
People are furious with Malala for calling attacks on Palestinians a 'conflict'

People are furious with Malala for calling attacks on Palestinians a 'conflict'

She didn't mention Israel or Palestine at all in her tweet.
Updated 12 May, 2021

People around the world are calling out Israeli atrocities and oppression in Gaza as violence in the area has intensified in the past few days. They're also calling out Malala Yousufzai for calling it a "conflict".

The Nobel laureate tweeted a carefully worded message and said the "violence in Jerusalem — especially against children — is unbearable".

"This long conflict has cost many children their lives and their futures. Leaders must act immediately — there is no peace when children and civilians are not safe," she wrote, enraging people who wanted her to actually call out Israel.

People reminded her that attacks on Palestinians did not count as a 'conflict', especially because of the power imbalance. Israeli defence forces are using actual weapons against Palestinians while the Palestinians are defending themselves with sticks and rocks.

Palestinians and Israelis are not engaged in a mere battle of words — Palestinians are being violently forced to leave their homes and attacked if they don't do so. In fact, they're being attacked even if they do leave.

People were quick to remind her that this is no more a conflict than when she was shot by the Taliban.

Corrections were made

And definitions clearly spelt out

People were furious

Saying it like it is

For someone who is a UN peace ambassador with a platform that allows her to speak to millions of people, the least she can do is not perpetuate the misguided notion that what's happening in Palestine is a 'disagreement' between two equal parties.


Pakistan May 12, 2021 11:42am
Thank you DAWN for calling out malala you've showed once again why you're the best newspaper in Pakistan
Ali da Malanga May 12, 2021 11:44am
Malala was an accidental winner of the Nobel Prize made possible by an event where she was fired at by a mullah. She has done absolutely done nothing to promote peace in the world. The West is grooming her hoping that one day it will launch her in Pakistan's political scene as its proxy.
Sheraz Ali Rizvi May 12, 2021 11:44am
From day 1 I don’t support this lady. What she has done for the country? Living levish life in UK with whole family... will never say against their sponsors
MSH May 12, 2021 11:48am
Western Puppetzai!!
Mahmood May 12, 2021 11:53am
Why do we even care? Malala is British Citizen, with loyalty to the nation which gave her family safe shelter, health and education. So she cannot be in conflict with the official policy of that state. She is only a 'pakistan-born' girl, but no longer a Pakistani, who hasn't spent more than 24 hours in the land in over a decade. So don't rexpect her to support the views of majority of Pakistanis or the government of Pakistan. Let it be and move on. She was never expected to perform miracles for Pakistani girls, or education for poor children in the country. So why do expect more of her in other areas, controversies or current affaris??
Aleem Baig May 12, 2021 12:02pm
I have always argued in favour of Ms Malala, for her courage etc, but she is no longer a child, nor naive. She has had more international exposure than most of us combined and yet she makes this kind of tweet. It can not be unintentional. Its a very carefully crafted set of words painting a narrative used by ultra Israel supporters. This is just very sad.
Parsa May 12, 2021 12:06pm
I stopped after reading Usama Mirza’s tweet. Mr. Mirza should spend more time on improving his English. Malala Yousufzai should express solidarity for the people dying in Afghanistan and other nations also. Selective humanity is not kosher.
Ali Khalil May 12, 2021 12:20pm
What a shame @malala dollarzai
Tariq May 12, 2021 12:21pm
Seems like they are more furious with Malala then Israel!
Asim May 12, 2021 12:24pm
Can’t expect anything from a western sponsored and educated personality like her.
Irfan Gowani May 12, 2021 12:24pm
The world is full of hypocrites...
Chrís Dăn May 12, 2021 12:28pm
How many are unforgiveable for Malala!!!
F N May 12, 2021 12:28pm
Innocent mistake but the reaction is true.
Asad May 12, 2021 12:36pm
In line to achieve few more awards, she chose the better path on contrary to our muslim leaders which speak ill against Israel and yet give them Air space to roam around.
Imran May 12, 2021 12:36pm
The Pakistanis must teach their children the Malala phenomena, dont let it die over 40 years or so, because that's what west shall wait for before they plant him back in Pakistan politics. How was she picked up and being groomed to derail this poor nation further.
sultan jahan May 12, 2021 12:41pm
it's heard to offend the Anglo-American benefactors who are the makers and protectors pf Israel
Fastrack May 12, 2021 12:42pm
Salute to my people who have the clear-headedness to point out the unacceptable when they see it.
Ahmed khan lehri May 12, 2021 12:44pm
A hypocrite who is busy in making her future at the stake of innocent Palestinians and Kashmiries.
Ahmed khan lehri May 12, 2021 12:46pm
Dear malala , it's not your fault rather it's the upbringing and future prospects which have made you blind.
jokhio May 12, 2021 12:55pm
Malala is right while people are already jealous with low IQ.
Sardar Uddin May 12, 2021 12:58pm
What else you expect from her, she is in the UK now not in Pakistan, where the first class she has was to be diplomatic.
Guest May 12, 2021 01:02pm
Ajaz May 12, 2021 01:07pm
She is a puppet of those that financed her and obviously they will want recompense.
Ajaz May 12, 2021 01:08pm
She will join politics when needed by her controllers in the West.
Amir May 12, 2021 01:12pm
What can you expect from a puppet,s mouth.
Faraz-Canada May 12, 2021 01:16pm
The layers of this farce are coming off slowly but surely. When you write for your western masters, people see through it. Sooner or later everything unravels.
Mishayl Valika May 12, 2021 01:20pm
Malala sold out years ago - has no real opinion on anything She is regrettably not a shining beacon that we had hoped for
Gaffer May 12, 2021 01:33pm
She don't know where is palastine or pakistan
Maverick May 12, 2021 01:34pm
This is what happens when you dont take people into Oxford on merit. They cannot differentiate between Conflict and Violence
Imran May 12, 2021 01:42pm
Lets face it, this girl is sponsored - the next groomed PM of future Pakistan and still no word on what she has really done for women's education in Pakistan.
Imran May 12, 2021 01:44pm
Within a matter of a few years of leaving Pakistan this girl got a book deal, film deal, PR around the world, home in the UK all paid for and by whom and for what? another future puppet.
M. Saeed May 12, 2021 01:46pm
Negative people can find faults in anything. Malala got her name flashed around the world when she was attacked by Taliban as a kid going to school and she is now talking specifically for the welfare of kids. Besides, her statement, "-----the violence in Jerusalem – especially against children – is unbearable. This long conflict has cost many children their lives and their futures." ---is very natural and spontaneous reaction, without any verbosity.
Imran May 12, 2021 01:50pm
The girl who was forced to leave her homeland has little to say about those Palestinians evicted from their homes.
Ilyas May 12, 2021 01:55pm
Speak against Israel and she will loss everything she has gained. In this world Money is at a premium. Human blood is at a sad discount. She will never let her masters disappointed. Otherwise they will throw her away just like Osama bin Laden, Saddam, Qaddafi and many others.
Ali da Malanga May 12, 2021 01:56pm
Malala is a manufactured personality who has been managed by her handlers ever since she stepped into the UK. She has absolutely no qualifications and has never taken a stand on anything meaningful.
Anonymouseee May 12, 2021 02:01pm
Maybe people will now believe that Malala was a stooge of the west all this time. The whole story was fabricated.
Gargoyle May 12, 2021 02:05pm
Her carefully chosen wrong words give credence to those who believe she is a western puppet and agent.
Anas May 12, 2021 02:06pm
Very deplorable by Malala
Sameer May 12, 2021 02:10pm
Liberal rich class can support her all they want, no way is she getting my vote.
oldhabibian May 12, 2021 02:15pm
She is a fake. Her diaries were not written by her. As she is a product of the west, she will not go against them.
haris May 12, 2021 02:16pm
This isn't a conflict, it never does. UN resolution already declared Gaza and WestBank as Palestinian territory with East Jerusalem as their capital. It's Israel who is occupying the territory without any sensible claim. For a conflict the claims from rival parties have value. Which is not the case here.
tQ May 12, 2021 02:17pm
Pakistani media disgrace real icons and follow stooges like malala, as she is worth few pennies.
Ahsan Gul May 12, 2021 02:40pm
Leave Malala alone. Poor girl has no authority or stature. West just used her to propaganda against Taliban. Sincerely
Changez Khan May 12, 2021 02:52pm
People love to criticize, they just look for an excuse to attack the author.
Ahmad May 12, 2021 03:08pm
"Malala Dollarzai"!
ENGR Hamid Shafiq May 12, 2021 03:09pm
A puppet voice
Aziza May 12, 2021 03:14pm
What else to expect from a mascot created by the west!
Parvez May 12, 2021 03:42pm
I remember when Malala was shot in the head by the Taliban......and " people " were furious at Malala ....yes at Malala. Speaks volumes about " people ".
AQ May 12, 2021 03:49pm
She is a mouth piece of ultra liberal western media and she strictly follows there agenda. Whisked away to UK , free education and of course pushed to win a noble prize! Wow.
SAk May 12, 2021 04:07pm
Normally I defend Malala... however in this case I wouldn’t
HashBrown® May 12, 2021 04:19pm
Malala might want to try looking up Iman Darweesh Al Hams - a 13 year old Palestinian girl who was shot in the head at point blank range by an israeli soldier. Does that sound familiar at all? Unlike Malala, little Iman didn't survive; the soldier stood over her wounded body and emptied the magazine into her. Next to her body was found a bag of schoolbooks. You lost my support today, Malala.
Muneer May 12, 2021 04:33pm
This is what her understanding of issue today. With growth and maturity she would come with mature statement.
AH May 12, 2021 04:41pm
You know who these types are sponsored by. They pretend to care about human rights when it suites their agenda.
Dr Hamza May 12, 2021 05:14pm
Not surprising as this is what expected from Malala. She surely cannot utter facts and ground realities against her sponsors! Nobel hypocrisy prize winner!
MANSOOR May 12, 2021 05:19pm
Ek diary likh kar noble prize leney walon ka yehi level hota hai
Adnan amjad May 12, 2021 05:39pm
Simply Malala can't afford to speak truth She can't take stance against here lords.
Waheed UK May 12, 2021 05:39pm
When you do not call out unequivocally the injustice, oppressions, suppression ,subjugation, brutality of innocent people then your silence is contributing to the problem and your complicity cannot be ignored. The ummah has historically been a victim of internal treason and the traitors who are subservient to their masters. The reality always shine through but it takes time . She will be paid great dividends for this
Akib Mahmood May 12, 2021 05:45pm
The bear minimum she could do was actually mention the Palestinians..
Masood Abbas May 12, 2021 05:51pm
A hand picked western puppet
MBA May 12, 2021 06:22pm
Miss Malala please read the massage of Bella Hadid regarding Palestinian people. Evidently, you haven't learned basics of human rights at your university in the UK.
Farhan Shahid Khan May 12, 2021 07:15pm
What could be expected of her? She can't bite the hand that feeds
Zahid May 12, 2021 08:03pm
I am incensed at this pathetic woman who is an embarrasment to Pakistan and the world as a whole. Shame on her for towing the Zionist ideology and not condemning the new Nazi state of Israel. Malala - hide your head in shame
tarik May 12, 2021 08:10pm
She is sold out. Ia an agent of the enemies.
Fawad May 12, 2021 08:12pm
We should worry about more what the rest of the world is doing about this situation than what a 21 year old is writing about it.
Sohail Ansari May 12, 2021 08:33pm
I support Malala’s statement. Both Israel govt and Hamas are engaged in acts of terrorism and endangering the lives of children and unarmed civilians.
Bashir Riaz May 12, 2021 08:43pm
Malala is predictable her scripted life helps her, unlike Mike Raffalu she plays it safe so the dollars keep on flowing she will never go against her masters who hold the purse strings.
AinOther May 12, 2021 10:24pm
She is a brave talented girl who once put her life at risk to call out the oppressors. Don't make her repeat her heroism. Live safely dear Malala.
David Salmon May 12, 2021 11:52pm
Malala foremost is an advocate for children, not a spokesman for the Muslim world. Attacking her because her comment focused on children and not on Israel and the Muslim cause is grossly mistaken. Leave those comments to diplomats and presidents, and let Malala speak up for the children.
Basit Shinwari May 13, 2021 03:18am
This is what happens when a nobody becomes a somebody in the eyes of the west.
Rao May 15, 2021 04:05am
Pakistanis have problem with whatever Malala says or tweets.