
'Stand by your police': Pakistanis pay tribute to law enforcers battling raging mobs

'Stand by your police': Pakistanis pay tribute to law enforcers battling raging mobs

Twitter users thank the police and appreciate their dedication to keeping us safe.
Updated 14 Apr, 2021

As several areas in Pakistan have fallen victim to raging mobs, the burden of keeping people safe and keeping the protesters at bay has fallen on the police.

And a burden it is indeed, as at least two policemen lost their lives and over 340 have been injured. The government banned on Wednesday afternoon the TLP — the protesters responsible for the violence — but the police are still on the streets, attempting to disperse the violent mobs.

As they sit home, waiting for the streets to clear, people in Pakistan have taken to Twitter to thank the police who are risking (and sacrificing) their lives to keep people safe.

Islamabad Operations SSP Syed Mustafa Tanweer posted this picture of the brave men from ICT Police, who had been awake and on duty for 48 hours.

Islamabad ASP Amna Baig reminded us what could have been if not for the police.

Several pictures have been shared online of policemen sitting battered and bloody after being attacked by the mobs.

These pictures have touched the hearts and consciences of many Pakistanis, who are calling for the state to support the police.

The treatment of these officers has gathered sympathy all over the country, as people appreciate their effort, dedication and drive for public safety.

It is true that in Pakistan, the police are not accorded the same level of respect as other institutions — often due to their own actions — but when we see policemen risking their lives to keep us safe, we have to thank them. They need more than just a pat on the back for facing a violent mob that has no qualms about beating them to death. They need the support of the people and the state.

Police officials have bravely sacrificed their lives to keep us safe but today we are reminded of an oft repeated quote in Pakistan by author Nadeem Aslam — "Pakistan produces people of extraordinary bravery. But no nation should ever require its citizens to be that brave."


ABCD Apr 14, 2021 07:07pm
What I understand, politicians, police and bureaucrats are same. Only Armed Forces good .
Truthful Apr 14, 2021 07:15pm
Where is IK. Hiding behind his failures in his PM house Face the havoc which he has created in Pakistan A failed governance
Chrís Dăn Apr 14, 2021 07:23pm
BRAVO Brothers. I and my all family will always be indebted to to two shaheed cops who sacrificed their life for us. We will be indebted to these cops too who have put their life on stake in the line of duty for our country.
M. Emad Apr 14, 2021 07:26pm
Pakistan Government in November 2020 agreed to the TLP demands. It looks now the govt have forgotten the promise. So violent protests broke out in all big cities of Pakistan on Monday 12 April.
Hasan Malik Apr 14, 2021 07:46pm
Time to deallocate some budget from border forces to Police forces. They need modern weapons, new gear, good salary and modern forms of transportation. Police was literally fighting with sticks in some pictures and that is sad.
yussouf Apr 14, 2021 08:02pm
pakistan has lots of uneducated people misguided by so called r eligous people
Tahir malik Apr 14, 2021 08:20pm
One way to thank police in this situation is to reduce parliaments salary and perks and give police the savings to them as bonus for their outstanding performance.
Memon Abdul Apr 14, 2021 09:05pm
Police... Is there a more laughable institution in this country? The Treasury perhaps...
Tariq Apr 14, 2021 09:15pm
It seems that people uses their preaching to brain wash people. It is time for state to really think how to tackle this scenario as mosques and their preachers manipulate people religious feeling and instigate violence's like in shape of TLP. State need to re-think.
Tariq Apr 14, 2021 09:20pm
I fully support our law enforcement agencies. They are our saviors. Their sacrifices are most appreciated
kp Apr 14, 2021 09:20pm
No one is talking about root cause, Extremism mindset and zero tolerance being fed to kids since early age and then they are bound to follow Mullah
Faiz Apr 14, 2021 09:41pm
@ABCD That's what they want you to believe.
Chrís Dăn Apr 14, 2021 09:52pm
@Hasan Malik yes,I endorse your view point. Literally these bold cops did fight these animal with sticks. They did it only for duty. We need to support them now.
Chrís Dăn Apr 14, 2021 09:54pm
@Tahir malik I agree fully. Once given a chance this police force of Pakistan can fight for the national cause and I happilly will share my taxes with pakistan police.
Jm Apr 14, 2021 09:54pm
@ABCD Who encouraged TLP?
Shah Karez Apr 14, 2021 09:57pm
TLP must be taught a lesson that it cannot challenge the writ of the state.
Zak Apr 14, 2021 09:58pm
PMIK TV address had a strong effect on the mob.
Chrís Dăn Apr 14, 2021 10:10pm
Where is IK? When he needed to appreciate the police force-he is hiding himself .
AJ Apr 14, 2021 10:16pm
Police need reform and substantial investment. Everyday transfers should also be stopped.
Mansur Ul Haque Apr 14, 2021 10:19pm
Policeman has sacrificed for the country to bring law and order situation. Punjab Police we are proud of you.
M. Emad Apr 14, 2021 10:34pm
Who will 'stand by your police' ? Pakistan Govt should fulfil its November 2020 promise.
Sam Apr 14, 2021 11:17pm
Support from across the border to all security forces keeping law and order everywhere.
Pakistan First Apr 14, 2021 11:44pm
These Mobs should have no place to hide but in jail rest of their lives. My salute to Pak Police, Pak Rangers and all personnel of law enforcement Officials.
Ajaz Apr 14, 2021 11:57pm
Khan is scared of the popular support for TLP. trying to discredit it after another u turn. This government has no credibility.
M. Saeed Apr 15, 2021 12:35am
Hooligans need no mercy even in religious attire.
Zunaira Azeem Chaudhry Apr 15, 2021 12:54am
Why govt did not action their slogans, for TLP,
A shah Apr 15, 2021 03:06am
Another U-turn by IK
Ibrahim S Apr 15, 2021 03:35am
@Hasan Malik well , we need to stop firework , simple as that .
VIq saad Apr 15, 2021 04:34am
While this is the first time we have public praise for police, but I still feel we have a long way to go.
Shahid Apr 15, 2021 05:22am
@ABCD have you ever been try to look the armed forces files. This time the corruption ratio is on peak in these dept
Wolf Apr 15, 2021 06:44am
@yussouf . We need population control strategy at national level. We shouldn't produce unless we have provisioned requirements for a new born to be raised as valuable member of society. Unmanaged population growth has become a biggest risk to security and economic sustainability of our country.
Smart Observer Apr 15, 2021 07:40am
@yussouf Well Said
Sid Apr 15, 2021 08:57am
Government should give 1 crore to each police official who was injured or killed in this attack. I’m no fan of Punjab police but what they did to maintain law and order is commendable - well done. And if the government can’t afford to pay this amount then they should cut back on some of the housing schemes for the ultra poor and use that money to pay the police officials.
Sid Apr 15, 2021 08:59am
IK needs to wake up - he needs to start doing something for those who support him otherwise bye bye next election! Remember Daska!
A Apr 15, 2021 09:13am
Has anybody seen pictures of young boys and kids even old people who were brutally beaten up by the cops? Shame on the cops as well.
A Apr 15, 2021 09:15am
The protests are result of U turn on promises.
Aziza Apr 15, 2021 09:32am
@Tariq Couldn't agree more. That's why I welcome the new educational reforms by the government which means ONE curriculum for all!
Akil Akhtar Apr 15, 2021 09:34am
@Truthful any excuse to blame Ik....pathetic
Aziza Apr 15, 2021 09:35am
That is why one of the best reforms this government has come up with is the educational reform: One curriculum for all schools and social classes! Soon these kind of malicious forces who manipulate the masses in the name of religion will be irrelevant!
Guest Apr 15, 2021 11:48am
Yes, let's hope the Rangers won't hand out cash to these murderers again.
F Nawaz Apr 15, 2021 11:49am
Time to reform the police system so the good ones come to the top and we can praise them all the time.
Pakistan First Apr 15, 2021 06:36pm
@Wolf 200% agreed. Pak populations growing faster than any country in the world and most of these birth in low low paid workers and couples. Govenment should give them free birth control pills ASAP.