
Sonya Hussyn sends love across the border to the Indian artist who plagiarised music video for 'Ki Jana'

Sonya Hussyn sends love across the border to the Indian artist who plagiarised music video for 'Ki Jana'

Actor says she hopes that through this the message of how horrible honour killings are will be spread.
Updated 09 Sep, 2021

Sonya Hussyn seems to be willing to overlook plagiarism as long as its for a good cause. Case in point is her recent statement about an Indian singer ripping off the music video for 'Ki Jana' by Shani Arshad, which starred Hussyn and Mohsin Abbas Haider.

Indian singer Brham plagiarised the video frame by frame in the music video for his song 'Mood Happy'. The plagiarism was very direct — the video was copied frame by frame.

The director of the original music video, Nabeel Qureshi, had posted about the plagiarism on his Instagram Story and now Hussyn, one of the stars, has responded too. But her response is quite different from what we expected.

"It has been a privilege to be a part of yet another meaningful project which shared the message of how petrifying honour killings are and if that message is spread further, perhaps, together we can change the mindset of all those in South Asia who still hold archaic belief systems," she wrote on her Instagram Story.

"Sending my love across the border for the artists who recreated it."

Hussyn certainly took the high road with her very gracious reply and her take seems to be that some things transcend copyright and legalities. That someone else is also speaking up against honour killings is more important to her than anything else, and we can understand that.


Sane MInd1st Sep 09, 2021 03:01pm
Nabeel Q's song version was copied from Irfan Khan and Nawazuddin film named Bypass way back in 2000s. Seems actors inspire each other and than call others the cheaters. Get life Ms. Sonya Hussyn.
NYS Sep 09, 2021 03:17pm
Less or more constructive critique goes long
Aatif Sep 09, 2021 03:22pm
Brilliant answer
QBMX Sep 09, 2021 09:52pm
Sonya Hussyn, congratulations for taking such a stand. crisis such as these in Asia has to be addressed with strong commitment rather than petty rights.
Shaz Sep 10, 2021 02:42pm
Sonyas version is way better. The other video is a bad copy.