
Inside Junaid Safdar's nikah in London

Inside Junaid Safdar's nikah in London

Maryam Nawaz and Captain Safdar's son married Ayesha Saif Khan at The Lanesborough on Sunday.
Updated 23 Aug, 2021

PML-N Vice President Maryam Nawaz, and Captain Muhammad Safdar Awan's son Junaid Safdar married Ayesha Saif Khan in London on Sunday and social media has been eagerly awaiting details and pictures from the event.

Photo: Courtesy Zehra Photography
Photo: Courtesy Zehra Photography

The wedding was held at The Lanesborough, a swanky 5-star hotel on the Hyde Park Corner in Knightsbridge.

Maryam and Captain Safdar did not attend the wedding. She had earlier announced that she would not request the government to allow her to travel to London for the ceremony. She posted pictures from the nikah on Twitter instead and captioned them "May God keep you safe and happy".

Former premier Nawaz Sharif and former finance minister Ishaq Dar were at the wedding and sat right beside Junaid as he signed the nikah papers. Maryam and Safdar, both of whom are in Lahore, were on video call with their son during the wedding.

We don't know where Junaid's tuxedo was from but the bride's lengha was from Indian designer Sabyasachi.

Photo: Courtesy Zehra Photography
Photo: Courtesy Zehra Photography

While we also do not know much about the bride, we can confirm she is the daughter of Saifur Rahman Khan, a close confidante of Nawaz Sharif, who was made chairman of the then Ehtesab Bureau during Nawaz's second tenure as prime minister in 1997.

Photo: Courtesy Zehra Photography
Photo: Courtesy Zehra Photography

Photo: Dawn
Photo: Dawn

Ali Dar, son of Ishaq Dar and uncle to Junaid, posted a congratulatory message on Twitter. "Here’s to an eternally blissful life ahead," he captioned a picture of him and Junaid at the wedding.

Junaid's cousin Zayd, son of his maternal uncle Hussain Nawaz, also posted a picture with him on Instagram.

Photo: Zayd Hussain Nawaz/Instagram
Photo: Zayd Hussain Nawaz/Instagram

Shehbaz Sharif's son Suleman and his wife also attended the wedding and posed with the groom.

Photo: correspondent
Photo: correspondent

A small group of people who appeared to be PTI supporters staged a protest against Nawaz outside the venue, with PML-N workers intervening to disperse the group.

The small protest didn't, however, put a damper on the festivities of the young couple.


Amer Aug 23, 2021 09:41am
At least Nawaz family and his party should thank the people of Pakistan for supporting their lavish lifestyle after all it is our money which was stolen from us.
Fasttrack Aug 23, 2021 09:43am
Have a good life!
Anu Dada Aug 23, 2021 09:47am
Which one is the bride?
Integrity Aug 23, 2021 09:52am
Heartiest congratulations!
Queen Aug 23, 2021 09:58am
What should an ordinary Pakistani living in a simple home in Pakistan, do? Dance, maybe?
Fraz Aug 23, 2021 10:00am
Stay blessed in London, always
Asif Aug 23, 2021 10:00am
Duke and duchess of Longsight. Unbelievable.
Robin Mitha Aug 23, 2021 10:03am
Very happy for the young couple, wishing them every happiness.
MASHOOD UR REHMAN Aug 23, 2021 10:04am
"Junaid Nawaz" sounds more likely as "Bilawal Bhutto" in line of "Maryam Nawaz's Son" :) :) :)
AAA Aug 23, 2021 10:09am
This guy is literally cinema material, should try his career in movies, his build, height and face is all supportive to that, as he got the beauty from both of his parents, congrats to him on his next chapter of life.
funnyman Aug 23, 2021 10:17am
A marriage between two family of thieves. How lovely. Please come to Pakistan soon for a proper dawat in honor of the occasion
Anti-Corruption Aug 23, 2021 10:22am
They live in London, do business in London, get married in London, die in London. Pakistan is for them to rule and loot.
Smd Aug 23, 2021 10:23am
Your and our taxes paid for it Congratulations
NYS Aug 23, 2021 10:27am
Wish blissful life all absconders in one pot
Ch. S Aug 23, 2021 10:28am
Shameless. Ate away Pakistan, and now living like royals in Britain.
Syed Ghazanfar Abbas Aug 23, 2021 10:32am
Congratulation at the first place. However, politically it will damage PML-N further. Then orange turbans!! Anyway stay blessed and happy life.
NV Aug 23, 2021 10:34am
Our precious tax money spent on 5 star hotels while 70% of Pakistan rots in poverty. Shame on ishaq dar, sharif's and their cronies.
Ahmed khan lehri Aug 23, 2021 11:02am
Luxury life on the expanse of poor people of Pakistan.
Saif Zulfiqar Aug 23, 2021 11:03am
Was Altaf Hussain of MQM invited since he is in London ?
Ahmed khan lehri Aug 23, 2021 11:03am
Politics , govt, burial and looting in Pakistan BUT weddings in London.
Daredevil Aug 23, 2021 11:17am
Nawaz Sharif, the real-life professor from Money heist. Enjoy, rich kids, on the looted wealth of your parents and grandparents.
Zak Aug 23, 2021 11:28am
Bride looks miserable.
Zak Aug 23, 2021 11:31am
@AAA This guy is literally cinema material, should try his career in movies, his build, height and face is all supportive to that, as he got the beauty from both of his parents, congrats to him on his next chapter of life Get glassess!
Zak Aug 23, 2021 11:36am
While we also do not know much about the bride, we can confirm she is the daughter of Saifur Rahman Khan, a close confidante of Nawaz Sharif, who was made chairman of the then Ehtesab Bureau during Nawaz's second tenure as prime minister in 1997. Who also slashed asif zardaris tongue with a blade, in jail. Shame on the lot of them. Insulting the public.
louise Aug 23, 2021 11:46am
That's the kind of wedding you can have when you have stolen Pakistans money.And his grandfather is living a life in luxury thanks to UK government when he is supposed to serving a 7 year sentence in jail . must of made a deal with the bride's father who was head of NAB .
louise Aug 23, 2021 11:49am
Thanks to the money they stole from Pakistan such a lavish wedding .The bride was the former chairman of NAB what does that say ! And UK are keeping Nawaz there in luxury when he should be serving his jai tearm.
louise Aug 23, 2021 11:50am
Stolen money and the bride is the daughter of ex NAB chairman what does that tell you .
Riaz Aug 23, 2021 11:59am
More trouble makers and anti Pakistan members will be created! Pakistans stolen funds used to fund these lavish weddings …shameful people …really….
Indian delta Aug 23, 2021 12:07pm
Congratulations to the newly wed Junaid and Aisha. The only unfortunate thing is that they are part and parcel of the biggest political thieves ever know to Pakistan politics!!
Ghayur Aug 23, 2021 12:15pm
Lavish wedding on the expense of Pakistani Nation.
Ateeq Ahmed Khan Aug 23, 2021 12:15pm
Getting married with looted money by their elders from poor people's of Pakistan and yet our Jahil people's will support these looters and corrupts and shower flower petals when they come out jail
dawood Aug 23, 2021 12:17pm
these people having lavish lifestyles from all the country's looted money
Yash Aug 23, 2021 12:18pm
I hope Mr. Dar has recovered from his cardiac illness! he should now go back to Pakistan and prove his innocence he can.
Ali Aug 23, 2021 12:22pm
It's hard to make any good wishes for Ishaq Dar, Nawaz Sharif and cronies even on occasions like these. Their lies and theft leave a bitter taste in the mouth. Their policies created havoc for ordinary folk, yet they and their descendants live in luxury in London. Nawaz Sharif doesn't look very sick to me. Ishaq Dar neither.
Malik Aug 23, 2021 12:33pm
Modi Wasn’t invited this time?
Mahmood Aug 23, 2021 12:39pm
@Anu Dada We have to assume one of the is. In this day and age, it is hard to tell based on the dress alone!
Abdul Aug 23, 2021 12:40pm
Good to see the family supporting an Indian designer What else will you expect from this family I am surprised Modi wasn't at the wedding
Mansur Ul Haque Aug 23, 2021 12:49pm
NS family is the most hated family of the country.
Anti-Corruption_Pakistani Aug 23, 2021 12:52pm
Millions of dollars spent on a lavish wedding that could had been spent for the welfare of the poor people in Pakistan. By the way, what is the source of groomed Junaid and where the money comes from? Sadly, both father and mother couldn't attend the wedding ceremony in London because of their pending court cases in Pakistan and, in London, ordinary Pakistanis protested outside the luxury hotel against looters and absconders. Where were Nana Ji, Isaq Dar and Abid Ali?
A Aug 23, 2021 12:54pm
@Amer “ At least Nawaz family and his party should thank the people of Pakistan for supporting their lavish lifestyle after all it is our money which was stolen from us.” Nawaz was a businessman with businesses in steel and construction. He would have richer than any higher middle class class Pakistan even if did not choose politics. He might have taken advantage by restricting Pakistan steel and promoting his own company. There has been not one PM in Pakistan’s history who was honest. So Nawaz did not do anything different. Founder of Pakistan himself lived a very lavish life. Muslim league forced him into sherwani and topi otherwise he was never seen in the dress before that. The seed was rotten so came out all the fruits.
Toni Aug 23, 2021 12:54pm
They dont look a happy couple, not a smile; good to fake it, in the tradition of grandfather nannaji!
M. Asghar Aug 23, 2021 12:55pm
What a spectacle: another world built on the others' misfortune!
Fareed ashraf Aug 23, 2021 01:06pm
Their faces tell the whole story.
Chrís Dăn Aug 23, 2021 01:22pm
@funnyman the future of kids of officers working on basis of nepotism is always bright in Pakistan.
Chrís Dăn Aug 23, 2021 01:23pm
@dawood indeed.
Zarar Malik Aug 23, 2021 01:29pm
Marriage in London. Marriage dress Indian. Property in London. But prime Minister bana hai Pakistan ka. Wah wah wah
A shah Aug 23, 2021 01:29pm
Beautiful couple. Future PM of Pakistan
Ahmad Aug 23, 2021 01:29pm
@Amer people like you who have never seen PKR 5000 together are saying this ?
Dave Aug 23, 2021 01:31pm
Where is Capt. Safdar?
The Truth Spy Aug 23, 2021 01:37pm
a lavish weeding funded by innocent poor Pakistani children
M. Emad Aug 23, 2021 01:49pm
Maryam Nawaz & Captain Safdar could not attend wedding of their son Junaid Safdar in London --- So sad & painful for a mother-father.
baby prasad Aug 23, 2021 01:54pm
she looks old
Ashish Aug 23, 2021 01:56pm
People say, Mr Nawaz has stolen wealth from Pakistan. But, since 2019, the time he is out of politics, have things improved in Pakistan? In terms of economic recovery ? Prosperity in any section of the society? Exceptional performance in any industrial sector? Reduction in corruption? Reduction in loans? etc.. etc.. etc..
M. Saeed Aug 23, 2021 01:58pm
Let them celebrate life in this corrupt world, before they answer to their Creator for their real and permanent reward, that they have earned in this transit world.
Dr. Paderia Aug 23, 2021 02:00pm
Qayyum Aug 23, 2021 02:06pm
How u can live peaceful y when u looted the money of poor people but excellent combination one is pioneer of corruption and other is king of corruption
Amir Aug 23, 2021 02:11pm
@AAA yea he is son of a drama queen, dont forget that
Jamshed Aug 23, 2021 02:11pm
I am surprised that they married in the month of Muharram … that’s so sad
Jamshed Aug 23, 2021 02:11pm
@Ashish yes things have drastically improved in all aspects
AKL Aug 23, 2021 02:19pm
IK not invited.
Leo Aug 23, 2021 02:23pm
Dress up like westerners, live in the west, hide in the west, ask money from the west..what is this hypocrisy !
Asma Ashfaq Aug 23, 2021 02:26pm
The duo looks gloomy on their big day. Not even a single smile can be seen on the faces of the couple.
Hasan Malik Aug 23, 2021 02:28pm
These so called leaders have no stake in Pakistan. They just come here to get leadership and then leave in the hour of need. Their sons, daughters and family members are enjoying abroad. Maryam is a leader of one political party and it makes sense if his son will have these celebrations in Pakistan. Maryam Nawaz, Nawaz Sharif and no leadership of PMLN don't deserve any inch of leadership of any political party of Pakistan.
Mansur Ul Haque Aug 23, 2021 02:29pm
Simplicity is their moto. How lavishly they were wasting country money when they were in power.
Gollum Aug 23, 2021 02:33pm
Is this wedding or Jalsa?
Raheel Aug 23, 2021 02:34pm
Modi not invited by Maryam or captain Safdar?
Shafin Verani Aug 23, 2021 02:49pm
Former premier and current fugitive Nawaz Sharif was also in attendance - He looked happy, and in perfect condition with no health problems - kidneys were working fine, heart was pumping more than a hundred percent, blood pressure and sugar were within normal ranges, brain was very active. All these organs don't function only when he is in Pakistan and not in power - but they function properly when he is in London, in power or not in power.
Javed Aug 23, 2021 02:51pm
There was nothing stopping them from getting married in Pakistan, but money runs thicker than blood.
Ada Aug 23, 2021 02:52pm
I notice that the bride looks unhappy and tired. Is the marriage forced?
Ahmad Aug 23, 2021 02:52pm
got married without mother and i do not see his father as well, so tradition goes on of getting married without parents wah, Pakistan's money should be returned to the nation not spend on their pleasures
Salman Aug 23, 2021 03:00pm
@AAA yes, every movie needs some comedy relief!
Salman Aug 23, 2021 03:01pm
@Ashish perhaps the economic issues are BECAUSE of all the looting and graft by previous govt? Or is that too illogical a view for you?
AbuBakr Mela Aug 23, 2021 03:05pm
Vote ko ijjat dou!
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Aug 23, 2021 03:08pm
Who cares?
KTH Aug 23, 2021 03:12pm
@A "There has been not one PM in Pakistan’s history who was honest. So Nawaz did not do anything different." Please don't forget Liaqat Ali Khan the first Prime Minister of Pakistan who had only a few hundred rupees in his bank account when he was martyred . (By the way, he was Nawab of Karnal before independence - His house in Delhi is now Pakistan's High Commission)
Imran Aug 23, 2021 03:15pm
@A You need help - !!
Gollum Aug 23, 2021 03:29pm
@Dave he is clinging on British evacuation aircraft
Amjad Khan Aug 23, 2021 03:29pm
From Gawalmandi and Mozang pharmacy to Lanesborough a successful story of corruption.
Khurram Iqbal Aug 23, 2021 03:32pm
Cursed couple
salman Aug 23, 2021 03:49pm
@AbuBakr Mela right now its more like "Visa ko ijjat dou"
Gollum Aug 23, 2021 03:58pm
@AbuBakr Mela say this to your Modi!
Ali Aug 23, 2021 04:04pm
Safdar grew up in the lap of luxury, living of illegal proceeds. Educated privately in the UK, played Polo "The Game of Kings". Never worked a day in his life. Now he gets married at a luxury hotel. Probably given a luxury Mercedes and apartment/house in London. In any civilized country a few questions would be asked. But in Pakistan the PML-N will probably distribute sweets and exchange congratulations.
Khan Aug 23, 2021 04:21pm
May the fleas of a thousand camels infest them!
Taj Ahmad Aug 23, 2021 04:30pm
Nice looking new couple, good luck and my humble advice to new couple....stay out of politics.
Rizwan Aug 23, 2021 04:37pm
Hopefully Calibri font wasn't used in the Nikkah Nama
Aslam Khan USA Aug 23, 2021 04:42pm
Poor Pakistanis paid for this lavish wedding; while poor girls in Pakistan cannot get married due to lack of money.
PakCanuck Aug 23, 2021 04:47pm
The hotel they got married in is a posh 5 star hotel in London. It's one of the most luxurious and expensive hotel in England
farid Aug 23, 2021 04:49pm
Another Punjabi thief in london.
Omar Aug 23, 2021 04:50pm
The East India Company never left. It’s officers were just switched from white to brown.
ENGR Hamid Shafiq Aug 23, 2021 04:56pm
Poor nation Rich leaders
javaid s siddiqi Aug 23, 2021 04:59pm
British Loyalties getting married in their country.
Naveed Burki Aug 23, 2021 05:10pm
Are there any accounts of the expenses and where the money came from?
F Aug 23, 2021 05:11pm
NS and his family should seriously think how much relations they lost due their politics for doing corruption.
tQ Aug 23, 2021 05:25pm
Stink flows even from this families photographs.
tQ Aug 23, 2021 05:26pm
Desi garbage at Lanesborough.
A. ALI Aug 23, 2021 05:27pm
after reading all comments, 76 until this moment, barring a few all are full of hatred for them. regardless, it's our courts who allowed Nawaz to go out on a bon voyage. our courts are real culprits for letting Nawaz off-hook and Maryam is still free. what kind of precedence our courts are setting? our courts are giving rise to disrespect and loss of faith in quick justice. no owner many people kill others in name of honor and self-defense.
Mahmood Aug 23, 2021 05:37pm
Why is the bride wearing Black??
Mahmood Aug 23, 2021 05:38pm
@M. Emad Hey, but you and Modi were invited, but could not reach London - due to covid, lack of funds of ticket or lack of flights??
Iqbal Aswani Aug 23, 2021 05:44pm
@NV, 24.3% to be precise :)
Iqbal Aswani Aug 23, 2021 05:47pm
@Yash He developed now kidney illness yesterday. Once it is cured, more limbs are under consideration.
Salman Aug 23, 2021 05:48pm
Now shadi ko izzat do
Sam Aug 23, 2021 05:55pm
Boy looks cuter than the bride.
Rasheed Shaikh Aug 23, 2021 06:03pm
What a shame, poorest country of the earth people stole money. Ashraf Ghani took billions of dollars from the reservoir from poor Afghan. Dunya and akhirat both gone. Imran khan should invest in honed people who are living in western countries and ready to retire. They will bring enough foreign exchange to revive the economy. They are educated, sb allowed to teach in the colleges and universities of Pakistan. All of them from born to death, love Pakistan, and they want to contribute to the society . Overhaul tax system and levy taxes people who have tons of money. As human being get richer and older tend to eat very limited then why stealing from the poor people
Ahmed Ali Aug 23, 2021 06:12pm
Marriage from the looted wealth of the poor Pakistani
saksci Aug 23, 2021 06:14pm
@louise Corrupt Nation !!! and people of Pakistan are brain dead or corrupt to love them.
Yasir Aug 23, 2021 06:17pm
Don't forget this is our money...
Nazia Aug 23, 2021 06:19pm
@Queen woh ghurbat say mur jaaye
Saqash Aug 23, 2021 06:52pm
A certain segment of media is covering the aristocratic, despot & corrupt class of Pakistan like Celebrities as if we as subjects need to know about all their shenanigans. Instead media should account for the governance, merit, social and human development during their "reigns"!
Sayyar Khan Aug 23, 2021 06:57pm
See what looted money can get you
Sher Khan Aug 23, 2021 07:03pm
Modi and his entourage is very late, Nawaz Sharif waited so long, and also Hamudullah too.
Anita Turab Aug 23, 2021 07:11pm
@Amer hahahaha. Yes. Really well organized with our money
Rock-'n'-roll Aug 23, 2021 07:28pm
Only people "eagerly awaiting" for wedding details are the slave mentality brigade who admire their "Royal family"elite members enjoying five star treatment in billionaire style of looted money of poor people of Pakistan. These thrill seekers drive great pleasure and satisfaction gawking at the pictures of mediocre looking couple going about their routine in opulent environment in one of the most expensive vanues in the world in foreign lands. Immerse yourselves with memories of your "Ruling Family" luxurious lifestyle. Do not worry characters of this blessed family will be your hope for future to come and claim what is rightfully their entitlement of the throne while enjoying fame and Fortune in London. There are no answers for mental slavery.
Nh Aug 23, 2021 07:31pm
Can't they find a Pakistani designer?
Shoaib Shah Aug 23, 2021 07:40pm
Nothing wrong having a lavish life style but not with the looted money from Pakistan. People of Pakistan will make them pay back sooner or later.
AMATAL SALIM Aug 23, 2021 07:40pm
@A. Just because the previous PMs looted, it is ok for Sharif family to loot the country assets. Have you not heard of two wrongs do not make a right?
abu aliev Aug 23, 2021 07:47pm
it's a joke about this country and its wealthy corrupt elites Residing in London, clubbing with white , playing polo, and making fun of this land why their TCs are crying non stop on TVs channels for democracy. it's a complete joke
Zuk Aug 23, 2021 07:58pm
Dear Pakistanis Your tax money at work.
LgbtqX Aug 23, 2021 08:20pm
Why isn't he wearing traditional outfits.
LgbtqX Aug 23, 2021 08:22pm
Soon we will see pictures of IK's kids getting married in London.
Anonymouseee Aug 23, 2021 08:25pm
Partying with tax payers money. This whole Sharif family is shameless.
Algoritmi Aug 23, 2021 08:28pm
@AAA Actually, that is better than sucking blood of people of Pakistan.
Cye Aug 23, 2021 08:50pm
Nawaz and hi cronies, Enjoying the lavish wedding with the stolen money of poor people of Pakistan.
Irfan Khan Aug 23, 2021 08:55pm
Group of thugs and innocent, uninformed followers.
Raheel Aug 23, 2021 09:03pm
Interesting to see Pakistani tax payers funding this wedding for the corrupts.
observer 2 Aug 23, 2021 09:17pm
I congratulate people of Pakistan and workers of PML...who dies ,fight make long queue to bring these elites to power to loot ,fly to London and to live a lavish life at the cost of tax payer money
NACParis Aug 23, 2021 09:20pm
Another reunion of looters. Most expensive hotel and probable outfits from expensive designers
Pakistani Aug 23, 2021 09:27pm
Enjoying looted wealth
Laeeq Ahmad Aug 23, 2021 09:33pm
Another Royal in the making!
Hasan Mahmood Aug 23, 2021 10:28pm
Who is worse - Ones who attended or ones who reported and glamorized it.
iqbal Aug 23, 2021 10:51pm
Look like a nice young couple....hope they stay away from thieves.
Salman Canada Aug 23, 2021 10:53pm
A blatant display of ill-gotten wealth ...just to add further insult to injury. This could have been just a simple ceremony at the grandfather's flat in London.
Mahad Aug 23, 2021 10:59pm
QBMX Aug 23, 2021 11:56pm
@Amer thank you all Pakistanis, great party.
AA Aug 24, 2021 12:06am
@Fasttrack On Pakistani peoples money
AA Aug 24, 2021 12:06am
@Integrity Why? They looted Pakistan and you are congratulating them?
AA Aug 24, 2021 12:07am
@Fraz People of Pakistan are unbelievable. Looters stay safe and we die in Pakistan
AA Aug 24, 2021 12:08am
@funnyman Well said
Amir Jawaid Aug 24, 2021 12:19am
@LgbtqX not with looted wealth from pakistan
Durrar Aidrus Aug 24, 2021 02:12am
And do we really care?
DR MUNEEB Aug 24, 2021 02:31am
Happy to see them progress through my money
Bella Aug 24, 2021 02:56am
Thieves marrying into the family of thieves in order to pass down the long held tradition of robbery to their future generations.
Raheel Aug 24, 2021 03:01am
Nawaz Shareef and Ishaq Dhar look to be in great health. If they had any shame, they would be in courts fighting corruption cases but at last, the situation is not like before, judges can't be paid off so easily. No wonder they are enjoying our money in London.
Naeem Aug 24, 2021 03:12am
@Smd the third generation of the looters is being groomed with the poor tax payers money. Is it ever going to end?????
Naeem Aug 24, 2021 03:15am
At least Nawaz family and his party should thank the people of Pakistan for supporting their lavish lifestyle after all it is our money which was stolen from us.
Jamil Ahmed Aug 24, 2021 03:28am
Junaid mian. Please spare people of Pakistan and enjoy your lavish lifestyle in London. Poor people of Pakistan cannot support another Sharif or Safdar for their lavish lifestyle
HAJI Aug 24, 2021 03:30am
@Anu Dada whoever looks older is bride
Zeeshan Ahmed Aug 24, 2021 03:35am
You lot never cease to amaze me; here are a bunch of convicted criminals and yet Pakistanis want to celebrate their special occasions.
saeed Aug 24, 2021 03:45am
Shameless PTI workers. They can’t kept mantra of corruption aside, let the kids enjoyed there happiness.
AHAQ Aug 24, 2021 05:12am
Royal family of Pakistan while millions suffered poverty who paid taxes and lost the national wealth to Sharif family
Jahan Ara Aug 24, 2021 05:44am
The chief thug is thriving in London. He had many health issues and was about to die in Pakistan. In England he never had any health problem. Truly, England is a heaven for all the absconders.
Akil Akhtar Aug 24, 2021 07:00am
Isnt' it shameful that we promote such people who have looted this poor country.....
Wadan Aug 24, 2021 07:02am
Congratulations for the couple and blessings but it will be great indeed if nikahfied in Pakistan rather in streets of London. If NS and his acquaintances are innocent enough then they should come to Pakistan and face the charges....
Safir A Siddiqui Aug 24, 2021 07:24am
Looted wealth in full display.
LAHORI KID Aug 24, 2021 07:56am
People’s money being put to good use, in London, on Nawaz Sharifs grand kid.
LAHORI KID Aug 24, 2021 07:59am
@AAA Yes, he may have gotten his looks from his parents, Maryam and Safdar, but like Bilawal, he also got his inheritance from the people of Pakistan.
M. Ali Aug 24, 2021 08:34am
Congratulations!! Make sure for the walima, you invite the Pakistani community and thank them for paying for these lavish ceremonies, and ofcourse for the future life long expenses ....
Amjad Khan Aug 24, 2021 08:34am
Her wedding dress came from an Indian designer I hope she got some fat salami from grandpa Modi G.
Manzoor Hussain Shah Aug 24, 2021 09:30am
Shameless attitude of So-Called Civilized (Pakistani Political Parties Leadership) & people over there in London, looted billions from Pakistan, now enjoying the benefits, creating hurdle in the way of Pakistan, showing bad image of Pakistan everywhere.. Shame on Corrupt Mafia in Politics of Pakistan
Shakeela Kkhan Aug 24, 2021 12:36pm
Congratulations....beautiful couple
Farkhanda Abid Aug 24, 2021 03:40pm
These are very honest people that's why they had lavish goodness dress is about more than 7 lakh. ...on no ...sorry mr.nawaz but return back ....all are corrupt from head to toe..filth..
Sane MInd1st Aug 24, 2021 03:42pm
@Zak and i presume you are part of the public that was insulted and humilated. Cheers. Life goes on. Get prepared for more by PMIK.
Sane MInd1st Aug 24, 2021 03:43pm
@A May I add he enjoyed his drinks too. Costly ones that too.
Farkhanda Abid Aug 24, 2021 03:44pm
Awam is happy or not you must stay happy
A Bostonian Aug 24, 2021 04:13pm
@Integrity you seem quite happy they stole your money and spending it lavishly.
Aziz Alam Aug 24, 2021 06:50pm
The whole new generation is enjoying in London from the money stolen by the older generation of Nawaz Shareef , Ishaq Dar and Saif ur Rehman ! This is the way my country runs ! These rich kids get their education, boarding , wedding and funeral all paid by the poor Pakistani ! From Ayub Khan to Imran Khan , no one has spared Pakistan !
ujala Urooj Aug 24, 2021 10:29pm
thanks to Pakistan for their lavish nikah ceremony ... it could not be done with our tax money ....
Aiman Akhtar Aug 24, 2021 10:55pm
@Anu Dada
Fiaz Aug 25, 2021 05:23am
@LgbtqX at least they have a reason their mum is English.
Guest Aug 25, 2021 08:27pm
Congratulations to the family!