
I want all daughters of Pakistan to feel and be safe, Noor Mukadam's father says at Islamabad protest

I want all daughters of Pakistan to feel and be safe, Noor Mukadam's father says at Islamabad protest

People gathered outside the Islamabad Press Club for a peaceful demonstration a day before Noor Mukadam's murder trial.
Updated 22 Sep, 2021

People gathered outside the Islamabad Press Club on Wednesday evening in solidarity with the family of Noor Mukadam a day before her murder trial is expected to begin.

The peaceful protest has been co-organised by Noor's sister Sara Mukadam. A number of celebrities have also shown their support and asked people to attend the protest. The demonstration was scheduled to begin at 4:30pm and was followed by a vigil.

Around 200 to 300 people gathered in the ground outside the Islamabad Press Club.

Noor's father and sister attended the protest with placards. This is the first time the family has gathered together to speak to the public. They have been fighting for a safer Pakistan since the day they lost Noor. With no time to grieve or process their loss, they have been fighting for all the girls and women in Pakistan.

The protest was hosted by actor Osman Khalid Butt.

"We see a new hashtag every day. We see injustice every day with women and so, it is so easy to become desensitised," he told the crowd.

"As a nation we need a reminder, we all need to be reminded that Noor was a living breathing human being with hopes, aspirations, with dreams that were all brutally snuffed out. We must refuse to let Noor become just another number or yet another statistic in the ever-growing cases of intolerance and injustice towards women in our society," he urged.

"Unfortunately the reality is ladies and gentlemen, that harassers, abusers, rapists and murderers will continue to flourish in our society up until the rich, the powerful and the privileged escape prosecution from the law. This is what must end and inshallah this is what we will achieve," said the actor.

"Do not let the outrage fade. The civil society pressure and social media press shouldn’t die out. We must end this culture of apathy and silence and speak out for everyone, not just Noor, because that is what Noor would have wanted," he said.

"I appeal to all the men here, including myself, we must do, we must be and we must act better. We must create a better society for our women. It starts with us. We look to inward and critically examine how we are contributing to a culture of misogyny. It starts with us.

"Our fight will remain until every mother of this nation, every daughter and every woman of this country is safe and gets justice," he said.

Noor’s sister Sara recited a poem at the demonstration. “You were my better half, my better version, my soulmate and now I will have to live incomplete without you for the rest of my life,” she said.

Noor's father Shaukat Ali Mukadam also addressed the crowd and expressed his gratitude to Prime Minister Imran Khan for saying in an interview to the media that he’s following the case and God willing, justice will be served. I appeal to the chief justice of Pakistan and the chief justice of the Islamabad High Court and the additional sessions judge hearing the case to dispose of the case quickly and award exemplary punishment to the murderer, he said.

"I want all daughters of Pakistan to stay safe. May they never see these days. My mission in life for justice for Noor and for Pakistan’s women to feel safe in their homes, their offices and on the streets. May they never go through things like this, nor their parents."

Family and friends paid tribute to Noor and the kind of person she was. A family friend, Christina Afridi, said they all hope that her brutal death will lead not only to a punishment for the perpetrator but for each one of those involved in this horrendous crime.

Rights activist Tahira Abdullah also spoke at the protest and read out a verse from Faiz Ahmed Faiz's poem 'Dua'.

The organisers of the event said it is heartbreaking to see that the mainstream media has moved on from coverage of the case. They said they wish for a speedy trial and the accomplices to receive the writ of the law.

After the protest, a candlelight vigil was also held where participants observed a moment of silence in Noor's memory.

A prayer was also recited for Noor and her family.

The trial

Noor, 27, was found murdered at a residence in Islamabad's upscale Sector F-7/4 on July 20.

A first information report (FIR) was registered later the same day against Zahir Jaffer, who was arrested from the site of the murder, under Section 302 (premeditated murder) of the Pakistan Penal Code on the complaint of the victim's father, Shaukat Ali Mukadam.

The additional sessions court is expected to give copies of the challan to the prosecution and defence at the hearing on Thursday.

Additional Sessions Judge Atta Rabbani, presiding over the case after it was transferred to him from Sessions Judge Kamran Basharat Mufti, had said that copies of the challan would be distributed in the next hearing on September 23 once all suspects were present.

The police submitted the challan on September 9 after several delays. It is also expected that charges may be framed against the suspects.

Currently, Zahir Jaffer and his parents Zakir and Asmat Jaffer are in custody.


M. Emad Sep 22, 2021 06:12pm
Why Noor Mukadam went to Mr. Zahir Jaffer's house alone ??
Fraz Sep 22, 2021 06:17pm
Father's should not allow their daughters to get in living relationship without marriage.
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Sep 22, 2021 07:26pm
United we stand, divided we fall.
Aamir Latif Sep 22, 2021 07:27pm
Though a sad and very tragic ending of a life but a question to all such fathers, why was he ignorant of her daughters free life style, she was adult but also living in the family home... Sadly such free life styles have consequences, unfortunately, this one is worst.....
Captain Sep 22, 2021 07:33pm
A tragic loss in a very tragic way indeed. We all stand in solidarity with the victims.
Just Saying Sep 22, 2021 07:36pm
Justice MUST be served. Killers must be punished, no if and butts or loop holes.
Abdul Sep 22, 2021 09:10pm
May she rest in peace
Zak Sep 22, 2021 09:13pm
This case should be done on speedy basis and conviction and verdict implemented within days, with no right to appeal. Its an open and shut case.
Tanvir Khan Sep 22, 2021 09:25pm
Of all genders, women are on the top rung!
Chrís Dăn Sep 22, 2021 10:42pm
@M. Emad as a friend and not to be murdered.
Chrís Dăn Sep 22, 2021 10:46pm
@Aamir Latif nothing justifies this murder and nothing justifies this murderer.
Sid C Sep 22, 2021 11:20pm
@Aamir Latif Every one with the lectures , just focus on that she was murdered and killer resourceful family tired to protect him.
Sadia Sep 22, 2021 11:37pm
@M. Emad Shame on you for victim-shaming.
Masood Sep 22, 2021 11:41pm
Highly unfortunate She walked alone into the house of a crazy person alone and suffered the consequences
NYS Sep 23, 2021 12:05am
This is why elders have preconceived notions
Analyst Sep 23, 2021 04:25am
She was brutally murdered. Noone has the right to question her personal life or blame her as she was not on a blind date. The murdered and his accomplices should be given exemplary punishment as per law so no more Noors are killed while people stare in silence.
Safder Munir Nawaz Sep 23, 2021 07:13am
I,m very sorry to see dismal , inadequate presence of Islamabad Citizen___ known to be highly learned, well versed and cognizant of the sensitivities and associated risks surrounding their females__ since theirs proportionate presence have definitely defied the nefarious designs of an overwhelming section of society indulging in misogyny thus providing level playing fields to hooligans of our society. I,m also taken aback to note non- representation of our politicians and this misbehaviour on their part show theirs indifference to the just cause of general public. Inshallah a befitting punishment will be handed over to criminal and his accomplices.My all good wishes are for bereaved family and demonstrators.
HumanA Sep 23, 2021 07:22am
How about preventing daughters of Pakistan by giving them good values and telling them not to visit houses of other boys no matter how rich they are?
Zahra Sep 23, 2021 07:37am
Men in this comment section don't understand that the MAJORITY of women killed are actually murdered by their husbands and relatives. "Free lifestyle" does not lead to killings. Victim blaming, and absolving murders of all blame and responsibility leads to this. Because killers know they can get away. When you start justifying actions of the killer, all of you are just as responsible.
Zahra Sep 23, 2021 07:39am
@Fraz And what about women who are killed by their husbands? What about women who are killed by men whose proposal they've rejected? How do you justify that? Truth is, people like you will always find a way to blame the woman for her own murder, regardless of circumstances. She's married, she was asking for it. She was unmarried, she was asking for it. She rejected him, she was asking for it. She accepted him, she was asking for it.
Farooq Sep 23, 2021 07:43am
@Fraz how low
Ramay Sep 25, 2021 02:39pm
Now the results of "my body my desire" are out,one should decide the way to follow, especially the vulnerable feminine sector.
Ramay Sep 25, 2021 02:48pm
@M. Emad "mera jism mere marzi" slogan took her to the wild wolf den and she had to pay the price.And the animal and his parents,guards, house keeper and threapy workers must be punished for the demise of a very human person.