
Pakistani Twitter has drafted its New Year's resolutions to avoid letting 2022 become 2020-2

Pakistani Twitter has drafted its New Year's resolutions to avoid letting 2022 become 2020-2

From holding up pitchforks against Covid to one-day gym subscriptions, netizens have their 2022 plans sorted.
Updated 01 Jan, 2022

New year, old Images — you can always trust us to scavenge for the best of the internet and serve it to you on a silver platter. It's January 1 and Pakistani Twitter has decided to go off about what they want in the new year as well as what they're dreading. 2022 may sound like 2020 two but there's an air of optimism that has everyone excited to see what's coming.

2022 is upon us and even though the desire to start anew seems to fizzle out within the first few days of the year, some Twitter users have still come up with resolutions. Others are eyeing all of it warily, predicting doom but since this is Twitter, even doom is served with a slice of humour.

There were some nice, serious ones.

And then the Twitter-worthy content we all love.

The horror!

No worries though, vaccines to the rescue!

That's the goal — no more dumpster fires!


Versus reality.

New Years is good for gym business!

Some are already counting down to PSL 2022.


We're all just winging it, aren't we?

Despite this,

Optimism still reigns.

Hey, if Taylor Swift said she's feeling 22, this might be all the luck we need.

At this point, pineapple and pizza sure do seem like star-crossed lovers.

Truly, the first mistake of the year.

An important note for 2022!

Welcome to 2022! What's your New Year's resolution?


Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Jan 01, 2022 03:32pm
United we stand, divided we fall.
S. Jamil Mehdi Zaidi Jan 01, 2022 03:36pm
Resolution to save from Fire of Inflation of previous year. Save from false promises of PTI.
Abbasshah Jan 01, 2022 04:33pm
@Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad So you won’t change the same 2021 narratives.
Truth Jan 01, 2022 07:20pm
More mistakes and wrong moves coming in 2020too!