
A request to PM Imran and Maryam: Can we keep anti-semitism and children out of politics?

A request to PM Imran and Maryam: Can we keep anti-semitism and children out of politics?

Derogatory language regarding someone's upbringing, particularly because of their religion, is not okay.
Updated 19 Jul, 2021

Politics is a dirty game and it only seems to be devolving in Pakistan. Lately, our politicians have regressed and instead of attacking their opponents, they're going after their children.

This was the deeply disappointing takeaway from the speeches Prime Minister Imran Khan and PML-N Vice-President Maryam Nawaz made in Kashmir over the weekend.

In his speech, the premier referenced pictures of former premier Nawaz Sharif, who went abroad in 2019 for medical treatment, attending his grandson Junaid Safdar's polo match in the UK. Junaid is the son of Maryam and Captain Safdar and was playing polo for Cambridge University.

"The poor should go to jail and the powerful get NROs (National Reconciliation Ordinance) and go park themselves abroad and watch their grandson’s polo match," Imran said in his speech.

"This grandson who is playing polo in Britain [...] I’ve met so many Kashmiris in London and Manchester, ask them what kind of person can play polo there," the premier said, not masking his disdain. "They will tell you it's a king's sport!"

He said the common man cannot play polo. "You need a lot of money to keep a horse and play polo. So tell us where this dear grandson got this money from. It's your [the people's] money!" he told the crowd.

The next day, Maryam addressed his comments about her son in her speech, but instead of taking the high road, she went even lower.

"[Junaid] is now the polo team captain and is increasing Pakistan’s respect [abroad]. [Imran] says 'that grandson' is going abroad and playing polo, he doesn’t even spare children," she jibed. "He says, 'where did he get the money to play polo'.

"I didn’t want to bring children into it, but the way you’re talking, you’re going to get a befitting reply," she said before launching into an anti-semitic tirade.

"He’s Nawaz Sharif’s grandson, not Goldsmith’s. He’s Nawaz Sharif’s grandson, he’s not being raised in the lap of Jews," she said.

There you have it — Pakistani politics at its finest.

Both statements are problematic and unnecessary but apparently that's not obvious to our politicians.

Let's start with PM Imran.

If you want to bash Nawaz Sharif for going to a polo match when he says he is too ill to return to Pakistan to face court cases against him, do it. That is where you criticism should have ended.

Dragging Nawaz's grandson into politics, for merely playing a sport, makes no sense. Imran Khan himself was a sportsman and his private life, including assets and acquaintances, were scrutinised relentlessly. His own experience with the media poking holes into his private life should teach him not to go after a young man who is neither in politics nor a professional player.

Yes, the main target of Imran's address was his political nemesis Nawaz but raising questions on where Junaid got the money to play polo from is uncalled for.

He has a father, mother and grandfather — all political figures — for you to take potshots at for their sources of income, and you have done that. So don't go after the kid thinking he's fair game just because of his family tree.

Now, on to Maryam. There's so much to unpack here.

1) Don't bring down another woman

Jemima Goldsmith (formerly Khan) has been subjected to so much hate from our people. When someone wants to take a hit at Imran Khan, Jemima and her religion inevitably become the butt of their jokes. Yes, she married a Pakistani man but even years after her divorce, she and her kids are dragged into dirty politics. She has even spoken about the hate she got from both quarters — the Islamophobes and the anti-semitics.

As a mother, and as a woman, Maryam should know better than to go after another — and that too knowing full well how Jemima has been targetted personally for her ties to Judaism.

2) Hold yourself to a higher standard

While Jemima frequently shares her thoughts on Pakistani politics on Twitter, her sons have pointedly stayed away. They have never made any public remarks about Pakistan, politics or anything really. They don't even have public social media accounts.

Ironically, Maryam in her speech even pointed out that "he (Imran) doesn't spare children", but then went on to do the same.

"He's not Goldsmith's grandson," you said, as if that is something to be ashamed of. "He’s not being raised in the lap of Jews." When you drag someone's religion into your argument, you know you've lost any credibility you ever had. Perhaps we expected more from Maryam because of her own struggles or the fact that she too was in the spotlight for being the child of a prime minister. We believed she would be above targeting children and wouldn't justify doing so just because her political opponent did the same.

3) Anti-semitism is never okay

We can't even begin to explain how uncalled for your "raised in the lap of Jews" comment was. If Imran Khan is everything you say he is, then be better. Why are you sinking to this level to one up him? Anti-semitism or any kind of hate for any religion has no place in politics and Maryam Nawaz should know that.

What kind of message does this send to the kids being raised in non-Muslim households in Pakistan? Will that be held against them? If you aspire to be a leader of this country, then know that it has people of all faith. Derogatory language regarding someone's upbringing, particularly because of their religion, is not okay.

To both of them we say, stop the petty politics and acting like children — wait, we retract the last part; children are also taught to fight fair.


ST Jul 19, 2021 04:47pm
Imran khan statement about her son is not derogatory. He is just holding them accountable for their expenses. But she went low. Meryam's upbringing is that of a spoiled brat.
NACParis Jul 19, 2021 04:51pm
Shamelessness in politics has no limits.
bhaRAT© Jul 19, 2021 04:56pm
Quite right. This woman will stoop to any level to abuse Imran Khan!
Desi Jul 19, 2021 05:01pm
IK has stooped to the level of Maryam Nawaz in making unnecessary and stupid statements. So far there was only Maryam saying moronic, idiotic and crazy things but now the PM has joined that list. Politicians need to know where the boundaries are and should not cross those boundaries no matter how much you hate your opponents
Ahmad Jul 19, 2021 05:04pm
Both IK and MN are lunatics. Don’t expect rational behavior from them.
Malik Jul 19, 2021 05:12pm
Please stop comparing Maryam with Imran Khan. Maryam is not holding any government position. But Imran Khan is the prime minister of Pakistan. You should not expect such type of language from a person who is holding the highest government office. Moreover if PM will use such derogatory language and do personal attacks then the rebuttal from PMLN is understandable.
Shahid Jul 19, 2021 05:18pm
IK has a very legitimate point. He did not express any hate against the kid himself, unlike Mariyam. He just questioned the source of money that is needed to afford playing a royal game of polo in the UK. Simple.
Khaled Jul 19, 2021 05:20pm
A very sincere advice, meanwhile she shouldn't have stooped so low in response.
Zafar Jul 19, 2021 05:25pm
IK is numb to such criticism, if he had any regard for his children he would have not provoked his components, let’s face it IK dug his own grave, IK sahib what goes around comes back around to bite your back side, word of advice, if you can not walk the walk don’t talk the talk.
Ahmed khan lehri Jul 19, 2021 05:30pm
Maryam should know that Goldsmith is not a looter of public money, he has not at large from courts, he doesn't leave his country for treatment. But on the other hand every thing is opposite in case of nawaz shareef.
AH Jul 19, 2021 05:33pm
Imran is correct to question where has this guy got his money from but Maryam is talking absolute rubbish.
Malik Jul 19, 2021 05:47pm
@ST Imran Khan is the PM of Pakistan. He is not running a roadside Dhaaba. His statements should reflect that. His language is Bazaari rather than a language that suits a PM.
Sher Jang Gilgit-Baltistan Jul 19, 2021 05:50pm
Now the certified criminals are lecturing us, I mean Maryam Nawaz. This is the bad luck of our country where we face duplicity and hypocrisy every where? IK has rightly pointed out the source of the expenses of the erstwhile kid in a most expensive country like London. She has no answer to share as she knows the sources.
Nasir Jul 19, 2021 05:52pm
IK is right in saying that in jail, the state was just to die and now in London enjoying all . No doubt the POLO is king game in UK and how they afford Mr. Safdar ?. How Ms. . safdar lnked religion is shameful.
saifee Jul 19, 2021 05:52pm
Good response from MNS. Niazi must be responded in the same way which is understood to him. No sane person would remain quiet if their children are bullied.
Saeeds Jul 19, 2021 06:00pm
Both comments are disgusting and supporting these remarks are disgusting too. Politics is dirty thing and let dirty people do it. Awam should be questioning them not blindly following them.
Ahsan Gul Jul 19, 2021 06:02pm
@Shahid Totally agree with you what corrupt Shrief’s supporters don’t see how these children of dishonest politicians are managing to play an expensive Polo in England when a common British can’t afford that! These politicians like Shrief and Dar have money laundered millions of our national wealth to England.
bhaRAT© Jul 19, 2021 06:03pm
@Malik Exposing children or grandson revelling in corruption money is not derogatory. Whereas, Maryam was derogatory and malicious! Get your facts right!!
Ahsan Gul Jul 19, 2021 06:15pm
Doesn’t Pakistani citizen have a right to know How grand children of corrupt Nawaz Shrief are financially supported in expensive Polo while their cannot afford shoes? IK didn’t do anything wrong? Stop baseless criticism. Sincerely
Ahsan Gul Jul 19, 2021 06:21pm
@NACParis - grow up to understand topic before vouching a dishonest person! Sincerely
Zahid Jul 19, 2021 06:22pm
@Malik there’s nothing derogatory about PM’s comment. He’s only pointing out their lavish lifestyle enjoying at the taxpayers money. She is the one foul mouthing as always.
EQ8R__1 Jul 19, 2021 06:25pm
@Malik When Imran Khan bashes Modi as a fascist, Hitler, ,etc. he obviously does not think to look in the mirror. I RCOMMEND NELSON MANDELA to IK and all ! Ik is the angry man of South Asia!he sweats in public even as he addresses the UN!
Ahsan Gul Jul 19, 2021 06:25pm
PM just passed information about our runaway ex corrupt president Nawaz Shrief and his activities in England. What is wrong about that? Critics must prove that his Statements are not true. Sincerely
M. Saeed Jul 19, 2021 06:28pm
Novices in practical politics, do not know the usual and universally prevalent etiquette of decent politics.
Riaz Alam Jul 19, 2021 06:32pm
PM IK is well within his rights to question how assets beyond means were accumulated culminating in Maryam Safdar's son playing Polo. Maryam on the other is stooping low in every speech she gives. Only now she's just finished a speech accusing PTI for the shooting when everyone knows it was the PMLN candidate who threatened to shoot at the PTI for entering his constituency. Dawn, report the facts and then maybe your evident bias stays in check.
AsmatJamal Jul 19, 2021 06:33pm
Maryam Nawaz has a foul mouth when it comes to Imran Khan and PTI. Anti Semitism is her additional qualification
KK beats Jul 19, 2021 06:48pm
When IK will come out of these families and only focus on country’s development.
Shahid Jul 19, 2021 06:49pm
It is Nature's way of eliciting instincts and mindsets - good, bad, sensitive, insensitive, responsible, irresponsible, offensive, defensive, rational, irrational, logical, illogical, forgiving, revengeful or indifferent - of people. When varieties of generational mangos start sprouting on Acacia shrubs, even nature has to wonder. But collective wisdom of people does understand very well. Conveniences may hold some back, but reality manifests itself to proclaim truth. It may, and often, does take a while. So instead of taking sides, it is better to pay attention to the done and the said. You will never be disappointed at natural justice.
Asim Jul 19, 2021 06:55pm
@Desi PM was always topping the list with flying colours if you go through his speeches!
Fast comment Jul 19, 2021 06:58pm
@ST Absolutely. It is Maryam who’s hitting below the belt. Maryam speech amounts to anti- semitism, which is even bad & beyond dirty politics. The people in Pak are smart, they know why absconders are living in London, Canada, and enjoying lavish style living with all the money they got through corruption.
Farooq Siddiqui Jul 19, 2021 07:04pm
But why Maryam Safdar cannot let the public know how her son affords to look be and play polo in UK, when she does not have any property even in Pakistan.
Farhan Jul 19, 2021 07:09pm
Life is private but money is the nation of the Pakistan....
Akhtar Husain Jul 19, 2021 07:17pm
Sharifs were the owner of country’s biggest steel industry in 1971. So if the great grandson of Sharif is playing polo, it is perfectly understandable. Being rich, does not necessarily mean being corrupt. Our PM wants to blame opponent for his wealth, not realising that their family has done many charitable projects for the benefit of the poor.
salman Jul 19, 2021 07:21pm
@ST I did not find anything offensive in Imran Khan's statement. If Mr Sharif is so well that he can watch a polo match then why does he not return to Pakistan to face charges
salman Jul 19, 2021 07:23pm
@Malik Please explain what derogatory language he used. He merely pointed the fact that PMLN's don Nawaz sharif is well enough to have coffee take walks and watch polo match but suddenly becomes sick when you mention travel to Pakistan,
FMQ Jul 19, 2021 07:24pm
I don't see anything wrong in what IK said, he did not use any abusive language against grandson of NS rather he asked a simple question about source of financing for maintaining expensive horses, the young chap is a student and not working himself, then, who is paying the expense for such an expensive sports?
Pplaris Jul 19, 2021 07:26pm
People must realise that Nawaz and his family are a curse for Pakistan. The country cannot move forward until and unless we get rid of the corruption.
Chrís Dăn Jul 19, 2021 07:42pm
Maryam forgot that Jamaima is Muslim by religion now and her sons too. Regarding Nawazś grandson as a polo player-all residents in UK know that this grandchild kept horses since childhood and played polo since childhood. Nawaz was a low middle class immigrant from East Pakistan to Lahore in family background so the common sense asks how his grand son who is the son of a retd captain can have horses since childhood?
Chrís Dăn Jul 19, 2021 07:42pm
@ST you are right.
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Jul 19, 2021 07:46pm
Everything is legitimate in love and war.
Malik Jul 19, 2021 07:50pm
@salman PM is acting like a counselor to be honest and you are asking that what is wrong in it?. This is not a stature of a PM to give statements like these. Now when PMLN will target Imran Khan sons who are living in a mansion in UK then PTI will cry foul. In my view politics should be based on Public issues rather on personal attacks on opponents. People are not interested in personal attacks anymore. We need performance and real politics should solve the issues of the masses
Justice Jul 19, 2021 07:53pm
2 leaders who lack maturity and competence.
Salman Faisal Jul 19, 2021 08:16pm
I don't understand why statement by Imran Khan should be considered offensive or wrong. What is said is absolutely right. It is Maryam only who is to be blamed for her sick speech in this case.
M. Asghar Jul 19, 2021 08:19pm
How come that only eveil in the world seems to be this anitsemitism - a notion constantly abused to justfy all cruelty by its practitioners.
SachBol Jul 19, 2021 08:53pm
@ST Spot on!
SachBol Jul 19, 2021 08:59pm
@Malik Absolutely wrong! NS looted Pakistan and made his family billionaire. It’s Pakistan future generation’s money which his offsprings are lavishly spending. Every Pakistani has the right to ask NS. While Mariam NS was stooping low and talking about ones personal stuff.
SachBol Jul 19, 2021 09:01pm
@saifee Where is your self ? It’s Pakistan future generation’s looted money which NS offsprings are lavishly spending. Every Pakistani has the right to ask NS. While Mariam NS was stooping low and talking about ones personal stuff.
Imdad Jul 19, 2021 09:12pm
@M. Saeed "decent politics", you mean Sharif and Zardari families??
AHAQ Jul 19, 2021 10:32pm
IK speaks within the right context
Shehzad Hasan Jul 19, 2021 11:09pm
It's not about what's good or bad it's about how effective their comments are to gather support from the general public. As a Pakistani politician you have to look at the local masses and both did well in earning respective points.
Zak Jul 19, 2021 11:30pm
@Akhtar Husain Question is, how he became owner of large cement factory, from poverty background and paid only Rs 1,500 in tax.
Zak Jul 19, 2021 11:32pm
@Desi Nation wants to know how a student can afford horses in UK, stables, vets, gear etc. How much have the sharifs looted from pakistan, for 5 generations. Absconder spectator.
Asif A. Shah Jul 19, 2021 11:59pm
Maryam Nawaz has descended a bit lower than Imran Khan. Nevertheless, children should be kept out of politics unless they take public positions on political issues.
A Khan Jul 20, 2021 12:24am
There is nothing wrong in PM IK's statement he is rightly questioning the source of funds being used to raise this kid so lavishly. Playing polo is a very expensive sport in the UK and everyone knows only the royals and the high society can afford it there. As for bringing in children to the debate, tomorrow this same 'child' might be 'selected' as head of PMLN so all these spoilt brats of the Sharif clan are fair game in my opinion.
Amin Arab Jul 20, 2021 12:29am
Pakistanis are content that looted money is used to enrich the sharif families.
Zak Jul 20, 2021 12:36am
How she afford horses in UK for her children. She should answer to the nation.
Amin Arab Jul 20, 2021 12:38am
@Akhtar Husain check the numbers of sharif before and after coming into power
Khalid iqbal Jul 20, 2021 01:14am
IK was right , give the money trail .
Khalid iqbal Jul 20, 2021 01:15am
@Desi wrong , IK is asking for the money trail , nothing wrong with that .
R Jul 20, 2021 01:56am
@ST facts
Waseem usmani Jul 20, 2021 02:13am
@Chrís Dăn Please correct your information. Nawaz sharif was the son of the owner of biggest private industrial enterprise of pakistan in 60's and 70's. His family migrated from east punjab where they had a foundery.
TZaman Jul 20, 2021 02:20am
Both are doing disservice to Pakistan and Pakistani nation.
Nasir Aziz Jul 20, 2021 03:24am
When political parties become undemocratic family fiefdoms, then children are a fair target. Don't like it, pass on the buck to the actual competent leaders in the party, if any that is.
Asif Razzak Jul 20, 2021 03:52am
The 2 families have different life stories on has all money trails and other nothing to justify their business and properties increase in their ruling era,
YOUSAF Aziz Jul 20, 2021 04:24am
I'm sorry all about it , political personality should never be attack personal things( any sort of).....khan did a mistake
AW Jul 20, 2021 04:26am
PM is right about questioning the money source of sharif family. It is appropriate because we need accountability. On the other hand, Maryam Nawaz Safdar’s comments have fully exposed her personal vendetta and the state of her mind which is pity full in terms of vengeance. The worst thing was to make derogatory comments about Jewish faith which is highly condemnable and racist.
Hassan Jul 20, 2021 04:58am
Very preachy but unbalanced
Afzal khan Jul 20, 2021 05:27am
@Shahid true
Afzal khan Jul 20, 2021 05:31am
@Akhtar Husain ya right. Nawaz Sharif's declared assets in the 90s were 1.3 million rupees. And then came the motorway project.
Akil Akhtar Jul 20, 2021 06:05am
Ik only pointed out the rich kids enjoying a life of luxury on looted money but Maryam insulted their religion but you cant expect any better from a low IQ person....
Rahim Jul 20, 2021 06:42am
PMIK and First Lady look very impressive. Fully agree with them about COVID-19.
Al Athar Jul 20, 2021 06:43am
The whole Sharif family is made up of crooks, looters and plunderers. They are super enjoying themselves at home and abroad with the ill gotten fortune.
Rahim Jul 20, 2021 06:45am
IK doesn’t pay the nation the rightful property tax at market value… go figure!
Irfan Huq Jul 20, 2021 06:55am
@Chrís Dăn Do you ever raise a question about P m's another daughter in USA.
Oneliner Jul 20, 2021 07:14am
Imran Khan has made Pakistan Politics dirtier
Ghulam Raza Jul 20, 2021 08:30am
Every thing is not fare in politics even.
Shahid Salam Jul 20, 2021 08:45am
The Goldsmiths are one of Britain's richest families, comparing them to Nawaz Sharif is laughable. The Goldsmiths wealth has not come from kickbacks and money laundering. And they are not fugitives from the law. I think IK has every right to question the lifestyle of one of the Sharifs.
Brig Javaid Iqbal Lodhi Jul 20, 2021 08:58am
I suppose MN should say few words of regret to Jemima Goldsmith for hurting her as mother.Apart political tussel between followers of two religions,human dimensions must be respected and I feel that MN , an upcoming politician would find opportunity.This will raise her stature
Chrís Dăn Jul 20, 2021 10:50am
@Waseem usmani they never had a foundry in east punjab. It was a small sarya making place on cottage industry basis. They were nothing in 50s and 60s. Miracles happened suddenly .
Mehdi Zaidi Jul 20, 2021 11:02am
Imran's point is valid because a convicted corrupt individual was party to the event he mentioned. The life the corrupt Sharif family is enjoying is financed by the money these people have stolen from the people of Pakistan. Goldsmith's grandchildren are a) being raised by people of the book, and b) living off their Grandfather and mother's hard and honesty earned money.
Abdulwahid Jul 20, 2021 11:15am
Imran has always made destructive politics. He has no achievement to show to public. So the poor guy always try to create mess.
Sughra Ahmad Jul 20, 2021 11:49am
There is no problem with PM statement as he has legitimate point in relation to the country' stolen assets by the Sharif family that are being used by every young and old member of Sharif family lavishly. But what Mariam said is antisemetic. Mariam proved herself the lower of the lowest. Goldsmith is more than capable of hitting the illiterate Maryam where it hurts most.
Haris Jul 20, 2021 12:08pm
You may criticize anyone but at least your criticism should have logic and must be based on rational thought. Unfortunately, I find none in this piece.
Haris Jul 20, 2021 12:12pm
@Malik But which of them you find derogatory here? That's the main question.
Haris Jul 20, 2021 12:15pm
@Zafar I don't find any resemblance you are trying to portray here. Imran Khan is only targeted NS in his criticism and said, those who run away abroad on medical grounds are attending a Polo match. So what's is wrong here? I believe the British tabloid has also made a similar headline there.
Sohrab Khan Jul 20, 2021 12:19pm
Yes, I'll ask where Junaid got money to get enrolled in Cambridge and then play polo because i am from the native town of Junaid Safdar and i know their family history. Captain Safdar's grandfather used to work in a stable for the then British Assistant Commissioner's camp office, and now his great grandson is playing polo with the same British elite.
Ali khan Jul 20, 2021 01:02pm
Since when asking for sources of Income becomes dragging kids in to the discussions/politics!! How old is Junaid! He is not over 18!! When it comes to protect or deflect legal impediments the Sharifs use age to announce that due to being majors, their kids are responsible for their own finances. The legitimate question is without no known sources of income of his parents, Maryam and Safdar Awan, how Junaid was afforded education in the UK private institution and financed his expensive taste in designer clothes and Polo!! Whenever Sharifs finances are question, Pakistan media start to raise all kind of absurd excuses. @imrankhanpti has raised a valid question, which the politicians from Shairf family should be answering. Remember this Jemima can made public her "Tax Returns" which would overshadow the whole "Sharif Family". I am certain of that.
kamran khan Jul 20, 2021 01:28pm
awaz sharif was the son of the owner of biggest private industrial enterprise of pakistan in 60's and 70's. His family migrated from east punjab where they had a foundery
Shahid Mahmood Jul 20, 2021 01:33pm
@Akhtar Husain, Yes it was worth 10 million rupees then according to the records and had 13 partners. Mian Sharifs declared wealth was about 1.3 million rupees (lesser than my grandfather's) and he did not pay any tax in the next 21 years which means there were no profits.
Sumbal Jul 20, 2021 01:44pm
Sorry but this article looks like a sanctimonious lecture. How has she gone after another woman? Are those kids not IK's kids as well. You also do not mention everyday misogynistic campaigns about Maryam run from the ruling party. You are extremely biased throughout. Maryam is not responsible for what happened in the past and Jemima should stop seeking pity on the basis of what happened in the past.
Hassan Jul 20, 2021 01:56pm
I guess it is fine to pull religion and family into politics so it shows the proper face of individuals. However, looters and their families should not talk of any religion on the face of this earth because they don’t have any. They are simply the looters.
Hassan Jul 20, 2021 01:57pm
@ST what you expect from those who have looted money of the poor?
Hassan Jul 20, 2021 01:58pm
@Malik infact everyone including the president should curse the looters of this country five times a day in their prayers
Hassan Jul 20, 2021 01:59pm
@Ahmed khan lehri goldsmiths would would have done better to Pakistan than these looters
Hassan Jul 20, 2021 02:01pm
@Nasir because she is a daughter of a corrupt and runaway looter
Hassan Jul 20, 2021 02:02pm
@Farhan exactly these looters, their children and even their looting ancestors should be exposed
SAk Jul 20, 2021 02:03pm
Sharif family is a rich family. Capt Safdar being ghar damad could afford admitting his son to the most expensive school, raising horses and other stuff.
Hassan Jul 20, 2021 02:03pm
@Sohrab Khan nothing but from the looted money
hirja. masoor Jul 20, 2021 02:19pm
I thought IK's sons are attending a posh private school in GB? Why are they not educated in Pakistan?
El Cid Jul 20, 2021 03:36pm
Long arm of the controlling woman never lets up!
El Cid Jul 20, 2021 03:43pm
There she blows with the antisemitic trope. These people use it when caught with their hand in the cookie jar!
Haider Jul 20, 2021 03:44pm
This is a shameless woman who would go lower than one can imagine. He was talking about funds supporting the grandson’s polo game. She could have said it’s her “hard earned money” which we all know it’s not the truth but she resorted to pointing out grandparents not being muslim. Mrs. Safdar, last time I checked you ran away with Safdar before being married to him and after being kicked out of medical college, that wasn’t a very Islamic act on your part.
Mir Ahmed Ali Jul 20, 2021 04:16pm
Overall view of respectable Ms.Jamaima stance is correct. Imran's objection on Nawaz's grandson playing polo is 100%right, Nawaz & his family passing their livelihood in London by laundered money from poor Pakistan. Imran/Jamaima children are living on all legal money.Actually this the point,Imran is not targeting grand children of the Corrupt Nawaz but on his laundered money.Please understand the fact and don't critisize Imran.We Pakistanis and Imran Khan have great respect for you and children.
Khalil Ahmed Jul 20, 2021 04:39pm
Her father, son and brother's are living where the Jews control the power. She wants to come here too and yet she professes hate for the same Jews. I will pass on her comments to the British Board of Jewish Deputies for their opinion and see how she will answer to them if they call her to book for anti Semitic comments
Khalil Ahmed Jul 20, 2021 04:40pm
Shameless women. Convicted and a habitual liar and this nation gives her the audience
Gul Khan Jul 20, 2021 04:49pm
@bhaRAT© His real name is Imran Niazi by the way, not “khan”.
Rizwan Jul 20, 2021 04:52pm
Fully agreed.
Gul Khan Jul 20, 2021 05:00pm
@Sughra Ahmad - Nothing wrong with maryams statement either. Kiddos to her.
Zafar Jul 20, 2021 05:21pm
''being raised in the lap of the Jews'' is antisemitism! What nonsense is this! And why should not we be antisemitic if they are anti-human and anti Palestinians?
Babaji Jul 20, 2021 06:18pm
Naya Pakistan, Naye bewakoof
Ace Jul 20, 2021 07:23pm
It is totally IK's fault. So far he has proven NOTHING and is continuing to lie to the nation.
Ace Jul 20, 2021 07:28pm
Anyone talking about looting of Shariefs, should provide proof in the court of law. IK's narrative is no longer sticking.
Javed Jul 20, 2021 08:10pm
Although it is an accepted fact that shamelessness is a job requirement for politics, still it would be nice to keep children and ex-relationships out of it.
Shahid Jilani Jul 20, 2021 10:47pm
@Shahid Salam this sums it up neatly
Shahid Jilani Jul 20, 2021 10:47pm
This sums up the issue
A. ALI Jul 20, 2021 11:32pm
@saifee Maryam has not responded where from her son got money to play polo?
Captain Jul 20, 2021 11:56pm
Infact N League has no other option to have a step on IK due to their own weaknesses!
Shahid Baig Jul 21, 2021 12:03am
It is not uncalled for as the grandson has no visible source of earning and clearly enjoying on grandfather’s money laundered to UK for which he was convicted and now a declared absconder of court. So , please don’t play so naive. On the other hand Maryam herself says he is grandson of Nawaz, admitting Khan was right, then going overboard at hitting Khan’s Ex.
Sughra Ahmad Jul 21, 2021 12:58am
@Gul Khan you sound like more ignorant than Maryam Safdar. People like you are trapped in the shackles of Sharif's inhuman characteristics. Go to school if you can afford and live happily.
Khalid Mehmood Awan Jul 21, 2021 12:59am
@ST He is NOT Imran Khan, HE IS A PRIME MINISTER OF PAKISTAN. Do you know what it means? If he has done any act he must know its consequences will be faced by the nation. Justifying a wrong is itself a biggest unlawful act.
Khalid Mehmood Awan Jul 21, 2021 01:02am
@bhaRAT© This man has to consider at least himself as a Prime Minister and speak in that language.
Sughra Ahmad Jul 21, 2021 01:07am
Maryam Safdar has burnt all her bridges for travels abroad. She won't apply for NRO from now on. Her nasty mind-set and stupidity has played a much needed role.
Ahmed Jul 21, 2021 02:01am
@ST fully agree. IK does not seem to have attacked the child for playing polo.
Shahid Faruqui Jul 21, 2021 08:39am
@bhaRAT© The women has no credentials except she is the daughter of nawaz shareef
Ksg Jul 21, 2021 10:25am
Khan starts his speech with NS and his family. He has nothing to say for his own performance or failure.
Maik Jaffer Jul 21, 2021 11:32am
There is huge difference in their comments. She is involving religion where as he is talking about money. Yes I agree it shouldn't come to children but unfortunately in the matter of money the children are the beneficiaries.
Jawad Jul 21, 2021 04:43pm
I dont see any problem in Imran’s statement…but maryam has proved to be a dumb as her father.
Humza Jul 21, 2021 09:37pm
@ST If you somehow think that an elected PM of the country should busy himself with such type of childish comments creating issues, then we as a people have a long way to go in terms of what is acceptable by public officials. Maryam Nawaz is a mother and holds no public office. Any mother has the right to defend her children - regardless of what the parents may or may not have done. Imran Khan and his populist way of politics is turning off more and more people including me who used to support PTI. If the elected PM's sole game is to badmouth others, how can he possibly work for the country. Obviously it's silly for Maryam Nawaz to bring in race or Imran's ex into this but why would Imran Khan stoke this whole incident by being so childish? Very unbecoming of an elected PM who is supposed to represent Pakistanis. I for one do not want him representing my country - from his repeated gaffes and anti women comments, his obliviousness to his own past behavior and bad language. Sad.
Gfg Jul 22, 2021 01:45am
She should be banned from entering UK due to anti Semitic remarks. Her father and her son shall be deported as well
Rami Jul 22, 2021 03:09am
@Desi no he has not, PM is spot on if media has any shame, they would report how Pakistani feels shame that these looters are running around spending Pakistani money, and Pakistani are going with even having schools! Future of Pakistan are children living in Pakistan!
Rami Jul 22, 2021 03:11am
@Malik delusional much, Marryum wants to be PM ! Her anti Semitic narrative will hound her forever!
Syed Qutub Jul 22, 2021 07:26am
Maryam brought up the Jewish angle to gain sympathy and traction in support of her position in her verbal spat with IK. She is well aware that in our country, Jew is almost equivalent to a derogatory term. It is shameful though..Jews are people of the book too. Her strategy backfired badly...
pakistani Jul 22, 2021 10:00am
anti semitism? really since when we question anyone talking about jews and their nation... r u even a pakistani newpaper? by the way imran khan itself has given ur so called antisemitic marks, what would u say about that... it was a headline few weeks back if u can recall.. if imran khan can stoop to this level then why question her...i am not a supporter of any party they are all liars and hypocrites and look for their own benefit.. if they did of pakistan then by now we would have been atleast a developed nation...
pakistani Jul 22, 2021 10:02am
since when antisemitism become important for pakistan... when few days back imran khan was in headlines for it too..
Shaid Jul 22, 2021 10:22am
Nonsense the PM pointed out facts which you are twisting to suit you're narrative and downplayed maryam safdars have some sjame
Uzma Jul 22, 2021 12:59pm
Its quite naïve of the author to compare polo with cricket! NS's grandson is being sponsored by his parents... Can anyone tell Maryam or Safdar's income source? No one. That's what IK asked... he didn't target Junaid. Its a fallacy to say both IK and MS targeted children! This comparison is ridiculous to the very least!
Irshad Vohra Jul 22, 2021 08:15pm
Prime Minister Imran Khan has asked the Nawaz family to explain how they are maintaining such an affluent lifestyle on British shores. The grandson was mentioned in that context. Instead of explaining the source of their income Maryam Nawaz stooped to a low level of bigotry and hatred. An ignorant priest-ridden society can garner support on such a bigoted statement?
Syed Imtiaz Abbas Hussain Jul 23, 2021 10:40am
@ST corrupt people always go below because they are theives and can't support their corrupt acts.
Naeem butte Jul 23, 2021 11:34pm
Absolutely Imran khan was right to say about that kid junaid coz he is grandson of the most corrupt/dishonest cheater Nawaz who sucked the blood of people from Pakistan and dishonesty on pretext of illness despite being a convicted person. Maryam the biggest LIAR EVER,whereas jemima is a graceful Lady and lives in the hearts of Pakistanis. And Imran khan is a gem and the most truthful and honest PM WE HAVE TODAY.It would be unfair to compare him with cheater and unethical family
Naeem butte Jul 23, 2021 11:39pm
Pls don’t compare a decent lady jemima and Imran khan with this corrupt and dishonest family of uneducated thieves
Naeem butte Jul 24, 2021 12:00am
What moderation? U are comparing a dishonest and cheater family with honest lady like jemima . And more so with the most truthful and honest leader like Imran khan!! PM mentioned junaid in that context but I am amazed to read ur argument. By the way I voted for PTI and I feel proud to have opted for imran khan, my honest opinion as a retired soldier.
S. Jamil Mehdi Zaidi Jul 24, 2021 11:49am
The abusing language started in politics by PTI and specially by Imran Khan it is start now you will see in General Elections of Pakistan the P M Imran Khan will super seed all the legal and constitutional boundaries because he will remain on one page in next election also. but he will not be able to get next primer ship I think so.