
A YouTuber harassed and intimidated women in Gujranwala and called it a 'prank'. Now he's in jail

A YouTuber harassed and intimidated women in Gujranwala and called it a 'prank'. Now he's in jail

He manhandled and intimidated several women outside a university for not wearing dupattas.
17 Jun, 2021

YouTube has a lot to offer — tutorials on how to tie a tie, music videos, Ted Talks and so much more. It also has complete garbage like a video titled 'Dopatta loo Prank part 2' that makes liberal use of the word prank to harass women. But thankfully the police found his 'prank' as unfunny as we did and have arrested him.

The prankster's (read: harasser) name is Khan Ali and his account is called 'Vele Loog Khan Ali'. Vele indeed. The account should instead be titled 'The Audacity of This Man' because he has the audacity to go up to random women outside a university in Gujranwala and attempt to pay them to wear a dupatta. "You must tell your mothers, sisters and daughters to wear a dupatta," he says in Punjabi. "This isn't a prank, this is a message," he stresses.

"These girls aren't going to listen but I'm going to make them listen." Okay then.

If you were able to get through this video, we applaud you. Watching this burly man intimidate women with his words and then his size was truly revolting. That he believes it is his duty to spread this "message" is as absurd as his contention that this is funny. In the video he starts of by droning at random women to wear a dupatta and when they attempt to walk away, he pulls their arms. When they eventually get angry and ask who he is to tell them what to wear he roars "I am a Pakistani Muslim!"

No one seems to find it funny, not the women being harassed nor social media.

Let's break it down for you:

If this video was staged: IT IS NOT FUNNY.

If this video wasn't staged: IT IS NOT FUNNY.

If, as many people claim, the prank was staged — we don't think all of it was — it perpetuates the idea that this foolishness is funny. Newsflash: it's not. Harassing women is not funny, prank or not.

Some of the victims — and we definitely believe they were victims — of this man's inane sense of humour looked genuinely terrified and angry. If they were all acting, Lollywood needs to scoop up these ladies for a new drama because we haven't seen such genuine acting in a while.

Back to the "prank" — going up to women to offer them money to wear a dupatta and getting aggressive if they said no (as everyone did). Where does this man get off thinking he can do things like this? Forget how degrading it is to offer someone money to alter their attire, but a completely RANDOM man approaching you while you're walking alone and commenting on your clothes and offering you money to wear a dupatta — he's lucky they didn't push him into moving traffic.

In the video, he physically touches the women in an attempt to get their attention. The humour apparently lies in him being slapped by scared and angry women. Har har, very funny.

This video seems more like an excuse to harass women than a prank. There was no gotcha moment and none of the women laughed afterward.

In one instance, he approaches a woman and her young daughter, offering Rs500 for the mother and Rs500 for the daughter to wear dupattas. The daughter literally cowers behind her mother and they keep shifting around, trying not to get cornered by this man.

You may want to laugh this off — "it's just a joke, after all" — but remember that pranks and Pakistan don't always mix well and have resulted in the person pulling the prank or their parents being killed. Our youth are impressionable and there's a great likelihood that some of the 498,000 (and counting) views on the video are from people who admire him. They might even think it's a bright idea to recreate this 'prank'.

No one laughed here either.

Thankfully, the police didn't find the "prank" funny either and the man is now behind bars.

To top it all off, the Gujranwala RPO tweeted this picture. The man in handcuffs being led by a woman police officer. Guess she had the last laugh.

If you find this man and his antics funny, you need to reevaluate your priorities in life. We're glad he's in jail but people like him rarely learn the error of their ways. We expect that in a short while he'll be out making a part three to his foolish series.


Anwar Jun 17, 2021 04:14pm
That's such a positive news
Syed Ghazanfar Abbas Jun 17, 2021 04:26pm
Every profession have norms, rules and regulations. Youtubers and Journalists are not exampted. There should retraining centres or University level courses to teach and train these people. One should not become Magistrate, or Judge to impose question and start investigation.
Sajjad Jun 17, 2021 04:29pm
I have watched his videos. He is a sick man. Good job by Punjab Police.
Hussain Jun 17, 2021 04:38pm
What a fool. Sadly he must have thought he was doing good by intimidating and terrifying those poor women. He's lucky the men of their family weren't around or he'd probably be 6 feet underground instead of in a jail cell.
GM Jun 17, 2021 04:43pm
@ Police. i am kindly requesting you to please set an example, register an FIR, put relevant section of harassment, sexual harassment and abuse/exploitation. Give him harsh punishment so that no one else do the same mistake and misbehaviour with others. We all have sisters and mothers and such abuse is never acceptable. this man basically want cheap publicity warrants punishment as per law.
Captain Jun 17, 2021 04:45pm
Insane man with stupid act
Anti-Corruption_Pakistani Jun 17, 2021 04:45pm
Simply, truth is always bitter to swallow. He could have conveyed the message in a polite and civilised way rather than aggressively through a VB prank.
LgbtqX Jun 17, 2021 04:56pm
And the leaders claim women in Pakistan have a high status!!
Hasan Malik Jun 17, 2021 04:57pm
One positive aspect of the video is that women were taking a clear stance and were not hesitating from defending themselves. Some people might argue that why women in Punjab don't hesitate from raising their hand, but there is nothing wrong when it comes to defending yourself.
Fastrack Jun 17, 2021 04:58pm
Good job Gujranwala police. How dare you touch a woman? In KPK, you would have been beaten black and blue every single time.
M Nasir Jun 17, 2021 05:06pm
Exemplary punishment or public would lynch him and whole world would laugh at us.
ZZQ Jun 17, 2021 05:09pm
Sick man indeed. Speaks volumes about the overall prevailing mentality of masses. A cause of concern.
Pursuit Jun 17, 2021 05:17pm
Hypocrites making YouTube videos?
Zak Jun 17, 2021 05:18pm
Put him in jail for 1 year, so he can reflect on his misdoings.
El Cid Jun 17, 2021 05:22pm
So, a person gets physically assaulted, repeatedly so, keeps stepping back, keeps distance, does not respond in like manner - yet gets to be put in jail. You can't make this stuff up!
Solomon The King Jun 17, 2021 05:22pm
he's found right place now
asim Jun 17, 2021 05:22pm
Some of his other videos are more illegal than this. in one video, he was asking number from girls
Solomon The King Jun 17, 2021 05:23pm
and then he found Police was not playing a prank with him
El Cid Jun 17, 2021 05:24pm
@Hussain Poor women, how come? They were the ones physically assaulting him, and repeatedly so.
Zak Jun 17, 2021 05:27pm
This guy has mental issues. Get him to see a psychiatrist.
Multani Jun 17, 2021 05:30pm
Good one less stupid prankster off the streets, let him be behind bars for a while.
Zulfiqar Jun 17, 2021 05:30pm
The guy needs help on many levels
Talha Jun 17, 2021 05:30pm
Most of these are scripted.
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Jun 17, 2021 05:32pm
As you sow, so shall you reap.
Neutral Human Jun 17, 2021 05:33pm
Deserves every bit of punishment
Syed Irfan Ali Jun 17, 2021 05:37pm
Hats off to SP Abdul Wahab. He should stay in jail.
D’Souza Jun 17, 2021 05:49pm
Disgusting society.
D’Souza Jun 17, 2021 05:49pm
Even humor is twisted and rotten in Pakistan.
Salam Jun 17, 2021 05:57pm
Even bigger culprits are the ones who are following this mentally sick person on social media.
Tahir A Jun 17, 2021 05:59pm
Just look at the little girl in black clothes who was desperately trying to hide behind her mother. Imagine the terror she felt! Unimaginable! Similarly, his actions are unforgivable.
Ibrahim Jun 17, 2021 06:08pm
This guy is just a crazy self righteous , male chauvinist.
Hawk Jun 17, 2021 06:11pm
Its good to apprehend him. An outsider cannot say any girl to wear DOPATTA. But we must think that honourable dress is our tradition and obligation.
Jamshed Ahmad Jun 17, 2021 06:35pm
I had even reported it to Youtube they replied that no offensive thing was found. I appreciate and Salute the Gujranwala RPO and overall Gujranwala police for protecting girls from harrassment .
Ahmad Gul Nazir Jun 17, 2021 06:41pm
Good news. This man was mentally sick.
Safidullah Khan Wazir Jun 17, 2021 06:58pm
Well done police. He must be taken to the cleaner. I never saw such a mean, impolite and overly audacious person like him... He deserves the most severe possible punishment
Ehsan Jun 17, 2021 06:59pm
Sickening. At least the positive thing was how women were able to stand and defend for themselves
Hasan Malik Jun 17, 2021 07:05pm
@Fastrack The person Khan Ali claims to be a Pukhtoon. Since you are doing Punjab bashing and praising KP then It is better if your kin could be exported back to KP.
Kiwi Jun 17, 2021 07:08pm
Well he had no right to harass the women like that and deserved to be arrested. But I was surprised and sad to see so many women in Pakistan walking around without the dupatta covering them.
Ali Jun 17, 2021 07:17pm
If she has come close to my sister or mom, he wouldn't be in jail, but in a hell.
Erum Aziz Jun 17, 2021 07:43pm
@Ali and when you see other sisters and mothers? speak about yourself, first change yourself later pass such remarks..
Nk Jun 17, 2021 07:44pm
For a good message he definitely went too far in a wrong way. That touching and forcing his way to the victims handbag is not a prank but harrassment
HashBrown® Jun 17, 2021 07:46pm
@El Cid "Poor women, how come? They were the ones physically assaulting him, and repeatedly so." Perhaps you should educate yourself on what physical assault is. This man initiated the contact, and went around grabbing innocent women - any reaction to that initial assault is justifiably considered self defence. I can only hope he burned with humiliation when a female police officer led him to his cell and his photo was made public...
Dr. Ahmed Jun 17, 2021 08:00pm
@Zak Are you serious? The guy probably one of the person in Pak who makes real pranks. I don't agree with this prank but his pranks are usually funny. I don't think he has mental issues. Get off your high horse, not everyone has mental issues.
Jigsaw Jun 17, 2021 08:06pm
Sick man. Good to see such psychos behind bars.
A Bostonian Jun 17, 2021 08:18pm
He can prank the police with his sick jokes while with them.
HashBrown® Jun 17, 2021 08:20pm
@Kiwi "But I was surprised and sad to see so many women in Pakistan walking around without the dupatta covering them." I can imagine a lot of women would have been surprised and sad to see you staring at them and studying their clothing, but at least they didn't start harassing you over it.
SYED ABDUL RAZZAQ Jun 17, 2021 08:30pm
thank you Punjab police....i saw videos was disgusting was it possible in pakistan .should must punished and banned in you tube
Usman Jun 17, 2021 08:38pm
He is obviously a sick man. Hopefully few months behind bars will help...
Bilal Melbourne Jun 17, 2021 08:39pm
Imagine living in a religion dominated society. What we now consider harassment was termed piety not long ago. We need to civilise our sons and educate them to not breach their domains. The prankster obviously got his motivation from religion because he knew people uphold religious beliefs in highest regard. What a shame!
Riaz Uddin Jun 17, 2021 09:13pm
Adopting some religious norms and values are purely voluntarily. It should not be imposed by use of threat or attempt to threat to those who abstain or decline to follow. Such practices are discretionary. The act or omission of the accused comes under purview of cyber crimes.. Police acted lawfully!
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad/bhaRAT Jun 17, 2021 09:25pm
Publish the names of women who claim to be harassed by Dopatta. What a horrible country! Must be dismantled.
Junaid Tipu Jun 17, 2021 09:32pm
@Hussain he has has enough from the women themselves! They gave him due share of chittrol and more !
Bashir Riaz Jun 17, 2021 09:35pm
He’ll get pranked in prison by the big boys he should be all smiles and Youtube it his ratings should go through the roof.
Murtaza Jun 17, 2021 09:37pm
His videos are fake but that doesn't take away from the content which is cheap and simply not any of his business. All the women are appropriately dressed and this guy needs to stop posting such awful stuff.
Zeeshan Ahmed Jun 17, 2021 09:58pm
By giving him this coverage, you have increased his social media rating.
Ahmed ALI. Jun 17, 2021 10:21pm
that can't be justified as given name of prank, that is totally based of Shamefull act thankful of police who was taken an action & arrested him as per given report. requested to all prank guys try to avoide these vareties of pranks which is not allowed as per given from YOUTUBE condition term policy system.
M. Emad Jun 17, 2021 10:49pm
Funny video. Release the man.
Zulfiqar Jun 17, 2021 11:02pm
@M. Emad would you feel the same way if it was one of your family members he had approached?
Mujahid Jun 18, 2021 12:20am
I never found his video funny which I found hopping on social media. Good that he is behind bars. Need to be banned from making any video
Zak Jun 18, 2021 12:49am
@ZZQ Sick man indeed. Speaks volumes about the overall prevailing mentality of masses. A cause of concern. One man, does not, a nation represent.
Nasir Khan Jun 18, 2021 02:09am
We need to teach our sons that how to respect women.
AJ Jun 18, 2021 02:30am
If he was promoting some western clothes with same videos the reaction of liberals would have been all positive.
Changez Khan Jun 18, 2021 03:28am
Keep him behind bars.
Ahsan Gul Jun 18, 2021 03:51am
Strange that people find it amusing? It is not a prank but an insult to the ladies. Keep him in jail for a while until his brain comes to an understanding. Sincerely
LgbtqX Jun 18, 2021 04:24am
A silent majority of Pakistanis are his supporters.
ishaq Jun 18, 2021 05:49am
his youtube channel must be deleted
Shah Jun 18, 2021 06:11am
Sentence him to a min of 3 yrs in prison so that he learns a lesson
ajay Jun 18, 2021 06:49am
i am an indian,, i saw his video,,on the name of prank he is literally harassing girls,, i like the spirit of girls that slapping him,, good that he is in jail.
Kiwi Jun 18, 2021 07:12am
@Zeeshan Ahmed if one of the women walking that way was your family. How would be your reaction then? Please let me know.
KHAN Jun 18, 2021 09:54am
@Ahmed ALI. Our society has been so much demoralized , that whenever police does it’s duty once in a blue moon we start thanking then. Why ???? It’s their job sir , this is what they r paid for.
Corrution fighter Jun 18, 2021 10:37am
@Ali : She? "Khan Ali" seems to have found the best waY to become a Celebrity!
HashBrown® Jun 18, 2021 01:26pm
@LgbtqX "A silent majority of Pakistanis are his supporters." A silent majority of your country is begging for medicine and oxygen from the world right now, so what are you doing here?
Taimoor Shah Jun 18, 2021 02:00pm
I really appreciate my POLICE officer and I desperately request that this guy rot in jail for a few years minimum,,Sir sharm sy jhuk gaya hey iski harkat dekh kr
Bashir Riaz Jun 19, 2021 08:49pm
This pervert was using YouTube as an excuse to harass ladies, his time in jail will be harassment in jail as roles have been reversed he gets a taste of his own medicine, as the 7 foot tall Maja Gujjar and man mountain Sheeda Gandassa want to be YouTube stars as well.
Zak Jun 20, 2021 12:23am
@M. Emad Funny video. Release the man. So in Bangladesh they do it 10 times more, as seen from India.
A Bostonian Jun 21, 2021 02:03am
@Dr. Ahmed his pranks are usually funny? You would be talking differently if the victim was one of your close blood relative.