
Vote of confidence: Celebrities throw their weight behind PM Imran Khan

Vote of confidence: Celebrities throw their weight behind PM Imran Khan

Actors, musicians, designers and cricketers show their support for the premier.
Updated 06 Mar, 2021

Prime Minister Imran Khan called a session of the National Assembly for a vote of confidence on Saturday after losing a key seat in the Senate election. Before the vote, a number of celebrities threw their weight behind the premier and said he is their true leader.

A vote of confidence is meant to show that the prime minister has the support of parliament. He needed 172 votes to win the confidence vote and got 176.

This included cricketers, celebrities and designers. The actual vote of confidence was done by MNAs, not the general public, but many people took to Twitter to show their support.

Cricketers back the PM

Celebrities back him up too

Actor Shaan Shahid posted several messages in support of PM Khan.

Rohail Hyatt of Vital Signs also supports the premier and said he was his only leader.

Actor Veena Malik also tweeted about the vote of confidence.

Designer Zarlasht Faisal, of the brand Zari Faisal, has been a longtime supporter of the PM and even made Imran Khan-related clothing items around election time.

Elan head Khadijah Shah also announced her support for PM Khan.

Singer Farhan Saeed shared a picture of the premier on his Instagram Stories.

So did actor and plastic surgeon Fahad Mirza. He said he stands with the PM.

Actor Ahsan Khan shared a video of an interview where someone asks him about PM Khan.

RJ Anoushey Ashraf said people who support the opposition are part of the problem.


Ali da Malanga Mar 06, 2021 12:50pm
Khan is no doubt one of the the most respected and loved person in Pakistan and he has earned it. I am proud to call him my leader.
Chrís Dăn Mar 06, 2021 01:05pm
Our artists have alive conscience. Bravo you,folks:) Keep it up.
Zak Mar 06, 2021 01:22pm
All statements are very good but shan shahids is very moving. IA, PMIK will win today.
Roma Mar 06, 2021 01:27pm
No one wants to be picked up in the middle of a night.
Solomon The King Mar 06, 2021 01:27pm
what about aam aadmi? who is being crushed repeatedly in the spindles of inflation, joblessness and hopelessness. Is there a economic booster project this government had started, not completed, in last three years?
Dr. Salaria, Aamir Ahmad Mar 06, 2021 01:31pm
They are all 100 percent right.
zahid Mar 06, 2021 01:35pm
The whole nation is with an honest and dedicated true leader who is a fighter unlike the leeches, looters and murderers. Imran Khan Zindabad. Pakistan Paaindabad.
Salman Mar 06, 2021 01:37pm
Khan is the greatest !
Kublai Mar 06, 2021 01:38pm
Good. He deserves it.
Patriot Mar 06, 2021 01:42pm
What about common people ?
Surya Kant Mar 06, 2021 01:48pm
Congratulations to people of Pakistan. He has won the vote of confidence.
Malik Mar 06, 2021 02:07pm
Imran khan is a true leader. He is the only one fighting for corruption in Pakistan. I’m really impressed by all the good work down by PTI government in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The people of KPK have free healthcare facilities for up to 1lakh across the country with KPK health card. No other provinces in Pakistan has that, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is the First and only province to achieve that. Congratulations to KPK government and PM Imran Khan.
Picacho Mar 06, 2021 02:09pm
But imran should start delivering pronto. It is well past time. Our love for him increasingly seems a one-way affair. He has been really poor in governance
RAja Raman Mar 06, 2021 02:14pm
Cosying up... for media attention.
Salman Mar 06, 2021 02:16pm
There is only one leader in Pakistan and that is Imran khan. A
SAk Mar 06, 2021 02:21pm
All the best skipper.
Sheraz Ali Rizvi Mar 06, 2021 02:46pm
Celebrities don’t even know what is the price of groceries these days in market and other things. Ask normal Pakistani and they will tell you the real story of Pakistan.
Toni Mar 06, 2021 02:47pm
All the Best Imran Khan Sahib, our PM, may your services to serve Pakistan and all its people succeed to make Pakistan a Paradise again, thank you Imran Khan sahib, Bless You; we are patient with the coming changes, Turtle will win, indeed!
Habibullah Mar 06, 2021 03:22pm
He should be given space to work and show that he is different from the so-called honest politicians of Pakistan ruling over the country for the last three decades.
Kaka Mar 06, 2021 04:33pm
Can someone teach Waqar the difference between principals and principles. Maybe his school principal?
Deva Mar 06, 2021 04:41pm
Big shots don't feel the pinch of inflation. it's the common man. IK should be accountable for his policies and vision. He increases the debt. And now inflation is inching up, deficit getting widen up.. He needs to answer. dont allow him to run away so he can blame on others. He is having another two year to turn around.
Sajjad Mar 06, 2021 04:57pm
Elite members of Pakistani society, who do not have a tiny effect of inflation, are commenting in the favour of PMIK.
Syed Mar 06, 2021 04:59pm
Love Imran Khan, he is honest sincere and hardworking soul. He is true leader and statesman. I wish hi all the success.
Sameer Mar 06, 2021 04:59pm
Thats a sixer all right!
Ajaz Mar 06, 2021 05:56pm
All over the world celebrities are created to influence opinion. It's a great political tool. Only the opinion of experts in the field should be heard not celebrities. Ignore them.
Ajaz Mar 06, 2021 05:59pm
@zahid honest? What about off shore accounts properties in Dubai and his home built without permission. He admitted on live tv that he lost his money in the stock market crash. Where did the new money come from?
Ajaz Mar 06, 2021 06:00pm
@Malik who will pay for it?
m@k Mar 06, 2021 06:14pm
I cannot disagree with my friends that a common man is suffering, the governance is weak, the corruption is pretty much alive but can we afford the dynastic politics anymore? Atleast he is someone who is habitual of dreaming BIG and then chasing like anything.. that alone sets him apart from the rest.... fortunately, now he is chasing the most vivid, most tiring, most toughest of his dreams of #upliftingthenation among countless evils around and this wont be an easy journey my friends... "koi bhi bara kaam asaan nahi hota; isi liye woh bara kaam hota hai" (lines from the movie on kaptaan) #Congratskaptaan on winning today, more importantly i hope this part of the inning brings more sanity and more prosperity for the countrymen!
Jalal Mar 06, 2021 06:29pm
@Malik and what does fighting corruption mean ? Talking a lot about fighting corruption and endless pontification means little . The corrupt who were beneficiaries in previous regimes are also part of his regime with the additions of non competent that are in this regime alongside the corrupt . Corruption has gone nowhere .
Saif Zukfiqar Mar 06, 2021 07:12pm
All the supporters of IK/PTI are the back bone of the Pakistan.
Yasir Hussain Mar 06, 2021 08:01pm
In a Nutshell Birds of feather fly together
THE MORNING STAR, MD. Mar 06, 2021 08:16pm
I watched Ertugrul ; now I know why Imran Khan wanted us to watch this serial.
Ghani K Mar 06, 2021 08:17pm
He won vote of confidence by bagging 178 votes against required 172. Time for opposition led by Mullah Fazlur to shut up. Let us move on.
Bilal Mar 06, 2021 08:40pm
@Roma You are confusing Pakistan with India.
Chrís Dăn Mar 06, 2021 09:03pm
@Solomon The King these celebreties are not rich now in Pakistan. Maryam,Bilawal,Hamza are the real rich stars .
nk Mar 06, 2021 09:05pm
Dear artists celebrities and players, there are lot of obstacle ahead IK will have to face from the cohort of corrupts. You as artist can do a lot to remove this ignorance from the nation's mind of who is right and who is wrong. We as expats in US just cannot comprehend why a sane person would still support Nawaz Sharif and Zardari.
Hameed Mar 06, 2021 09:09pm
Actor Shaan Shahid pictured on the thumbnail with moustache & goatee looks like Hardik Pandya.
Sach Mar 06, 2021 11:30pm
@Deva ...two cents from friend across the border
RationalBabu Mar 07, 2021 12:50am
@Toni who is the turtle?
SSA Mar 07, 2021 02:13am
people with courage and character always seem sinister to the corrupt, keep fighting Mr. prime minister, all the decent people of pakistan are standing with you.
ambreen Mar 07, 2021 03:27am
I fail to understand how people do not see how sincere he is. If he stays we will gain respect in the world. So fed up of PDM .
Fast comment Mar 07, 2021 04:39am
Thank you all the celebrities, the honest legislators, and Speaker of the House for patiently listening to extraordinary lengthly speech of happy go lucky PM.
Ahmad Puri Mar 07, 2021 06:21am
@Sheraz Ali Rizvi and so does Maryam Safdar. I am pretty sure these celebrities would know if eggs are sold by dozen or kilos.
AZAM AKBAR Mar 08, 2021 12:51am
Every patriotic and sensible Pakistanee wants a corruption-free Pakistan.
Patriot Mar 08, 2021 08:10am
Imran Khan is really fighting an uphill battle against reactionary forces. We need to support him as he is our only hope to make Pakistan and great country ...
Patriot Mar 08, 2021 08:12am
Nawaz Sharif and Asif Zardari bankrupted Pakistan and themselves became Billionaires... what a travesty ...
Safar JM Mar 08, 2021 10:28pm
All of Pakistan is for Imran Khan, at least those who care about Pakistan more than their businesses
Safar JM Mar 08, 2021 10:43pm
@Patriot The common people brought Imran Khan to power, not the US, not Israel nor India. And they will fight to keep him there.
ABU TALIB Mar 09, 2021 09:40am
Yes he is a respectable person, but his team selection is not up to the mark. think over it.