
Are Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas separated? Her mom says no

Are Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas separated? Her mom says no

Madhu Chopra asks netizens to stop spreading false information after Priyanka removes ‘Jonas’ from her Instagram name.
23 Nov, 2021

Bollywood star turned Hollywood actor Priyanka Chopra sparked a mini frenzy amongst fans when she removed ‘Jonas’ from her name on Instagram without any explanation, leading to speculations of a possible divorce from Nick Jonas. This tiny change resulted in social media platforms being flooded with comments from everyone but her. After a day of madness, Priyanka’s mother Madhu Chopra decided to issue a statement to shut the rumours down.

Priyanka and Nick have been in the public eye since they got together in 2018 and the camera lens zoomed in even more after they tied the knot within eight months of dating so it is inevitable that every move of theirs is watched. So when Priyanka virtually changed her surname out of the blue, it caused the internet to start guessing what was happening. But she wasn’t completely AWOL, she did post a character poster from her upcoming movie The Matrix Resurrections on Twitter, blatantly ignoring questions regarding her marriage all the while leaving the photos of the two of them on her feed untouched.

Left in the quiet space where no one confirmed or denied the speculations, many shocked and confused fans jumped to the conclusion that Priyanka and Nick were together no more. Twitter users had mixed reactions.

Some were quick to resort to memes which is an expected reaction because that is how we now deal with change.

This fan obviously didn’t want to believe it was real so they put in the work and made a whole thread to remind everyone of cutesy Nickyanka moments.

Another user expressed sadness.

Though some were heartbroken, there were others who called it a publicity stunt to garner attention for her upcoming movie.

Amidst the madness, someone finally spoke out and it was none other than a close family member — the actor’s mother who called the rumours rubbish, denied claims of a separation and urged netizens to stop gossiping.

Around the same time, Priyanka finally surfaced on social media and commented on Nick’s recent post where he’s working out.

We guess this was her subtle way of putting the rumours to rest.

Priyanka and Nick have both always been very actively expressive of their affection for one another with constant picture posting and commenting. They moved into their first home together this month and even posted pictures of themselves celebrating Diwali together. In her caption, she thanked Nick, the "best husband and partner" for being "what dreams are made of."

Though we still have no direct comment from the couple on the whole name change situation, we do hope for the sake of Nickyanka fans that the rumours aren’t true.


LgbtqX Nov 23, 2021 06:07pm
I am so worried.
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Nov 23, 2021 06:10pm
As you sow, so shall you reap.
M. Saeed Nov 23, 2021 06:22pm
Even when she married a Western man much younger than her, it was clear that this marriage would not last even so long, as it had(?), They are not known to live long with a single partner.
Parvez Nov 23, 2021 06:36pm
.... even if the rumor is true would it really be all that earth shaking ?
Ali da Malanga Nov 23, 2021 06:45pm
And we should care because??
Truth be told Nov 23, 2021 06:58pm
About time.
Deva Nov 23, 2021 09:14pm
it was not right match
ijall Nov 23, 2021 09:49pm
will she get deported now?
Captain Nov 23, 2021 10:55pm
Don’t really care!
Shakil Khan Nov 23, 2021 11:06pm
Priyaka Chopra looks good. She will make penny or two selling her memoirs to newspapers in India
A. ALI Nov 23, 2021 11:30pm
Both got what they intended to. Now what's the point they stay together or remain separate.... both used each other's fame in different directions. Both may have showed over dose of love for each other and now getting bored.
Raheel Nov 24, 2021 01:09am
She will follow money and deep pockets.
Ali Mehdi Nov 24, 2021 02:13am
It’s good not to have an instagram account - perhaps I’m the only one without it.
Ardl Nov 24, 2021 03:33am
I was suspecting from day one,. such marriages don't last long...The rumours are true
Marvin Nov 24, 2021 04:12am
@ijall She is a US citizen.
saksci Nov 24, 2021 04:38am
Who cares !!
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad/bhaRAT Nov 24, 2021 04:50am
If they are, no surprise.
A Khan Nov 24, 2021 04:59am
She got the green card, time to move on.
Sri Nov 24, 2021 05:04am
@Ali da Malanga, because of excess India obsession
Yash Nov 24, 2021 05:36am
Who cares?
Henchi Nov 24, 2021 07:10am
Who cares.
ST Nov 24, 2021 07:17am
Marriage is a joke for most of the celebrities.
Saira Khan Nov 24, 2021 07:36am
Must have gotten the green card, so she will dump him.
Pursuing Nov 24, 2021 09:37am
She’s a racist
Emzeeem Nov 24, 2021 09:50am
You mean Mr and Mrs Chopra separated!!!
Aruj Nov 24, 2021 09:51am
This is big news in Pakistan. Wonderful.
Shahzaib Nov 24, 2021 09:57am
Seems like Jonas finally coming to his senses.............
Erum Aziz Nov 24, 2021 11:26am
She seems to be a male guy. Bulgy lips, broad shoulders, male figure, I don't understand what is beauty in her? A Male gesture. Rekha is still more attractive than her.
Chota Nov 24, 2021 11:34am
Who cares.waste of my 5 minutes
Sane Mind1st Nov 24, 2021 11:58am
Cool. Welcome to the Club or leave the Club, but hang tough.
Chooza Nov 24, 2021 02:30pm
It was just a LUST both ways, her going with young boy!
Chacha Jee Nov 25, 2021 04:38am
Who has more money? Older Woman or Young Kid?
Ramesh Nov 25, 2021 07:20am
@Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Applies to you too!
Ramesh Nov 25, 2021 07:21am
Divorces among the celebrities are not uncommon!
Tadka Nov 25, 2021 09:30am
Why judging ppl marriage?