
Fahad Mustafa wants bloggers to stop posting quick movie reviews and ‘damaging films big time’

Fahad Mustafa wants bloggers to stop posting quick movie reviews and ‘damaging films big time’

The actor and producer said reviews tend to form public opinion about a movie and our film industry needs support.
29 Nov, 2021

Actor Fahad Mustafa wants you to stop sharing film reviews online soon after movies are released and let people make up their own minds. He recently shared a post on Instagram claiming that film reviews negatively impact movies before they even reach the public.

The Load Wedding actor posted a message on Instagram cautioning bloggers that “reviews can damage a film big time.” His message was met by cheers from fellow actors Mehwish Hayat, Sami Khan, Aijaz Aslam and Naveed Raza.

A Twitter user responded to the actor’s post and said that if you make good films then you don’t have to give an explanation. “The work speaks [for] itself,” said the user.

Another said that reviewing a film is quite common abroad, so why are filmmakers asking for different treatment here.

Someone commented that it’s not reviews but high priced tickets that keep people away from theatres.

Around the world, many film reviews are shared the same day as the film’s release date. Whether a person is influenced by a review or not is entirely their choice. Bloggers or movie critics who post reviews or comments on films are just sharing their opinion. If a film is being made for the public, shouldn’t the public be allowed to talk about it?

The global entertainment industry is now saturated with OTT content such as Squid Game, Money Heistand Sacred Games, which increases the expectations from our own filmmakers. Considering the hype, cast and team for some of our big budget films, sometimes the reviews are just pointing out what is missing from a big screen project.

Constructive criticism doesn’t necessarily mean that one has a negative approach. It can also mean that we want you to do better in the future. We hope that in the future we can be more open about reviews and let the public decide what they want to watch, read and listen to.

It is true that ours is a fledgling movie industry but that doesn’t mean we have to coddle filmmakers. If someone liked a movie, they should be able to say so, and the same goes for the reverse. Stopping people from reviewing films when they’re released will stifle genuine opinions and might not have the positive effect Mustafa hopes it will.

Sometimes it’s nice to read about what to expect in a film and it doesn’t change whether you want to watch it.


Tariq Nov 29, 2021 04:18pm
You should not spoke legal and political views in your game shows like NASLA tower case.
Sach Nov 29, 2021 04:34pm
Not all vloggers/reviewers are same. People don't go out to watch cinema reading reviews. Many want family time and good experience. Yes Price is a factor. If you make movies that are below par, some will caution others in wasting money. Producers/Directors should not depend on good will and patriotism alone.
Khan D Nov 29, 2021 05:14pm
Stop making nonsense movies. A pretty face and a handsome face won't make the story line any better.
Zyn Nov 29, 2021 06:34pm
Forget about bloggers reviewing the movies a day or two days after the release.But In Indian language movies,there are tweet reviews,the reviewers do tweets while watching the first day ,for show !
Zulfiqar Nov 29, 2021 06:35pm
Come on Fahad. If you made good content people will praise on social media and you won’t have any problems. Although you are talented you haven’t picked the right movies for yourself.
Citizen Nov 29, 2021 06:45pm
Pakistani movies are not movies but telefilms so need alot hard work and powerful script.
Mustafa Ahmed Nov 29, 2021 06:49pm
Stop complaining, people's support has always been there. Problem is that so-called director,writers, producers and actors prefer to shy away to take risk to make something original and rather copy-paste it from India and then expect public to support it wholeheartedly.
Hasan Nov 29, 2021 07:49pm
Wow what a stupid comment. Why don’t u apply that to everything else then as well? If u want to buy laptop/phone/car, no reviews. Instead of focusing on your work youre trying to surpress the voice that will affect your pockets. Reminds me of PIA trying to block other airlines so they can have a monopoly instead of working on their planes/service. Pathetic!!
Salman Nov 29, 2021 08:49pm
This type of comment can only be posted by celebrities in Pakistan. In other countries, they focus on getting the content right. Good content can't be killed by bad reviews.
Gah Nov 29, 2021 10:09pm
Maybe the film industry should make better movies?
Shiven Nov 29, 2021 10:26pm
In Hollywood and Bollywood, saying of reviewers doesnt impact as they are established industries but Pak film industry is very small and weak, still reviewers always give negative reviews on every Pak film, which truly harms. Hence what Fahad said is fully right.
Shahdab Nov 29, 2021 10:40pm
A review is to help movie buffs decide if they want to spend for the experience or not. What is the Point of spending if a movie is not worth it.
Sajida Nov 30, 2021 12:24am
Lalu Khait ka hero hai yeh......... He doesn’t even know how a film is made..........
asim Nov 30, 2021 01:15am
so bloggers should wait till viewers's pockets are emptied and hoodwinked by the thrird class movie
Irfan Huq Nov 30, 2021 09:44am
Before I Dole out ₹900 for a movie ticket I would like to know about the movie particularly from someone who has seen the movie before I spend that kind of money.
Syed Ahmed Nov 30, 2021 10:03am
Pakistani movies are not worth watching.... Doesn't matter what anybody thinks. I love to watch vloggers instead.
Laila Dec 04, 2021 08:31pm
Considering he among others big players ruined our drama industry and the quality our dramas were known for, I don't give much for his thoughts. Let people review. If the work is good enough it will survive.