
Adnan Siddiqui's meme inspires a fiery recreation from his friend Aijaz Aslam

Adnan Siddiqui's meme inspires a fiery recreation from his friend Aijaz Aslam

Actor thanks fans and meme-makers for skyrocketing him to stardom after years of trying to do the same via his actual job.
08 Jan, 2022

Whether you've kept up with Adnan Siddiqui's work or not, we all know that selfie by now — it's been burnt into our memories (no wonder there was fire involved) and it looks like some people have gone a step further and taken inspiration from it. Actor Aijaz Aslam posted a selfie at the same angle, attempting to recreate the viral meme.

Aslam posted his selfie with flames in the background and "dedicated" it to Siddiqui.

The Meray Paas Tum Ho star was quick to respond with laughter. Actor Ushna Shah also joined in on the fun.

He and Aslam also had an exchange on their Instagram Stories where Siddiqui shared the recreation. "May you get noticed and become a viral meme! The inspiration, though, will always be me," he said.

The internet never rests — it quickly got to work and Aslam shared some of the memes.

Siddiqui has taken all the memes and jokes in his stride. He even re-shared Ali Gul Pir's parody, saying "Well, when your memes start trending all over social media, you have moved up the ladder." He added that perhaps he should "keep on doing amusing things to give fodder to meme industry."

More recently, he shared a video of himself trying to unsuccessfully light his stove and saying that the memes have taken all the fire. He thanked his fans and meme makers, saying they ended his "work trajectory and celebrity quotient", transforming him into a star through one meme after years of him trying to do that through his work.

Like Siddiqui in his video, to meme makers we say, bring it on! We're definitely enjoying the content.


NYS Jan 08, 2022 12:25pm
Aslam took like scene win hearts by twinning course Siddiqui fluke selfie mark the end
ST Jan 08, 2022 12:53pm
Adnan siddique seems like about to cry . Why made such a selfish selfie in the first place ?My Question!
Dr Salaria Ahmed Part II Jan 08, 2022 02:12pm
Someone give them some work!
NYS Jan 08, 2022 02:28pm
@ST controversial yet commercial
Chacha Jan 09, 2022 01:49am
What is meme