
Aiman Khan doesn't like fans saying negative things about her sister's engagement

Aiman Khan doesn't like fans saying negative things about her sister's engagement

Fans leaving nasty comments on Minal Khan and Ahsan Ikram's baat pakki photos have been told to "shut up".
20 May, 2021

Aiman Khan had a lot to say to fans who left negative comments on her sister Minal Khan's pictures from her baat pakki with actor Ahsan Mohsin Ikram. The couple posted pictures from their engagement days earlier.

They held a baat pakki event to commemorate their engagement (though they actually got engaged in February). Aiman uploaded a picture with her sister and soon-to-be brother-in-law on Instagram and wrote "take care of my sister".

Social media, obviously, didn't just have nice things to say. As distasteful comments from 'fans' started flooding in, Aiman felt the need to respond. They criticised the couple for sharing too many photos, urging them to "just get married" and "get it over with". Others even took offence to the pictures, calling them "vulgar" and a needless sharing of intimacy.

"Shut up," read Aiman's response, urging people to "stop this negativity". If only we could all respond to haters with a well-timed "shut up".

People need to stop hating on everything. Call people out when they need to be called out but let them be when they don't. Minal and Ikram's event seems to have been very low-key and so far, no pictures have popped up on social media of any of their guests. Even their outfits were low-key.


Asad May 20, 2021 11:48am
But our favorite past time is to gossip and criticize legitimate intimacy.
Brownflower May 20, 2021 11:55am
Who are these people?
Funny man May 20, 2021 11:58am
You know there is a easier way to shut people up and not present yourself for the army of trolls that awaits you when you post anything online. " DONT POST EVERY SINGLE PERSONAL DETAIL ONLINE"
NYS May 20, 2021 12:25pm
Intimate engagement with low key dressed Congratulations at the commemoration
Hajira Zia. May 20, 2021 02:54pm
I don't know why people can't be happy for someone else?, why would you hate?. Why is it so easy to show than love?, what's wrong.
Warda Malik May 20, 2021 03:25pm
@Funny man I agree
Warda Malik May 20, 2021 03:26pm
I agree people should not post intimate picture with everyone as it is your special thing.
Warda Malik May 20, 2021 03:27pm
I agree
Saima May 20, 2021 04:23pm
She needs to be more private rather than open to all its a secret life
well-wisher May 20, 2021 06:22pm
Keep your privacy to yourselves. A photo is enough rather than an album. Have a happy life and that matters.
Amna May 20, 2021 07:23pm
Dear Mrs Aiman, you people are public figure, post every single activity of your daily life. Keep it personal otherwise improve your patience, because when you are on public you should be ready to hear anything, u r doing what you want, people will say what they want. They can't say as per your wish only good things for you .
SIAK May 20, 2021 09:35pm
Don’t you get it?! Nobody cares about your private lives. Stop making a drama out of your irrelevant private life
Falak May 21, 2021 12:30pm
If you don't like public opinion, you should not post it .
Hussain May 22, 2021 06:34pm
@Asad they're not married so it's not "legitimate" intimacy as far as Islam's rulings go.
Mubashir Ali May 22, 2021 10:07pm
AJ May 23, 2021 11:59am
Don't understand the negativity or attention this. 'Engagement' has not legal value anayway as it is not binding.