
Model Nadia Hussain spills the beans on why she made her spat with makeup artist Nabila public

Model Nadia Hussain spills the beans on why she made her spat with makeup artist Nabila public

There is no way I will allow anyone to trample on my feelings, the model said in a recent interview.
07 Oct, 2021

Model and makeup artist Nadia Hussain recently opened up about her spat with makeup artist Nabila over her makeup palette, shedding light on why she decided to make the incident public.

In May, Hussain had shared a screenshot of a WhatsApp conversation with Nabila and had said she was "shocked, speechless, appalled, confused" at the makeup artist's response to the launch of her makeup palette. Nabila is the founder of a makeup brand — ZERO Makeup — that also features a makeup palette. It was launched in 2015.

Hussain recently appeared on YouTube channel Momina's Mixed Plate and shared her feelings about the incident with Nabila. "I was horrified at what had happened," she said. "I mean why [show] this kind of attitude? I wrote back to Nabila saying you don't have the copyright for this product and you are a brand of your own so there is no need to be insecure. She read my message and blocked me on WhatsApp. Then she blocked me on her Instagram as well. The next day I posted about this whole incident."

Hussain shared she decided to go public about the feud because she was "ticked off". There is no way I will allow anyone to trample on my feelings and my achievements," Hussain said. "Why should I? I really didn't care who she was. If someone is going to behave in such an untoward way with me, and if I have an issue with that, especially somebody who's well known, I will take them to task."

The host asked Hussain whether she thought it necessary to take a private conversation into the public sphere, especially when she'd known the other party for so long. For Hussain, Nabila's behaviour justified taking her to task publicly. "Why would you behave like that with me in the first place?" she said. "Especially when you block me. There is no further communication there. I had messaged and replied back to her. She could have written back to me. She blocked me all on social media. That meant she had a vindictive attitude.

"In today's day and age, we should be very careful about what we are saying, unless it is said to someone very close to you. We were more colleagues. Yes, there has to be a line drawn, but if I do not know you that well then I should not send you such a vindictive message," she said.

Nabila had responded to Hussain's screenshot post in May on her Instagram Stories, indicating that Hussain's product "blatantly used similar communication as ZERO makeup". "While we don't approve of plagiarism, we refuse to engage in desperate mudslinging efforts," she had said (she did post quite the mudslinging image on her Stories afterwards though).

We said it before and we'll say it again, a little healthy competition amongst two of Pakistan's leading makeup artists won't hurt anyone, especially the ladies themselves. Hopefully both Nabila and Hussain have put the incident behind them and are busy working on their thriving brands.


NYS Oct 07, 2021 06:52pm
Go and conquer your world no worries Hussain ! A healthy competition is good for better results .... Nonetheless her lawn launch was instant hit
JS Oct 07, 2021 08:27pm
Immature act by Hussain.
optimist Oct 07, 2021 08:28pm
It time for Nadia to say good bye to show biz.
Ch. S Oct 07, 2021 09:19pm
Possibly the most accomplished hypocrites in the fashion industry. Nobody among her peers likes her.
Vaqar Ahmed Oct 07, 2021 10:07pm
If makeup artists cannot makeup, who can?
Aiza Oct 08, 2021 12:30am
Regardless of reason, when Nadia Hussain went public with a private conversation she revealed herself to be a ruthless person. Bad taste and extremely unethical of her.
Watchmann Oct 08, 2021 01:03am
Wow! A public fight over makeup! I know, it is competition for market, but please branch out into politics!
Ammar Raza Oct 08, 2021 03:33am
women fighting over crayons never seem to impress me.
Ahsan Gul Oct 08, 2021 03:44am
Doesn’t our country needs attention to numerous issues than talking about her makeup? Let’s make Pakistan economically strong first. Opposition has countless vultures who don’t care about Pakistan but their bank accounts! Sincerely
FAZ Oct 08, 2021 10:01am
Read a lot of me. Me me and me..
M. Saeed Oct 08, 2021 12:15pm
Who cares what she feels about others in her field or anything?
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Oct 08, 2021 12:29pm
Who cares?
Jasper Oct 08, 2021 02:42pm
Pettiness personified. No wonder the second largest industry in the world is the 'make-up' industry.
A Bostonian Oct 10, 2021 11:05am
Pardon my ignorance but who is this woman?