
Netizens rejoice as Justice Ayesha Malik gets the nod for Supreme Court elevation

Netizens rejoice as Justice Ayesha Malik gets the nod for Supreme Court elevation

The appointment will make her the country's first-ever woman judge to sit on the apex court.
07 Jan, 2022

History is in the making as Lahore High Court Justice Ayesha A. Malik got the nod for elevation to the Supreme Court on Thursday, making her one step closer to becoming the country's first-ever woman judge to sit on the apex court. Ecstatic public figures and netizens took to social media to celebrate how the elevation will be a "great day for women" in Pakistan and "hopefully the first of many" that will see women judges as a prominent part of the Supreme Court roster.

The Judicial Com­mis­sion of Pakistan (JCP) approved Justice Malik's elevation by a majority of five votes against four, an informed source told Dawn. This is the second JCP meeting to decide on Justice Malik's elevation. A lack of consensus during an extended meeting on September 9 forced the commission to reject her elevation.

The JCP meeting that decided on Justice Malik's elevation was chaired by Chief Justice Gulzar Ahmed, who nominated Justice Malik for elevation in August. Netizens had rejoiced at her nomination at the time, emphasising that it was "about time" a women judge made it to the Supreme Court.

If Justice Malik is elevated following approval from an eight-member bipartisan parliamentary committee, she will remain a judge of the Supreme Court until March 2031 and may even have a chance to become the first woman Chief Justice of Pakistan.

Public figures and netizens took to Twitter to share the news with jubilation.

"Here’s your first female judge of the Supreme Court of Pakistan — Justice Ayesha A. Malik," tweeted one user.

Nobel Laureate Malala Yousafzai's father Ziauddin Yousafzai shared his elation at the news. "Many congratulations to Justice Ayesha Malik," he wrote. "You have made history. Congratulations to the Supreme Court for nominating the country's first-ever woman judge to sit on the apex court."

"Great news!" posted singer Meesha Shafi. " Justice Ayesha Malik of the LHC becomes the first woman to become Supreme Court Justice in Pakistan."

"Congratulations to not just Justice Ayesha Malik but to Pakistan for having its first female Supreme Court judge. One woman judge in the Supreme Court is still too few but a good start for more to come!" tweeted activist and lawyer Nighat Dad.

"Such a special day today. We finally have our first woman Supreme Court Judge — Justice Ayesha Malik. I hope she will be the first of many. We need women in leadership positions in all spheres of life based on their capabilities and competence. Let’s make it happen Pakistan," shared former P@SHA president Jehan Ara.

"Justice Ayesha Malik has been appointed to the Supreme Court of Pakistan. She is not only the first female judge but a veritable force to be reckoned with. It is not only a great day for women. It is a great day for any who believe in a justice system based on merit and the rule of law," tweeted one user.

Another user shared how the nomination "is undoubtedly a historic moment and way forward for female jurists of Pakistan".

"What a proud, much awaited moment as we welcome Ayesha Malik as the first female Judge to the Supreme Court of Pakistan," tweeted one user. "Hopefully the repercussions will be beyond judiciary. A real hope that glass ceilings will broken with a higher frequency."

Another user expressed strong hope for the day Pakistan will finally have its first-ever women chief justice. "First woman Judge of Supreme Court of Pakistan Ayesha Malik will be our Chief Justice of Pakistan in 2030," the tweet read.

Congratulations to Justice Malik for breaking the first of many glass ceilings!


S. Jamil Mehdi Zaidi Jan 07, 2022 12:44pm
What is History in it, if to take any appointment is history then all the Executive are making history. History is your Justified work/justified performance to satisfy the conscience instead to satisfy your personal needs.
Salma Jan 07, 2022 01:18pm
Welcome news to many long suffering women of Pakistan who are severely under represented and still oppressed by men making all the important decisions.
Ahmed Jan 07, 2022 01:23pm
Appointing a woman is no progress. Progress is appointing the best person for this job. Let's ask this question. Does she deserve it? Is she the most qualified person for this position? We all know there are more experienced judges who have been sidelined for a random reason.
Saif Zulfiqar Jan 07, 2022 01:24pm
@S. Jamil Mehdi Zaidi / From your comment it appears you are not happy with the appointment of female as a justice of Supreme Court of Pakistan. Like many others I am very happy by the government decision.
Rashid Nasim Jan 07, 2022 01:33pm
I am so proud of my country today.
Nads Jan 07, 2022 01:48pm
Well Done, now that’s what they call”a woman of substance”!
El Cid Jan 07, 2022 02:06pm
Much ado about nothing. Her claim to fame, elevation to SC judge, is being female.
Realistic Jan 07, 2022 02:15pm
Thank you PM IK and PTI
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Jan 07, 2022 02:19pm
Great move and excellent news.
Saeed Jan 07, 2022 02:47pm
The question has not yet been answered, what was the reason for her nomination when another female judge of the PHC was also available and who is also senior to the proposed Judge? Just at the whim of the outgoing Chief Justice?
Waqas Ahmed Jan 07, 2022 03:15pm
Netizens rejoiced and some mourned its only what you angle to paint - you publish in your damn paper
UFO Jan 07, 2022 03:17pm
So what happened to equality and what happened to fairness and merit?
Ali Mehdi Jan 07, 2022 03:18pm
Pls don’t forget this country had benazir Bhutto as PM of Pakistan.
Fastrack Jan 07, 2022 03:33pm
The "Seniority principle" has Zero legal value. Merit scares those who evaded justice, with a 6-4 verdict in assets beyond means case.
Citizen Jan 07, 2022 03:45pm
Out of Rules
Dr. Ahmed Jan 07, 2022 04:20pm
I don't know the whole story, but why was her promotion held up? Doesn't matter that's a really good and welcome news. And now, coming to the other comments that it would increase women power and whatnot. It would definitely raise awareness but you have to be realistic. It wouldn't cause drastic change or if I may, essentially no change. What we need is tort reforms and change in mindset of a common citizens like ourselves not necessarily the state like we have been led to believe.
AHAQ Jan 07, 2022 05:46pm
Only history will tell whether it was a good or bad selection
Loyal Pakistani Jan 07, 2022 06:07pm
Great news !
Kulsoom Baloch Jan 07, 2022 06:12pm
We should give opportunities to women because no nation runs without women supports.
someguy Jan 07, 2022 06:15pm
So feminists are supporting her because she most qualified for the position for because she is a woman? Feminist wannabees don't understand that problem in Pakistan is class discrimination. Let them pick someone who has no strong family connections and is qualified. Not just a trophy nomination to show how progressive we are. He look we got a woman judge.
Hamid Jan 07, 2022 06:20pm
People are making alot of assumptions that she was held back because of gender even though there was another female judge who was more senior and just as capable. I wonder who will provide justice for that judge who has been upstaged by a junior.
What Jan 07, 2022 08:27pm
Gender bias overriding the seniority. Injustice.
Nizamuddin Ahmad Aali Jan 07, 2022 08:40pm
Thanks to the Chief Justice of Pakistan for nominating Justice Malik. Congratulations to Malik family and the nation.
Alal Jan 07, 2022 08:56pm
She's junior and being promoted in violation of seniority. Is that historical?
khan Jan 07, 2022 10:11pm
this is a gender biased decision
Saeed Ahmed Jan 07, 2022 11:05pm
Ceremonial act or favoritism. Unless she proves to turn around the dysfunctional justice system of Pakistan.
Rayhan Jan 07, 2022 11:18pm
@Ahmed, she is way more qualified than many other lawyers. I hope you are not one of those haters of professional women. If you are, you need to change your attitude!
Rayhan Jan 07, 2022 11:20pm
@UFO, isn't that what happened?
Abdul Aziz Jan 07, 2022 11:56pm
I have seen women judges are more focused on dispensing justice than men. Congratulations.
Nizamuddin Ahmad Aali Jan 08, 2022 12:22am
@Alal : Yes, definitely this is progress in conservative Pakistan. One step closer to become Jinnah’s Pakistan. Justice Malik is the future Chief Justice. Pakistan Zindabad.
shahzada Jan 08, 2022 02:02am
@Ahmed Yes she is competent. Why were there no protests when a junior male judge was promoted to the supreme court? It is hypocritical.
shahzada Jan 08, 2022 02:06am
@Saeed She will get the opportunity when the next vacancy becomes available and then we will have 2 female supreme court judges, who are competent and qualified.
S Siddiqi Jan 08, 2022 05:19am
@Salma It is sexist to think that a woman would be any different than her male collegues i her decision making. If there was incompetency by prior judges it was on legal matters, not gender political ones. Let us normalize competence over politics.
Fazal Karim Jan 08, 2022 05:48am
Hope, she does not come with feudal mind set.
Ehsan Jan 08, 2022 08:22am
Great achievement. Hope more women can up their game and get selected to positions of power.
Rehaan Jan 08, 2022 08:26am
One of the greatest decision ever taken by Pakistani judiciary!!