
Heartbroken celebrities offer prayers and condolences after 21 people freeze to death in Murree

Heartbroken celebrities offer prayers and condolences after 21 people freeze to death in Murree

Around 1,000 cars were snowed in and people stranded in the calamity-hit hill station.
08 Jan, 2022

Murree was declared calamity hit on Saturday after at least 21 people froze to death in cars stranded in snow amid a massive tourist influx. Around 1,000 cars were snowed in and people stuck inside. Many Pakistani celebrities shared the news on social media and expressed their shock and horror.

The victims included nine children.

Actor Saba Qamar took the news to Twitter and said "I am heartbroken to see images from Murree. My thoughts and prayers go out to the families who lost their loved ones." She also advised her followers to check weather forecasts prior to any travel.

Faysal Quraishi also penned a few words for the people who lost their lives and asked his followers to pray for the departed souls. "Receiving sad and disturbing videos of Muree and Galyat. Around 20 people (local tourists) including women and children have died due to extreme weather conditions. Aur jo wahan hain ALLAH pak madad farmaye aur apni amaan mey rakhay ameen [May Allah keep the people who are still there safe and help them]."

Model Nadia Hussain and singer Meesha Shafi also shared the devastating news on Twitter.

Cricketer Shoaib Malik shared the news on Twitter and also prayed for the deceased.

Actor Armeena Khan, however, drew attention towards mandatory travel restrictions and plans in place for such calamities.

"Where is the cold weather risk plan to mitigate such risk? This includes regulating traffic and “prepping” infrastructure to receive snowfall with adequate weather warning systems in place. My heart breaks for the families who have lost their loved ones needlessly."

Actor Osman Khalid Butt shared some important information for anyone who is stuck in their car in the snow — never use your heater because it will reduce the oxygen levels in the vehicle!

Actor Usman Mukhtar had a very important request for people — stop sharing videos of the incident!

Prime Minister Imran Khan had also tweeted about how "shocked and upset" he was to hear of the tragic deaths.

He said that an inquiry has been initiated and regulations will be put in place to prevent such a thing from happening again.

The Pakistan Meteorological Department had predicted heavy snowfall in Murree and Galiyat from January 6 to 9. Punjab Chief Minister Usman Buzdar has declared Murree calamity-hit and imposed a state of emergency at hospitals, police stations, administration offices and Rescue 1122 services in the area.

More than 23,000 cars were evacuated from the area the night before and the rescue operation was going on, he shared. Buzdar appealed to people to strictly follow instructions given by the police and district administration and cooperate with them.


ST Jan 08, 2022 06:02pm
Celeberities just want to come in lime light .leave no opportunity
Chilgoza Jan 08, 2022 06:12pm
These celebrities are only good to make comments on Twitter. Nobody is doing anything productive for the country. If you really care about Pakistan, set up a non profit organization and take on any issue which is prevalent in Pakistan and work on it. Be an agent of change, don’t just ask for change.
Naseer Jan 08, 2022 06:15pm
While we hear tragic news, I wonder what took tourists to muree with all those weather warnings. It's suicidal to get caught in snow storms. Guys! For the love and respect of life, please stay indoors.
NYS Jan 08, 2022 06:18pm
Not the very first kind of event that happened in snow mournful though Sos in other snow fall mountain valleys Concern authorities should have to plan infrastructure for tourism these areas have no progress since many decades
Shamoon Jan 08, 2022 06:56pm
Thoughts and prayers don't help, Murree needs a system of snow removal. Local tourist dont know how to dress according to weather.
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Jan 08, 2022 07:42pm
What a grave, gruesome, grim, grisly, gross and great tragedy? Inna Lilla Hay Waa Inna Illehey Rajayoon.
well-wisher Jan 08, 2022 07:43pm
Aameen to all your Duas.
Ch. S Jan 08, 2022 07:53pm
Someone died somewhere and it's in the news. Let's do thoughts-and-prayers tweet, for views and followers. This is celeb-101 culture for you.
Laila Jan 08, 2022 08:01pm
I understand this is the celebrity se Rion of Dawn but I really don't care what they have tk at. What i care about is what the average man or woman thinks and how people in the effected area of Murree are coping.
V for Vendetta Jan 08, 2022 08:07pm
@Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad but PMIK should not be blamed.
Ahmad Jan 08, 2022 08:50pm
Very sad, I blamed local authorities, why they allowed visitors in this crazy weather to come to Murree???
NACParis Jan 08, 2022 09:42pm
@ST They are doing their job but looters Bilawal, Shabaz, and their cronies are involved in political point-scoring
nk Jan 08, 2022 10:51pm
Give awareness of Carbon Monoxide & Carbon Dioxide poisoning when you keep your car heaters on and go to sleep. They did not froze to death but unintentionally probably they were the victim of their own mistake.
AZAM AKBAR Jan 08, 2022 11:50pm
Rest In Peace.
Ibrahim S Jan 09, 2022 12:32am
@Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad - do you have anything else worth saying . Did anyone in the government take the responsibility.
Ali Mehdi Jan 09, 2022 01:43am
We have seen one artist that really went so many steps ahead in helping out our people. That’s Fakhr e Alam who actively participated to help the earthquake victims back in the 2000s. What’s there in a tweet
Asif A Shah Jan 09, 2022 04:12am
Tragic! My condolences to all those who are affected by this tragedy.
Raja Jan 09, 2022 06:46am
Please shame the local people of murree who caused all this by blocking the roads and charging 50,000 rupees for helpless Tourists stuck on road to spend a night at hotel.. no one could pay that much amount. They do this every year only this year it gotten worst. Shame the shameless locals of murree. I hope they pay for their sins.
Goldenspoon Jan 09, 2022 07:37am
Cause Of death is carbon monoxide filled in a he car as the exhaust was clogged due to snow covered car.
TPA Jan 09, 2022 07:41am
Heartbroken that they could not get more attention
Smart Observer Jan 09, 2022 07:55am
@Naseer This is Pakistan. I recall some years back, there was a real danger of tsunami in Karachi and the weather department issued urgent warnings to stay away from the seashore. More than half of Karachi had gathered at SeaView to view the tsunami. And they were very disappointed when the tsunami did not happen. This is our desi mentality
Ravi Kumar Emani Jan 09, 2022 08:37am
Total Failure of Administration. Army would have called in much before the deaths occurred, particularly using large network of cell phones.
Ahsan Gul Jan 09, 2022 09:29am
Not all issues and situations require media and artists to jump in! Sincerely
Alex Hamilton Jan 09, 2022 09:53am
@Chilgoza - well said!!!
Sam Jan 09, 2022 11:07am
What good will prayers do for past and future victims? Why don't they do something concrete? Why not part with their wealth to provide succour to those suffering?
Sam Jan 09, 2022 11:10am
@Chilgoza Well said. It is a travesty to read these spoilt privileged elitist and delusional people's tweets feigning concern to get attention.
H P Jan 09, 2022 01:03pm
@NACParis well said!!!
asim Jan 09, 2022 01:51pm
Its good they are offering their condolences but they need to lead a movement to find out exactly what happend. They need to do more, not just lip service as rhetoric to action is the need of the hour since this will be the only way not just to honor those whose lives were lost in this tragedy, but moreso wake up calls to be more prudent, proactive and intuitive on the part of the government so as to prevent or limit any unlikelihood occurence in the future.
Ashraf Sayeed Jan 09, 2022 09:12pm
@Naseer absolutely stupidly
Firangi Jan 10, 2022 12:43am
Very sad, family set out for a vacation and fun but ended up dead..