack Jan 21, 2022 01:10pm
The enemy is asking for it. And the answer will be swift and painful.
Isthisreal Jan 21, 2022 02:35pm
Do we need to highlight what these so called celebrities are saying to get inspired??
Rabia Jan 21, 2022 06:21pm
oh honestly, am I the only one who finds this headline a bit nauseating?
Rabia Jan 21, 2022 06:23pm
But i suppose if our politicians turn everything into a 'me' opportunity, so will everyone else
Pakistani Jan 21, 2022 07:04pm
PTI Government is the most useless government when it comes to security of the nation. They are playing negotiating game with the terrorists instead of killing them, that’s why they are become stronger they know the government is scare of them. We miss PML Government Nawaz and Shahbaz Sharif who took strong action against terrorists.
Ibrahim S Jan 21, 2022 09:37pm
What a brave nation .
Glen D'Abreo Jan 22, 2022 02:28am
Do celebrities care or do they do this for PR? Where have these voices been for the women of Afghanistan? All we see is lavish wedding and selfies of them taking privileged vacation pictures! I think the public is tired of Pakistani celebrities only turning out t o feed their fans !
Truth be told Jan 22, 2022 11:37am
So if they didn't feel compelled to offer condolences it would've meant they were not affected? Or are these the only one who have a heart? Or possibly these are the only ones taking advantage of the situation? What is it, can someone please elaborate.