
These actors are speaking up against ageism and we're here for it

These actors are speaking up against ageism and we're here for it

"It’s a blessing to be alive and healthy in the latter part of your life,” said Ayesha Omar.
26 Jun, 2021

Ageing isn't something to shame a woman for and Ayesha Omar and Nausheen Shah are making sure that people know they should respect veteran actors.

Society often links a woman actor's age to their success and attractiveness, and often finds older actors lacking, creating an extremely problematic and toxic environment that results in celebrities being on the receiving end of trolling and shaming.

It all started when veteran actor and host Iffat Omar posted a picture from a gathering at Angeline Malik's birthday party. Guests included actors Arjumand Rahim, Samina Ahmed, Ayesha Omar and Saba Hamid to name a few. Soon after pictures from the party were posted on social media, distasteful comments started rolling in.

Omar and Shah hit back at trolls who used age in an attempt to shame the women actors.

Replying to a troll who commented “Shaitan buddyan [evil old women]” under the picture, the Bulbulay star reminded them how ageing was a natural phenomenon.

“Most humans will get ‘budha’ in their lives… it’s a natural human process. In fact, it’s a blessing to be alive and healthy in the latter part of your life,” she said.

She then wondered who the concept was alien to. “Aren’t your parents old, Mr Troll? Or your grandparents? Do you insult them for their age too?” she asked, saying that all ages, genders, castes and orientations should be respected.

Shah expressed similar sentiments, saying they should be lifting one another up instead of pulling each other down.

"Instead of saying MashaAllah, they think getting old is an insult or some sort of crime," she said, adding that we should be thankful for being alive and growing up so gracefully.


Mujahid Jun 26, 2021 06:14pm
Usually olds are trolled if they try to behave like young through language, dressing or other antics. If ageing is both physical and behavioral than there is no concept of trolling
Jan cartoon Jun 26, 2021 06:33pm
Our celebs trying to school trolls is like beating your head against a wall.
Jamil Soomro, New York City Jun 26, 2021 06:58pm
There are two things that I have been unable to understand and grasp so far in my life and they are old age and death.
Asghar Jun 26, 2021 06:59pm
After many attempts of plastic surgeries ''Grapes are sour''.
Captain Jun 26, 2021 07:11pm
Yet it’s only women who hide their age whatsoever. If it’s not about ageing then why to hide age and adopt an attire to hide age too ?
oldhabibian Jun 26, 2021 07:14pm
Agreed. Age means experience, age means love, age means being happy in another's success without being jealous. Age means being able to give advise from one's experience. How many young (so called) star's are honestly able to say that?
Badtameez Kudi Jun 26, 2021 07:19pm
Most young women are into older men, and a good bunch of young men are into older and experienced women. So, there's one for everybody. Just chill.
Ehsan Jun 26, 2021 07:26pm
Everyone looks beautiful as graceful in the picture. Some people just can’t control their inner sickness, ignore them and live your to the fullest
Chrís Dăn Jun 26, 2021 07:42pm
Pakistan is consisted of very closed minded ,medieval mentality men to the extent of 99%. Any girl above 18 is openly called Aunty and all married ladies are called "Aunty" openly by shop-keepers even in decent super shopping markets and generally. Men in Pakistan have no decency to call ladies as Madam or Muherterma and Aunty slang rules in civic set up.
ST Jun 26, 2021 08:01pm
I doubt their stance. I believe they put tons of anti aging cremes on their faces along with plastic surgeries to look young and exuberant
Jamil Soomro, New York City Jun 26, 2021 09:23pm
@Chrís Dăn I fully agree with you. It is ridiculous and shameful to be called by a total stranger "Aunty" and "Uncle" by Desi people. But the same people would dare not call a white woman or man the same. If anyone calls you that you must immediately blast them so that they don't repeat it with others.
Ahsan Gul Jun 26, 2021 09:24pm
Studies from England and Germany have revealed that it is impossible to reverse aging process. However, one can maintain status quo. Stay healthy by exercise and healthy nutritious foods. These expensive creams are just business for making money. Sincerely
Dr. Ahmed Jun 26, 2021 10:34pm
@Chrís Dăn Like all your comments, you're are again wrong. Don't you like putting all the men with same brush? Its not just Pakistani's fault, it happens all over the world.
Dr. Ahmed Jun 26, 2021 10:36pm
@Chrís Dăn and when did Aunty became a slang? Are you serious, if anyone calls your mom aunty, are they wrong?
Ali Mehdi Jun 26, 2021 11:20pm
I see young people who are always on their phones. They don’t play don’t go out. They are just about social media. And I also see people that have aged but they are about meeting people n having outdoor parties with lot of fun. They follow a pattern where physical fitness is important. So I don’t know who to call young? It’s the spirit n energy n the determination to live a happy life full of positivity that actually tells whether or not you are enjoying the time given to you. Rest is meaningless. Old dressing up like young or not acting their age. C’mon the old may have the energy they may not have been tired by whatever they do. So if they have abundance of energy let them have fun.
Parvez Jun 26, 2021 11:31pm
Interesting read. The true beauty in a woman comes out much later in life ..... it takes a mature mind to understand this.
Ali da Malanga Jun 26, 2021 11:38pm
Khan has been emphasizing the movie and the entertainment industry on creating original content because in that model talent primarily matters and age doesn't matter that much. If you are selling content based purely on age (vulgar dances, etc.), you are bound to have this problem.
M. Saeed Jun 27, 2021 12:24am
Age is just a number and a way of life. Complexities related to age are just self criticism.
vin Jun 27, 2021 08:29am
@Mujahid Why old cannot behave like the young through language, dressing, or other antics? Psychologically everyone is at a different stage.
Ali da Malanga Jun 27, 2021 08:29am
@Chrís Dăn - So, in your infinite wisdom, the use of the word "Aunty" is uncivilized and it degrades women? Which planet do you live on?
Mani Jun 27, 2021 10:59am
So no problem with being evil but unacceptable to be labelled old. Priorities of so called celebrities.
Hani_Layyah Jun 27, 2021 05:12pm
@Chrís Dăn its all about culture herein subcontinent. . Aunty is not a bit of slang particularly in our culture
Corruption fighter Jun 28, 2021 08:21am
@Jamil Soomro, New York City : South Asians have learned to avoid giving offence to their elders buy addressing them as uncle or aunty--so that they do not have to take their names. In the West, names are used regardless of social position gained by age. Just follow traditions in this case that equates understood relations as one's parents' generation and respectful. Uncle and aunty have be come honoured tradition. I take no offence!
Hajira Zia Jun 28, 2021 09:38pm
@Mujahid How are these ladies acting young?. They are dressed fine, smiling and enjoying an occasion. Why is it inappropriate?. Also, what is wrong with staying young at heart?. People love to pick on others, we all should just let people live and care for ourselves as adults do.
Hajira Zia Jun 28, 2021 09:38pm
That makes her happy, so what.