
Imran Abbas is all praises for Punjab Health Minister Dr Yasmin Rashid

Imran Abbas is all praises for Punjab Health Minister Dr Yasmin Rashid

She has proven her dedication to public service by spearheading Punjab's vaccination drive while battling cancer.
17 Jun, 2021

We often call out politicians and government officials when they misstep but very few people praise them when they do good. Actor Imran Abbas is one of the few and has taken to social media to share his appreciation of Punjab Health Minister Dr Yasmin Rashid. Dr Rashid has been spearheading the province's vaccination efforts despite fighting cancer herself and Abbas thinks that's commendable.

Abbas shared his thoughts via an Instagram post. "Pakistanis appreciate the 70-year-old Dr Yasmin Rashid for working day and night tirelessly for us while battling cancer."

The minister has been diagnosed with breast cancer and is undergoing treatment.

"She has already lost her hair, her health and [is] losing her energies but still hasn't lost her passion to work for the betterment of Pakistan," he added.

He wished her a speedy recovery and said he hopes she lives a long and healthy life.

Abbas' words are welcome, and we're glad that he took the opportunity to appreciate a government official who is going above and beyond for her job. Leading the provincial fight against Covid while fighting a personal battle of such magnitude is a commendable feat and Dr Rashid's dedication to her job and service of the people must be celebrated.


Fastrack Jun 17, 2021 12:23pm
What a true beacon of light.
Tayab Nisar Jun 17, 2021 12:33pm
Appreciating that she did not went abroad like other politician for her treatment
Chrís Dăn Jun 17, 2021 12:38pm
The lady indeed is an embodiment of ethical and moral courage . My salutes to her.
Anti-Corruption_Pakistani Jun 17, 2021 12:39pm
I also admire the dedication of Dr Yasmin Rashid and pray for her good health and long life. She is pride for our country and we should appreciated such loyal people.
Mobeen Zahid Jun 17, 2021 01:41pm
Dr. Yasmin is an inspiration and an example for everyone. What an amazing woman!
Maxx Jun 17, 2021 01:50pm
Bravo! What a lady! What a leader! What a role model for the young! Braving the chemotherapy to do all this public service! Great work! After Meraj Khalid another leader dedicated to public service has emerged! Best wishes and prayers for a speedy recovery!
Fazal Karim Jun 18, 2021 02:04am
A great family.