Jennifer Aniston calls for support for Covid-stricken India
Actor Jennifer Aniston, a favourite among the world's English sitcom audiences, has urged her fans to lend a helping hand to struggling India, who find themselves in the midst of the full wrath of the Covid pandemic. She made her appeal through social media site Instagram, where the superstar boasts over 36.5 million followers.
In a series of Instagram Stories dedicated to the matter, she said, "A severe second wave of coronavirus infections has swept over India, setting global records for new infections each day over the past five days." The country's seven-day reporting average currently stands at 381,124 cases and 3,572 deaths.
It is important to remember at this stage that these numbers are grossly underreported.

Her second post was a plug for global health and development NGO Americares, saying that the non-profit is raising for money for India's immediate relief. The organisation is currently on the ground in India, delivering PPE to healthcare workers, providing medicinal and teledoc support and raising awareness among the poverty-ridden communities in India.

"You don't have to donate to help," said the 52-year-old actor. "Spread the word with what ever platform you have to help build awareness."

India is in need of the world's attention, funds and assistance, and a growing number of people across borders and oceans are beginning to realise that. Those in the influential quarters of society, from celebrities to politicians and business people alike, are speak up and raising awareness through what ever platform they have.